Elisabeth James ejames000@ameritech.net Rating: PG- PG13 Climax time people, write me please, I need love Disclaimer: I think I forgot it again last time, oh well you know it applies, right? I don't own Sailor Moon, I don't own Sailor Moon "Sailor Moon use your moon wand and finish this thing off!" Sailor Mars had called out. She had arrived a few minutes later than everyone else. The youma whizzed though the air, none of the senshi could get a good lock on it. "I will when you guy get it to slow down, I hit when it's moving so fast!" she shouted back. She stepped back trying to analyze it's pattern of movement, she was determined to prove to everyone that she wasn't a failure, she could do something right. She heard the tree branches over her head rustle and she looked up for a second. Tuxedo mask stood, ready and waiting if she happened to blow it again. She sighed and raised her wand ready to finish the job. Suddenly out of nowhere a young girl, no more than seven years old came racing though the battle scene. "Sailor Moon, what are you waiting for?" Jupiter asked, the youma was dazed and just waiting to be picked off, Sailor Moon saw it spot the girl and lunge toward her. Without a second thought she took off after the small child and scooped her up in her arms. She ran as fast as she could out of harm's way with the child, her feet skidded over the grass, they were almost home free. Abruptly something exploded under her feet, her feet flew out from under her and the girl was thrown from her arms. "Sailor Moon!" Venus rushed toward her fallen comrade and friend. The battle momentarily forgotten, everyone ran to her. Tuxedo Mask cursed loudly and angrily threw a rose into the heart of the youma. It disintegrated and he too rushed to see if Sailor Moon was all right. Mercury bent over the small child, "The girl's alive, she's unconscious but she'll be fine. How's Sailor Moon looking?" she could feel the tears burning in her eyes, her friend was lying so still. Mars cradled Sailor Moon's head in her lap, "Oh Sailor Moon, please wake up! You have to be okay, you have to be. He loves you, you can't leave him now!" tears ran down her face as she stared at her friend. Tuxedo Mask knelt down next to her and took Sailor Moon in his arms, "She's barely breathing, she needs medical attention now!" he shouted to Mercury who was trying to run scans to see exactly what was wrong. Jupiter was rocking the little girl slowly trying to revive her. Sirens echoed down the street, someone must have seen the explosion and called 911. "She has to power down now, she needs to go to the hospital." Venus said, her voice cracking with emotion, "Sailor Moon wake up, you need to power down. We need to get you to the hospital, wake up! You can't leave us now, please!" she took Sailor Moon's hand in hers and looked at Tuxedo Mask, his face unreadable as he gently touched her face. He pulled her closer, her body was growing colder. Her face was so pale and she was barely breathing. She was dying in his arms and their was nothing he could do. He felt the tears well up in his eyes, and he looked over and Venus who was making a desperate plead for her to wake up. She looked back at him, she seemed almost disgusted with him, for being so callous and cold hearted in a time like this. "Sailor Moon be strong, keep fighting, we need you to wake up now, you need to see a doctor right away. Please everyone is depending on you, we all need you and love you very much." Mars told her in a whisper. "Darien, I need you... Where are you?" she whispered faintly only Tuxedo Mask caught her words. Her eyes fluttered open and she saw everyone crying over her, "Sailor Moon power down please we need to get you to the hospital." Tuxedo mask told her softly. He over heard Mars and Venus talking, "Can we trust him with her secret?" Mars nodded, "We have no choice her life is at stake here, she's too close to death to worry about secrets right now." Sailor Moon brought a small hand to her brooch and squeezed it gently. Her sailor fuku faded away leaving a trembling Serena in it's place. Tuxedo Mask let out a gasp and propped her up on his arm, her head rested against his chest. "Where's Darien?" she asked Mars softly. "Serena, I don't know? Why?" the tears came faster now for all of them and Mercury broke down into sobs, Jupiter tried to comfort her as best she could with the small child still in her arms. "I feel so weak, Mars, I'm not going to make it. Please tell him I love him, that I always have and always will." she fainted again and Tuxedo Mask let out a loud angry sob. The ambulance pulled up and the two men from inside raced over to the group of people. They quickly loaded the both Serena and the little girl onto stretchers, and rolled them carefully into the ambulance. They sped away leaving Tuxedo Mask and four