"Dark Lady" by Sailor ClearMoon PG-'11' (I say 11, cause some parts are slightly violent and some other things.) Heya peeps. Well on Monday the 12th, I saw "The Cosmetic Caper" and I decided to write a fanfic from that show. Well I started there and continued on to rewrite the whole SMR series (with Rini that is). I was in a kinda sad and dramatic mood so this story is slightly sad. Oh yeah. Note: the '***** *' stand for the five sailors and Tuxedo Mask. It changes nearer to the end for a reason. I'll tell ya at the end. Anyhow, Sailor Moon ain't mine! Ja ne minna-chan! ***** * "We're through." The words echoed in her head. the girl looked at him in confusion as he walked away. In a few minutes, Serena joined her friends at Rei's temple. "How could you two possibly be 'over'? You've been an item for centuries!" Lita exclaimed. "I don't know... he just said that 'we are through'." Sere blinked back tears. "Well I don't think he meant it, he was probably in a bad mood," Mina stated. "You guys," everyone turned their heads to Ami, "What if Darien did this on purpose for Serena's benefit? Like maybe he thought he was distracting her from her studies so...." everyone stared at her. She blushed, "Just a thought..." she muttered. Serena turned as she felt a finger tap her shoulder. Rei looked at her, "Follow your heart, and somehow, I know it'll all work out...." Serena smiled at her friend and got up to leave. ***** * Serena knocked on Darien's door, she looked nervously around. He opened the door and didn't look too happy when he saw her. She gulped, even more nervous now. He leaned against the wall about five feet from her. Serena walked in and closed the door. In the living room was a vase of five roses, as Serena walked in... one petal fell to the floor. She stood looking a the door handle for a while, finally Darien asked, "What do you want?" "I apologize.... I- I didn't notice you were in a bad mood. I was just so happy to see you....." She turned around to face him. "No, it's not like that. Serena, I just don't have the same feelings for you anymore!" Another petal fell. Serena shook her head, a little confused, "Listen, I'll try to do better and school. I'll do my absolute best! I mean it-" "It's over." Another perfect red rose petal landed softly on the carpet. "Why don't I believe you? You haven't forgotten how you were Prince Endymion and I was Princess Serenity?" "And why should my life be controlled by something of the past?" He nearly shouted. Another petal fell. Serena looked down with tears in her eyes, though she still had a small smile on her face. She noticed Rini's shoes, "I see you got Rini here. I know she's just a little kid and all, but I feel like she's replaced me somehow...." Tears flowed genitally down her face. Darien snapped, "Don't be silly! Now don't make me saw this again, it's OVER!" the rose slowly wilted. The girl looked at Darien. She whispered so softly that Darien barely heard, "fine then, I'll leave...." her voice broke and she ran out the door. Darien was near tears. Both neither Serena nor Darien had noticed Rini, who had been watching and she was now in tears herself. ***** * Serena ran down the street, still crying. She found a phone booth and she went inside, then closed the door. She slid to the floor and brought her legs to her chest. Tears now streamed down her cheeks and her face started to turn red from crying. "Oh mom...." Serena wept, "I'm sorry.... I can't invite Darien over to dinner anymore......" She continued crying. ****** * Rini didn't know exactly what had happened, all she knew was that the two people that she had first upon coming to Tokyo were now split up. Darien wanted to run after Serena, tell her everything was all right. That he did still have feelings for her. He turned to go back into the living room. He could've sworn that he saw Rini run around the corner as he turned. But he went in to find her laying on the ground working on her homework. She looked up as he walked in, her eyes were filled with tears- much like Serena's. Darien closed his eyes for a moment before sitting down next to the young girl. Neither spoke. Finally Rini asked, "Why'd you do that?" Darien looked at her. "Huh? You were listening..." it was more of a statement, not a question. "It's kinda hard not to listen when someone's yelling.... and I noticed your roses. Look, that one's petals are almost gone! They kept falling each time you talked to Serena...." She fell silent, afraid to make him mad. "I was shouting, wasn't I.... Was a really so harsh?" He looked at his new rose, totally awed that it was already wilted. He had just bought the flowers that day! Rini didn't answer, Darien couldn't decide what to do. He didn't want Serena to hate him, yet somehow he knew that Serena would be hurt if she was with him. ***** * Serena lifted her head up as she heard something outside the phone booth. She saw a piece of paper and ventured out of her 'crying spot' to look at it. 'Beauty 4 You', it read. she needed a distraction so she headed for the shop. Little did she know that someone was watching her.... ****** * Short white hair and a muscular body could be seen through the shadows. The man sat on a dark stone throne with an image ball before him. He was watching a young girl of about 14, he mused. The white-haired prince of the NegaMoon Nemesis stood up and walked away. Prince Diamond chuckled to himself, "Oh yes... she will be mine!" ***** * Serena walked into the beauty store. Many women and girls were already there and trying to decide what to buy. The store clerk noticed Serena's sad face and asked, "What's wrong? Here, how 'bout ya try one some our new cosmetics." She took out many bottles from the cabinet from behind the desk. "Do you think wearing make up will make Darien want me again?" "Oh for sure! The more make-up you wear, the more men will be attracted to you!" Serena's eyes narrowed and she snapped, "Darien looks deeper than how you look! He cares about who you are!" The women and girls around the shop turned to look at Serena and the clerk. The woman at the desk looked mad, "You can't talk to me like that!" Serena tried to storm off but the clerk grabbed her arm. The customers wasted no time leaving the shop, "Hey! Come back here!" She turned back to Serena, "Okay then, time for your make over!" the clerk changed into a human-type monster, a droido. "Let me go!" Serena screamed, "let me go!" ***** * Rini had gone home and Darien was now alone in his apartment. He was about to go make something to eat when he got a horrible headache and a flash of a woman grabbing Serena's arm. "Gotta help!" He transformed into Tuxedo Mask as he ran to where he could sense Serena. ***** * "Help! Help me!" Serena was screaming. The droido didn't loosen her hold. "Stop screaming, brat, it's time for your make over!" the droido climbed over the counter, still holding Serena's arm. She knocked her down and put a booted foot on Serena's arm. Serena whimpered in pain and tried to move from under the droido's foot, "Get off!" But the droido was too strong. She was about to attack when a rose flew through the air and hit her foot. The droido howled in pain as Tuxedo mask spoke, "It's not how you look on the outside, it's what's going on in the inside that counts!" "What would you know, cape-boy? Your style is soooo last season! Yah!" Tuxedo mask dodged the attack and stood before the droido. "Heh, heh. You think I'll go after you when I have this girl right here? No one is going to stop our plans of taking over Crystal Tokyo! Not even you, pathetic cape-boy!" The droido spat a stream of liquid at Serena who quickly reacted by curling up to the droido's leg (she couldn't really move that far). "Arg!" She screamed as some of the liquid touched her shoulder. The fabric of her sleeve melted and on Serena's arm was a small scorch mark. "Ha, ha! Smart move, girl! but you can't dodge again!" "Maybe not, but I have my friends that I can count on! You stupid thing!" Serena shouted, letting tears of anger and despair fall down her face, "Maybe I lost my boyfriend, but I still have my friends! And he's still my friend, you JERK!" Tuxedo Mask felt awful. Before he could change his mind, he ran up behind the droido with his cane out. He didn't look as the end plunged into the droido's skin. She screamed in pain and Serena nearly fainted as the droido fell on top of her, letting silver blood flow onto Serena's once-clean school uniform. Serena's eyes were wide with horror as she watched the droido twitch once before laying still. The girl didn't move as she felt her stomach turn. Tuxedo Mask knelt down by her and helped Serena out from under the droido. Tuxedo Mask shook as he fully realized what he had done. Serena stood up and whispered, "Is she dead?" As if in answer, the droido disappeared into dust- leaving behind a dark maroon-colored stone that turned a dark gray. "Are you okay?" Tuxedo Mask asked Serena who was shaking beside him. She was covered with the silver blood and most of her sleeve on the left arm was missing. He checked Serena's wound closer. She tried to keep still as Tuxedo mask reached out genitally to touch the burn. But she flinched, "Owe!" Tuxedo mask recoiled, nervous. "Do you want me to take you to Lita's or something?" His voice was sincere, but it wasn't what Serena had expected to hear. The girl looked at him in shock, "Lita's?" she stammered, "What happened to you? Usually you'd ask me to your place... offer to help yourself." As he was about to speak Serena broke in, "And don't pretend you don't care! You saved me again!" "That was because you weren't able to transform and protect yourself." Tuxedo mask stated. Serena was near tears again as Tuxedo Mask turned his back to her, "Then tell me -Darien-, please tell me why you don't care for me anymore." "Let's leave what's in the past where it belongs." Tuxedo Mask answered. He felt tears building up in his eyes, "Okay? Now do you