"But if you want money for people with minds that hate, all I can tell you is brother you have to wait. Don't you know its gonna be alright. Alright." ~The Beatles "Well, you impress me, and I'm not impressed very easily. ::shriek:: Ooh! Look, a blue car!!" ~The Simpsons Author's notes: Kuso kuso kuso. I hate changing stuff around. But since I'm not sure excatly what episode it is when Mamoru saves Luna, and Doi's site doesn't help, I guess it can't be helped. Ok. Mamoru knows he's Tuxedo Mask in this story, even though in the anime at this time he doesn't. As much as I love Mako-chan, I'm delaying her entrance because I can't deal with that plot twist, too. We are probably looking at two or three more parts. And I don't screw up continuity all that much. Walking the Thin Line Part 5 Usagi woke up in a panic, and it was a whirlwind of throwing clothes around, fixing hair, throwing school stuff together and shoving toast in her mouth before running outside so the cold morning air could wake her mind up. At least wake it up enough to realize that Luna wasn't running along with her, lecturing her as she sometimes did. Usagi sighed, figuring a few minutes weren't going to matter, and called for her cat at the top of her lungs. "LU-" Usagi's throat was just starting to get sore when Luna decided she'd show up, before the neighbors started complaining. "Usagi-chaaan," Luna said in her patented-almost-whiny-lecturing voice, "you are going to be late again..." "Well, I just wanted to make sure you were ok!" "Baka...I woke up with you, remember?" Of course she didn't remember. Usagi wasn't awake until about 4:30 in the afternoon, and even then... "Now, hurry, I don't want you to have a detention, today. We have to talk." Usagi cringed a little at the last thing Luna said. But she answered, "Hai, I agree. We do need to talk. So...I'll see you then!" And the sidewalk steamed where Usagi had left a fiery trail in her wake. When the girl was gone, Luna's eyes softened. "Usagi-chan... we need to talk... and I need to think..." 'Run run run. Don't be late. Not today. Luna wants to talk...no, don't think about that. Don't think. Run run DODGE! Run run run, dodge, oops, sorry sir, I didn't see you, run run... wish I didn't spend all my bus money at the arcade...' Usagi was getting tired. She was used to showing up to class sweaty and bedraggled, heaving for breath and frazzled, but it took stamina to run all that way, almost every day. 'Finally!' she thought fuzzily. 'Only one more street to cross...' But before she could race across it, a strong hand grabbed her elbow propelling her back to the sidewalk. Stumbling and annoyed, Usagi yanked her arm free and rubbed it. "And just what to you think you are doing?!" "Oh, I'm sorry Odango atama," a familiar voice intoned dryly, "did you *want* to get run over?" With shock, Usagi looked belatedly at the traffic light. It glowed red. So Mamoru-baka was right. Mamoru... She felt dizzy. What was she supposed to say to him?! Slowly she turned around. Bravely, she lifted her face and met his eyes. They stared coldly back at her, as they always did. Reflected arrogant amusement for the silly little child, maybe, but not affection. Nothing had changed. Usagi ignored the pain in her chest, the burning suddenly present behind her eyes. "Run over? I don't know, Mamoru-baka...the alternative is talking to you? Let me think." She deadpanned. Mamoru had watched her recoil from him when she met his eyes. It probably had something to do with the insufferably smug look he been giving her, he reflected. It was an expression he had perfected for very simple reasons. Modesty drew friends. Cold arrogance pushed people away. 'But do you want to push *her* away?' his mind asked. He had no answer. But Mamoru knew he had hurt her. And he had no idea how to make it better. "Between you and your cat, Odango atama, I think I'm carving a niche out for myself in the bodyguard world." He offered her a smile, but she wasn't looking at him anymore. "You'd think you'd have better things to do." She said carelessly, as the light changed and she dashed across the street, safely this time, slipping in the gates just as they were closing. Mamoru watched her rush into the building, 'Probably going to make homeroom by seconds.' He thought, ignoring the tightening feeling in his throat. When he had seen Usagi that morning, running like a bat out of hell, twin golden ponytails streaming behind her, he thought he'd better ignore her. But he couldn't just let her run into traffic, like that. So he saved her life. She was nearly in his arms. Perfect opening. Until he shot it down with teasing and that hated nickname. 'Well, what was I supposed to say?' he thought sarcastically, 'Look, I'm not sure, but I think I might be falling in love with you. But I need to be sure, so, purely for scientific purposes, how would you feel about kissing me again? Yeah, *that's* smooth. I'm a real Casanova, aren't I?' Shaking his head in disgust, Mamoru turned to walk away. Meanwhile, while Haruna-sensei was discussing the importance of learning conversational English in the growing international community and modern Japan, Tsukino Usagi was having a debate with herself. And losing. Usagi's eyes filled up with tears. 