"How Strong is Love?" chpt four: Sere's daughter Okay, this'll be short. I promise! (Well I mean the note, not the story. I hope this will be a long chpt. I need a long one.) Anywaz, I hope y'all like my story so far. And I hope you like the ending. I've been having a debate between two things that happen, but I'll tell ya that at the end.... WHEN YOU ARE *FINISHED* READING THE STORY! Got it? Okay, thanx ta ya who have e-mailed me. If you wanna have more of my stuff written, please e-mail me otherwise I might decide that I'm a baka writer and that no one likes my work. So please write me! Standard disclaimer: Sailor Moon and all related stuff doesn't belong ta me. Get a clue! I'm pretty poor and I don't think I'd be here just typing away for fun, if I owned SM I'd be looking around, trying ta find fanfics that would make good SM episodes/movies. Yep, that's what I'd do. But I don't own SM- blah, blah. Sorry! Notes are long! **************************************^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^***** It was around ten o'clock when eight women, five men, three cats, one twelve-year-old girl, one five-year-old girl, and one nine-month-old baby walked through the halls of the palace. Sere saw them and followed in the shadows. Lita held Millie in her arms as they walked. Rini was very confused to what was going on. Her father had said that tonight was the night that she'd, 'learn the true past. The true identities of the Sailor Scouts, and what exactly happened to your mother.' Rini watched as they all stopped and King E muttered something in front of a door, then he walked in. Sere ran quickly to the door and made it in right before the magic shield went up again. She hid in the shadows until the others had gone into a room before continuing on her own way. Rini was brought into a large room with a big table. In on corner was a huge computer. Now Amy walked over to it and opened up the com-link, "Pluto, it is time." The image that appeared, nodded. In a few minutes, the mysterious scout appeared. Rini was still trying to figure out what was going on. "Sit, Rini, and listen. Later you can ask questions." Rini did as her father told her. Everyone else took seats too, all that is except for Sailor Pluto. She stood where she had first come. Slowly she started to speak, retelling a tale Rini knew so well, "Once there was a young girl, about 14, named Serena...." Rini thought, her father had never told her the girl's name. Other stories started to be retold, they were stories of how the other scouts joined, "Luna had guessed that Amy was a Nega-warrior. She was very wrong, for she was and is Sailor Mercury." Rini stared at Amy, who looked a Pluto. "Lita.... Jupiter. Mina.... Venus. Raye.... Mars. Hotaru.... Saturn. Michiru..... Neptune. Haruka.... Uranus. Setsuna... Pluto. Tuxedo Mask..... Darien." All of those stories were told. Then Pluto went back to explain about the silver millennium. "Small Lady, you must know that you are a descendant of the moon. As was your mother, Serenity. Serena. Sailor Moon.... and you are of noble blood of earth, much more noble than you think for your father, Endymion. Darien, Tuxedo Mask, had always been a heir to the throne of earth." Rini looked around, baffled. "Then what about.... what about that battle, father. That one you told me about last night? You mean-" Endy looked down at his hands, then he looked at her and said, "Your mother died after defending you. She was too weak when she used the silver crystal and hadn't transformed. She was hit three times, and she saved all of us by using the crystal." Rini had tears in her eyes but listened as Pluto explained a few different things about when Rini had traveled to the past. She, Rini, couldn't quite believe it. She was a Sailor Scout? No one spoke after Pluto, uh, Setsuna was done. Finally Raye yelled, "Mars Crystal Power!" after that there was a chorus of morph phrases. Before Rini stood the Sailor Scouts. They bowed, "We are to teach you the ways of the Sailor Scouts. We are to train you, so that you can become a protector like your mother," Mercury stated. Rini stood up and walked around them. It wasn't this that she couldn't believe, it was that her mother had died saving *her*. She felt something brush against her leg. She picked up the cat, Luna, and held her close. "It's all right Rini. These scouts know what they're doing," Luna whispered. Rini gave a start before settling down, yes she knew about the talking cats. Her dreams had hinted her into knowing that Luna, Artemis, and even Diana talked. The king got up and walked over to his daughter. He knelt on one knee. She soon put the cat down and gave him a hug. Then she started to cry. Just then an alarm went off. "What' alarm's that?" Jupiter shouted. "Someone's in the room with the silver crystal!" Mercury yelled. The Sailor Scouts moved quickly down the hall. Greg, Andrew, Ken, and Chad sat at the table with Callista and Millie. Endymion pulled out a rose that he used to transform. He hadn't wanted to use the Tuxedo mask disguise anymore, but he would have to if he wanted to save the crystal, "Look after Rini." He said before transforming. Rini watched as he ran out. No, she had to help! What did she do when she went back into the past? How did she transform? How could she help? As she thought harder and harder, her crescent moon