Elisabeth James ejames000@ameritech.net Rating: PG- PG13 Part three, I should write more here but I'll save the big AN until the epilogue! Disclaimer: I don't own sailor moon, I don't own sailor moon (I forgot to write that last time, so here it is this time :) ) They walked quickly trying to get out of the pouring rain as fast as possible. Every thunder clash Serena would feel Darien squeeze her waist to calm her nerves down she thought gleefully. Finally they reached her house and were standing on her front porch. Her mom still didn't realize she was home, so she talked with him a little longer, "Thank you Darien for walking me home, I realize how out of the way my house is." "Don't you worry about it, I couldn't let you walk home alone, that just wouldn't be right. Besides despite the rain, I enjoyed walking with you." he felt the heat rush to his cold face. Serena giggled, she had never seen him embarrassed before, "I liked walking with you too." she shrugged off his coat and handed it to him, "Thank you for letting me borrow this, I never thought something so ugly could be so warm." he grabbed her around the waist and pulled her close to him, "So you don't like my blazer, I happen to like green." "So did I until I saw that thing. Do you have a fireplace at your apartment?" "No why?" he was amused by the insults of his clothing, plus it gave him an excuse to stay with her longer. "You should burn it. End it's misery, I'm sure it would beg if it could." he lowed his face to hers and she let out a soft gasp. She closed her eyes and raised her lips to his. "Serena! I was worried sick about you, come inside you'll catch a cold!" She spotted Darien standing behind her, "Whose your friend?" she smiled at the sight of her blushing daughter and her equally red friend. "Mom this is Darien, he walked me home." "You come in too Darien, thanks for walking her home. This is one nasty storm to be out in, especially alone." the two freezing cold people walked into the nice warm house to be greeted by the smell of food. "Oh I'm so hungry, I haven't eaten all day long. AHHH-CHOO" Serena was cut off by a long sneeze, Darien looked at her concerned, "Are you okay Serena?" "Fine, just a little sneeze that's all, what's for dinner?" "I made some soup, it should be just about ready. Darien would you like to stay for dinner? I made plenty." "I really should be going ma'am." "Please Darien, you should have to walk home on an empty stomach, stay for dinner." Serena pleaded, while hanging on his arm. Darien smiled, "Now how can I say no to that?" she beamed at him, the depressed Serena he had saw at the bridge was now long gone. He knew she was still there, she wasn't the same innocent Meatball Head anymore, she had problems. He thought of his vow, he would always be there for her, no matter what. Who knows maybe she might confess feelings for him soon, she had to know how much he cared for her right? "Darien, the kitchen's this way, Darien!" Serena impatiently tugged at his arm, she was hungry and he was holding everything up. "I'm sorry Serena, I was just thinking." he followed her into the kitchen and sat down at the table. "Where's Sammy mom?" Serena slowly sipped her soup, she didn't want to look like a total pig in front of him. "He's spending the night at a friend's house, it'll just be you and me here tonight. Your father's plane was delayed because of the rain, he called from the airport in the states." Mrs. Tsukuno let out a sigh. "He'll be home soon mom, we've survived two weeks so far, what's one more day matter?" Serena touched her mother's arm to try and comfort her. "You're right Serena, he'll be home tomorrow." the lights flickered slightly and then came back on, "I think we'll lose power tonight, this storm is huge." Darien sat silent next to Serena, slupping down his soup quickly, he was staved, he hadn't eaten since breakfast. "Do you have a way home Darien?" Serena's mother asked him. "No I'll just walk, it's not that bad, really." he smiled at her, he wondered if his mother was this kind and loving. A pang of sadness flew though him, and his smile falterered a bit. "Darien this storm is really bad, it could be dangerous." Serena looked upset at the mention that he would have to walk home in this, "It's all my fault if only you hadn't walked me home you could be back at your nice warm apartment right now." "And you would be somewhere freezing and crying, half dead." maybe he was exaggerating a bit but it close enough, "Don't you blame yourself, I wasn't about to let you walk home alone, what kind of friend would I be?" Serena's eye went wide at the mention of friend, "You consider me one of your friends Darien?" He smiled warmly at her, he wanted to consider her more than a friend, "Of course Serena and friends watch out for one another, and take care of each other." She