want me to take you to Lita's or not? You can get cleaned up there...." he turned around to see Serena running out the door and crying. "Oh Serena....." Darien whispered. ***** * A white-haired young man materialized in a back alley. He wore the lightest of blue dress shirt and kakii pants. as he stepped out from the alley, someone bumped right into him. "Oh! Sorry." A female voice mumbled. The man looked at the girl who was studying her feet. "No, that's okay. I should've looked where I was going." He noticed then that she was covered with something silver.... it looked like one of the droido's blood. "So what's your name? I'm Damon." The girl looked up, her eyes were red and tears still fell down her face, "I'm- I'm.... Serena." She couldn't take her eyes off of him. She was locked in his gaze and couldn't move. Damon took Serena's chin with his fingertips and made her look up at him, "Now who made such a pretty face so sad?" Serena gasped, she felt something evil about this guy but somehow her mind stopped working right. "Um, er... you see... it's a long story.." Serena stuttered. "I have all day tomorrow to listen... and I'm free this evening to listen. Would you like to talk about it?" "Not tonight... look at me!" She pointed down to her school uniform that was splattered in the silver blood, same as her hair and face. "Tomorrow then...?" Serena's head nodded, "Good. Meet me here at nine, okay? Later.... Serena." Serena nodded dazedly before continuing to Lita's house, ***** * Lita was sitting on her couch and watching TV when she heard a knock, "Oh! I guess one of the girls is here... hope one of them found Serena..." she opened the door to see Serena. She had red eyes from crying and her school uniform, face, body, and hair was splattered with silver junk. "Can I come in and wash up?" Serena asked. Lita nodded. Serena took her silver-coated shoes off at the door, she then came in and headed to the phone, "Um, can I use your phone too? I need to asked Ami to go over to my house and get some clothes. Yours are much too big for me." "Yeah, but call quickly 'cause I asked the scouts over to watch a movie. So they hadn't found you to tell you about that?" Serena shook her head as she dialed the phone, "Hello? Oh, is Ami there? Thanks." Serena waited a little before she started to talk again, "Ami, I need to ask you a big favor. Please, could you go over to my house and get some clothes for me? I'll explain later... and please tell my parents that I'm at Lita's," there was a pause as Ami answered, "Thanks Ami, you're the best. Bye." She hung up the phone and stood where she was. "Go on and take a shower. After you're out, I'll see what I can do with the clothes.... what happened?" Lita asked, concerned by her friend's appearance. "I'll explain when everyone gets here.... thank you Lita." Serena headed to the bathroom. She closed and locked the door before starting the shower. "Why, Darien? Why?" Tears flowed down her face as she undressed. She took her odangos out and let her now silver and yellow hair fall to the floor. ***** * "Thank you, I'm sure Serena will tell you what's up when she gets home!" Ami called over her shoulder as she walked away from Serena's house. As soon as she was away her smile turned into a frown, "Sorry Ami!" Mina said as she readjusted Luna and Artemis on her shoulders. "Why are you over here, huh?" "I had to pick up clothes for Serena," Ami's voice was neutral with a touch of confusion in it. Mina gave her a questioning look as they walked, "I don't know what happened. Serena asked me to take some clothes of hers to Lita's and to tell her parents that's where she was. Did you tell her about the movie tonight at Lita's?" "No, did you?" Mina asked "Nope. Probably Rei... but I think something's wrong." The two girls and cats reached Lita's apartment and knocked. "Coming!" came Rei's voice. "Hello Mina, Ami. Oh yeah, you too Luna, Artemis." "Sure, greet your guardians last," Artemis muttered. "So what's up with Serena?" Mina asked as Rei closed the door. "I dunno, Lita doesn't know either. Did either of you tell her 'bout the movie, here, tonight?" Ami and Mina shook their heads. "I'm wondering if it has something to do with Darien," Ami suggested, "That is where she went off to after leaving the temple." "I wish I had followed her, like I usually do." Luna sighed. Lita walked in, "Hey guys!" She was carrying a barely recognizable school uniform in her hands. It was no longer just red, white, and blue but also silver. Lita was prying off something at the bow. "Got it!" She cried. The object that Lita held up was a very silver brooch that was Serena's. Everyone stared at the clothes in Lita's hands, "What in the world...?" "I knew that there was something silver on her clothes by the way you described it, but so much of it?" Rei said. "I know, I really wanna know what happened. Ami, ya think that you can do a computer scan?" Ami nodded, "I should," she pulled out her mini-computer from thin air. After the scan she stated, "This is WEIRD!" "We know it's weird!" Mina replied. "Okay, okay. Look at this. It seems to be that silver stuff is really.... blood! See, here's the picture of what the creature must've looked like..." on the screen was a diagram of a strange humanoid. "Eeew!" Mina squealed, "That was its blood!? Gross out!" "I think I feel sick to my stomach," stated Rei. "Yeah, me too." Lita agreed. "Lita? Is Ami here yet?" Serena called. "Yeah Serena, I'll bring clothes. Just a sec!" Lita turned to Ami, "Thank you!" She took the clothes and walked to the bathroom door. She knock and Serena's hand popped out to take the clothes. "Thanks..." she whispered. Lita could tell that she must've been crying. Even though Serena closed the door again, Lita leaned against the wall to think. Finally she asked, "Serena, anything wrong?" her question was answered as Serena stepped out into the hall. "Oh my..." The 14-year-old wore a blue skirt with a white tank top. The tank top revealed shoulders slightly streaked with gray. On one shoulder, Lita spotted what looked like a bad burn. "I could only get the stuff off my legs and arms. My- my shoulders... my face... my hair!" Serena's voice was high with fright. Serena's face was streaked with a few silver lines. Her hair was now yellow, silver, and gray. Serena burst into tears, "I can't get it out! It won't come out, and it *hurts*!" Lita wrapped her arm around Serena's shoulders. Her hand brushed against Serena's wound, "Owe! Don't touch it, I...." she stopped. Rei, Mina, Ami, Luna, and Artemis watched as a gray and silver splattered Serena walked in with Lita. Lita brought Serena to the couch to sit down. She was crying into her hands, "Now what? How am I going to get this out?! Oh Lita, you guys!" Ami immediately started a computer scan. She gulped, "Um we need to find a way to get the 'stuff' off of her skin and hair.... otherwise..." "What?" Rei asked, her eyes worried. "I don't think that stuff is good for her skin. Serena? Does it hurt at all?" Lita and Serena both nodded, "Okay then... everyone stay calm. but that blood has slow-reacting poison in it." "WHAT?" Everyone screamed. Serena shuttered and grabbed her elbows. "It must be stopped. It will probably.... kill her in two weeks...." Ami's voice was soft. "We need to get rid of it before then. Serena," she went and sat by Serena, "tell us what happened." Serena closed her eyes and let the tears fall down her face. She told them everything from the time that she left the temple to the time that she got to Lita's. "Oh Serena..." Rei had a sad look in her eyes, "You know that he can't mean it..." "How can I not think he means it, Rei? He's snapped and shouted at me all the times I try to figure out what's wrong! and I probably should let it go.... but I love him. I can't let go..." Rei looked at the others, "I'll be back in a while. You guys start trying to figure what we should do. Oh Serena, I think one of us should come with you tomorrow to see Damon. I don't think he's the greatest person to trust." Serena nodded as Rei left. ***** * Rei rode the elevator to Darien's floor. She stepped out and walked to his door and knocked. "Coming!" Was the muffled call. The door opened and Darien's face appeared, he looked awful. "Rei!" The girl with raven-black hair felt pity, but also anger at the man who wouldn't tell Serena what had happened. She was led inside. Rei stood while Darien sat on the couch, "Why don't you sit?" he offered. "No. Darien, what in the world has gotten into you? Serena and you are perfect! Even if you weren't 'destined' to be together, you two would be great!" "Rei-" Darien said, "I already told her that I just don't have the same-" "'feelings as before'." Rei mimicked, "Listen Dar, you are the Sailor Scouts friends. We are your friends. I don't get what happened, or why you let Serena run out of that store without chasing after her..." all of the sudden, the fire in Rei's eyes died. She remembered what Ami had said: 'Slow working poison... in two weeks it'll most likely kill her...' Rei looked at her hands as tears formed. "Rei, what's happened?" "Hmm?" Rei looked up and Darien could see the tears. "What has happened? Have I really hurt her so bad?" Darien was worried. He hadn't wanted to hurt Serena, but they couldn't be together. She'd die or get hurt... that had been his vision that he'd seen. "Darien, I can't believe you. You didn't even try to help her get that silver blood off her... and now she's paying for it! Why-!" she stopped and spun around to the door. "paying for it...?" Darien ran to Rei, "Wait! What do you mean?" Rei let angry and frightened tears flow down her cheeks, "That blood that got on her contains slow-working poison. We can't get it off of her now, and within two weeks she could die." With that she went out the door. Darien stared after her, He ran out of his apartment and closed the door behind him, then he went down the elevator. ***** * Rei walked