Forbidden Hearts Part 3/? By Elisabeth James Here it is! Chapter 3! YAHOO!! Seven whole pages for your enjoyment! Just remember to Write Write Write!!! Disclaimer: Sailor Moon is not mine :) But this fic is along with the characters of Raina and Adonis :) Best read while listening to Rhythm Emotion: Pure Version. One of the best songs from Gundam Wing :) it’s beautiful, I wrote this chapter to this song, it’s incredibly inspirational :) Under the dull glow of earth the moon seemed harsh and uninviting. It’s beauty seemed to disappear only to reveal the darkness that lay underneath. A society that was on the brink of destruction, a war that threatened to take the lives of everyone who dwelled on the tiny floating orb. During the day, there were things to mask the underlying trouble, but like all facades, it would crumble in the absence of light. How fitting it was that Queen Serenity could not sleep while her subjects could not either. Loud explosions rocked the stone castle, she could hear the guards yelling across the courtyards. Soon everything would crumble, nothing could save her kingdom now. The marriage that had been planned so carefully was almost useless, the only bearing it could have on the situation now was to lessen the pressure between the two sides. A loud rapping at her chamber door startled the queen from her jilted thoughts. Without even so much as a warning the captain of her royal guard burst through the door. He quickly knelt in front of the queen he had sworn to protect. “Your majesty.” he said while looking down at his feet. “The Terrans have broken through our outer defenses. They are slowly pushing our forces back toward the castle. I can not do anything to stop them unless I have your permission to retaliate.” Queen Serenity slowly closed her eyes for a second and turned back to the window. She watched the small group of explosions crop up along the outer rim of the castle grounds. Her men were falling out there, innocent people were dying as she stood there pondering what should have been an easy decision to make. “How many are dead?” she asked gravely, unsure of her own voice. She had a family to think about, daughters that had their whole lives ahead of them. Did she want to bring war into their lives so younger? “At least 150 your majesty, perhaps more. The Terrans are not letting up.” the captain said from his position on the floor. She turned back to the man who would lead her troops into battle. “I give the order to fight back. No more than is nessessary though, I only want them pushed out of the castle grounds. I will not have a full fledged war break out tonight if I can keep it from happening.” “Of course your majesty, I will give the order.” he rushed from the room leaving Serenity once again alone with her thoughts. “May God have mercy on our souls tonight.” she whispered quietly to herself as another battle cry could be hear as more soldiers rushed into the conflict. “Damn!” Princess Serenity swore softly under her breath as the paintbrush slipped from her hand and landed with a plop on the wooden balcony floor. Her hands shook with terror as she reached down to pick it up. She thought painting would calm her down instead sitting on that balcony watching the explosive shells shoot up into the air lighting up the night sky like celebratory fireworks only made her more jittery. Far off screams carried through the still night air. Tears welled up in her eyes. If only she couldn’t hear them die. Those were fathers, brothers, cousins and friends out there trying to protect the land they loved and the people they loved. Instead those fearful families would receive letters soon after tonight telling them that someone they loved wasn’t coming home. Serenity dropped the paintbrush carefully onto the easel and walked into her bedroom shutting the tall glass doors gracefully behind her. The castle still vibrated with the explosions that rippled through the ground, there was no escaping the fear. Sudden horrible memories of when her own father died shot into her brain. The heartwrenching experience of losing someone she loved so dearly took it’s toll on Serenity. Even more so on her mother. With the death of her beloved husband Queen Serenity seemed to die as well. She stayed in mourning for months after the assassination took place, nothing could bring her out if it. Even after everything seemed to return to normal the queen was very much changed. The love and warmth she once had for her daughters had faded considerably. While she remained a fair and just ruler to all of her subjects, many could never see the pain or anguish she had to face in ruling a kingdom and raising her two daughters with no one by her side. Serenity was only 14 when it happened, more than old enough to remember the screams of terror from the crowd as the bullet shot from out of nowhere. People were rushing everywhere, everything exploded into chaos, rapidly spinning out of control. The king was dead before his body could even hit the ground behind the podium. Life had never been the same since he died. Serenity had not been the same since he died. She stayed near the doors and rested her warm forehead on the cool glass. She felt more helpless than she ever had before. She had no control over anything anymore, not even her own heart. She longed for Endymion at that moment. She wanted him to hold her, and tell her that everything would be better by morning. It would all be a dream, a horrible dream that would end at daybreak as the sun filled the sky with its warm rays. That no one would be dead in those green fields that remained proud at the bottom of the Lunar mountains. That their peaceful world would not be tainted by the blood of its citizens. She started to cry then, unable to control her tears as they slid down her face in silent protest to the battle