was in shock, "Thank you Darien, you don't know how happy that makes me." suddenly the lights flickered again and the entire house plunged into darkness. Serena screamed and grabbed onto the closest person, which happen to be Darien. She clung to him fiercely, he hugged her and stroked her hair. Serena's mom quickly found a flashlight and a dim light filled the kitchen. "Serena it's okay, the power just went out." Serena slowly pulled away from Darien. If it weren't for the dark, he would have seen a very red and embarrassed Serena in front of him, "Sorry Darien, I just got scared-" "Don't you worry about it, I never used to like the dark either." he still held her hand tightly. Serena's mom walked over to the front door, "It looks like half of Tokyo is out too, it knocked out power all over the city." Darien stood up, "I guess I should go now, before it gets even darker, if that's possible." "No way young man, I will not have you walking home in the middle of this on unlit streets. I may not be your mother but you are going to stay here tonight." Ilene put her foot down, "You can stay in the spare bedroom down the hall, I'm sure my husband's pajamas would fit you. This rain is not letting up any time soon either." Darien was shocked to say the least, Serena blushed even brighter than before, Serena walked over to her mom by the front door, "Mom are you sure this is wise?" she whispered. "I will not let anyone walk home in this," to illustrate her point a loud thunderclap shook the house and the rain came down twice as hard as before, "He will stay here and that's final! Besides you should be thankful." she whispered and winked. Serena grinned, "You are a mind reader, thank you." she hugged her mother and they walked back into the kitchen. "Really Ma'am, this isn't that bad." Darien knew there was no use fighting, he didn't know why he was arguing anyway, he should have been happy to stay here. A whole night with Serena a dream come true. "No arguing with me Darien, come on I'll show you your room." they all walked upstairs, the guest room was at the end of the hall, right next to Serena's room (AN: hehehe) Serena walked into her room and shut the door quickly behind her. Luna was sleeping peacefully at the end of the bed, Serena pushed her off and the cat let out a loud yowl as it fell. "Serena, what did you do that for-" Serena cut Luna off, "Darien's spending the night here because of the storm, you need to act like a nice normal cat, no talking!" she said softly but firmly. Luna nodded as a sharp knock came at the door, "Who is it?" she called out. "It's Darien, can I come in?" "Just a minute, wait one second." Serena stumbled around her dark room tripping over everything in sight, or in this case lack there of, "Owwww!" she yelped in pain as she caught her foot on the side of her table and fell to the floor with a crash. Darien no longer waiting for an answer opened the door and found Serena sprawled out all over the floor. He knelt down next her, "Serena are you all right?" he fought back the urge to laugh. "I'm fine, jeez you think I would know my own room." she got to her knees and laughed, "God I'm such a huge klutz, someone should just put me out of my misery." He took her thin arm and hoisted her to her feet with little effort. She was still red with embarrassment, but the room was dark and he couldn't see anything, "You sure are a skinny little thing, how do you manage that with everything you eat?" "Stop it!" she smacked him lightly on his chest with the back of her hand. He grabbed her and lifted her high over his head, "Darien put me down, this isn't funny!" she shrieked. "Don't you trust me?" "What?" "Don't you trust me?" "With my life." she whispered softly, he brought her down swiftly into his strong arms, "What did you say?" "Of course I trust you!" she told him. "That's not what you said." he told her softly. "What did I say then?" she smiled in realization that he was still supporting her with his arms. "Never mind, it's not worth it to argue with you." he set her gently to her feet and sat down on her bed. "Watch where your sitting!" something behind him shouted. Serena's eyes widened as she grabbed Luna and threw her out the door. She giggled nervously as Darien eyed her warily. Serena's mom walked in just then with a couple of candles, "Here Serena," she handed Serena one and Darien the other, "I put a pair of PJs on the bed Darien, you two don't stay up too late. I'm trusting the both of you on this, so if you let me down Serena..." Serena blushed bright red for the hundredth time that night, "Nothing will happen mom, scouts honor-" she clasp a hand over her mouth, "Don't worry about a thing, I'm pretty tired anyway. Goodnight." she kissed her mom goodnight and Ilene left the room. "Maybe I should go..." there was something very strange about