sobbing girl in it's wake. "Oh my God, she can't die, oh Serena." Mars sobbed, while powering down, the need for disguises was no longer there. Lita hugged her tightly as they all stared at Tuxedo Mask he had buried his head in his hands and was weeping quietly. Mina walked over to him slowly, "Are you all right?" she asked him softly. he exploded in a fit of rage, "Of course I'm not all right, the girl I love is dying and I can't save her. I didn't even get to tell her how I felt, I should have told her I loved her when I got the chance." he broke down once more and Mina hugged him tightly, "Tuxedo Mask who are you?" He looked at her, and powered down, they all let out a collective gasp, "Darien? You're Tuxedo Mask?" Raye asked him still not believing. "Yes Raye it's me." he let go of Mina and backed away from them. "Why didn't you tell her when she called for you?" Amy asked him though her tears. "I couldn't do it, she would never forgive me, it's my fault she's hurt. I failed her and now she's almost dead." Raye pulled out Lita's grasp, "She would never blame you Darien! Never! How can you sit there and say that when it couldn't be farther from the truth! She loves you Darien, and she would have given her life for you and you for her, I can see it in your eyes! Stop being so afraid of rejection, all your doing is inflicting pain on the both of you!" Raye softened her voice, "Fess up Darien, tell her tomorrow when we all go visit her, it will make her happy. She deserves happiness Darien and you can give it to her." they all nodded and smiled at him the best they could. He wiped the tears from his eyes and placed a hand on Raye's shoulder, silently thanking her. He walked away from them and headed home to his apartment, not really planning on getting much sleep. ******************************************************** The light streamed though the curtains onto Serena's face. She opened her eyes slowly, squinting in the bright light. She warily glanced around, not knowing where she was a second. Memories of last night's horrible battle came flooding back to her quickly. The pain in her legs was almost unbearable, it felt as if they were on fire. She closed her eyes, wishing this was all just a bad dream. A light knock at the door startled her from her thoughts. "Come in." she called weakly, A tall balding man entered the room armed with a clipboard, "Hello, how are we feeling today?" "Horrible, I feel as if I fell of a cliff." she moaned, every little movement sent pain though her entire body. "Well that's to be expected, you were caught in the middle of a senshi battle if my notes are correct. The burns you suffered are a result of the explosion you got caught in. They aren't serious, and shouldn't cause scaring, which makes you one very lucky young lady." he smiled at her, "Your parents are outside, would you like to see them?" "Yes please, I'm sure my mother is hysterical." the doctor nodded and left for a second. He returned with her sobbing mother and father and Sammy, who didn't seem the least bit upset. "Oh honey how are you feeling, you look horrible Serena." her mother said as she hugged her daughter tightly, "OW, not so hard mom. It hurts all over!" Serena pulled away and her mother blushed, "I'm sorry sweetie, I'm just so happy your okay. I was so afraid I was going to lose you." "Sammy's not going to get rid of me that easily, he should no that by now." Sammy scowled, "I was worried too you know, I never wanted you hurt this badly." "Samuel Tsukino!" Serena cringed as her father's voice bellowed throughout the tiny room, "I hope you would never wish pain on your sister!" "I was kidding sheez, can't anyone take a joke around here!" Sammy stormed out of the room and Ken ran after him, still screaming at him. Ilene shook her head, "I'd better go after them Serena, we'll be back later, we all need some sleep, we spent the night here." Serena smiled, "I'll be fine, my friends should be by later. I'm still a little tired myself." Ilene nodded and walked out the room. She looked back on more time and shut the door behind her. "Excuse me Mrs. Tsukino." a voice behind her said softly. "Oh Darien, you scared me for a second. How are you?" she looked at him more closely, his eyes were faintly red and he seemed tired and worn out. "I've been better ma'am, is Serena awake?" he looked hopeful "She is, but I don't know if she wants visitors right now." a voice from inside called, "Yes I do, send him in!" Darien blushed, "I guess that means yes Mr. Chiba. Go right in, she sounds like she wants to see you. I'll keep my husband away from here for as long as I can." she winked at him, and lowered her voice, "Don't you blow this Darien, you two are perfect for each other. Besides you're the nicest boy she's brought home and I want to keep you." she turned and left and very