Fading Hope Epilogue By Elisabeth James ejames000@ameritech.net This is the final part, it will be happy, upbeat and packed full of WAFFy goodness! I’m in a totally upbeat mood, I just finished watching my favorite movie, Ever After. There’s nothing better than a great romantic movie to make everything right in the world. I don’t own Sailor Moon, but oh how I wish I could own Dougray Scott. *goes into a trance thinking about his sexy Scottish accent* oh sorry about that, enjoy the conclusion :) He lifted her veil slowly, he could barely see though the thick haze of tears that clung to his eyes. She never looked so beautiful than at that moment. The long white satin dress clung to her curves, thousands of tiny pearls and sequins were sewn along the hem in intricate designs. Had she had a pair of gossamer wings strapped to her back, no one in the room would have been able to tell her from an angel. Tears clouded her vision as well, mixed emotions flowed through her veins. This was supposed to be the happiest day of her life. She was marrying the perfect man, and marching off into the great unknown, ready and willing for the adventure. She snuck a glance back toward the audience that had gathered to watch the joyous occasion. Her father sat in the front row, her younger brother seated next to him. The past five years had aged her father faster than most men. His dark hair was starting to Grey and his eyes had lost the sparkle that they once had possessed. He was crying, his steel gray eyes watched his only daughter finally let go of his grasp. She was a woman now, a beautiful at that, she no longer needed her “daddy” to guide her. Shingo was now a handsome 15 year old man. He had become somewhat of a ladies man since entering high school, the girls fawned over him everywhere he went. But he would always retain that dear quality that always made him seem so innocent and pure. Usagi turned her face back to her husband as the ceremony continued on around her. He squeezed her hand tighter, comforting her the only he could at that moment. He always had the knack for knowing just what was bothering her at the exact moment it was bothering her. She smiled at him, knowing with her body and soul that they would be together forever. There was only one thing missing from the wonderful occasion, Usagi’s mother. She had died five short years ago and there wasn’t a moment in her life where she didn’t wish Ikuko was still here. She still missed her so much. “You may now kiss the bride.” the priest closed the bible softly and the couple embraced in their first kiss as a married couple. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~* As they were rushed down the carpeted aisle and raced out to the limo that waited outside the large oak doors to sweep them to the reception, Usagi caught sight of her mother, clothed all in white, sitting next to her father in the pew up front. Tears were streaming down her cheeks, and she was clutching Kenji’s arm. She blew her daughter a kiss and mouthed, “I’m so proud of you.” Mamoru seemed to see it too, the smile grew wider on his face She should have known that her mother wouldn’t miss the happiest day of her life for anything, not even death. ~ Fin. ~ I hope you all enjoyed this fic as much as I liked writing it. Good luck to everyone who has finals coming up this week. I can’t wait to be out of school, I need a nice long vacation after this year. In 2.5 days I’ll be a junior!