Serena, something that no one really knew about, and he wanted to get to the bottom of it. Talking cats, scouts honor, very very weird. "Whatever Darien. I don't care if you stay for a little while." she told him simply, faking a don't care attitude, inside she was begging him not to leave just yet, she wanted to get to know him better. Better than Raye at least. "Fine then, maybe I will stay a little longer, if you don't mind." Serena smiled, "Not at all." she picked up her hairbrush from the top of her dresser and sat down on the floor. She undid her meatballs slowly started brushing her hair, "My mom usually does this but she was way too tired tonight. OUCH!" she yelped as the brush caught on a large tangle in the back of her head. Darien laughed and shook his head, "Give it here meatball head." he reached for the brush and she surrendered it immediately. He slid off the bed and she moved up to make room for him behind her. She let out a soft sigh, his moments were gentle and his fingers kept brushing her neck, sending shivers of pleasure down her spine, "Am I hurting you Serena?" "No no, not at all." she told him blissfully, her eyes were closed, as his hands softly stroked her hair. He looked at her face, or what he could see of it, she was smiling and her eyes were closed, she looked happy. His heart skipped a beat, was she happy he was here? He could only hope so, that this wonderful girl the one person who could bring a ray of sunshine into his weary world of darkness. "I wish I knew you better Serena, I think we could be close friends." "Well now's your opportunity, ask away Mr.Perfect." her eyes were still closed her mind only have on the conversation, the other drifting into beautiful thoughts of Darien kissing her gently and holding her for eternity. "Favorite color?" "Pink." "Favorite animal?" "Cat." "Favorite subject in school?" "Lunch." "Lunch isn't a subject!" "It is to me! I hate school!" "If you tried harder, you would like it more." She turned to face him, angry at his words, "I do try! Get off my case about it Darien, unless you want to tutor me I will never be good in school." "I would tutor you Serena, if you wanted help." she turned back around and he resumed brushing her silky hair once more. "You would be willing to tutor me? Take time out of your busy schedule to help me study?" him here every week, just with her, not with Raye, this was too much. It sent her brain into pleasure overload. "Do you want help Meatball head?" she wanted him to spend time with her, this was a dream come true! "I'd love your help Darien. How about we start next week, Wednesday, over here?" "Fine, I'm free on Wednesdays." "Great." "Another question meatball head, who's the most important person in the world to you?" Serena let out a sigh, without thinking she whispered, "You." The hair brush fell from Darien's hands as the word sunk in. "Did you say me?" he asked her slowly. Serena's eyes flew open as she realized her mistake, "Maybe." she said in a small voice, she had to face him, her feelings would have come out eventually. Darien picked up the hairbrush and resumed brushing her hair, at this rate he would never be done, "Why would I be important to you, all I do is hurt you." his voice seemed angry and Serena wrapped her arms around herself. "That's not true Darien, something about you calls out to me to help you. You may think you hide your feelings well Mr. Chiba, but really I know your a lonely guy who needs someone to love him. I don't know what happen in your past to make you push people away but I will not be rid of that easily. You need someone besides Andrew to be your friend, and I'm determined to fill that position. I see you as a challenge and I love challenges!" she felt her voice grow stronger with each word, he didn't need to know that she was determined to claim his heart as well. Darien had stopped brushing her hair and was looking at her in shock. He cleared his throat and found his voice, "Your a very smart person Serena, more smart than people give you credit for. I know I push people away and most of the time that scares them off, but I know you won't go away. The strange part is I don't want you to, I want you as my friend, in a way you are the most important person in my life too. It's nice to know someone won't give up on me, like so many others before." his voice cracked, he had never felt this way about anyone before in his life. This girl held so much warmth and caring for everyone, even cold hearted him. After all the pain and tears he had caused her, she still wanted to stick by him. Tears welled in his eyes and he never cried, "What else have you managed to figure out about me?" "That is my little secret, my dear Darien." she smiled widely at him, and then noticed his tears, "What did I say? I'm sorry-" he cut he off with a gentle kiss