into Lita's living room, "Any news?" They all shook their heads. "No, Serena feels a little dizzy though..." Mina said. "Luna, Artemis, you two stay with Serena. I need to talk with the girls." Rei pulled Lita, Mina, and Ami down the hall to Lita's room. "You went to Darien's?" Ami asked. "Yeah, he's being serious about this thing. I don't know what happened. I was hard on him... I was just so scared! I just wish-" *ding-dong* "Who could that be?" Lita asked as everyone went back to the living room. "Coming!" Lita called. She got to the door and opened it. Darien stood there, worried. "Is Serena here?" He asked. Lita nodded dumbly as she moved away to let Darien in. Serena lay on the couch talking to the others. She was looking up at Luna who was sitting on the top of the couch so she didn't notice Darien. Lita closed the door and went in. "Serena," she said softly. "Hmm?" Serena asked. She didn't feel good at all. Everyone looked to Lita's voice, except Serena and Ami. Ami kept on doing computer scans while Serena just tried to keep from screaming out the pain. "Serena," Rei tapped her foot. Serena looked at her friend, then to where her finger was pointing. Darien. She gasped as tears filled her eyes. "Darien..." she whispered. She shook her head and didn't look straight at him, afraid she would show him how weak she was. "Are you.... alright? Serena?" He came over and knelt next to her. "Now that you're here, I am..." she whispered. "Rei, you went to get him for me?" She asked. Rei didn't answer, Serena didn't care, "Thanks Darien for coming." The burn on her left shoulder was all red and larger than Darien remembered. "Do you know why she can't get the silver stuff off?" he asked. Ami replied, "It clings to skin, or hair. Slowly it can either fill a person with dark energy... or kill them." Serena shuttered. "When did you find that out?" Rei asked. "Just now. I finally got a better reading. It's so strange, this stuff seems to be from the Negaverse..." Serena half-smiled, "Hey, looks like they'll get a victory... for once! Finally get rid of Sailor Moon..." "Don't talk like that!" Darien told her, "You'll be fine-" "No. I can tell that something will happen to me. Even if I live, most likely I'll be filled with the dark energy... I'd be no help to any of you. I'd be working for the enemy! But Darien... at least you care." She smiled. "of course I do..." Darien whispered. Serena stared at him, "Then why?" She shouted, "Why all the 'we're through's' and 'it's over' or 'I don't have the same feelings'? Hmm? Answer me!" Darien shook his head, "I can't tell you yet... just trust me, it's to protect you." Tears came to his eyes. "I don't care if you're lying or not... I'm just glad you're here..." Serena sat up and wrapped her arms around Darien. ***** * Prince Diamond got a room prepared for his 'special guest' that would be coming that morning. He looked through one of the mirrors in his palace to see the spot where he was to meet Serena. She was not yet there. He changed into Damon and stepped through the mirror onto the sidewalk. In a few minutes, Serena and a blue-haired girl walked up to him, "Hello, who's your friend Serena?" Damon asked, putting on his best smile. "This is Ami. Ami, this is Damon." "Nice to meet you, uh, Damon." Damon noticed that Serena wore a long-sleeved shirt, though it was fairly warm. And that her hair had silver streaks in it, Serena noticed that he was looking at her hair, "My brother was clumsy and got paint in my hair." She explained. "oh. Come on, I'll take you to a cafe where we can eat and talk, alright?" "Sure." The three of them sat at a table far off from the others. Serena ordered only some eggs for breakfast, not like her. Ami ordered scrambled eggs, toast, and a pancake. Damon said that he wasn't hungry so he didn't eat. Conversation was slow, Damon tried to come up with a plan inside his head while the two girls ate, "Ami?" "Yes? What is it?" She looked at him. All of the sudden she couldn't look away. Ami's head started to bow forward. "Who are you?" She gasped. Serena, who saw what had happened, stood up and looked at her friend, "You okay? Ami, Ami!" Damon grabbed her arm and she screamed. "AMI!" Ami looked up dazedly to see Damon and Serena disappear. "Phone..." she muttered. She stumbled to a pay phone and called Lita. "Li-ta. Must... come... Serena.... has been... kid... napped..." she sighed and fell to the ground. "Ami?! Ami?! Eek! Ami!!" ***** * Serena woke up to find herself laying in a white bed. Above she could see high windows, "Where am I?" She was in a dark gray room with a glowing light that seemed to come from no where. "Huh?" "Ah, so you are awake..." a man who looked exactly like Damon walked in, "I am Prince Diamond of Nemesis. You have known me a Damon. You are Serena... and Sailor Moon, yes?" she stared at him in fright, as she scrambled to her feet she realized that she was wearing a long white dress, much like her princess dress. She also realized that she was dizzy, "Uh..." Diamond floated into the air and motioned to her, she too floated up. As hair went over her face, she found that there was no longer gray streaks in it. "What?" A mirror appeared and she looked at herself. She was back to normal... well, besides the strapless-princess dress. "What do you want?" She demanded. Diamond smiled, amused, "Well, dear, you are going to join us of the NegaMoon... you will become my queen one day." Serena stared at him, mouth agape The man brought her closer to him. "Serena... or should I say, would-be Neo-Queen Serenity?" "Huh?" Serena stared blankly at him. "Ha, ha! So innocent, not even knowing your future. So at least that pink-haired brat has kept her secret safe!" "She's from the future?" Serena's eyes were wide. Diamond leaned forward, "You could say that.... but not here. For you are in Crystal Tokyo, you're would-be future home!" "Why are you doing this? What do you want?!" "All that will come in time... don't worry. Right now you must get some sleep...." Where there was a small crystal on Diamond's forehead appeared a third eye. He hypnotized Serena into sleep. Then he let her float back to the bed. As he walked out of the room he said, "Good dreams... my sweet." ***** * "Rei! Mina!" Lita cried into the scout communicators. "What's up, Lita?" Mina asked. "It's Ami! Something's happened! I don't know where she is, but oh we need to find her! She said Serena had been kidnapped!" "WHAT?!" Came four voices over the communicator. "Luna, Artemis?" Lita questioned. "Yeah, we're here. Does anyone know where Rini went? I saw her this morning but she disappeared after Serena left!" "now we have three missing persons! Listen, I'll go get Darien. The rest of you start searching, K?" Rei said. "Yeah, fine! Let's go mina, Luna, Artemis!" "Right!" ***** * Rini bit her lip in fear as she saw the man grab Serena. Then they disappeared, Rini remembered him from somewhere.... 'Crystal Palace was being protected... the queen ran out to find Small Lady.... Blast of power.... Queen put into dormancy... everything fell apart... sent to the past... Sailor Scouts...' Then Rini spotted Ami struggling to the phone. She talked for less than a minute before falling over. Rini yelled, "Ami! Ami!" She ran over. Ami was senseless on the pavement. "Now what?" Rini asked through tears, "Darien... he can help!" The little girl ran down the street to Darien's apartment. She reached the building just as Rei did, "Rei! Oh Rei!" Rini cried. "Rini!? what are you doing out by yourself, hurry come with me. Serena and Ami are in trouble!" "I know.... this man and Serena disappeared! Ami... she fell down.. she seems to be asleep! We gotta help! Please help!" Rini cried in Rei's arms. "Okay, show me where..." Rini took the older girl to Ami who was slowly waking. "Rei...? Rini...?" "Ami! What happened? Who was the guy that took Serena?" Rei asked worriedly. Ami explained what had happened, Rei whispered, "The negaverse!" "Hello girls, what's going on?" Rini, Ami, and Rei turned towards Darien's voice, "Darien! You've got to help! Serena's been kidnapped by the Neg- um someone!" Darien understood, "Darien? Are you listening?" Rei was calling him. "Hmm, oh yeah. What is it?" "We're gonna have you bring Rini back to Serena's house-" "No, I can't. Her dad'll have a fit if I go back there!" Ami sighed, "I'll take her back. Rei, we meet at the temple?" Rei nodded, "Okay then, Rini come with me!" Ami and Rini left at a jog towards Serena's house. Darien turned around, "Rei, what exactly happened?" Rei told him and Darien shook his head, "Oh... somehow I feel like it's all my fault!" "No Darien. it's not, I don't know how this happened. If only we could figure out Rini better, I have a feeling that she can help. Come on to the temple, right now I gotta get the others to the temple too." Rei took out her communicator and sent a message out to Mina and Lita, "Hey you guys, I found out what happened. Meeting at the temple, K? Ami will be there too.... we also found Rini." "Alright Rei, we're on our way! Come on Artemis!" "I hear ya Rei, Luna and I will be coming!" "Well let's go! I'm going to do a firereading on Rini once we get to the temple..." Darien and Rei reached the temple quickly and Rei immediately sat down in front of the fire. She murmured soft words as she asked, "Great fire, show us where Rini is from...." Darien watched in amazement as he saw a crystal city... just like in his visions. Then he saw her... she looked like Princess Serenity, but her gown was slightly different, and her hair was longer- as if it were Serena's future appearance. "Did you see that?" Darien asked. "Yeah, that city's something! What do you suppose it means?" "You didn't see Serena... or whoever it was?" Rei looked at him strangely, "What? What are you talking about? I didn't see anybody. Are you sure?" Darien nodded, "Yeah. It was-" "You found Ami, Rini and Serena?" Lita and Mina chorused as they ran into the