raging outside her window and inside her heart. For this was not a dream, it was reality, cold hard truth. People were dying as she stood there, there was nothing she could do to change that. They would pay the ultimate price so that she may live another day inside of her castle unconcerned about what was swirling around her. She couldn’t take it anymore, her room was too confining. A feeling of suffocation settled uneasily over her, she had to get out of here. Even if it meant stepping foot outside and into the growing turmoil. With as much courage as she could muster she ran from her room and down the hall. Her footfalls echoed throughout the large corridor, but there was no one to hear them, all the guards were protecting the queen right now. She burst outside and into the garden. The cold air hit her full force causing her to stop abruptly, she didn’t even know what she was doing anymore. The air smelled strongly of gunpowder and a thick black smoke had taken its place surrounding the castle. The entire battle line was engulfed in flames, screams could be heard as the soldiers fought on before their fragile lives gave out on them. Serenity brought a trembling hand to her mouth, panic gripped every part of her body. She fell to her knees on the cobblestone walkway before her and she made no effort to get up. Her body just quit, unwilling to do anything at all. “Why...” she whispered quietly into the air, the question hung there like the smoke did, unanswered, taunting her. She shivered slightly and hugged herself to try and keep warm. She was clothed only in a thin gauzy nightshift and it offered little protection from the elements. But the discomfort felt good, she reveled in it, enjoying the feeling as it traveled through her body. It was nothing compared to the agony that racked the bodies of those who fought for her. “Serenity?” a voice sounded surprised behind her. She only shook her head, “Go away.” her voice was flat and her blue eyes remained transfixed on the scene playing out in front of her, “I just want to be alone right now.” Boots clicked softly against the stone pathway and a warm body knelt down next to her. “Serenity, please come inside it’s freezing out here.” Endymion didn’t know how he knew she was out here, or why she was out here. But her pain resonated through his body, it was scary and exhilarating at the same time. He had never felt something so strong at all during his 19 year old life, her very core called out to him on some level, he had no choice but to answer it. “Go away Endymion, I don’t want to go back inside.” she told him fiercely. She felt his warm hand reaching for hers but she only shrugged him off, “Look at them. They are giving up everything to protect this castle.” she whispered vehemently, “They will never see their children again, or kiss their wives. Their lives will end tonight in this cold night air, their last breaths will shudder from their lungs and then nothingness will follow. All this pain and suffering to keep my home and family safe for another night. So we can sleep safely in our beds while their loved ones mourn in theirs. It’s enough to make a person sick.” her petite body shook with anger and her eyes blazed. “I would gladly give my life if it meant one less person would die this evening. I am not a princess worth protecting.” Endymion remained silent, studying her face, “Serenity these men knew when they took their jobs there was a chance they might die. They promised their lives to your mother and to you and your sister. They are fighting for a cause they believe in, to them death is a noble honor.” “I just wish I didn’t feel so guilty.” she told him softly. His arm wrapped warmly around her and her body unconsciously moved closer to him reaching for his warmth. She closed her eyes and listened to the underlying rumbling of the flames as they destroyed the beautiful green basins of Serenity’s youth. “You have no reason to feel guilty Serenity, nor should your sister or mother. These people started this war all by themselves, your mother tried to halt it before it was too late. War is an evil thing, given the right conditions it will consume the hatred of both sides and grow. It is like a living breathing thing. Please come back inside, I would not want to see you fall ill.” she nodded in agreement. He slowly rose to his feet and helped Serenity to hers. “Thank you Endy.” she stared up at his blue eyes and smiled. They said words without speaking with that look. Both knew exactly what the other was feeling, nothing more needed to be spoken. He lead her slowly into the corridor and out of the struggle taking over her world. Day broke not a moment too soon over the mountains revealing the horrible scene that lay before everyone in the moon castle. Hundreds of soldiers lay dead in the fields, a cool breeze slowly turning the heat off of the battle. People roamed the fields collecting the bodies for both sides to prepare them for a proper burial, tears from the eyes of friends and family watered the scoarched soil. The victory had of course gone to the Lunatarians and the Queen’s guard. They managed to hold the Terrans at bay during the night, keeping the castle and it’s inhabitants safe from harm. But what price was paid so that the royal family could see that sunrise? “Mother, I am getting worried about Serenity and Endymion’s close relationship. They are spending a lot of time together lately, have you noticed it?” Raina walked down the long corridor with her mother towards the conference room. Queen Serenity had managed to get the leader of the Terran rebel force to come to the castle to discuss demands to halt the war. This was the last opportunity that the queen would have to save her kingdom from the clutches of combat. Serenity’s lips became a thin line, frustration toward her daughter and