Here it is, the fic I promised!! Without further ado, I bring you... Troubled in Tokyo!! Enjoy and remember, diamonds aren’t a girl’s best friend, feedback is :) Troubled in Tokyo By Elisabeth James Part: Prologue/? PG. ~Darien~ “You really should listen to it Darien, it’s a great show.” Andrew was slowly wearing me down, as I sat at my usual spot at the front counter of the Crown Game Center. “Why would anyone take advice from some stupid radio ‘doctor’ who doesn’t even know them?” Andrew looked at me, “Why must you always be so damn cynical all the time?” “It’s not being cynical to see the world how things really are. Those so called doctors are frauds, they give out useless advice and they get paid far too much money to sit on their butts all day long, dispensing stupid information. Even someone like Serena could do something like that.” I finished with a somewhat cheeky grin, as I knew that I had won yet another battle. “Well as pointless as they may be, they give people someone to turn to. They offer comfort, and advice, that may or may not be worthy, but at least they try to help people. The world would be a far better place Darien if it were filled with people like Serena rather than people like you.” I narrowed my eyes, that had been a comment that was obviously meant to get a rise out of me. “Touché Andrew.” I retorted, not wishing the conversation to go on any longer, it was pointless enough as is. I simply placed my attention else where, like a certain meatball headed blond that was walking into the Game Center at that very moment. “Hey Andrew!” the chipper voice called to the blond standing behind the counter. “Hi Serena, what can I get for you today?” I watched her wrinkle her cute little nose in thought, before blurting out, “A triple hot fudge sundae with extra nuts.” A snort escaped my lips, much to my dismay, and I girded myself up for the onslaught of insults to come. ~Serena~ Was that a snort that I just heard sneak from his lips? I tore myself away from the sight of Andrew making my sundae to see Darien staring quite intently at the countertop. “Do you have a problem with the food I choose to eat?” I hissed, I was being rather unkind, but I was not much in the mood to bother with such a cold-hearted person today. He shook his head, “No meatball head, I shall rather enjoy watching you pop like a balloon after watching you eat that rich fattening desert.” there it was, that silly simpering grin that never fails to bring out great displays of emotion in me. “Not as much as I would love to watch that head of yours finally shrink after you learn that you aren’t the hottest guy in Tokyo like you think you are.” oh dear, I’ve lied again, he is the hottest guy in Tokyo, that was not the right path to take in my rebuttal. The grin still playing across his lips he turned to me in one fluent motion on his stool, “Well of course I wouldn’t be the hottest guy in your opinion, that spot obviously belongs to Andrew here.” he said while pointing to a blushing Andrew, who tried so valiantly to look like he wasn’t paying attention to the conversation flying around him. I did nothing but glare at him for a few moments, letting the hatred boil up inside me. I decided to let that one slide, because I was in such a generous mood today, “Whatever Chiba, it’s not like anything you say even matters in the slightest to me.” oops another lie, I need to start thinking before I speak to this man. Yeah right, like my brain thinks at any moment during the day. “Then why have I made you cry so many times, if you don’t care then you shouldn't be so upset.” I wasn’t expecting such a response from him, I was caught unprepared, “They are just words Chiba, and it is definitely not you saying them that makes me cry, I’m an emotional person.” ~Darien~ “Emotional person, what an understatement, the word crybaby better describes you Serena.” Why am I so desperate to get a rise out of her? Why can’t we just get along? She looks upset and I automatically feel horrible, “There’s nothing wrong with crying Darien, some people close up, others cry when they get upset. Perhaps if you open up a bit more, people will like you better.” “And what makes you an expert in opening up? There’s nothing wrong with keeping things to yourself sometimes, not everyone has as many friends as you do to turn to.” She sighed, “That’s your own fault for not opening up more!” This was going nowhere and very very quickly, too fast for my tastes, “As much as I enjoy chatting with you Serena, I have better things to do with my time.” I stood up and started toward the front door, in a hurry to escape what feels like that this moment my tomb. “Like what, sitting around your apartment doing nothing but feeling sorry for yourself? What kind of life is that with no one around you who cares about, why do you always shut yourself off from everyone else?” I spun around quickly, “You nothing of my life Serena so I suggest you just shut up right now.” the anger is evident in my voice, but I feel the words flying from her mouth again, “If you would just let people in, you would be much happier, I know you would be Darien, how can anyone harbor such feelings of loneliness and resentment. It’s your own damn fault your all alone, I bet you even turned away your own parents!” “Just shut-up Serena!!” I exploded and I march back over to her, she quickly backs away from me, the fear flashes in her eyes, but she has pushed me too far and I’m no longer thinking rationally. She stumbled, but I quickly grab her arm and pull her to her feet, “It is unwise to meddle in such things you have no idea about Serena, I suggest you let it go. You know nothing of my family, or of my past, and I don’t need lessons on letting people in from you.” she yanks away from my grip, her wrist is red and she touches it gently, the pain evident on her face. “I’m sorry Darien, I had no idea.” her voice is soft, shameful. I tell myself as I stand there staring at her that she deserved it, but I know that she didn’t, she only spoke the truth about my miserable life. I turn and leave the Game Center without another word. Okay this is just a prologue, if it really sucks so far, please tell me now, before I’m five chapters into it!! Does it suck? Please send all C&C to and tell me your true feelings, remember you need to be open :) Oh and if you haven’t figured out what movie this story is based on, think about it some more, come one, radio show, Troubled in Tokyo, you guys are smart... :sweatdrops: If you don’t know by the next part, I’ll tell you. As always thanks to: Adrianne, Kelly, Clare-chan, Curtis (my big bro), Sarah Beth, Sakura Girl, and my new editor Meredith :o)