room. "Um, not Serena.... Ami is taking Rini home, and then she'll be back. Here's what happened..." Rei explained for the second time that day. "Oh no! I knew that Damon was no good!" Mina exclaimed. Just then, a panting Ami came in, "Hey guys! I ran all the way here. Now let's figure out what we are going to do to save Serena!" Everyone nodded. "Are you sure that Rini went inside the house?" Luna asked, "Rei said that Rini came and found her... Rini had disappeared after Serena left. That probably means that she followed Serena." "Uh...." Ami started, "I kinda left her in front of the house. I thought for sure that she'd go inside! But now that you mention it, it does seem like Rini followed." ***** * The pink-haired girl approached Rei's temple. She had followed Ami there from Serena's house. Rini heard Luna's voice, "Are you sure Rini went inside the house? Rei said that Rini came and found her... Rini had disappeared after Serena left that probably means that she followed Serena." Rini spun around to see four women appear in the air. Above them floated a red-haired man. "Go on, show her what cha got!" The four women smiled cruelly. "Why hello small lady. You might remember me, Catsy, and my sisters, yes? You know Birdie, Prisma, and Avery. Heh, heh. We already have the silver crystal, give it up girl! You are completely alone... there's no one for you. You are without your poor ol' mommy, and daddy. Too bad," Catsy faked a pout before laughing again. "Come on, let's get started!" Prisma yelled. Rini screamed as loud as she could, a white crescent moon appeared on her head and started to glow a white energy, "Mommy!? Daddy?! " "Ah! That stupid energy! How can she be that strong?" Avery cried. ***** * "Mommy! Daddy!" The cries reached the ears of the group sitting inside Rei's temple. "That's Rini!" Luna exclaimed. "Girls, she's in trouble! Sailor Scouts, transform!" "Mercury Star Power!" "Mars Star Power!" "Venus Star Power!" "Jupiter Star Power!" Rini had managed to run away from the four sisters and Rubeus. She ran into the temple to find Rei, Lita, Ami, and Mina transformed into four of the Sailor Scouts. Her mouth dropped open, "You guys are the scouts?" Everyone turned to the young girl. "She saw us transform? Oh great! Now what, Luna?" Sailor Mars asked. Everyone stood stock-still as they realized that the pink-haired knew their secret. "Come out of there, brat!" Avery yelled. "Darien, you take care of Rini. Okay? We'll handle this." Venus told him. "No, I want to help! I already lost Serena, I can't let you guys get taken by the Negaverse too! Then there would be no 'champions of justice'." "Alright then. We'll meet ya out there," Jupiter sighed. Rini watched in amazement as Darien transformed into Tuxedo Mask. "Rini, you stay here!" Tuxedo Mask told her. "Yeah, yeah..." she muttered. "Oh, so we got some people to join the party? How nice..." Prisma laughed. "Pathetic mortals!" Birdie commented, as she spotted Tuxedo Mask she pouted, "You're the one that killed my droido. How sad, I guess I'll have to punish you!" ***** * Serena woke up with a terrible headache. She remembered her dream... Darien had been talking to her when all of the sudden the two of them were parted. 'Darien!' she had cried. When he appeared again, he kept repeating, 'we're through. It's over. I don't love you anymore!' "No!" Serena whispered. "I must find a way out of here! I have to!" "Really?" Came an unfamiliar female voice, "Seriously, girl, think about where you are." There came a high-pitched laughter that echoed in Serena's ears. A woman wearing a close fitting, black outfit stepped forward. She had long, wavy, green hair. "Who are you?" spat Serena The woman did a little laugh, "I am Emerald, and if you know what's good for you, you'll stay away from Diamond!" "Emerald!" called a voice from another room. "Coming Sapphire!" Emerald turned back to Serena and squeezed her arm painfully. "You had better listen to what I said!" she hissed. Serena just stared at her as the woman walked out. "You are up again, my sweet..." Serena turned to Diamond who had appeared in the shadows. He floated into the air and motioned her up too. When Serena was within his reach, Diamond pulled her to him. She couldn't look away from him, he bent down to kiss her... ***** * "MARS CELESTREAL FIRE, SURROUND!" Fire shot out from Sailor Mars' fingertips. It went to surround one of the sisters, Catsy, but she blocked it. Mars cursed under her breath. "My oh my. We aren't so good without our leader, are we?" Avery jeered. "Come on! Stop dadleling, we have to get that brat Rini." Rubeus ordered. "Oh yeah, come on girls! Let's get going!" Prisma shouted. "Wait!" Came a male voice. Another man appeared in the air. He had dark blue hair (almost black) and had a black moon on his forehead. He wore a blue jacket and white pants. "What is it Sapphire?" Inquired Prisma. "We are wanted back in Crystal Tokyo. As you ought to know, Diamond has the silver crystal already. I still can't believe he kept that worthless girl..." he shook his head, "Leave them be- for now. We have more important work." "Fine then, see you later Sailor Failures!" Called Rubeus as they disappeared. Tuxedo Mask, the scouts, and Rini watched the group disappear, "They have the silver crystal?" Mars asked, astounded. "That means that they have Serena!" Tuxedo Mask felt his breath catch in his throat as he thought about Serena being with the Negaverse. ***** * "I knew she wasn't any good! Now she's free and with that king. She could wake that queen up, you know!" Sapphire stood with Catsy, Birdie, Prisma, Avery, Emerald, and Rubeus. The others nodded in agreement. Prince Diamond had just told his companions of what had happened. "Why was Diamond interested in the first place?" Asked Catsy. "Who knows, she's the enemy! I can't believe that he was actually going to keep her!" Emerald exclaimed. "He's probably interested in her looks. She is kind of cute, "Rubeus remarked. "RUBEUS!" The women cried. "Oh shush. As if you don't eyes for Diamond, Emerald," Sapphire said. "You shut up!" Hissed Emerald. "Stop this fighting! You still must capture Small Lady and the Neo-Queen. Neither is to be hurt." Diamond materialized next to Sapphire. "Yes Prince Diamond. Rubeus, Catsy, Birdie, and Emerald should go take care of Rini. I'll handle Sailor Moon with Prisma and Avery...." "Also me. That King E is tricky, and remember that it is his palace that we're going to, " Sapphire stared at his brother. "You're coming too?" "Of course, you'll need help." Sapphire and the others nodded, amazed. ***** * "So why can't I return to my time?" Serena asked Endy as they walked down the halls. "There are many reasons... you'll understand later. Right now I must go rest, I'm very tired. Please feel free to look around... but don't go outside the palace! It's not guarded. "All right." She noticed the man watching her. Serena could feel his loneliness a pain. The only other people left awake were the scouts (Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto) that were giving their energy to protect the palace. (Well, Pluto guarded the time gate.) He handed her a small box, "Push this button to release my hologram. If you have any questions, use it and I can help..." She saw the look in his eyes again. Serena walked up to him and hugged him briefly, feeling slightly uncomfortable that this was the man that one-day Darien would be. "Thank you," she whispered before walking off down the halls. "No... thank you," Endymion whispered quietly. ***** * "That was interesting!" Venus stated while de-transforming. The others followed suit and soon Rini stood with four 14-year-olds and one 18 year old. "So now what? We know that Diamond has Serena, but how can we find them?" Ami questioned. "Coming to look for any of us?" Catsy, Birdie, Rubeus, and a woman with green hair landed on the ground in front of the group. "Hmm, how strange. Pathetic kids like this and they're the scouts. They're as pathetic as Sailor Moon!" Emerald laughed with a high pitched voice. "Shut up! We're here to get the kid, not laugh our heads off. Do you think Diamond even likes that laugh?" Rubeus asked. "You shut up yourself!" Emerald yelled and threw her pink fan at the red-haired man. The fighting among the people from the Nega-moon gave the girls enough time to transform into Sailor Scouts. "Okay sleaze girls and guys, you're gonna tell us where Serena is, or...." "Be punished!" Rei shouted. "Dar, get Rini out of here. We'll take care of these four!" Darien nodded and ran with Rini into the temple. Birdie just laughed, "You think that you hide in there? Well we'll take care of these scouts before chasing after you!" "ICE FIRE!" Catsy cried. Blue fire escaped through her fingertips to hit Sailor Jupiter. "Jupiter!" The scouts cried. She was unconscious. "All right then, you're asking for it! VENUS LOVE CHAIN INCIRCLE!" Birdie reflected the attack back at Venus. The scout of love fell to the ground dizzily. "Still up?" Birdie asked, "Okay...." She grinned wickedly as she kicked Venus in the face, causing the girl to fly back and land in darkness. "Team up, Mercury!" "Right! SHINE AQUA..." "MAR CELESTREAL FIRE...." "ILLUSTION!" "SURROUND!" The two powers sped off towards Birdie, but she ducked. "Bad shot, missed me!" "My turn!" Rubeus laughed and tossed dark lightning at Mercury and Mars. Both fell weakly to the ground. "Miserable scouts!" Emerald muttered as she shot a strong force of power at the two weakened scouts. Mercury and Mars screamed as they fell back. "Our work with them is done. Let's find Rini and her handsome friend," Emerald stepped to the entrance of the temple. ***** * Darien and Rini watched through a partly closed door. "Rini, go away from here. Head back home, okay? They'll find you afterwards. Just run away and hide. No matter what, DO NOT COME OUT OF HIDING! Understand?" Rini nodded solemnly, "Now go!" Rini ran from the temple and into