'Why didn't I just tell him? Tell him not to call me Odango atama, because I love him so much and it hurts me. Because that kiss *meant* something to me?' She always stuck to the belief that one should never deny their heart. So of course, the moment the big test came, she failed it miserably. As usual. 'Figures' she thought, 'betcha there isn't a test out there I couldn't fail.' 'It's not as if he gave me much of a choice, either. He was insulting me! What was I supposed to do, swoon?' The thought that Mamoru might not return her feelings never occurred to her. She knew he was falling for her, hook, line and sinker. In her mind there was no quandary: he loved her. Still, he was pushing her away, Why? 'And why did you *let* him, you baka? You should have just held him close and not let go, even when people stared, and even when the school bell rang, and the sun set, until the world ended all around you, and not even then...' And suddenly there was no shadow of a doubt in her mind that that was exactly what Mamoru needed, what he lacked his entire life. Just to be loved for the sake of being himself. The thought was enough to make Usagi cry. But she didn't have time, because Haruna was almost ready to check the homework she didn't do, and she had to think of something quick... "So, you know what I think about the enemy?" Usagi asked Luna, in a business-like tone. Luna sweatdropped. "Hai?" "I think they steal energy from people." She rubbed her chin thoughtfully, "For some dark purpose perhaps..." Luna fell over, "Duh, Usagi-chan!" Usagi turned from where she had been pacing around her room, and faced Luna. "Oh. Well, um... I also think..." "I didn't want to talk about senshi business tonight. At least not that kind." 'I was afraid of that.' "Ok. What do you...um, want to talk about, then?" "The Princess." 'Phew!' "Ok. The Princess. Well, what exactly are we supposed to be looking for? A beautiful girl who comes up to you and says, 'Hi. I'm the princess you are searching for'?" Usagi forced herself to keep talking about boring mission stuff. Anything to avoid talking about Mamoru. At least until she could find him and make him hers. Then, of course, she'd have to brag about him every chance she got. It was only what was fair and right, of course. "No! No Usagi, it's not that easy." "Then how will you know when you do find her?" Luna gave her a Look. "I've been looking for this princess my whole life. It is my mission. I *think* I'll know, thank you very much." Usagi shrugged, "Whatever." "But I have a lead, now." Luna said, not looking at Usagi. Staring at the moon. 'This is *your* fault.' Luna thought to the bright orb shining innocently in the sky. "Hai?" She sounded bored. "Chiba Mamoru." "Nani?" Usagi looked up at her cat, who was still staring at the moon. "What did you say?" "You heard me. I believe he may have some information about the princess." 'So he's mixed up in all this too?' Usagi thought incredulously, 'Who next? Haruna-sensei?' "Why would he know about the moon princess?" "I don't know why. But I know how... he dreams of her." "Dreams..." Luna nodded. "That's," she swallowed, voice shaking, "that's the reason I've been spending so much time with him. To find out more." "Well, um...great! So he can tell us more about her royal mysteriousness. But how did you talk to him?" Sweatdrop. "Don't ask." There were a few more moments of silence before Luna couldn't stand it anymore. "Usagi-chan, I don't know how you feel about this boy, but there is something you need to know." 'It's easier if I just get it all out at once.' "Because Chiba Mamoru has these haunting dreams of the moon princess...well, she appeared to him and that means that he is meant to be wi-" Beep. Beep. Beep beep beepbeepbeepbeepbeep. The increased speed of Usagi's communicator altered Luna and the girl to the seriousness of the situation. "Get your butt moving, Usagi-baka, this thing ain't pretty." Rei's voice continued to filter through the line, giving the location of the Monster of the Day (or night as the case may be) and quick run-down of the circumstances so far. Luna turned to Usagi. "Ready?" "As I'll ever be. Moon prism powah, makkauppu!!" The feeling of transforming was familiar, identical to every other time Usagi was washed with the pure feeling of warmth and power pulsing through her body. Her clothes faded away and the lighter weight of the senshi uniform settled on her shoulders, signaling the end to this wonderful feeling and the final blast of confidence and exhilaration. Strike a pose. And back to reality. "Hayaku!" Luna cried. And the young superheroine ran out into the cold, star-filled night. Sailormars dodged another shower of the clear, deadly liquid. Where the drops fell, the ground burned, turning the vacant lot into what looked like a steaming piece of rancid swiss-cheese. "Mercury!" she shouted in panic, "What *is* that stuff, anyway?" The small blue-suited warrior was huddled in a corner, trying furiously to get her readings so she could assist her friend. "Apparently, it is some sort of acid... usually it's found in a hydrologic solution, and even then it's extremely strong. And this is in a pure form rarely found outside laboratories." "So you are saying..." "Don't let it touch your skin, or you'll be in a pain for a long time." The youma, hovering over the body of a young laboratory student apparently effected by Nephrite's magic, continued to laugh maniacally, squirting the dangerous acid in all directions. "Where the heck is..." "Hold it right there!" A silhouette appeared on the side of building, from the short backlit wall where Sailormoon stood proud in all her glory. Sailormars rolled her eyes. 