the growing conflict was evident on her face, “I know Raina, many of the maids and guards have informed me that Endymion has paid visits to Serenity’s room on more than one occasion. I would like to terminate the relationship where it is right now. I still think the marriage of you and Endymion might lighten up the tension between us and the Terrans. It might make a compromise easier to achieve.” Raina nodded. “We can not have Serenity getting too close to your future husband.” “I could not agree with you more mother.” they entered the conference room and the large oak doors slammed behind them. Last night’s event were still fresh in everyone’s minds. Anyone who lived in the castle was scared to death of what was on the horizon. Serenity knew her mother was in a meeting at that very moment trying to find some way to stop this whole thing from growing, it was the last chance. Serenity just wanted to let everything go, in the back of her mind thoughts ran rampant and guilt still remained dragging her soul down. She had once again turned to painting and Endymion to quiet the ache. She only wanted to be 16 again, carefree without any worries. This was the closest she would ever get again for a long time. “If you don’t sit still, I can’t paint you!” Serenity exclaimed pushing Endymion back down into his chair. The two could not keep from cracking up and Serenity could not stay focused on the task at hand. Which at the moment just happened to be painting a portrait of the handsome earth prince. “It is impossible to sit still and remained focused while I am distracted by your beautiful face.” his eyes sparkled with a mischievous gleam. He leaned forward and propped his head up on his hand and placed his elbow on his knee. He peeked his head around the side of the canvas to see how the painting was coming along, “I must say Sere, your talent seems to improve everyday.” the nickname felt natural at this point in their relationship. Serenity only blushed at the endearment and playfully pushed Endymion’s head back so he couldn’t see her work in progress. “You are not supposed to look until I am finished.” she told him sternly, “It ruins it if you look too soon.” He arched an eyebrow at her, questioning her knowledge of such things. She shook a finger at him and picked up a paintbrush from her supplies and dipped it lightly in the black paint on her palate. The portrait was half completed, his basic face shape was done and his piercing blue eyes. She was working on shaping his fine ebony hair. Her eyes flashed between his face and her canvas. He was still smiling at her, it was making it much harder to work with him grinning at her like that. “Are you sure I can’t look Sere?” she narrowed her eyes at him and shook her head. He again moved closer to her, his eyes focusing on her lips. The soft pink flesh gleamed enticingly at him and slowly formed into a smile revealing her white teeth. “You sir, need to stop moving or I will never finish. If I do not finish then you can never look.” she went to push him back once more but his hand caught hers in midair. He ran his smooth fingers over hers, tracing the gentle curve of her hand, before clasping it in his. the thought shot through her mind like a bullet and then it was gone. Her thoughts entered complete bliss as his lips approached hers. She was no longer thinking, her body had taken over and she had no complaints. She closed her eyes and felt his body heat approaching her. She wasn’t going to stop him this time, this was all she ever wanted. Just one kiss... “SERENITY!” a voice bellowed from the hallway, it was her mother. Serenity’s eyes shot open and widened in fear. She pulled away from Endymion and raced toward the chamber doors. She motioned with hurried actions to him to shut the curtains so the queen wouldn’t see him. Endymion quickly obliged, and stood overlooking the gardens. He knew this wasn’t good. He heard Serenity slowly open the chamber door and he held his breath. Serenity opened the door and stepped swiftly out into the hall where her mother stood with Raina. She couldn’t help the surprised look that crossed briefly over her face before she finally managed to speak. “Mother I thought that you had a meeting right now with the Terran rebel leader?” Serenity looked at her sister, what was Raina up to now? The almost smug look on Raina’s face was enough to cause feelings of suspicions rise in Serenity “It finished earlier than expected. He refused to compromise, the kingdom is almost certain for conflict now. Last night was only the beginning.” The queen sounded mournful, her voice was grave and her skin seemed paler than it ever had been before. “There was something I needed to speak to you about though.” Serenity nodded and the queen turned to Raina, “Raina, could you please excuse Serenity and I for a few moments. We need to speak alone in her chambers.” “Yes mother.” Raina walked slowly down the hall, she was hoping to hear the conversation about to take place. It was quite obvious that her sister would be heartbroken before the end of that little chat. Queen Serenity stepped slowly into the room, following her daughter. The tall doors slammed shut, the dead sound echoed down the hall. It was the sound of everything ending, dreams shattering like a broken pane of glass. Raina could only smile, reveling the true evil that resided within her wicked heart. ~ To be continued ~ Sorry I had to end it here, or it would have been another three pages *sweatdrops* this piece is turning out to be one of the longest things I have ever written :) Well I’m already working on part four, hopefully it won’t take me as long as it did this time. Until then! Special thanks to: SB, Kelly, Adrianne, Rinoa, and Meredith (who needs to finish WoH fast before everyone at SMRFF goes insane, we are watching you Meredith...) Liz-chan