"How Strong is Love?" chapter 1: The loss of a queen Okay, this is another 'fic in the process. Who knows if I'll finish? ::shrug:: I'll just work on it. Just make the most of it, K? Later! Disclaimer is at the bottom. Thanx ta Shalom-chan for sending me e-mail! Rated PG (for this chapter at least) Long, yellow hair flew up behind the woman standing on the balcony of the Crystal Palace. She wore a confused expression on her face. She shook her head, The sun set as a man walked out to join her. "Serena?" The male's voice was a little worried. She turned around to see jet-black hair and blue eyes. "Darien, what is it?" The man walked up to her, "You haven't been yourself, what is wrong?" Serena turned her face away, "What is wrong? I, nor anyone, can help you if you hide your feelings." She turned back to him, "Fine, Darien, you win. I have this awful sense of...evil. It scares me." She bit her lip and looked up at him. He held her close, "Oh, so that's it. Yes I know about that..." "You do?" Serena's eyes were wide with shock. Darien looked uncomfortable, "The other girls were mentioning that they felt something too. They didn't want you to know and worry, so they told me." "Hmmm..." Serena looked out at the city again. Now her fears were confirmed. A frown formed on her lips. Darien put his hand on her shoulder, but she didn't move. "Darien," Serena looked up and back at him, "do you really think it could be a new enemy?" "I don't know Serena, I don't know." The sun shed its last light across the city, then disappeared. The Neo-Queen and King walked back inside. Serena walked down the hall to Rini's room. She bent down and kissed her daughter on the forehead, "'Night, love. See you in the morning," Serena whispered. Then she walked back out to join Darien. "Huh?" Darien asked, realizing Serena had asked him a question. "I asked-" She stopped as she saw Raye come towards them, "Raye! I need to talk to you!" Raye stopped, "Yes, my queen." "Raye..." Serena growled, "You know I hate it when friends call me that." Raye shrugged. "So whatcha want?" Serena paused for a second, could Raye know the answer? "Raye, have you had any visions about evil lately?" Raye looked at Darien, shocked, "Darien! How could you? You promised that you wouldn't tell her!" Darien shook his head, "I didn't. She has been having the same feeling of evil that you girls have been feeling." "Oh, gomen Serena. But I don't know what's going to happen! I can't see anything to give us a clue, unless-" Raye stopped, [ClearMoon: the thing 'bout Venus destroying Beryl comes from the manga version of Sailor Moon.] "Unless what?!" Darien and Serena cried together. Raye whined, "Do I have to tell you?" By the looks on their faces, she did, "Fine. What I have seen was a vision of Beryl. And that's that." "Beryl? She's dead! I don't think anybody could bring her back to life! No way, not after Venus destroyed her!" Serena still shook, even though she knew that Beryl wouldn't be back. "I don't know! That's what I saw! I don't believe it either!" Raye shouted in frustration. "Shush! Both of you, you'll wake Rini." Darien broke into the little argument. "Sorry." Raye whispered. Darien gave her a half smile, "Now let's all get some rest. Then in the morning we can all talk it out and see if we can figure out what's going on. And try and find out who and what the enemy." Raye continued on to her rooms while Serena looked at her hands. "I'm so worried Darien, I don't want Rini to be in danger. And what if it is true that Beryl comes back?" Darien took her hands in his. "Don't worry, love. All of the Sailor Scouts will be there to protect her, and you." Serena still wasn't convinced, but it would have to do. It was around midnight when all of the sudden all of the lights in the city went out. Only the castle lights were on. Serena woke up in a cold sweat as she heard a crash, "What?!" She ran to the window and went out onto the balcony, "Darien! Darien, come quick!" Darien stumbled out of bed and went with her out onto the balcony, "Oh my..." The city was dark, and above was a dark cloud. A cloud? "Ohmigosh! Darien, look! It's made out of people! (That's weird!) I'm gonna get the scouts!" Serena ran from the room as fast as she could. She ran to her friends' wing to find Raye was already up. "What's going on, queen?" Serena panted, "Get all of the scouts up! Tell them it's an emergency! I have to go get Pluto and find Artemis and Luna. Hurry!" Raye ran to each of the scouts' doors, yelling and pounding on the door. Serena ran to the computer room where there was a special computer that let her contact Setsuna, "Please, Setsuna! We