the bushes. She watched in horror as she saw Mercury and Mars fall. All she could do was watch as the woman with green hair walked into the temple. ***** * "Well hello, if it isn't the nice-looking Tuxedo Mask. Hmm, you're stubborn. Well if Diamond can have that pathetic scout, I should be able to have you..." The woman with green hair laughed as she walked towards Darien. "Oh really? I think not!" Darien jumped into the air and kicked out. Emerald stumbled to one side, barely missing the attack. "I knew you were stubborn. where's the kid? Where's Small lady?" Emerald demanded. Darien grinned, "And why would I tell someone that I don't even know the name of? Later!" He ran out the door only to be knocked out by a punch from Rubeus. "That got him. Come on, looks like Emerald wants to take him back... we'll check it out with Diamond." "Alright, let's head out!" Birdie was about to vanish when: "NO!" a white light pierced the area, causing Birdie, Catsy, Emerald, and Rubeus to cover their eyes. "Great! Where's that brat?" "Who were you calling a brat?" Mars asked as she stood up. The other scouts followed her. "MARS CELESTREAL FIRE SURROUND!" "Let's get going and tell Diamond that we failed!" Catsy disappeared followed by Rubeus, Birdie, and Emerald. ***** * Serena walked into a room that held a large computer. there were a ton of buttons. On the screen were pictures of the outside of the palace. "Wow, this is one high-tech place!" She ran her fingers lightly over the buttons, "I do miss my friends... even Rini. Who would've thought that she'd be from the future? Poor girl, all she wanted to do was help her mom..." Serena looked over the screens. Her thoughts moved from one thing to the next. Serena felt a shock go through her body, "The scouts! I got to help!" She started to make her way to the door, then stopped, "I can't. I'm not at home anymore... oh you guys!" Serena slid to the floor, letting the little hologram box drop. An image of King Endymion appeared and he watched Serena quietly as she wept. In the room with his wife, king E. watched the crying girl. She looked practically identical to the Neo-Queen since Diamond had given Serena the same type of gown as Serenity's (neo-queen). "I wish you were awake, love. They need help... I'm worried about all of them. Now I can only hope that our daughter will try the time key..." King Endymion talked to his dormant wife quietly. "Rini," he whispered, "hear me Rini..." he repeated it again and again. He concentrated on Rini, praying that she'd hear his calls. ***** * Darien woke up to see five faces looking at him. Ami, Mina, Lita, and Rei explained what happened. "It's strange... Rini has this great power! I remember Serena saying something about that-" Mina was broken off. "yeah, when she was about to spank me!" "Well you shouldn't have put that sleeping stuff in our tea, Rini," Ami told her. "I guess so... y'know, even though I don't like her- I miss Serena." Rini admitted. "Let's try to figure out- Rini? Rini! What's wrong?" Rei asked as Rini gasped. "Rini?" Everyone was looking at her worriedly. Luna repeated, "Rini!" "Okay everyone, we're going home- to my home!" Rini found new courage. "We are?" Lita asked. "yeah, my daddy just talked to me in my mind. He said to use the key now, he'd help me." "All right, let's do it!" Artemis instructed, "Gather in a circle everyone. Rini, do whatever you do!" Rini nodded before shouting, "CRYSTAL KEY, TAKE ME (and my friends) HOME TO THE FUTURE, PLEASE!" A cloud appeared above them and everyone was sucked into it. "Here we gooooo!" Mina cried. ***** * "Serena, you will be mine!" Diamond murmured. Sapphire looked at his brother in disgust. he sighed. "Now what?" "We'll hafta lure her out, won't we?" Avery asked. "Yes..." Diamond thought for a moment before smiling, "Hmm, that won't be too hard. Seems that we have company!" He pointed to eight figures that stood on a cliff a little ways off. "So we'll catch her as she comes out to greet her friends, right?" Prisma asked. Diamond nodded. ***** * "We have company from the past, Serena. I must go greet them," the girl looked up to see King Endymion's hologram image. "I'm coming too!" "no, it's too dangerous-" "You're not stopping me!" Serena threatened. "Okay," Endy sighed, "Just be careful." "I will." The hologram and Serena headed out of the palace grounds. Endymion kept his lookout sharp, ready for attack. Serena kept her eyes peeled too. "Mommy?" They heard Rini's cries. Both turned at the same time to see Rini head to the palace. "She'll be okay there..." Endymion said, "We'll leave her be. Come on, we need to find our other visitors and get them to the safety of the palace." "Right..." Serena wasn't convinced, but she followed the king anyhow. She could make out the silhouette of Darien, her friends, and the two cats. Serena smiled with joy, but that joy didn't last long. "Hello again. Thought you could hide her, Endymion?" Prince Diamond laughed. "Come on Serenity, we're going." "No! Darien! Darien!" Serena screamed as Prince Diamond grabbed her. "Hey Diamond, they didn't get Rini yet!" Prisma pointed out, "I saw her right before this!" "Doesn't matter, we'll get her later." Diamond, Sapphire, Prisma, Avery, and Serena vanished. ***** * "Serena?" Darien whispered, he saw four people up ahead. He recognized three of them: Sapphire, Avery, and Prisma. "That's him! He's the one that took Serena in the first place!" Ami yelled. Darien realized that the white-haired man was grabbing hold of someone, or something. "Serena!" Darien called as the five disappeared. When Ami, Rei, Mina, Lita, Luna, Artemis, and Darien reached where Serena had been, they spotted a man. Everyone's eyes widened, "Two Tuxedo Masks?" Rei asked. The man turned to them, he looked sad, "Follow me quickly. It is not safe out here." "Who are you?" Ami asked. "I'll explain everything at my place-" "What about Rini? She ran off," Mina said. The man stiffened, "I know. Serenit- er- Serena and I spotted her as we came out here. She (Rini) is at my place. Come now." "What is this place?" Lita asked as they walked through a magical barrier. "This is Crystal Palace, the heart of Crystal Tokyo. For you, we are in the future. Follow me, there is much to explain." "Is there anyone else around?" Rei asked while looking around at the barren scene that surrounded them. "No... only the scouts of Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus are still awake. Pluto, whom you've met most likely, guards the gates... if you want to count her as one of the few people left." "Huh? Sailor Scouts?" Luna and the girls were stunned, so was Artemis and Darien. "Yes... they are your future selves. And also there are those that you still have to meet." He turned to Darien, "And I am your future self..." he smiled slightly. Darien stared at the man. "And who exactly are you?" "That's part of what I must explain, please come in here. In case you haven't guessed yet, this is just a hologram of myself. I've been wounded and I'm no longer able to fight... it was very difficult to retrieve Serena from Diamond's hold. As for who I am, I'm King Endymion. King of the earth..." Everyone gasped. Darien asked, "I'm to be king of the earth?" "Yes, but I should start from the beginning and tell of what has happened to our city. You see, our earth went under a global disaster about one thousand and five years ago. Everything and everyone went into a state of dormancy. Then Serenity, or Serena, was awakened by the silver crystal and healed everyone. Those who refused healing were banished from the earth. Not too long ago, a strange small moon came into view. It was only noticed because its strange orbit. It is the Nega-moon, Nemesis. From there descended the family of the dark moon. Evil humanoids with strange powers... an attack happened all at once. We weren't prepared. When the Neo-Queen went to find the silver crystal, it was gone. We could not fight the evil. The queen has been hit with a dark power that sent her into another state of dormancy. She now lays wrapped in a protective that the sailor scouts created right before she was hit. Nothing that anyone of us have done has awakened her." "And you believe the only cure for her is the silver crystal?" Ami asked. "Yes... though now either Rini or Serena must use the crystal. But Serena has been taken captive by Diamond again... I'm afraid that I'll lose my queen forever if we can't get Serena back-" "What? You mean-" Rei stopped. "She's the Neo-Queen?" Lita finished Rei's question. Everyone turned their gaze to the king waiting the answer. King Endymion lowered his eyes and said quietly, "Serenity and I married only about five years ago, right after she was chosen as the queen of earth..." Everyone gasped, "But- I had those dreams!" Endy explained, "I sent those dreams to test and see how strong your love for Serena is... you passed from what I had time to test you on. Diamond interfered, making difficult to test you further." Darien could hardly believe that his future self had tried to split him and Serena up. He was confused, but then he remembered that Serena was a captive of Diamond. "Where is Serena? How can I save her?" Darien asked. King Endymion shook his head sadly, "No. You cannot go there. It is much too powerful a place and I need you all to help protect Small Lady..." a part of the floor rose to reveal a sleeping Rini. "It is good to see her again... I have missed her." "How exactly does she fit into this 'future' of ours?" Mina inquired. Endymion swallowed slowly, "She is my daughter," he whispered. "Huh?" Ami was the first to figure it out. "You mean- what? No way, but it makes sense..." she giggled. Darien caught on too and looked at him with wide eyes, "What?!" Endymion said, "She is your future daughter... though things could still change, time can always change. We just have to hope that it doesn't. I do know where Diamond has Serena but it is too dangerous to risk