'Her and her damn entrances.' "I am the bishoujo senshi sailormoon! For abusing the sacred...um...periodic table of the elements by using chemicals for harm, tsuki ni kawatte, oshi oki yo!" The youma, distracted by his new target, turned to face Sailormoon, grinning as it opened its hand and allowed the acid to fly at her. "Duck Sailormoon!!" Mercury called, in a panic, "That's acid!" "Acid?" Why was that word familiar? Science class? "Sailormoon!!" all three voices cried in horror. They needn't have worried. There was a flash of black against the light, and then their fearless leader found herself tackled to the ground as the acid sailed directly to where her face had been just moments before. "Arigatou!" Sailormoon cried, as Tuxedo Kamen stood up, shakily. "Next time be more alert, Sailormoon." He said, coldly. "If I weren't here that would have burned through your skin in seconds." She put a hand to her face for a second, in horror. 'Oh, *way* to scare her, jerk.' Tuxedo Kamen thought for a moment. But it couldn't be helped. What if one day he couldn't be there? She needed to learn to fight by herself. Nodding slowly, Sailormoon turned to her friends. Mars was glaring at her between her attacks. "How about helping us out a little here, ne?!" "I see you are needed elsewhere, Sailormoon. I leave you." And he left, as suddenly as he came. Sailormoon stared after him, biting her lip. And she was worried about hurting him with her feelings for Mamoru? She would have liked to tell herself that every cold word Tuxedo Kamen said to her made her apparent betrayal easier, but it didn't really help the twisty feeling in her heart... "Hey, Sailormoon! Less drooling, more fighting!!" "Hai, Sailormars... Moon Tiara... ACK!" Sailormoon ducked another flow of the deadly fluid. "I can't aim while he can see us. Mercury?" "I'm on it. Shabon...spra-ay!" Fumbling through the fog, the youma turned in confused circles, only nearly missing getting burned by a sudden surge of Mars' fire. "Moon tiara... action!" And the fog cleared as the glowing disk hit the youma dead on. So exhausted was it from the others' attacks that all it could do was scream as it appeared to turn back into the glass beaker it once was. Then it crumpled into dust. "Wa-ai!!" Sailormoon threw her arms up in the air, jubilantly. Sailormercury just allowed herself a small smile, mostly at her friend's antics. "Couldn't have been a here just a tad earlier, Sailormoon?" Sailormars gave her leader a half-smile, she just couldn't resist the jib. "Seems you just can't be on time for anything." Before Sailormoon could open her mouth to retort, Luna interrupted the impending fight. "No, she couldn't," the cat said, jumping the few feet up to the stone wall where Sailormoon had stood, "remember, I was with her. We came as fast as we could." "Thanks, Luna!" Sailormoon cried, hugging her cat until Luna meowed in protest. "He's stirring," Sailormercury leaned beside the young man, taking a pulse. "Should we bring him to a hospital or something?" Luna answered, "No. This is a safe neighborhood. He'll wake up and go home with no memory of this. Let's not give him anything to remember, ok?" The girls nodded. Sailormars yawned, "Well, this priestess has to go back home." "I do, too," Sailormercury agreed, "I have to get up early tomorrow." In amazement Sailormoon said, "But tomorrow is Saturday..." "Juku..." "On Saturday...oh, Sailormercury..." The girl's chatter floated up to the tall figure standing a nearby tree, watching the going-ons with amazement evident even behind his mask. "Luna!! LUNA!" Sailormoon turned, "Oh, there you are. Time to go home, Luna. I'm so tired... I think..." both she and Luna left to go find a place to detransform, and then go home. As they disappeared down the alley, Sailormoon's chattering voice carrying up over the buildings into the night, the figure continued to watch them leave. The moonlight shone has he reached up to remove his mask, the wind fluttered his hair for a moment, not breaking his intense concentration on where the blonde had just left. Shaking his head, he murmured, "Luna." Leaping to the ground, Tuxedo Kamen ran off into the night with one thought floating to the surface of his mind. "I *knew* it was no dream." End part five Five! This is the longest fanfiction I've ever written! On to math homework!