Elisabeth James ejames000@ameritech.net Rating: PG13 Welcome to the first installment of my third fanfic. Another first season fic and this one won rave reviews from my mailing list. I hope you all enjoy it and please write me with your comments. Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon, I do however own a fish named Darien :) "You guys this is so lame, all of these people are frauds." Raye grouched as Serena and Mina pulled her toward the little shop that had just opened. A fortune teller had just opened her doors there and all the girls, except Raye, were eager to see their future. Serena sighed, "It's just for fun Raye, and besides you see stuff in fire, why can't they see stuff in a crystal ball?" Raye threw her hands over her head and turned to storm off when Lita grabbed her shirt and yanked her back quickly, "Chill Raye and have some fun, you need it. Even Amy is looking forward to it." Amy looked up from her book and smiled at Raye and Lita. "Fine, but if it's too expensive I'm not doing it." she huffed and pulled out of Lita grasp. Serena and Mina were joking around in the front of the group, "No I do not like him at at ALL Mina! He's mean and egotistical, and I can't stand him!" Serena sighed softly, "Besides he likes Raye, and he would never like me, I'm just a klutzy crybaby." Mina wiped the joking look off her face, being the senshi of love she could sense this stuff, "Serena I know you like him, but don't worry I won't tell Raye. I think he likes you too." Serena smiled at her kind friend, "Thank you Mina, I hope your right. I would love to go out with him, he can be sweet, I've seen it happen-" Serena was cut off as she flew face first into the sidewalk. Mina gasped and tried to grab hold of her arm but someone caught her first. She shut her eyes and braced for impact but nothing happened. She carefully opened one eye and saw the ground hovering a few feet from her face. She she turned her gaze to the side and saw two arms covered in a very familiar green jacket supporting her. She closed her eyes and let her mind wander at the thought of him holding her forever "Meatball head, are you all right. Say something, my arms are starting to hurt." Darien's voice broke though her beautiful thoughts, she stood up quickly. Carefully avoiding eye contact she thanked him. "Thanks Darien." She mumbled softly. The girls behind her giggled and talked softly amongst themselves, laughing at the predicament Serena had gotten into. "You should really pay more attention meatball head, you could get hurt." He smirked at her. "My name is Serena! Not meatball head, you should really get some manners Darien!" she felt the anger rising and the embarrassed blush that had colored her face only seconds ago was long gone from her face. Raye laughed behind her, Serena threw a murderous glance back at her and shut her up quick, they were ruining her alone time with Darien. Something she loved to have, no matter how much he made fun of her. "I'll get some manners when you get some coordination." he remarked snidely. As much Serena liked Darien, she really wanted to just move on, she waved quickly goodbye and they started on their way again. Darien on the other hand didn't take the hint and started walking with them next to Serena and Mina in the front of the group. "Take the hint Darien, a wave means goodbye. I don't need you to escort me though Tokyo." "On your way to the arcade again to blow your allowance meatball head?" totally ignoring Serena's previous comment "No, we're all going to that fortune teller that just opened last week." "That's a totally waste of money, they don't know anything about your future, or lack there of in your case. Considering your never going to make it out of high school." Lita butted into the conversation just then, "Ease up Darien, she has a hard enough time with school already without you making her feel worse." "Serena could be very smart if she would just apply herself." Amy added. "Too bad, she has her mind on much more important things, like food or TUXEDO MASK!" Raye batted her eyelashes and made little kissy noises. Darien let out a soft chuckle Serena turned bright red and her eyes seemed totally preoccupied with the sidewalk. "So you like Tuxedo Mask Serena? Too bad he's totally obsessed with someone else." "He's cute and all but I like someone else even more." she was still looking down and the others were being quiet to hear everything that they were saying. "And who might that be Meatball Head, so I can warn him about you. I wouldn't want you to kill the poor guy with one of your klutz attacks. You should wear a warning sign on your back, caution this person trips easily." he laughed until he saw the pain on her face. She stopped walking and shoved a finger in his face "That was harsh Darien, I may not be the most coordinated person in the world, or the smartest, but I try. And you certainly don't make it easy on me Mr. Perfect, you just keep putting it to me, making me feel worse and worse. Do you have any compassion in your heart, do you know how many times I have went home crying because things you have said? More times than I can count, and I have had it!" She held back