going there right now. The problem is that she never found the silver crystal to bring back here. So it's still in Diamond's hold..." he fell silent as he watched Darien sit by Rini. "Tell me, what can I do to prepare to save Serena?" Darien asked without looking up from Rini." Endymion sighed, "All right, I agree to tell you what to be prepared for..." ***** * Serena screamed as Diamond took her back to his palace. Sapphire, Prisma, and Avery were getting a headache. Finally Sapphire yelled, "Shut up!" The girl glared at him, "And why should I?" She continued to yell. Diamond Serena to face him. After she looked at him, she couldn't look away. "Be quiet..." The girl quieted. "What are you going to do with that girl?" Prisma asked the question that had been on everyone's minds. Avery, Prisma, Diamond, Serena, and Sapphire landed in the throne room of Diamond's kingdom. Finally he answered, "She only has to be filled with more dark energy till she'll be one of us." The others gasped, but no one objected. Wiseman appeared, coming up from the floor. Serena stared at the strange person- or alien. "Prince, it will take a lot of power to fill her with the power of the dark crystal..." "But it can be done, remember that we have silver crystal still." Wiseman's hooded face nodded. Serena panicked. Diamond held her around the waist while he turned her to him. "Look at me," it was a command. Serena didn't dare look up, but Diamond took one of his hands and lifted her face up. His third eye appeared and he hypnotized her. She fell asleep in his arms. He teleported her to her room. There he lay her on the bed before returning to his throne room. When Diamond returned, he found Rubeus, Emerald, Catsy, and Birdie there. "Why didn't you complete your mission?" Diamond demanded. "We had all of the scouts out, and even Tuxedo mask was out of the way... but that bratty kid! Rini goes and shoots out some of that strange power!" Rubeus reported. Wiseman spoke, "Prince, Small Lady could become a good alley. Possibly better than the queen..." Diamond shook his head, "More likely the only way to get Small Lady would be to have Serenity turn against her friends. The dark crystal will make Serena stronger, and turn her to our side." The decision was final. Diamond disappeared and the others stared at one another. Wiseman vanished again and went to the room where the dark crystal was held. He started transferring large amounts of power to the sleeping girl. Diamond's hypnotism wore off fairly quickly from Serena. She woke up only to find herself floating in a room. She was surrounded by a whirlwind of dark power. She was scared. Wiseman was there watching her, "Ah, so it is Serena... the possible Neo-Queen of Crystal Tokyo." Serena didn't reply. The cloaked figure moved his hands over his dark crystal ball. "I see that you have been hurt by your friends-" "Not true!" Serena snapped, knowing that she should be weary of this man. But her head swam in dark power. "Oh, really? Then why did Darien snap at you... why did he leave you? He hurt you, he doesn't love you! He really cares about that little girl, Rini. He could care less about you! He didn't say why he broke up with you, did he?" Wiseman's words echoed in Serena's head. Soon she couldn't hold against it any more. "He hates me... he never told me why. He never loved me! My friends are siding with him! Rini took Darien away!" Serena's eyes filled with tears at the thought. "Yes... they all betrayed you. They thought that you deserved it. Take your hatred and use it to fill this miserable world with energy! You have no reason to care about it anymore!" Serena felt like she did, but she didn't ponder on the thought. "I will!" She closed her eyes as she was spun around in the whirlwind of power. Her physical appearance transformed into that of Neo-Queen Serenity's, and for a moment she looked exactly like the queen. But her dress turned black. Her moon on her forehead turned black, and switched upside down. There were slits cut in her dress that reached her mid-thighs on both sides. "Good..." Wiseman hissed. A high, dark feminine laugh filled the air. **** * * "Darien," Sailor Mars asked Tuxedo Mask, "Are you sure this is the right thing? It sounds so dangerous..." "You want Serena back as much as I do. Don't worry about it, I'll be fine." "I think we all should go!" Jupiter muttered. "No, King E. needs you here. Listen, take care of Rini for me okay?" Tuxedo Mask turned to the glider that Endymion had used earlier. Sailor Mars started to talk, "Be..." she stopped as a vision passed through her head, "Don't go! Darien, don't!" "What is it, Rei?" Ami asked. "I saw this strange woman... she seemed very powerful and she stood next to a cloaked figure. I don't like this..." Rei heard Serena's cry in her mind, "Serena's in trouble..." she whispered. "I'm going." Tuxedo Mask was about to prepare the glider when a group of figures appeared. **** * * "What is it Wiseman?" Diamond asked. "Prince, I'd like you to meet our new alley. This is Dark Lady..." a woman appeared next to him. Her golden hair was worn in two odangos. Her dress was almost like the neo-Queen's though this one was black, and had slits up either of her legs. "She was once known as Serena... Sailor Moon." "You were really Serenity?" Diamond asked, amazed that Wiseman had accomplished the task so quickly. The young girl Serena, was now was older looking. The woman laughed lightly, "You can just call me Dark Lady, milord." Diamond motioned her forward. Dark Lady did willingly. He stood up to look at her. "Shall we all go on a little 'outing'?" Diamond asked. Dark Lady smiled at him, giving him his answer. "Good. Sapphire, Emerald, Rubeus, Catsy, Birdie, Avery, Prisma! Come. We are going to pay Crystal Palace a visit..." **** * * Sailor Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Venus along with Luna, Artemis, Tuxedo Mask, and Rini stared at the sight above them. Diamond appeared with his usual group... along with a cloaked figure and a gorgeous woman. "Hello. Coming to-uh- let's say 'rescue' Serena from her imprisonment, as you would call it?" Diamond's voice was thick with mockery. "You'll let her go!" Tuxedo Mask shouted. Rubeus snorted with laughter, Emerald joined in with her high-pitched laughter. Soon the others from the dark kingdom joined in the laughing. "You can't do that. Trust me, I don't think that she'd appreciate that..." Rubeus let the new woman float down to stand on the ground. There was a smirk on her face as she looked over the little group, "You want the pink-haired brat?" She called up to Diamond. "Yes, can you manage it?" She laughed, "I can manage anything. Comes here, dear girl..." the dark woman walked towards Rini, who was surrounded by her friends. "Move out of the way. Do you wish to get hurt?" "You aren't getting past us!" Jupiter growled. "Oh Jupiter, you are a crack up. Care to wrestle?" As soon as the words were out of her mouth she took Jupiter's arm and threw her over here shoulder. "Owe! Who is she?" Jupiter asked. "Call me Dark Lady... who's next? Mars, all right! COSMIC BEAM!" A line of dark power shot out at Sailor Mars. She quickly fell over. Dark Lady just kicked Venus aside. Mercury was the last scout standing. Tuxedo Mask was making his way over to help but Rubeus caught him from behind. "Leave him for me," Dark Lady ordered. Rubeus looked at her and shrugged, "Fine. He's all yours." "I'm finishing this scout off first. I need to get this brat first." Mercury stood her ground with Luna and Artemis, "You're not getting past us!" An evil grin crept up on Dark Lady's face, "You were always the smart one. Why not join us, hmm? You'd be of great help to our cause." "No way, creep!" The woman snarled, "Fine then!" She kicked the cats aside while punching Mercury in the jaw. Dark Lady picked up Rini, who started to scream, "Shut up!" "RINI!" came two male voices. Dark Lady looked up to see Tuxedo Mask break free, and King Endymion (his true self) run towards her. She was so surprised that she jumped up into the air. Tuxedo Mask grabbed her foot, causing Dark Lady to be distracted. "Let go, tux boy! You let go, NOW!" "Hurry, Jupiter, can you use your attack?" Tuxedo mask called. King E. stood back and watched the woman that looked so much like his wife... was it? "Wait, don't!" but it was too late. Jupiter powered up. "JUPITER... THUNDER... CRASH... ZAP!" Dark Lady dropped Rini and pulled away from Tuxedo Mask. The lightning flashed by her. King Endymion caught his daughter from the air. "Daddy, who is she?" Rini asked. Slowly, all of the scouts recovered and stood up. "You are not going to get away with trying to kidnap little kids and taking our friends away from us." "And who are your friends that you are talking about?" Dark Lady snarled. "Serena! That's who, you dope!" Mars cried. Dark Lady laughed with the others from Nemesis, "Serena? Yeah right, you sided with Darien... that pink-haired brat stole my position! And you, Darien, you never loved me! And you call yourselves friends? Yeah right!" "Come on, we have work to do," Wiseman said. Diamond moved to Dark Lady's side as the Sailor Scouts, Tuxedo Mask, and company figured out what the woman's statement meant. "Come, love, we have work." Dark Lady took his arm and smiled at him, "Of course... I'll take care of them later..." The ten people vanished. Leaving nine very stunned people and cats. "That was Serena?" Rei whispered in shock. "No..." Tuxedo Mask couldn't believe it, "I don't- believe it!" King Endymion held Rini close to him, "But it is true. She's been filled with the dark energy of the dark crystal. They have the silver crystal; I don't know how we can save Serena- or the Neo-Queen without the crystal..." **** * * Emerald watched with disgust as Diamond let Dark Lady sit on the arm of his throne. Diamond and the others were gathered to hear Wiseman's plan, "We are more than strong enough now. We have Dark Lady who possesses