appeared on her forehead. It shone brightly as energy was gathered, then Rini yelled out, "Moon Prism Power, Make Up!" She yelled. And she transformed. She couldn't believe it, she was standing there in a Sailor Scout outfit, Sailor ChibiMoon. And now she had to help her friends. She ran out of the room, ignoring what Andrew and the others were saying. She found the scouts and Tuxedo Mask standing outside a closed door. Jupiter was saying, "Looks like we gotta break in. Everyone, stand back: Jupiter ThunderClap Zap!" Okay, so it wasn't her strongest power, but it got through the door. ChibiMoon ran up to the scouts, "Heya guys! I'm gonna help!" "Sailor ChibiMoon? How'd-" Tuxedo Mask started. But there was no time to explain because Mercury shouted, "What? Sere?!" The woman in the room turned to face the scouts. She was next to the pillar where the silver crystal was kept. The scouts and Tuxedo mask made it through the door (including ChibiMoon). "Don't interfere!" Sere shouted, "Really, this is really bad if you do because you'll get hurt! Don't stop me, I don't want to hurt you. But if I must, I will." "Well that is just too bad!" Raye yelled, "I am Sailor Mars...." and the other scouts shouted out their names too. Finally it was Rini's turn, "And I am Sailor ChibiMoon, and on behalf of our guardian planets, you're punished!" "On behalf of the moon, you're punished....." Sere whispered, remembering something. Mercury powered up, "Mercury Aqua Rhapsody!" she shouted. Sere missed the attack, but barely. A voice came into the room, "Sere, get up and fight! You must get that crystal. And get out of that silly disguise!" Sere nodded as she twirled in the air, "De-transformation, change me back into my real form...." At this, a weird thing happened. First she looked like Neo-Queen Serenity, then a lot like the Neo-Queen except with white hair. Her image flickered back and forth for a few minutes, finally it stopped and she appeared as the image with white hair. The figure that stood before them was like Selene, Serenity's mother. Tuxedo Mask felt something tug at his heart, was it really her? Could it? Oh god! Was she really still alive?! The woman moved forward, she had tears in her eyes, "I don't want to hurt you! Do you understand!? Just go away and I won't hurt you! I don't want to fight! I just-" "Sere, love, cut it out! Get on with it! and destroy them if you have to!" The man's voice came again. "Must I, Gareath?" Sere asked. She knew the answer, "Please, just let me take the crystal-" "Never!" Uranus shouted. She started to power up when Tuxedo Mask stopped her. "No! Don't, I feel something...." Sailor ChibiMoon looked at the woman. 'Mommy! Come back, I promise to obey you next time! Just come back!' ChibiMoon shook her head, no. What was this. She again looked at the woman. Suddenly Rini saw double, the new image was of a woman in white. She had long, golden hair worn up like Rini's hairstyle. The vision called, "Rini! Help me! Help me!" Only ChibiMoon could see the image, only she could hear it. Neptune announced, "Stop fighting! Just harm her enough so that she can't fight!" Tuxedo Mask was out-numbered as the others agreed. Mars took up her position and shouted, "Mars Flame Sniper!" ChibiMoon ran to the figure, "Duck!" She screamed as she pushed herself and Sere to the ground. "Whatta ya think you're doing?!" Jupiter demanded. "Stop it! STOP IT!" Yelled ChibiMoon. Everyone was quiet. Sere stared at the girl. It was her, Rini, she knew it. "I know who you are," Sere whispered. "I know you do. Can I heal you, make you better?" ChibiMoon asked. Sere replied, "My dear, I don't know if I can handle it. The dark energy has taken over me, I must obey Gareath." "Forget about him. Please, let me heal you....." ChibiMoon then leaned over and whispered so only Sere could hear, "Mother, come back to me...." Sere gasped, "You remember? You are live....." Sailor ChibiMoon stood up. So did Sere, they walked over to the silver crystal and ChibiMoon took it out of its case. Uranus objected, "Stop this! Don't trust her!" But no one could stop her. The scouts ran forward ready to spring but Rini's voice sounded, "No, leave us be! I'm going to heal her. You will see. Moon Healing Escalation! Bring back the true image and true person of Sere!" The two floated off the ground in a bubble of pink light. "No, Rini!" Tuxedo Mask couldn't get to her though. As the bubble landed it opened to reveal....... Small Lady...... and........ Neo-Queen Serenity. "Thank you.... my .... daughter." Serenity sighed and fell over. The scouts stared in shock, first at Rini, then at the Neo-Queen. Tuxedo Mask ran up and knelt beside Serenity, "You're alive? You've been alive?! Oh my God! I can't believe you're all right!" He started to cry. Serenity forced herself to sit up, Rini came to her. "My child, you have truly been strong. Now I will give you back all of your memories, including ones of when you visited the past...." Serenity held up her hand and white light shone between them. As soon as the spell was done, Gareath's voice came, "Damn you, Sere! You will all pay!" A black beam of energy shot down towards the Neo-Queen, she pushed Rini and Tuxedo Mask away just in time. She was hit and she whispered, "I'll always.... be.... in.... you.... Rini.... I'll always.... help you. You are... not... a-lone. I.... love... you