need you at the palace! There's an attack!" Pluto's voice came in a little statically, "Queen! The attackers are trying to get in through the time warp! I can not leave my post!" "I'll send help!" Serena cried, worried for her friend. "No, I can handle it. Just watch out!" Pluto's voice faded. Without thinking, Serena ran to the room where the silver crystal was kept. She picked it up and held it in her hand. "Now to find Luna and Artemis..." She ran back upstairs to find her friends transformed and ready to fight. Mercury told her, "No, we'll handle it. Don't hurt yourself! You protect Rini!" "Rini!" Serena had almost forgotten about her in the panic. She now ran to Rini's room to find Luna, Artemis, and Darien with her. "Darien, I'll take care of Rini. You help the scouts! Oh, Pluto is being attacked too but she said we'd need more people here. Hurry!" He hugged her once before going out. "Mommy?" Rini got out of bed and went over to her, "What's goin on?" Serena knelt down and picked up her daughter. "We're not sure, honey. But Luna, Artemis, you, and I will go someplace safe." Serena nodded to Luna, "Let's go." Luna led the way with the others following. It was not until that time that Serena noticed that there was no Luna P, "Where's Rini's Luna P?" Artemis yelled, "No time to explain! Just hurry!" The palace was shaking and parts of the ceiling fell, very small pieces though. The palace had been built to last so that it would stand against attacks. The group kept running through the palace, "Where to, Luna?" Serena shouted above the rumbling. Luna didn't answer but just kept on going. Finally they reached a door that was sealed be magic so that only the royal family (and the scouts) could go in. Luna started to say the password when, "You are the Neo-Queen? Really, how pathetic." A woman floated down from the ceiling, she looked exactly like Beryl. Only her voice and her lip color was different. Her lips were a bluish color, making her look cold. "Luna, open it now!" Serena stood in front of Rini. "I don't think you're going anywhere, Yah!" Luna was hit by a bolt of energy that made her fall back, unconscious. "Luna!" Serena shouted, "Artemis?!" The woman hit him too. He fell next to Luna. Anger glared in Serena's eyes, quickly she whispered to Rini, "You remember the password to get in, right?" She nodded, very scared, "Get in there, and STAY! That's an order. When I get that person's attention, you go into the safe rooms, got it?" "Yes, mommy." She was too stunned to say more. The woman shot out black energy at Rini, Serena blocked it, "Now, Rini, now!" Rini was terrified, "NOW!" Screamed Serena. Rini ran up to the entry way. The woman stopped the power that hit Serena. The Neo-queen spun around and held up the silver crystal, "You're gonna be moon dust!" "Really?" The woman shot a lightning streak at Serena. "NOOOOOOO! Mommy!" Rini screamed. "Go Rini, now!" Serena turned her head to Rini as the bolt struck her, it was too late. Neo-Queen Serenity fell to the floor, clutching the silver crystal. "Now it's mine!" The woman walked over to the fallen queen. Serena whispered, "No it's not, witch! Silver Crystal, lend me your strength! Let me stop this fighting!" Serena's hand opened to reveal the crystal shining brightly, "Send this evil away!" "No! This can't be!" Shouted the woman. She held her head in pain but didn't disappear. Serena gasped, "Rini, scream as loudly as you can. Get the other scouts to.... come..." Serena fell back again. "MOMMY!" Rini screamed, not just because she was told to, but because she couldn't help. Tuxedo Mask felt it, All of the sudden a bright light covered the human-type monsters that he and the scouts were fighting. "It's the silver crystal's power!" He shouted, something was wrong though. The "evil ones" screamed as they each vanished into moon dust. A moment later they heard it, "MOMMY!" It was Rini. "Oh God!" Tuxedo mask whispered. He ran as fast as he could with the scouts behind him. The woman was able to float again, so she stood in the air in front of Serena, "So, the stories are true. You are very strong, surprising." "Yes, and no. But you'll see I still have some more surprises!" Serena jumped up as far as she could into the air and kicked out. She kicked the look-alike-Beryl in the stomach. "You won't do that again, you stupid twerp!" Serena staggered to stay standing. "Rini, get going now!" she shrieked, "Now!" Serena looked over at her shocked daughter, "Rini-" Serena screamed as this time the black energy hit her fully, she flew back into a pillar. "Mommy!!" Rini tried to run over to her, but Luna and Artemis were