the power to destroy those silly scouts. Then we have the silver crystal, an extra bonus. I think it is time to go to the past and take over, if it is okay with the Prince." Diamond nodded, "Very well then, we'll return to Tokyo and start our take over. Soon the earth will be ours! Finally we can live here." Dark Lady smiled at Diamond, he smiled back. The woman with green hair curled her lip in a distasteful sneer. Sapphire put a hand on her shoulder to keep her from getting too out of hand. "Alright, let's head on out to Tokyo. We have our work cut out for us there," Diamond stood with Dark Lady at his hand. **** * * "What do we do?" Darien asked. The scouts and Tuxedo Mask had de-morphed and now were standing in King Endymion's old war room with Rini, Luna, Artemis, and King E himself. Rei sighed, "It seems like she's really been brainwashed. I can't believe that Serena is on their side..." Ami nodded sadly, "So she was right... the enemy has gotten rid of Sailor Moon for quite some time-" "Stop it!" Darien snapped. "But Darien," Mina said kindly, "Ami is just repeating what Serena said herself. At least she won't die now! She doesn't have that weird silver blood stuff on her anymore!" "yeah... I guess so." Darien sighed. King Endymion bowed his head, "Now the only one left awake that can use the silver crystal right is Small Lady..." "Me?" Rini cried, eyes wide. Her father nodded, "But I dunno how to use it! Only mommy does!" The king winced, "You'll know how to when the time comes. You don't 'learn' how to use it. You just know how. Rini, you are the only hope..." She looked around with teary eyes, "But we don't have the silver crystal. It disappeared when I-" she broke off, ashamed of herself. "The crystal of the future has been missing... but the one of the past is in Diamond's grasp. We must get it back from him!" Rini cried into her hands. It was her fault that the silver crystal was gone. She remembered what had happened: 'Why don't you be as graceful as your mother and stop knocking over things? I'll go clean it up.' 'Come on Luna P, I'm gonna borrow mommy's crystal for a little. Then I'll become a real lady like her!' Small Lady opened the case around the crystal and lifted it out. Then it shone brightly before disappearing. 'Oh no! The crystal!' sounds of a battle could be heard. 'Rini! Rini! Where are you?' Neo-Queen Serenity ran out of the palace looking for her daughter. She was hit by a bolt of power, but the scouts united their powers at the last second. The Neo-Queen fell into a deep sleep. 'Mommy! Daddy!'... "Rini, are you okay dear?" Endymion sat on the floor next to Rini, who was crying. She wrapped her arms around him and whispered: "I'm sorry daddy, it's my fault! The crystal's gone and it's all my fault!" Tears streamed down her face. "How is it your fault, dear?" The king asked as he stroked Rini's hair in comfort. "It happened the day of the attack..." slowly she told them what happened, "If you hate me... that's okay. I didn't know! I swear that I didn't know it would disappear!" "Oh Rini," Darien whispered, "we don't hate you. It's okay, we'll figure it out..." But inside he asked, **** * * Dark Lady and Diamond appeared in the air above a tall building in Tokyo. She held his arm lovingly. "Shall we have the others take care of this, my sweet?" Diamond asked. The woman that once was Serena smiled, "Of course..." "Rubeus! Watch over the dark crystal." The red-haired materialized in front of the couple. He bowed, "I will, Prince Diamond." The prince nodded and took out an earring. He let it swing slowly until a black hole appeared in the ground. From the hole emerged a point of the dark crystal. "Rubeus, the dark crystal will continue to grow. Once it is at its largest peak, w can release its great power. Get Catsy and the sisters to help guard it. I don't want any slip ups!" "Of course, we shall protect the crystal with our lives... we'll let you know when it is ready. Catsy, Birdie, Prisma, Avery, come here!" The sisters materialized and Rubeus explained their job. Diamond said, "We will leave you now. I'm counting on you. Do not fail me!" The five bowed. "Come, my love. Let's look around this pathetic city..." With that, he and Dark Lady vanished. When they appeared again, they were above the park. Dark Lady held onto Diamond's arm. "Look at the sunset... it's so lovely." Diamond wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close to him. She smiled, **** * * "Scouts, Tuxedo Mask... you must take Rini back to the past. I'm sure that's where Diamond and the others went. Rini should be able to somehow heal Serena... we can hope." King Endymion seemed sad. "Yes," Rei whispered. "Come on, let's head back to the time gates," Mina said, "But first, transform." "JUPITER STAR POWER!" "VENUS STAR POWER!" "MERCURY STAR POWER!" "MARS STAR POWER!" Darien transformed too. King E told them, "Your trip through the time warp should be easier than last time. Please, take care of my daughter..." **** * * "We're coming to the end of the time warp!" Mars called. "Good! I have a bad feeling about what we'll find!" Tuxedo Mask answered. The six people and two cats landed in the middle of the park. "Home sweet home!" Venus smiled. Jupiter tapped her shoulder, "Uh... it's not so sweet!" She pointed to a dark cloud that was gathering in the sky. "What's that?!" Rini exclaimed. Mercury already had her computer out and was typing away. "You guys... you won't believe this. But it seems that Diamond's already here and they have the dark crystal growing!" "WHAT?!" Tuxedo Mask looked up and spotted two figures. He gasped as he recognized them as Dark Lady and Diamond! He bit back a cry, The others noticed what he was looking at. "It's Serena!" Mars yelled. Dark Lady was hanging onto Diamond's arm and looked around. She spotted the sailor scouts and Tuxedo Mask below. Her eyes narrowed. "How about some fun? And I'll get my revenge in while I'm at it!" Diamond smiled. "Whatever you say. Let's go welcome them home!" The two floated down closer to the small group. Tuxedo Mask and the others looked at Dark Lady with sorrow. Tuxedo Mask called her with his mind. Serena's frightened voice came into Darien's mind. He gasped in shock as he heard Serena's voice. "So you've made it home... how nice," Dark Lady scoffed. "Serena, why don't you join us. Come on, you're Sailor Moon!" Mars cried. "Shut up Mars. I don't need anything from you! You never were my friend, always yelling. I'm no longer Sailor Moon or that pathetic Serena that was taken in by silly tricks and flirts." Dark Lady glared at Tuxedo Mask. Diamond whispered to her, "I'll take Small Lady while you go after Tuxedo Mask, sound alright?" "It'll be my pleasure..." Dark Lady now stood on the ground and faced the scouts. "Tuxedo Mask." She stared at him. The others looked at the woman with frightened shock. Before anyone could guess what was to happen, Dark Lady jumped and kicked out at Tuxedo Mask. He stumbled back and fell, clutching his stomach. Her lips curved upward in a contented smile, "Hurting yet?" "But why, Serena?" He whispered. There were tears in Tuxedo Mask's eyes as he realized that she truly was on the enemy's side. She snorted, "'why?' Why do you think?" Dark Lady sneered, "You only pretended to love me, then you go off to love that little pink-haired twit!" Tuxedo Mask shook his head, "No! Serena, you don't understand-" "I won't listen to you any more! NEMESIS BEAM STRIKE!" A dark bolt of energy shot out from Dark Lady's palm. The beam hit Tuxedo Mask in full force, he fell back and didn't get up. "I got the kid, let's go!" Diamond shouted while holding a kicking Rini. "Rini!" The scouts cried. Tuxedo Mask couldn't move. "Come now, love, let's leave these pesky scouts." Dark Lady's face twisted into an evil smile, "Not yet... you take care of that brat. I'll take care of them... by the time you're back, they'll be done for!" Prince Diamond smiled, disappearing with the child. "No Serena! You can't do this! Serena!" Mars called. "It's us Serena, your friends!" Jupiter looked up desperately. "You're not my friends, you never were." Dark Lady's voice dripped with anger- and a hint of sadness. "All you ever did was pick on me, for being late, for not being there to help, and everything else!" She gathered power between her hands, "Take this! NEGA-MOON STORM... BLAST!" A whirlwind of dark color ripped through the park. Tuxedo Mask finally sat up. "No Serena! Please... don't!" He did his best to run to her; he made his way over to her and knelt down, too weak to stand in the wind. "What do you want?" She asked while knocking him back with dark energy. "Serena..." he whispered. Pain filled his body as dark power came down on him, "I love you... and always have. Please... Serena!" Tears flowed down his cheeks. Diamond returned to find the scouts, Tuxedo Mask, Luna, and Artemis struggling against a strong wind. "My love, the crystal is almost ready. Let us go and release its power!" Dark Lady stopped the wind immediately and turned to Diamond. "Of course... I'll finish you a little later..." She laughed lightly before going to Diamond, who wrapped his arm around her waist. "Serena..." Tuxedo Mask cried as the two disappeared. **** * * Rini stumbled around a small, dark room where Diamond had put here. She was scared, never had she thought that Sailor Moon could be turned to evil. But it had been done, and by that mysterious Prince Diamond. She cried. "Mommy! Mommy!" Rini slipped to the floor and began to cry. **** * * Dark Lady and Diamond overlooked Tokyo from their position on the top 'level' of the dark crystal. The woman smiled, "Hmm, mmm. This will be yours very soon." "No, not mine. Ours, my love. You shall be my queen..." Dark Lady smiled and leaned her head on his shoulder. Sapphire watched the couple from a ways off. "Sapphire..." he turned around to see Prisma coming towards him, "The crystal is ready. So now we release this power...?" She