Fading Hope Part 3/? By: Elisabeth James Another new part, and it only took me a few days to get out, lucky you guys!! Disclaimer: I don’t own Sailor Moon :) Stop asking me about it!! “I’ll be right back nurse I need to go check on something.” The young lady looked sternly at him, “All right but please remember you need to report to Dr. Wyland (AN: Hi Clare-chan :) for your next assignment, you’re still just an intern here.” Mamoru nodded and turned down to the Cancer unit and walked quickly toward the sobbing girl seated on the floor. As he got a few feet away from her his suspicion were proven correct. Usagi was weeping uncontrollably into her hands outside of what looked like her mother’s room. He knelt down next to her slowly, her odangos had half fallen out from her mad dash down the hall and she was shaking uncontrollably. Without a second thought he swept her up into his arms. She turned her face up to his and her eyes met his warm caring midnight blue ones. He smiled softly at her and brushed a tear from her cheek. A short surprised gasp escaped her lips as she continued to stare at him. “Shhh...” he whispered to her and she sniffled before burying her face in his broad shoulder. She closed her eyes, feelings of love and caring washed over her as he cradled her gently. “Is there anything I can do?” he asked her in hushed tones, she didn’t stir. “No Mamoru, just hold me, please just hold me...” was her soft reply. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~* “I’m sorry I got your jacket all wet Mamoru.” she touched the spot on his lab coat where her tears had soaked through. He simply smiled at her, “Don’t worry about it, I was happy to offer you a shoulder to cry on.” She smiled weakly back at him as a voice in the back of her head reminded her that Ikuko was still upstairs dying. They were in the cafeteria trying to eat some sort of lunch, not that Usagi could choke down any food right now. Shingo had also joined them, he sat silently next to Usagi, still sniffling quietly into his soup bowl. “I’m afraid we aren’t going to be very good company right now.” she looked at her little brother when she said this, her heart broke at the sight of him. “You worry too much Usagi, I’m fine.” he also turned his gaze to Shingo. “Well I feel like I’m imposing right now, I- we really didn’t need to bother you for lunch.” she stared down at her lap, trying to hide the tears that had started falling down her cheeks once again. “It was my pleasure to take you out to lunch, the both of you I mean. If you guys are ready to go, why don’t I take you to find your father?” Usagi got to her feet without a word. Shingo followed her actions, and she grasped his hand tightly. With a shaky sigh she started toward the exit. Mamoru accompanied them upstairs to the elevator. As the elevator doors closed, Usagi turned to him, “Thank you Mamoru, for everything the last few days. Sometimes I think you’re the only one who really cares about me.” she told him delicately. He said nothing in return, simply planting a soft butterfly kiss daintily on her forehead. Through his tears Shingo observed the two of them. The look in Mamoru’s warm blue eyes betrayed true feelings for his sister, he cared about her, and there was something else there. Love. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Ikuko was home a few days later and resting comfortably in a hospital bed that was set up in her parents’ room. The large king sized bed had been taken apart and stored up in the attic. Kenji now slept on a fold up cot in the corner of the room. He never left his wife’s side from the time the horrible news had been revealed. Usagi sensed the love between her parents was stronger than ever right now. There was an air of death that had settled over the room, it was unmistakable, but Ikuko seemed to be doing much better now than before. She was sitting up reading a magazine when Usagi approached the room a few days after Ikuko came home. “Mom can I come in for a few minutes?” she asked from the doorway, looking unsure of herself. “Of course honey, I’ve missed you the lately.” she patted a spot on the bed and Usagi walked in cautiously and sat down. “Are you feeling any better?” were the first words from Usagi’s eager mouth. She smiled at her only daughter, love swam in her eyes. Usagi was already 15 and getting bigger everyday. This whole situation had caused all of them to grow in more ways than one. Usagi no longer looked like she was a child, her personality had changed dramatically she now acted more like she was 20 than 15. “Actually I am, this new medicine is great, unfortunately it doesn’t last long and the pain comes back soon after. But I’m more than okay for a talk of my daughter. What’s on your mind?” “Nothing really I just wanted to spend some time with you, talk like we used to. I miss that.” she smiled hopelessly, “I miss my mother.” “I’m still here