her tears, and held her head up high. Darien looked shocked, she had never exploded like that at him before. He felt the anger at himself rush though him like a tidal wave, he hated himself for making her feel pain and for making her cry. Finally after minutes of silence and no apology came from Darien's mouth, she choked back a sob and ran away from all of them. "Serena please wait, I'm really sorry!" Darien called after the girl but she just kept running. "Damn, I can't believe I did all those things to her, she must hate me." "It's okay Darien we all were being pretty mean, let's face it's really easy to find flaws in Serena." Raye told him. "I never mean to hurt her it just happens, like whenever I see her I just have to make fun of her and put her down. There's just something about her." ******************************************************** Serena kept on running until the reached the small building that was just built. Her tears were drying and she wasn't about to let her plans for the day destroyed by Darien. Serena pushed the down open and walked inside slowly, her eyes adjusted quickly to the darkness of the room. A woman walked though the curtains that hung in front of Serena, she was dressed in black and a hood and scarf covered her entire face except for her eyes. "You have come to learn of the future young lady." the lady spoke with a thick accent as she led Serena back behind the curtain and sat her down at a small table. "Can you tell me what's to come?" Serena asked softly, trying not to destroy the mood that had been created by the candles and the soft exotic music playing softly. "Of course." the woman gazed into the crystal ball, she was becoming good at this. She was roping in big bucks from gullible customers like blondie here. A little made up stuff here, some pretending there, and poof more money in her pocket. She looked into the crystal when suddenly the glass clouded up and something began to appear. It was blondie and she was with a tall handsome man. "Wow," She whispered, forgetting to talk with her accent for a second, she cleared her throat "I see a man, tall, dark and strong. He is holding you, comforting you, because you are crying. His face is coming into focus now, he has piercing blue eyes and jet black hair. I get the feeling that you two are meant to be." the ball went black as if their had never been a picture in there only seconds before. Serena stood up and handed the woman her money The woman looked visibly shaken up, "Are you all right?" Serena asked her. "I'm fine, I have to tell you you're different than anyone I have ever read for. There's something different about you." the woman laughed softly as a confused look passed over Serena's face. Serena nodded slowly then left the shop in a hurry. The sun felt good on her face, it was so weird in that store. She saw Raye and the whole group including Darien walked toward her. Darien noticed her and started to walk faster toward her. Serena took off in the other direction, she didn't want to see her friends. "Serena wait, please let me apologize, I'm sorry I hurt you!" Darien shouted down the street trying to get her attention, he desperately wanted to make it up to her, he didn't like her being this mad at him. Suddenly the fortune teller stepped out of the small shop to see what all the racket was about. She took one look at Darien's face and gasped, he was the one with blondie in the crystal ball. "You!" she exclaimed. Darien turned at looked at the wide eyed woman standing in front of him, "Me what?" she was scaring him, with the way she kept staring at him. "You were the one in the crystal ball, with that blond chick that just ran out of here." "You saw me with Serena, in your crystal ball?" he cast a dubious look at her, but his eyes widened when he saw that she wasn't lying, "You're serious aren't you, me and Serena?" "I know, usually I just make up stuff that I 'see' but I really saw you two together. She was a strange girl too, something different about her, an air of royalty you could say. I only noticed it after she stood up after the reading, if she would have stayed longer who knows what else I would have saw for her." Raye stepped forward, "Them together that is the funniest thing I have ever heard, they are the two most incompatible people ever." she laughed to emphasize her point even more. "Stop it Raye, that's not nice." Lita elbowed her in the side and the laughter stopped immediately. "Thanks Ma'am, I have to go and find her. We really should talk about this." Darien took off the same direction as Serena. "I think Darien likes Serena you guys." Mina put her two cent into the conversation. Raye moaned, "Why would he like her, she's a klutz and a crybaby and totally not right for him." "Why would he like you, your just a stuck up person who makes fun of everyone else." Lita retorted back, she had to stick up for her friend. "Shut-up, what do you know?" "More than you Raye!" Darien could hear the shouting match all the way down the street. He shook his head and continued toward the park he just knew his meatball head was there hiding. Sorry this is so short, I will send a bigger part next week, until then people!