"How Strong is Love?" chapter 2, part1: Learning to live without Okay, okay, this is an incredibly short part. but remember that this is part 1 of chapter 2. I have to have an author's note section before I continue any more of chapter 2. That's why this is so short. The group was in total shock. No one had expected such an attack, no one had suspected that their queen would die while protecting her child. Darien just stared down at his love as tears ran down his cheeks. All of the scouts were crying hysterically. Rini just screamed and yelled, not believing what had happened. They sat there, alone, for a few more minutes. Then they had there next surprise for the day, "You Sailor Brats! Killing both of my sisters!" This new voice was cold and harsh. In the air appeared a man with red-brown hair. He wore all black, and something in his eyes made the scouts think that he was familiar. None of the group answered him, they just kept on crying as they looked up at him. Obviously him found this funny because he started to laugh, "Ha! That is the first step in your punishment for hurting my family! Beryl and Nelli will at least die happy knowing that you wimps won't have your leader anymore!" Thoughts rushed through Darien's mind he couldn't concentrate right. Every thing just flew through his brain unorganized. "You will see me in the future, don't you worry! And, oh, may I add that you will actually be seeing your 'precious' Sailor Moon( a.k.a. Serena, and also known as the Neo-queen) in the future too? Well I gotta get goin' so looks like she'll be coming with me. Good bye!" The man smirked as he shot out a dark power that blew everyone away. Then the power formed around Serena. She and the man disappeared. "SERENA!!" Darien's yell echoed for a long time as Rini started to scream again. They all wept. None could think of anything besides the loss of Serena. Eventually they all transformed back into their normal forms. Rini was shocked, she had not known that her friends were the Sailor Scouts. (Or that her father was Tuxedo Mask.) She was still crying, Darien held her and let her weep. Finally she fell asleep. When she did, Luna collected herself and spoke. "Listen, this is a terrible tragedy. But we most continue on." Luna choked on her words but continued, "Darien, it is your discussion. Do you wish to have most of Rini's memories erased? She will not remember about this time, or much about Serena." Darien looked down at his sleeping daughter. He spoke after a time, "Erase her memory. I don't want her to be scarred with this pain." Darien looked up, determined, "Scouts, the night of Rini's twelfth birthday is when she will learn about her past. She will begin to train as a Sailor Scout." Everyone nodded. Slowly the girls got their emotions under control. Amy then spoke up, "We will continue on. We have to, for Rini." "Right," Mina and Lita whispered. "We'll do it..." Haruka started. "For Rini," Michiru finished for her. "For a better future," Setsuna added. "So maybe one day-" Hotaru cut off. "What?" Raye asked. Hotaru continued softly, "So maybe one day we can find our queen again." As the group looked at her in shock, she explained, "That guy said she'd be alive!" She started to cry again. Everyone exchanged glances, could Serena still be brought back to life? Amy had said she was dead... but there had been so many miracles. Would she come back? Okay, like it? Hate it? Just e-mail me at whyfam@execpc.com K? All right, I'll go and start typing up more of this fanfic for ya. Oh yeah, Sailor Moon doesn't belong to me (boo-hoo). I don't own any popular/cool thing like SM, well besides my fanfics.... just kidding! Later! gotta boogie! -Sailor ClearMoon Okay, here's the AUTHOR'S NOTES. Sorry that I had ta split up chapter 2, but it was nessacarry. I need to inform you 'bout what's happened over the last "seven years" in crystal Tokyo. (The next part takes place the day before Rini's 12th b-day.) So here's the buzz: 1st off: Rini's memory has mostly been erased. She doesn't remember much about her mother. She doesn't recall anything about the battle that took place when she was five. (Oh, she also doesn't know that her friends are the Sailor Scouts) 2nd: King Endymion always told/tells stories to Rini about the Sailor scouts, and Sailor Moon. (duh, that's kinda obvious!) 3rd: (hee, hee, this is kinda fun) Well where should I start off.... Amy is married to Greg, Lita to Ken, Mina to Andrew, and Raye's engaged to Chad 4th: Amy was the first to get married (not including Sailor Moon that is). She has a five-year-old daughter named Callista. 5th: Lita was married four years after the battle, she has a nine-month-old baby girl named: Millie 6th: Mina married Andrew right after Lita married ken 7th: Raye is newly engaged ta Chad. Nothing else. 8th: all of the girls' husbands/ husbands to be know that their wives are Sailor Scouts. 9th: Serena has been- ha, ha! You thought that I'd really tell you what happened? No way! You're outta luck! 10th: is there anything else? not sure. Maybe if I hafta, I'll add later. 