sweetie, I’m not going anywhere...” the words got caught in her throat, the room fell silent. Both of them pondering what had just been said. “Your father said you were with a young man when he went to find you at the hospital a few days back. Who is he?” Ikuko’s voice rang with excitement, as far as Kenji knew, the man was a doctor and not bad looking. “That’s just Mamoru, he’s a friend, a good friend.” she blushed lightly across her cheeks, “He’s an intern at the hospital, but I’ve met him before at the arcade. He’s a friend of Motoki.” “Is he cute?” they both broke out into giggles. Usagi’s friends always told her how lucky she was to have a mother who still could act like a teenager, Usagi always had mixed feelings about it. “Yes, extremely cute. And lately, he has been a real life saver.” she smiled at the thought of the butterfly kiss he placed on her forehead. “Well it’s a comfort to know that you’ll have someone to go to when I’m gone Usagi. I worry about you.” the mood damped by thoughts once again of death. “You don’t need to worry about me Mom, I’m fine. Everyone’s worried about you right now.” The room fell into a short lasp of silence before Ikuko found her voice,“You have to promise me something Usagi, I mean this too. When I’m gone you will go on with your life. Nothing good ever comes from living in the past, it’s best to keep your life moving.” Usagi readjusted herself into a more comfortable position on the bed,“Mom I don’t know if I can promise something like that.” Her mother clutched her hand,“No Usagi, promise me. Everyone dies someday, and if this is my time there is no use fighting against it. I have no regrets withwhat I’ve done with my life, the only one I would have is if my daughter spends too longer dwelling on things she can’t change.” the two exchanged a look. “I promise.” Usagi whispered softly. Suddenly a sharp knock startled the two from their deep thoughts. “Come in.” Ikuko called from the bed. The door opened and a dark haired young man poked his head inside the room, “Your dad said you would be up here.” Usagi sprang from the bed and opened the door. “Mamoru, come in.” she motioned with her hand toward the bed. She noticed that he kept one hand behind his back, “What are you hiding?” she asked him with an amused grin playing across her lips. “These.” he flourished two bouquets of roses. The fragrance quickly seeped through the room, automatically lightening the heavy mood. Usagi sighed as the sweet scent of roses filled her nose. He handed the one of pink and yellow buds to Ikuko who smiled pleasantly at the handsome man who obviously had feelings for her daughter. He took great care in placing the crimson red ones in Usagi’s arms. “Oh Mamoru, you didn’t have to do this for me. These must have cost you a small fortune, roses in winter.” not that she didn’t love the gift. “I wish I could have gotten you white ones but the store was all out.” his smiled appologically at her. Ikuko cleared her throat and drew their attention to her,“So you must be the young man who found my daughter in the hospital earlier in the week. It’s nice to meet you finally.” I must say the pleasure is all mine. I just stopped by to see if maybe Usagi wanted to join me for dinner tonight.” She looked at her mother, pure hope lighting up her angelic face. Ikuko smiled and nodded slowly, “Now how can I say no to someone who just brought me roses? Go and have fun.” she made little shooing motions with her arms and he took Usagi’s arm and led her from the room. Usagi shut the door behind her so her mother could get some rest. “Hang on, let me just put these in some water.” she led him back downstairs and into the kitchen. The yellow daisy decorated room reminded her of Ikuko. She had designed the entire thing, and everything reeked of her happy, sunny personality. Usagi couldn’t help but feel a little saddened by staring at these walls, knowing that she would never smell the scent of fresh baked chocolate chip cookies when she came home from school any more. Or eat her mother’s famous fried shrimp with rice for dinner ever again. “Usagi, are you okay?” Mamoru asked her softly. “Hai, of course, I’ve just never really viewed our kitchen like I just did that’s all.” she quickly found the vase under the sink and arranged the dozen roses inside it. She grabbed her purse and they left the house and walked out to Mamoru’s red sports car. She got into the car and saw that her mother’s blinds in her room were open. As the car pulled away from the sidewalk she blew her mom a goodbye kiss. To be continued... Not quite as depressing as the last chapter, right? And there’s plenty of Mamoru in this chapter for those of you who complained about it the last time *cough* Susan *cough* :) Next part will be out soon as well as a new part to Stay :) Special thanks: Clare-chan, Kelly, Adrianne, Sarah Beth and Meredith :) Until next time... Liz-chan