on her cheek. "Oh sweet Serena, I swear you must be my angel. No one from this earth could possibly come close to your kindness and compassion. You have love for everyone, how can you do it, no human could. People have flaws and you seem so perfect." he whispered to her, "I put up a shield around myself, not letting anyone in. Here I was thinking that it was working so well, and you smash my defenses to pieces. How can you know me so well, when this is first time I have really spent time with time with you, it's like you can read my mind." "I'm far from perfect Darien, I care for you, more than I though was possible. My life isn't a walk though paradise, I feel as if I'm a lost soul at times, searching for the one person that could doubtlessly fill the end void that I have in my heart right now. Yet I feel, right here, strangely whole." her glistening blue eyes stared into his, searching his soul for any sign that he might feel the same, "It's strange but I almost feel everything your going though, I feel your loneliness as if it were my own, sometimes it is. I can't explain it, my mom always says it not good to question things like this, but to just listen to your heart. Don't push my out Darien, I want to be someone you care about, I want to be your friend. I'll be good for both of us." "I will be here for you always Serena, you can trust me with anything. I need you too, I don't want to be alone anymore." he wanted so badly to tell her that he loved her, but his mouth wouldn't form the words. He just pulled her closer and marveled at this girl, this angel, that made his entire life just feel, right. ******************************************************** They went downstairs to get something to drink, tears drying, Serena appeared happier now. Something that weighed heavily on her heart seemed to be lifted and gone. "What do you want Darien?" she stuck her head into the refrigerator, carefully trying not to let too much cold air out. "Some water, that's all Serena." he was exhausted, but he didn't want to sleep and waste a minute alone with her. She handed him a glass of water and she sat down with a glass of semi-warm milk. The rain had died down, but the wind still whistled around the eves of the house. They sat bathed in candlelight in silence, each thinking about something. They would catch each others eyes every few minutes and then look away quickly. The emotional tension in the small kitchen was thick, both had feelings the other didn't think shared. Finally Darien ended it, the silence was scaring him, he had never known for her to be so quiet for so long before, "What are you thinking about?" It was an innocent enough question, but had too many answers to count, "Stuff, life, love." she blushed a bit at the last one, but shook it off. "Love? What about love?" "How damn confusing it can be, the things if makes you feel are different from anything else." "I know how that works, sometimes I wonder if love is worth it." Serena looked at him wide eyed, "Of course love is worth it! It's the most wonderful feeling in the world, and if you know someone returns the feelings it's even better. You know that saying it's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all?" Darien nodded, "I believe it's true, love is the only emotion that can make you feel every other emotion at the same time. With love you experience good and bad, sides of you that you never knew before show up. Without love this world would be a dark cold place that I wouldn't want to live in." Darien shook his head, she sounded way older than 14, "You certainly have all the answers tonight. Why aren't you like this more often?" She shrugged, "People don't give me the chance, they assume book smart is the only way to be smart. Everyone thinks I'm stupid, I could get good grades, I just don't care." "Why don't you care? You should prove people wrong, show them how smart you really are." "Naah, that would ruin moments like this when I complete amaze them." she laughed softly, "I'm so sleepy, I never stay up this late." she yawned and stretched her arms over her head. "Why don't we go to bed meatball head." she couldn't help but giggle, "What's so funny?" "You rhymed, bed and head." he rolled his eyes and picked her up. Her giggling ceased as his strong arms lifted her up, "Darien what are you doing?" she whispered. "Just relax Meatball head." she smiled at him and closed her eyes, She drifted off to sleep almost immediately and was snoring lightly by the time he got to her bedroom. He set her down gently and pulled a blanket over her. He kissed her forehead gently and her eyelids fluttered, "G'night Darien." "Good night Serena." he whispered on his way out the door. Don't be shy, e-mail is fun people and I always take the time to reply, so don't wait to write any longer. E-mail is love people! :)