11th: Yep, there's something else- things that were popular in the 90's are now coming back in the 30th century. (yeah, right. Whatever, this **is** my story.) Now one with part 2 of chapter 2! AROUND 7 YEARS LATER, JUNE 29......... "Come on Callista," Amy called to her daughter that was playing outside with Rini, "it's time for lunch! You too, Small Lady." Rini reluctantly got up and walked to the doorway with Callista. [ClearMoon>if ya don't know what's goin on, perhaps ya should read the author's notes.] Amy held Calista's hand as the three of them walked to the large dining room. The table had many chairs set up around it and Rini remembered counting how many when she was younger. There were 17, of course more could be added. The table was never quite full. There were always two chairs that were empty, one for Setsuna and one for Rini's mother. She wasn't quite sure where Setsuna was, her father only said that she was working someplace else. Rini had only met her a few times, and very quickly too. The small group walked into the room where the others sat. At the head of the table sat Small Lady's father, Kind Endymion. Rini made her way up the long table to sit next to him on his left side. Of course across from her sat an empty chair. It was an elegant chair, trimmed with lace. The cushions were made of pure red velvet. That chair had been Rini's mother's. Many times at night Rini wished for her mother to return, all she knew was that her mother had died of a disease when Rini had been about five. "Hi Rini, how's it going?" Her father asked as Rini sat down. She smiled, "Great! After lunch I'm going out to play with some friends, is that okay?" King E nodded. "Sure honey." Around that table sat the close friends of Rini and her father. There was Michiru, Haruka, Hotaru, Mina, Lita, Amy, Raye, Andrew, Greg, Ken, Chad, and then of course Callista and Millie (Lita's nine-month old baby). "Yo! Rini, ya excited 'bout your birthday?" Lita asked. Rini nodded happily, she always did like Lita's bright attitude and spirit. Raye broke in, "So whatcha hoping ta get?" Rini thought a bit before specking, "Well I'm not quite sure. I have a lot of stuff already, but I do love music. So I hope to get some music discs." Just then the food came in so they started to eat. Rini was quiet the whole time, that was unusual for her so finally King E asked her, "Rini, something wrong?" "Huh?" Rini turned to her father. The others around the table watched her, "Uh, no. Nothing much..." Raye exchanged looks with the King before asking, "What is it? Please tell us. We are your friends ya know." Rini sighed, "Okay, okay. It's just that I had this- this really weird dream." She stopped. Amy, who was next to her, put her hand on Rini's shoulder, "Tell us. We need to know," she too looked at the king. "Fine then, I'll tell you," Rini paused as if thinking, "Well it starts out that I'm in bed. All of the sudden I'm running through the palace following a woman with long, blond hair. next to me are running Luna and Artemis! Guess what? They talk in my dream, isn't that funny?" She wrinkled her nose. Around her, the others did their best to fake laughs. "Go on," Haruka said. "Well I end up in a hallway and I look out, that's where that part of the dream ends. Then it's onto another dream!" "Another dream?" Mina gulped. Rini looked around, what was going on with these people? "yeah, so?" No one answered her so she continued, "I'm standing in a room that's mostly dark, though it shimmers and at one end there's an altar. on the alter rests a cushion that has a strange crystal-thing on it. As I'm watching, a women dressed in black comes in. She's about to take the crystal when she sees me. I don't know what's supposed to happen next because I always wake up at that point." Rini finished expecting to see normal faces, she did not expect to see worried glances to her and to the king, "What?" She asked. No one answered her, they all just looked at one another. They each had the same thought in their head, Rini was starting to get fed up with the adults around her. She finished her food and rose, about to leave. "Daddy, can I go now?" King E jolted out of his thoughts, "Huh? Oh, sure. Don't forget to be back by four so you can get ready for your party." "I wouldn't forget!" At that she ran out of the room. Amy picked up Callista and put her on the floor. "There you go! Greg, honey, can you take Calista out to play? I do think it's about time for the guardians and Darien to meet." "Sure!" Greg took Calista's hand, "Come on guys!" Lita held onto Millie as the men left, "Raye? What do ya think? Does it mean-" "Shush!" Raye silenced her, "Too many people can hear us here. Let's go to another room." The king got up, "We need to get Luna and Artemis." "No need to," Luna announced as the cats walked in, "Greg told us. He's worried too, lately he's had some strange visions." "Hush!" Raye scolded her, "You're as bad as Lita!" "Hey!" Lita objected. Raye rolled her eyes. "Now quit it you two!" King E broke in, "We have to hurry up and get to a place to talk. No one will know who long this meeting will take until we start to talk. So let's get going, follow me." The women and cats followed the king to the safe-passage. He muttered something and they all passed through. "So we're in. Where to? The 