Elisabeth James ejames000@ameritech.net Rating: PG-PG13 Okay, thank yous go out to Clare-chan, you helped me so much with this story and I love you for it. and to anyone else who wrote me with encouragement, you guys are the ones who keep me writing. Keep e-mailing me and brighten up my day, a few kind words can make someone ten times happier. And a very special thanks to Alicia Blade and Lady Starra for putting up with my stupid mistakes, this is a new computer and I had some probs with it, thanks for being patient with me and I hope you liked the story Epilogue Neo-Queen Serenity dug through the large leather chest that sat at the end of her and Endy's bed, "I know that blasted baby picture is in here? I really should organize this one of these days, I'm sure Reeni would help me." Even after becoming queen Serenity still wasn't the most organized person in the world, "Reminder to self buy photo albums for all these pictures there must be hundreds of them in here." there were, pictures of her childhood, of her and at that time Darien, her parents, and more recent ones of her and Endy and Reeni, their beautiful daughter. She smiled at all of them, but still that one baby picture still eluded her grasp. She carefully dug deeper, when something soft brushed her hand. She looked into the truck and pulled out a perfect red rose. "Oh, I thought I lost this." she mused, drinking in it's still sweet scent. it was still perfect in every way, not a petal out of place. She sighed happily and remembered the day Endy had given it to her and told her the loved her, along with this wonderful speech about how kind and compassionate she was. She felt a tear run down her face at those happy memories, even the ones of her father getting ready to beat the crap out of her love for kissing his daughter like that. She still remembered it like yesterday and it reminded her of how much she missed her parents. King Endymion walked into the room softly hoping to surprise his wife. He heard a soft sigh and saw a tear running down her face, "Sere what's wrong why are you crying?" he knelt down next to her and took her hand. She turned to him with a smile and handed him the rose, "I thought you got rid of this long ago? I haven't seen it in forever." "Oh Endy I could never throw this away, it reminds me of the first time you told me you loved me. It means so much to me, it has lasted all this time just like our love." He kissed her softly, "That's where your wrong my dearest, our love will out last everything, this rose, our lives, even this universe." the words sounded so sweet in her ear as he whispered them, his voice soft and husky. "You send shivers up my spine when you talk like that Endy." she closed her eyes as he kissed her neck, "I know." he said simply. He pulled another rose out of thin air and placed it in her hand, this one a deep rich purple, "I love you Sere, more than anything in this entire world, in this universe." (AN: Can he still produce roses when he's King Endymion? I'm not sure, but for my purposes he does) "Mommy! Daddy! Come tell me a bedtime story!" a small voice rang out from down the hall. Serenity opened her eyes and turned to him, "Shall we continue this later?" he grinned at her evilly, "I'm not going to let you get away that easily." he stood up and helped her to her feet. The walked down the hall into their daughter's room. "What shall I tell you about tonight?" Serenity asked as she sat down on the bed. "I want to hear about love mommy!" the little pink hair girl exclaimed, Endymion laughed softly, "You better tell her what she wants to hear." "Fine, a long time ago there lived a beautiful princess, much like yourself, and she fell in love with a strong and handsome prince..." he closed his eyes as Serenity's sweet voice spun the beautiful tale of their everlasting love and placed his head on her shoulder. He listened as Reeni's breathing became even and shallow. He placed a hand around Serenity's waist and picked her up with ease, "Shall we pick up where we left off?" he asked her softly and she nodded smiling at him. He carried her down the hall, back into their bedroom, locking the door behind him. Jupiter and Venus watched from their post the front of the bedroom door. "Some things never change." Jupiter sighed. Venus placed a hand on her shoulder, "Some things never should. Let's go." the two guards smiled as they left their post so the king and queen could get some "sleep" ; ) THE END!!! Finally done, thanks for sticking with it, I hoped you liked it and I'm going to go take a nap, I'm exhausted. If you liked it recommend it to your friends, make me famous peoples Peace and God Bless! *~*Elisabeth aka the great beautiful goddess Althena*~* (I just couldn't resist! :)