surprised and somewhat happy Darien standing there. "Are you coming in or not Darien?" Serena called as loud as her vocal cords would let her. He pushed open the door and hid the bouquet of red roses behind his back, "How's my Meatball head?" he kissed her cheek gently and sat down on her bed. "I ache all over, my legs feel like they're on fire and I have a pounding headache. How bout yourself?" "Tired, upset and up until a second ago, very worried about a certain someone." her face lit up, "You mean me right?" she asked him just to make sure, he rolled his eyes, "Of course you Serena, who else would I worry about?" "What's behind your back Darien?" she tried to look around him, but he kept shifting to block her sight, finally he flourished a bouquet of beautiful red roses, and one separate one. She gasped with delight and beamed at him with happiness, "They're beautiful Darien, but they must have cost a fortune!" she eyed the single one left out of the pretty paper packaging, "Why is this one separate?" "It's the one I gave you yesterday, I found it in the park right after they took you away in the ambulance." he told her quietly, "You were there, why didn't you show yourself when I was calling your name?" she was close to tears, maybe he didn't love her after all, maybe the flowers and his visit were out of pity. "I did come I held you tightly the entire time, even when you were Sailor Moon." he whispered softly in her ear, his warm breath tickled her. She let out a soft gasp, "How do you know, Darien what are you not telling me?" he fought back the urge to just transform, that's probably the only way she would figure it out, he sighed and pulled out another red rose out of nowhere, "Tuxedo Mask to your rescue, my dearest Serena." her eyes widened and she remembered all the things she said last night about how she loved him. Her hands flew to her mouth, "Darien, oh my God." she whispered, a deep crimson red spread over her already pale cheeks, "You heard everything, I feel so stupid right now." she looked down at the roses in her lap and she felt the tears welling up once more in her eyes. "Listen to me Serena, you have absolutely no reason to be embarrassed at all. You want to know what I did all last night?" she didn't look up at him, he placed a hand under her chin and guided her eyes up to his, "I cried last night Serena, all night long. The simple thought that I had lost you always on my mind and that I never had the chance to tell you how I felt about you. I couldn't imagine a world without you Serena, your smile, your laugh, your kindness and compassion. I have never known such beauty and love until you hit me with that test of yours. A world without you is one I wouldn't care to live in, my life would be empty and barren without you and so would my heart. The world would be more empty without you, there is no one like you out there. Your the first person who didn't give up on me, that didn't get pushed away by my coldness. I'm so glad you didn't because I would have missed the one person that made me happy, that made me feel absolutely complete inside and out. I should have said this before, what was holding me back I still don't know. I love you Serena, with every beat of my heart, every bone in my body. No matter what you say my heart is and always will be yours." he finally stopped and looked at her beautiful face, tears steaming down her cheeks a smile on her face as big as Tokyo itself. She threw her arms around his neck, ignoring the pain, and kissed him with all of her might. He closed his eyes and swear he had just entered heaven. He deepened the kisses and pushed her back down onto her pillow. "Oh my, wow." Mina breathed softly, Raye gasped, "I think he's going to choke her if his tongue goes any farther down her throat." the girls were greeted by the two of them passionately kissing one another as they entered the room. "Don't you think this is a private moment? We shouldn't be watching this right now." Amy asked them, Lita just shook her head, "I would give anything for some popcorn right now." Raye and Mina nodded in agreement, eyes still focused on the couple in front of them. "Oh wow, where did you learn to kiss like that?" she mumbled softly, and he smiled at her, and planted a soft butterfly kiss on her lips, "So what do you say miss Serena Tsukino will you be my one and only?" "Do I really need to answer that?" he shook his head no and kissed her again. between kisses she added, "Remind me never to doubt fortune tellers ever again." he laughed and resumed kissing her neck. Another loud gasp could be heard from behind them, "What the hell do you think you're doing to my daughter!?" THE END!!!!! Hang on epilogue coming, I didn't like the ending, needed a better finish, the epilogue does that nicely, perpare for a very large AN section next chapter! :)