'meeting room'?" Mina asked. "Uh, yeah. That would be smart, since this is a meeting, " Lita said. Mina muttered something back. Darien just shook his head and walked down the hall to the *meeting room*. He opened the door and they walked in. The table in this room was a little larger than that of the dining room table. This table had around 25 seats, even though the only people who ever went in here were the Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo mask. "Shouldn't we have Setsuna come?" Amy asked quizzically. "I guess..." Darien headed over to the main computer of the palace that was located in that room. He called up the communicator and tried to contact Setsuna, Sailor Pluto. In a few minutes, Pluto's image popped up. "Yes, my king?" Her voice was soft. "Setsuna, we need you here for a meeting, it's kind of about Rini's training. Also about strange dreams that she's been having," Darien stated. "All right, I'll come. But I mustn't stay long, I should never leave my post for long." While the scouts and Darien waited for Pluto's arrival they sat down. Lita was busy trying to keep Millie occupied when Pluto appeared. "Good, you're here!" Haruka breathed. "It's nice to see you again, Setsuna! It's been a while," Hotaru greeted. "Yes, yes. It's good to be here. Now tell me about the dreams..." Amy told her what Rini had told them, Pluto nodded the whole time. "Yes, I had a feeling that she might start to remember things as she got older. But the woman dressed in black, trying to get the imperium crystal? That's strange. Nothing like that has happened before." Raye nodded, "I know. Do think she dreamed of the future?" Pluto shrugged, "Possibly. The thing is that you must get her ready for the meeting tomorrow. Remember that she must go with all of you to the Sailor Scout room where the silver crystal is kept. She must learn what her future is, and what has happened." She turned to Darien and bowed, "You must tell Small Lady of the last battle that Sailor Moon fought. But do not reveal true identities! And do not include the part where Serenity was taken away by that Negaverse-person." Darien's heart ached as he recalled that battle. He remembered Serena's cold, limp body. He recalled the feeling of hopelessness. But even though he felt pain, he knew that Rini ought to hear the last battle of Sailor Moon. She had to know before she found that she too was a Sailor Scout. "Yes, I understand. I'll tell her the story tonight." "Good," Pluto smiled a little sadly. "I know that it's hard Darien. But do not worry, there are still things that I will always know that no one else does. You haven't quite lost-" She broke off as the earth shook. "What the-" Haruka clutched the table for balance. An alarm went off. "That's the Sailor Scout alarm!! What's going on?" Amy shouted as she ran to the computer. She started to type in a password. Soon she could see out over the palace. "What is it Amy?" Darien asked, as he ran up behind her. "It's a new enemy! Look at that power!" Amy cried as a black energy tried to hit the palace, but the shields had gone up automatically. "I must go protect my post!" Pluto disappeared. "Scouts transform!" Raye shouted. "Wait!" Lita cried, "What am I supposed to do with Millie?" Mina answered her question, "Find Ken and have him take care of her." Darien went over to Lita, "I'll get Millie to Ken. You just transform. Amy, I want you to stay here and use the computer to help out. I'll be back once I get Millie to a safe place, Rini too. I'll have to find her." "Right!" Amy replied. He ran out of the room and down thee hall with Millie in his arms. Behind him he could here the morph phrases, "Mars Crystal Power, Make Up!" He ran out of the hall and followed his instinct to where Ken might be. He found Greg, Andrew, Chad, Ken, Calista, and Rini in the dining room. "Daddy, what's going on?" Rini asked. "I don't know. Ken, take Millie for Lita okay? I need to go back and help Amy." "Wait!" Rini cried, "Can't I go with ya?" Darien turned around, "No, sweet. I have to go back and help. Stay here with Andrew, and everybody. You'll be okay!" He gave her an encouraging hug before leaving. "Hey, Endymion!" Greg yelled. "What?" The king turned around to see Greg running to him. "I have to go with you," Greg yelled over his shoulder, "Andrew, take care of Calista." Darien looked at him as he started to run again, "Why?" Greg whispered, "I have an idea on what to do. I've seen it in my visions." Darien bit his lip. Yep, Greg needed to come along then. He always knew about what would happen in the future. They ran down the corridor to the magic- protected hallway. They only paused for a second while Darien lifted the spells. Once inside the men started to run to the meeting room. "Stupid, stupid, thing!" Mercury was shouting at the computer. Darien and Greg came into the room, "Amy, what's going on?" Darien asked as he went over to her. "Ugh! Did you change the password on this thing?" Mercury demanded. Darien raised an eyebrow in question, "Okay, then. You try typing in the password! This thing's not working for me!" Greg spoke up, "Let me try. The password has been changed, but not by any of us." He went over and typed