Fireworks, a Usa day fic Part 1/1 By Elisabeth James Here’s my Usa day fic! Expect to see a new chapter of Forbidden Heart out later this week! Disclaimer: I don’t own Sailor Moon, nor do I recommend doing what Mamoru does in the end in a wooded area. Remember, only you can prevent forest fires! Have you ever noticed that when you’re younger all the good advice that your mother gives you seems to go in one ear and right out again through the other one? You know what I’m talking about right? All the stuff like: “Never get a credit card, it can only end with pain and suffering. And bad credit history.” “Don’t hang out with those people, they’ll only get you into trouble.” And the all important: “One day you’ll thank me for this. Because of me you won’t grow up to be a spoiled selfish brat.” There is one piece of advice though that my mother gave me that always stuck with me: “Never settle for a guy who doesn’t make you see fireworks after your first kiss.” Now I don’t know why I remember this over all the other “helpful” advice my mother doled out but I still remember it. Might I add that it is also the reason that I found my true love so early in life. So let me tell you the tale of how I, Tsukino Usagi, first saw fireworks. When I was 14 or so, I was on the quest for a boyfriend. Every girl usually is at that time, whether they want to admit it or not. I wanted the usual: cute, nice butt, semi-intelligent, romantic. Well let’s just say I had extremely high expectations for the guys I wanted to date. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. This little quest would have been much easier had guys been available through mail order. I’m still waiting for that to come out... But I digress. My first kiss was in 6th grade with some kid, I can’t even recall his name, that’s how unspectacualar it was. It was not at all what I expected, I wanted that zany feeling called love right then and there. Let’s just say it was far from fireworks, it could barely be compared to a sparker. Not that I blame him, it was 6th grade for heaven’s sake, no one really knows how to kiss at that age. Fast forward to the future. Fast forward to Mamoru. Picture this absolutely incredibly handsome guy. Jet black hair, amazing endless blue eyes, perfect body and a cocky grin that just made my insides go nuts with desire. He was the guy of pure fantasy, a guy no girl would have ever imagined existing on earht. The first time I saw him, I pinched myself to make sure that it wasn’t all some dream. Thank heaven’s it wasn’t or I never would have wanted to wake up. Well let’s just say his attitude toward me was far from angelic. He was downright mean. He called me names, made fun of my hair, my grades, everything about me. We fought non stop and my love for him may have slipped a notch or two. I mean what’s a pretty face with no personality to go behind it. One day though, his true personality did shine through, I remember the conversation almost perfectly in my mind: *flashback* “What no insults Mamoru-san?” I asked carefully, not really wanting to face his rage if I could escape it. It was a typical day at the game center, well typical except for the fact that Mamoru was not being terribly mean like he usually was. “I’m in too good a mood to even think of any Odango.” He smiled brightly at me, that was the first time I ever got a genuine smile out of him. It amazes me still how just one little smile from him still makes my day brighten up. “To what do I owe this great honor Mamoru-san?” I leaned in closer to him. If he wasn’t going to tease me, I had no reason to leave. “I just woke up happy this morning, I need a reason not to tease you Usagi?” he smiled even wider at me. I think he knew what was going on in that head of mine, even then. I liked him, a lot. And he knew and I knew it, but we never had gone in that direction before. “Of course not, usually people need something good to happen to be this happy that’s all.” I flashed him a cheeky grin of my own. “Well I might even be in such a good mood to even go as far to ask you if you wanted to join me tonight at the celebratory fireworks display in the park.” my face immediately went from grin to puzzlement. “There’s fireworks in the park tonight?” I asked him. He only nodded. So I pondered, thinking should I accept the invitation or not? Well all of you who think I turned him down are nuts! “Sure, I’ll meet you up there around eight or so.” he nodded again and left the game center, mumbling something about making plans. *end flashback* I know what you are all thinking, you kissed him right at the fireworks were exploding overhead, how romantic... blah blah blah. It didn’t quite turn out that way. My Mamo-chan can be the most romantic guy on earth with he wants to be and he certainly was that night. *flashback* I arrived on time (for once in my life) and found the park strangely empty. I should have known something was up, but I didn’t question it in the slightest. I saw Mamoru rushing around under a large tree near the small lake that resided in the center of the grounds. He quickly sat down and smiled at me when he noticed me approaching. “Mamoru-san, there’s no one else here.” I stated matter o factly. He looked around, no sign of amazement on his handsome face. “You’re right, oh well, it looks like it’s just you and me.” he carefully placed an arm around my shoulder. I blushed but he wanted to put his arm there, so be it. Who was I to tell him to move it? We sat in silence for a few moments, enjoying the quiet, the fresh night air, the sound of the water lapping up against the rocks in the lake. Suddenly to the left of me something exploded. A burst of light lit up our dark corner of the park. It wasn’t a large display, just some noise makers and a couple of cheap fireworks. I started to ask Mamoru what this was all about but I couldn’t finish because suddenly his lips were upon mine. I could hear the fireworks exploding around me but my focus was on Mamoru’s marvelous mouth (try saying that 10 times fast!). As we slowly separated I could see Motoki out of the corner of my eye giving Mamoru a thumbs up sign. “Oh wow!” I exclaimed softly. Mamoru didn’t speak he only ran his finger through my hair. “I over heard you a few days ago telling Motoki that you would never settle for a guy who didn’t make you see fireworks after the first kiss. I didn’t want to be the one you passed up.” I started to laugh, “I would have seen them even if they weren’t exploding around me.” I kissed his cheek. “Does this mean you like me?” He shoved me to the ground playfully, and kissed me once more. As I gazed up into those wonderful blue eyes, I never needed an answer to my question. I placed a slim finger over Mamoru’s lips and smiled at him. *end flashback* There you have it! True love never comes without fireworks, remember that! May that tid bit of advice serve you as well as it served me :) That’s my Usa day contribution, not my greatest work :) pure WAFF, hope it’s enough to make up for my last few fics which lacked of any WAFF whatsoever :) Liz-chan