all. Endymion.... we'll....meet again.... do not.....worry. Just... look ...in.... your.... hearts...to-" That was it. She fell limp for the last time. Her energy left her and she turned cold. Rini stood back and screamed, "Show yourself, Gareath!" She spit. "So little lady wants ta have a fight," The voice mocked. "You bet, and I'll beat you!" The man that appeared was the one that had originally taken Serenity away. Rini didn't care. She didn't transform into ChibiMoon she just shouted, "HOW DARE YOU KILL MY MOMMY! YOU WILL PAY!" And then she just screamed. Power shot out from her crescent moon on her head and it the man in the chest. He fell back, "Damn all of you stupid scouts! Ugh! You stupid people! Killing both of my sisters, Beryl and Nellie!" He didn't say more for Rini shot another energy bolt at him that turned him into dust. She collapsed next to her mother and whispered, "I wanted to know you, mother...." 'You will, just look in your heart. I will be there! If you want to talk to me, talk aloud. I will hear you. You, my daughter, have set me free. Setting me free let's my soul travel wherever you go. I will always be here. You saved me, Rini, you saved everyone....' Neo-Queen Serenity's voice was only heard by Rini. But Rini answered aloud anyway, "I know I did, I know I did. You'll always be in my heart...." Then she blacked out. Years went by and Rini grew to be the strongest scout. No one was ever quite the same as Rini had known them, but of course they weren't the same because now Rini was older, and she knew that they were scouts. At night, Rini would sit by the window and talk aloud to her mother and tell her about the day. Small Lady was no longer small, in fact she was eighteen. She still remembered everything about her mother, about how she died protecting her- two times. She still missed her, yes, but she kept it to herself because she had to be strong for the new generation of the sailor scouts. Millie was now about seven, Callista was eleven and had begun her training, and then there were the other girls. First there was five-year-old Rose, Mina's daughter; five-year-old Monica, Raye's daughter; three-year-old Jess, Hotaru's daughter; and there was rumor that there was a daughter to Pluto. Though nothing had been confirmed, for Pluto refused to tell. "Oh Rini!" Callista called, "You're gonna be late for the practice!" "What?! Oh, I'm coming!" Rini called back. She closed a book that she had been reading in her room and ran out and down the steps, trying to catch up with Callista. As she ran she didn't notice the blonde-haired man standing on the practice courts. Rini kept chasing after Callista who finally stopped behind the man. Rini looked up and her heart pounded, it was Will. A very good friend that she had met a while ago, but he had gone off to travel, "Will!" She cheered. "Heya cat-ears!" Rini smiled, she remembered that her father had said he had used to call her mother 'meatball-head' or 'meatball brains'. "Oh Will, are you here for a while now?" "Sure am!" They talked and Callista rolled her eyes as she went up to Millie, Rose, Monica, and Jess. Only the older ones of the five knew what was going on. "So did the plan work?" Millie asked. "Like a charm!" Callista grinned, unlike her mother, she loved to get into other people's business, "Y'know, I think there may be another addition to the royal family soon!" The five and seven year olds laughed, "Hee, hee. You mean Will?!" "Yep!" "Okay, what are you five giggling about?" Lita walked over. "Oh nothing-" Rose started. Then Millie decided to get her mother in on the fun, "Calli got Rini and Will together, see," she pointed to where Rini was holding onto Will's arm. Lita laughed, "You're like-" she paused, but then smiled and continued, "like Serena was." "Serena? Who's she?" The younger girls asked. "One day we'll tell you," king Endymion said as he came over, "Okay, who set up Rini and Will?" Everyone pointed to Callista. She stood there with an innocent expression on her face, "I didn't do it, I swear!" King E laughed, "I don't care. It's good Will's back...." Well the years went by well and the next generation of scouts were stronger than that of the last. They learned quickly and did have many battles, but those battles helped ensure peace for the generation. And hopefully the next. And always Serenity was there watching, no matter how long time dragged on, she watched and helped out whoever was Sailor Moon. ************************************ yeah! Three cheers! Hip, hip hooray! I finished the story! Yay! I can't believe it, I actually really killed off Serena. Usually I don't do things like that. So whatcha think? Lame, good? E-mail me, I wanna know. I was going to make this story longer, but I want to work on my next one that's about the silver millennium. Later! As always, here's your wonderful author: Sailor ClearMoon! Bye-ee! ^.~ Thanx to those of you that e-mail me! It means a lot! Later! P.S. My debate was whether ta kill of Serena, or leave her in. I decided on the first 'caz I always have everyone live or come back to life. (If you've read "A Love to Last All of Time, and "Beryl's Last Fight", you'll know what I mean.) That's another thing, anyone out there was BLF? My first fanfic? It's lame but who knows what people read. It's non-usamamo, so if ya want it. Lemme know and I'll e-mail it. Gotta go!