something in. A message appeared on the screen, 'Access accepted.' "Wow! you're good!" Mercury exclaimed while her husband got a focus on where the scouts were. "Mercury, you need to call the scouts to one place. Right there, at the Southeast side of the palace. No matter what, they should not move from that spot! Otherwise it's destruction!" Greg pointed to a part of the screen. Sailor Mercury didn't ask questions, she just opened the com-link on the computer and announced, " Okay scouts! head to the southeast side of the palace, by the side doors over there. No matter what, do not move! Keep your position!" "I hear ya Amy!" Raye's voice came in. Soon the other scouts called in too saying that they were 'on their way'. "Now what?" Darien asked, looking at the screens. Luckily there was an invisible shield over the city too, otherwise he didn't think there'd be a city anymore. "Nothing. We wait for a little while, and then this all stops." Mercury and Darien turned to Greg. "Uh-huh," Mercury put her hand on her hip, "I don't think so , Greg." "No, really! I've seen it, though I don't understand it. Just wait!" They waited for five minutes, which seemed like eternity. Then, as quickly as it had come, the force was gone. "Told ya." Darien stared open-mouthed at the screens, "No way." Jupiter came in over the com-link, "Hey you guys, what was that about?" mercury answered, "We're not sure. All of you come back, don't forget to transform!" "No, wait!" Darien exclaimed. Mercury turned to him, he spoke in the com-link, "All of you come back as you are. Meet in the dining room, that's where Rini and the others ought to be. It'll seem like you guys are reporting in, okay? Mercury will come with me and I'll explain that I was helping her." "Right!" Was the reply. Greg nodded, "Let's go then." The group of three ran back down the hallways. As they neared the dining room doors, they started to walk. Darien went in first, followed by Greg. Then Sailor Mercury, Rini gaped at the scout. She had never come face-to-face with a scout before. (or, she didn't remember that she had.) "A sailor scout?" Mercury hid her sad smile, "Yes, I am Sailor Mercury. It is good to see you, Small lady." Darien bit his lip, he had forgotten that Rini wouldn't recognize the scouts. Rini walked up to the scout, "You, you seem familiar...." This time Mercury smiled. "That is good!" Rini didn't have time to question why because just then the other scouts burst into the room. Sailor Mars walked up to the king, "King Endymion, as you already know, the battle is finished. But what happened? Why did that 'thing' go away so fast?" The king shook his head, "I have no idea Mars. Mercury? Greg?" He turned to the two that had been with him during the battle, both shook their heads. "I have no ideas, majesty." Was Mercury's response. "I did not have any visions on that," Greg answered. Venus wrinkled her nose, "Well this is just dandy! All of this happening before- umph!" Jupiter put her hand over Venus's mouth. "Don't mind her. She's a big mouth, right Venus?" Uranus growled. "Huh?" Venus asked, Jupiter had taken her hand away. "Uh, Venus. Reality check here, ya almost gave the 'thing' away?!" Jupiter whispered. The blonde's mouth dropped, "I'm a dope!" Raye muttered, "You just figured that out now?" King E broke in, "STOP! Don't get into a fight! If now is the time that a new enemy arises, I'll need you guys more than ever. For more than one reason." Neptune nodded, "You are right, Dar- um, my king." Rini looked around. What was going on here? Why was that one scout about to call her father something that started with 'Dar'? Why were all these Sailor Scouts here? What was that battle? What- "Okay, what's going on here? Why in the world are all of these Sailor Scouts in this room?" Everyone in the room (except Millie) turned to Rini. "Well?" She asked again. "Dear," the king started, "now there is another enemy that is arising. I just hope that- I hope that it doesn't result like it did.... last time." Tears formed in his eyes, but he refused to let them fall. Rini stepped back, she had never seen her father crying or about to cry. She looked around to see other sad looks. What was really going on here? Now was a time that Rini wished that she had a mother to talk to. She took another step back, confusion on her face. "Now Rini, it's okay. Go get ready for your party," Greg said quietly. The girl with pink hair shook her head, "No, I don't want a party anymore." She looked around one last time before running out of the room. "Rini!" King E called, "Rini!" It echoed down the hall as the girl ran outside. it had started to rain, making the paths slippery. But she didn't care. Rini ran through the gardens until she reached a little clearing where a bench stood amongst roses. She had been told that this had been her mother's favorite spot to think. "Mommy, why aren't you here?" Rini whispered. She sat on the bench and pulled her knees up to her chin. Her arms wrapped around her legs as she put her head down to cry. A hand rested on Rini's shoulder. She looked up into deep blue eyes and black hair. "I thought you'd be here," it was her father, "This was your mother's favorite