now a little recovered. They somehow managed to get Rini into the safe hall. "Ha!" Yelled the woman at the limp body of Neo-Queen Serenity, "You aren't gonna be fighting any longer, are ya?" She smirked. "Don't you DARE laugh. Cause you are going Down!" Yelled Mercury. (The new comers couldn't see who the woman with red-hair was talking to. The pillar blocked their view.) "Curse it! The sailor scouts!" She tried to flee but Sailor Uranus used her 'world shaking' attack and hurt the woman badly. Then Sailor Pluto appeared out of nowhere, she used her 'dead scream' attack. The woman was now destroyed. Mars walked up to Pluto, "I thought that there were people attacking the time gate." Pluto nodded, "There was. but then the silver crystal's light shone through, destroying them." "Yeah, same with us!" Venus announced. Just then Luna limped out from the safe place. She had tears in her eyes as she choked out the words, "Good... job.... scouts." Then she broke down crying. Tuxedo Mask had fear in his heart as he asked, "Luna, Luna! Is Rini all right?!" "Yes," Artemis replied as he walked out of the safe room, "she is asleep in there. We cast a spell on her so that- so that..." He couldn't finish. Now Tuxedo mask understood, "Serena!" Luna picked herself off the ground and walked to where the Neo-Queen lay. "Oh my God." Darien knelt beside her. She was so pale, her hair was now a mess, and there was a cut on the side of her forehead. "Serena! Please, open your eyes! Say something!" Darien shook with fear. Serena didn't move. Sailor Pluto walked up, tears in her eyes, "This was what I felt. I had this sense that she had to be well guarded. I thought that she'd be with the scouts, not on her own. That is why I didn't tell her anything more that 'watch out'. If only I had told her to have someone help protect her!" Mercury spoke up, "Don't blame yourself, Setsuna. It was no one's fault. I just hope we can save her!" Serena's lips twitched. Darien held his breath, was she waking? "D-Darien? Guys?" Was the soft whisper, her hand trembled as she got a better hold of something. "Thank goodness you're all right Serena!" Darien held her in his arms. Serena looked up with unseeing eyes as visions passed through her mind. >Darkness. Fighting. Evil.< It was all there, in one person. >A lady dressed in black and dark blue. Yellow hair. Dark, evil. Betrayal.< "No!" Serena shook her head as she saw more images, "No it can't be! I won't give in, I can't, I-" >But you must.< Came the echoing voice in her head, >You belong with us, with me, Serenity. Give in!< Darien looked at her with worry, "Serena, you okay?" She was twisting and muttering something. She stopped and looked up. "My friends?" Tears glistened on her cheeks, "I'm so sorry! I swear to you I'll come back!" A small smile met her lips, "As Tuxedo Mask once said, 'I'm on your side, and always will be. Remember that'..." Serena winced in pain as she coughed, "Ugh, Endy, please- please give this to Rini..." She held out her silver crystal, which was still in her hands. "Scouts, train.... Rini....well...I'll... always.... be there.... here...." Serena closed her eyes as tears spilled out. "Good-bye, my love. My friends... my daughter." And she was gone. Darien trembled, he didn't believe it. No, his love couldn't be gone. No way, not now! Not after all of the things that she had done! "No, you can't be dead, I won't believe it!" He cried. The scouts' cheeks were already wet from tears. Mercury slowly brought up her visor to look over Serena. She broke down and fell to the floor as her body filled with sorrow, "She's gone! No! Her life-force, it's just... gone!" Rini slowly stumbled out of the safe passageway. She walked over to her friends, and spotted her mother. Everyone gasped, she turned to her, "Mommy?" She knelt by her, "Mommy! Come back! I promise to obey you next time! Come back!" Well? How'd ya like it? This could be the beginning, and it also could be a short story. (That's why I wrote it this way.) Hope you like it! Listen, I do need input! I was upset that only one person e-mailed me on me first story. Thanx Shalom-chan for reading my story! You're a pal, keep working on you fanfics! Okay, I need some boost of self-confidence, K? So e-mail me at: senshisis@juno.com I admit it, I'm being cruel. I have almost the whole story planned out, but I hafta type it out! Have to wait 'til next time to find out what's happening. Later! Gotta boogie! -Sailor ClearMoon P.S. Disclaimer: As much as I'd like ta own Sailor Moon, I don't. Got it? If you don't believe me contact DiC or Naoko (spelling?) or one of those other places that own SM.