place. We used to sit and talk here when there were hard problems to solve. I have some memories of happy times here." He sat down next to Rini. She rested her head on his shoulder, "Daddy, I wanted to know her. I wanna talk to her." Then she added, "I really miss her." King Endymion swallowed a lump in his throat and whispered shakily, "I do too. I wish she was here right now. It would've made everything so easy if-" He broke off. Rini looked up to see tears on his cheeks. No, rain, no wait, tears. Finally she decided it was just the rain. Her father never cried. Endy stared off into the rain before speaking, "Do you really not want to have a party?" He asked. Rini spoke in a hesitant voice, "I only want your, I mean, our friends. Just the grown-ups, y'know like Lita, Raye, Amy, and everybody." "Sure," Was the simple reply. "Rini-" "Yes?" "I need to tell you something, tonight. You must know about it." Rini nodded curiously, "Okay." They stood and headed back to the palace at a run. That night, Rini was sitting in bed waiting for her father to come in and tell her goodnight. No, wait, he said that he needed to tell her something. She knew that there would be no more new Sailor Scouts stories, fore her father had told them to her again and again. Though he started to add more things as she got older. Now she sat in her bed and pet Diana, Artemis's and Luna's kitten. Her Luna P floated next to her. Finally Endy walked in, "Sorry, honey, I got caught up in a conversation." She smiled. "So whatcha wanna tell me?" She looked at the king quizzically. He looked back into her eyes. Her mind was open to him, he could see her confusion. He took a deep breath, it was going to be hard to explain the battle without letting Rini know the true identities. But he had an idea on how he could tell the story. "All right. You see, one night seven years ago an evil came to the palace. Your mother and I awoke to find all of the city lights out. I went to your room while Serenity went to find the Sailor Scouts. She got Sailor Moon to come and protect you, Luna, and Artemis. Your mother and I went to the main computer room to try and help hold up against the enemy. The only thing was that when you and Sailor Moon were headed to the magic-guarded hallway, a woman who looked exactly like Queen Beryl appeared. Sailor Moon protected you, she took three hits before Tuxedo Mask and the scouts got there. By then it was too late. Sailor Pluto and Uranus destroyed the evil woman. Sailor Moon had used her silver crystal to destroy the enemy. It worked, but she probably used up much of her energy by doing that. Your mother had been *very* close to Sailor Moon, she took the blow badly. She fell under depression, which she eventually got over. The thing was that she was never quite the same again. Somehow she got an unknown disease, and- died. I know more about the battle from Pluto, but I mustn't tell you it now. Maybe tomorrow." Rini saw her father's eyes brim with tears, "My mother was close friends with Sailor Moon? And Sailor Moon died protecting me? I really had thought that she was just traveling or something. At least that's the impression that I got from you. So she's actually dead? Not- not traveling? I had always thought that she was still alive!" "I believe it's too late now to save her, Serenity...." King Endymion murmured to himself, though Rini heard. The girl thought, "Good night, Rini. I'll see you tomorrow, " the king bent down and kissed his daughter on the forehead. She didn't reply, she was thinking and trying to remember. Now she felt that she *must* remember. She just had to! Endy looked at her, worry apparent on his face. After a time he left the room. Late into the night Rini stayed up and thought. "You did the attack as I had asked?" A man asked the woman standing in front of him. "Yes, I did. But someone must've figured out our plan, those scouts were right in front of where we needed to go," at this, the woman clenched her fists, "I stopped the attack soon after, I know *that* confused them!" The man nodded, "Good, good. Now I have another mission. Go apply for a job at the Crystal Palace. Just be sure to disguise yourself though!" "Yes, my master," as the woman bowed, long stands of hair fell into her eyes. ha, ha! How'd ya like this part? I had fun doing this last paragraph, I always luv ta have people on the edge of their seats, trying to figure out what's goin' on. Well I better get goin' on my way ta the next chapter. As always, e-mail me at: senshisis@juno.com Disclaimer: By the way, minna, I don't own Sailor Moon or any of the characters related to it. I'm just using the characters for my story (which I hope y'all like). Anywaz, I've never owned [and probably won't ever own] Sailor Moon. I believe all of ya out there know who it belongs to. if you're not sure, check out the other disclaimers I've written on my other works of writing. Later! -Sailor ClearMoon P.S. No one (except Shalom-chan and Sailor Orbit) is allowed to use 'ClearMoon' as a character, all right? She **is** my own creation, I even have pics that I've created of her. Heck, I even have a few stories started 'bout her and her friends. Later! (for real this time)