seemed unsure. He nodded and looked down, "I suppose. I'll go tell my brother... but I don't like this plan anymore. It's Wiseman's plans, it's as if he's manipulating us..." Sapphire admitted his darkest fear to Prisma. She walked over to him and rested a hand on his shoulder, "Oh Sapphire... I know what you mean. I just didn't want to get in trouble with anyone so I didn't say anything... but the plans have been twisted and changed..." "Oh... so you've figured it out? Really, none of you are too bright!" Sapphire and Prisma spun around to face the voice. Wiseman floated there. "Wiseman!" Sapphire placed himself in Prisma, "Prisma, get out of here! Warn Diamond, quickly!" "No you don't, why don't you join your friends..." an image appeared in the air of Rubeus, Catsy, Birdie, Avery, and Emerald sprawled on the ground... dead. "My sisters!" Prisma gasped. "You're not getting away with that! Prisma, go now!" Sapphire gathered energy between his hands and blasted it at Wiseman. "Now! Prisma, warn Diamond! Please!" The woman turned away from the man she loved to run a few feet away. "Sapphire..." tears built up in her eyes and she turned around to see him blasted with energy. "Sapphire! No! SAPPHIRE!" **** * * The Sailor Scouts slowly helped Tuxedo Mask and the cats up. "Serena..." Tuxedo Mask murmured. Sailor Mars said, "It's okay. We know where they're off to... the dark crystal. Look, it's over there! Come on!" "Luna, Artemis, you two stay out here with Rini's Luna P. We'll go in and find Serena and Rini," Venus said. "All right, but be careful!" The five people somehow made their way into the crystal. "Where can we go?" Jupiter asked. "I don't know... let me scan this place." Mercury pulled out her computer and began to type. "That way... there's something over there." They headed to the left and gasped at the sight. Mars stammered, "It's the sisters and Rubeus... even Emerald!" Sure enough, five bodies lay on the ground. Venus stood up shakily after taking Catsy's pulse, "They're all dead!" Everyone's eyes were wide with shock. "Wait! I'm picking up a life-form reading!" Mercury called out, "This way!" Tuxedo Mask and the other scouts followed Mercury to a half-hidden door. They could faintly hear crying coming from the inside. "That's Rini!" Jupiter exclaimed while pushing a button by the door. It opened to reveal the little girl crying. "You guys!" She stood up and ran out. "It was so dark in there!" Tuxedo Mask knelt down beside her and held her in his arms, "It's okay Rini. We're here now. We must find Serena and Diamond..." he didn't mention the five dead bodies. "We should head up... there seems to being living forms up there." **** * * "Diamond... did you hear something?" Dark Lady took her head off of his shoulder and looked at him. "Yes... what do you suppose...? Sapphire!" He spotted his brother on the other side of the crystal. "Sapphire!" Diamond ran over; half way to the man, he saw Prisma staring with horror- then he saw Wiseman attacking Sapphire. "No..." hissed Diamond. Dark Lady ran past him to see what was going on. "Sapphire! No! SAPPHIRE!" Prisma screamed as Wiseman's attack struck Sapphire in full blast. "NO!" Diamond shouted. **** * * "Sapphire! No! SAPPHIRE!" The scouts, Tuxedo Mask, and Rini came upon the top layer of the crystal to see Wiseman strike Sapphire down. Prisma screamed along with Diamond. "Wiseman!" Diamond spat the name out with total loathing. Dark Lady stood by in shock as Diamond knelt by his brother. "Uh... Diamond... Wiseman, he killed the sisters... Rubeus... Emerald. He's... taking over... stop him..." "Sapphire?" Prisma's face was stained with tears as she held his had. The man smiled slightly, "I always loved you... Prisma. Sorry... so sorry... oh..." his eyes rolled back and he fell silent. "SAPPHIRE!" screamed Diamond. The name echoed throughout the city. Dark Lady couldn't believe it. Everyone was gone... only Diamond and Prisma were left from Nemesis. Dark Lady narrowed her eyes and whispered, "How DARE you. You will pay, Wiseman!" She let out a snarl before floating into the air and twirling around (much like Merc does for her "shine aqua illusion" attack). "So Dark Lady, you think you can beat me? And me, being the one that created you?!" "I can be strong enough to defeat you, and I will defeat you!" She stopped twirling and opened her right hand. She held the silver crystal in it. Wiseman laughed, "Ha! That is so miserable! The dark gate is opening, and this world will be covered in darkness! That crystal can't beat the power of me, the Doom Phantom, and the dark crystal!" "We'll see," hissed Dark Lady. Serena's friends stood, shocked. The silver crystal? She was going to use it? What was going on? Diamond looked up, surprised to see that Dark Lady held the silver crystal. Then he remembered hearing of the cost that the user paid for using the crystal, "No, Serenity, no!" She didn't pay attention. She set her mouth in a grim line. A memory flickered in the back of her mind, and she brought the crystal to her chest for a moment before holding it out. Dark Lady closed her eyes and then focused on Wiseman, who was already started to blast her with the dark crystal's power. Her eyes opened and she sent her energy into the crystal. "I will defeat you, no matter what!" "Ha! Fool! You are weak-" the woman blocked out all of the sounds. She didn't listen for she knew that he was trying to get her discouraged. "Serenity!" Diamond cried. Prisma looked up at the woman who was fighting with Wiseman. Somehow, Prisma admired Dark Lady and wished for her good fortune, "Serena!" Yelled Tuxedo Mask. "Mommy!" screamed Rini. "It's all my fault! It's all my fault!" **** * * Dark Lady was vaguely aware that three people were calling her... "Serenity!" "Serena!" "Mommy!" Dark Lady didn't turn her attention away for long. Wiseman doubled his attack as she was distracted. "No you don't!" Dark Lady increased the power that she was letting flow into the crystal. "Eh..." **** * * "It's my fault! Oh Darien, it's all my fault!" Rini cried. "We have to help!" Venus said with tears streaming down her face. "We must!" Diamond noticed them and shouted to them, "Go now! Leave here!" The scouts were surprised by his words. Instead of leaving, they made their way closer to the prince (along with Rini and Tuxedo Mask). "Do you know how to help her?" Mars asked shakily. The white-haired man whispered, "The only thing I can think of would be to combine powers... help her out in that way..." Prisma turned to her ex-enemies. "Wiseman will destroy everything! Everything's wrong! He killed all of them... my sisters, Rubeus, Emerald... Sapphire..." her voice rose. "He's right... we need to help Serena!" Mars whispered, "MARS STAR POWER!" "MERCURY STAR POWER!" "VENUS STAR POWER!" "JUPITER STAR POWER!" Prisma stood up and gathered a dark ball of energy in her hands. Diamond shot out a beam of black power. **** * * Dark Lady felt new power joining her own, then she felt them: Diamond, Prisma, the Sailor Scouts (?). Dark Lady widened her eyes in shock as she heard the voice of her former love. "He loves me...?" she stammered. She returned to focus on Wiseman. The combined powers weakened the Doom Phantom only slightly. Soon the scouts, Prisma, and Diamond were drained out and dropped out of the battle. "I believe in you!" Shouted Rini out of no where, "You can do this!" Dark Lady smiled in recognition. She was about to pour more of her energy into the attack, but she felt it... she was on the line between life and death. This was her choice... she had to make it then. With a loud cry she poured the rest of her energy and power into the crystal. She let out a faint scream as everyone and everything was wrapped in white light. She felt her clothes change and her forehead grow hot. Dark Lady's dress changed to that of Neo-Queen Serenity's. Her dark moon symbol transformed into the golden crescent moon. "No one beats the Doom Phantom! No!" Wiseman screamed as he was defeated. The dark crystal blew to pieces. Only an island of the top layer floated in a void with small bits of the rest of the dark crystal. Finally the light cleared and everyone could see the woman fall back to the ground. Tuxedo Mask caught her right before she hit the ground. Her eyes didn't open. "Serena! Serena!" He shook her, fighting not to cry. Rini slowly faded. On earth, Luna P disappeared too. **** * Luna and Artemis looked at the pale face of the Neo-Queen. "No, I don't believe it! This is just some silly thing, it'll be okay! She'll be back, just like from the Silver Millenium and the fight with Beryl, you'll see!" "Luna, don't make this difficult..." Darien whispered. "I still can't believe it... she fought for all of us..." Prisma murmured. "I never thought... but we were so wrong... now everyone's gone, all of them!" "No Prisma, we're here..." Everyone gasped to see Emerald, Sapphire, Catsy, Avery, Birdie, and Rubeus standing there. "Sapphire! You guys! How-?" Prisma ran up to hug her sisters. Diamond walked over to his brother, "Do any of you know... how?" Sapphire whispered, "We all saw a white light before waking... finding ourselves around here..." "Serenity..." Diamond murmured. Prisma said, "That's what she meant... we are not alone. But- she left everyone!" Darien looked at the group with sad eyes, "That's what she did. She always stood up for her friends... or even those who didn't realize the good inside them." The sisters, Rubeus, and Emerald walked up to the bench on which Serenity was laying. Birdie whispered, "She used her life to save us?" Rei said softly, "She used all of her life energy to save everyone... it cost her the happiness that waited in the future. She is gone... so is Rini..." The people of the dark moon looked ashamed and sad, "If only I'd realized my mistake sooner..." Diamond whispered. "None of us did," Sapphire commented, "it's okay. Neo-Queen Serenity would want us all to be happy... that's why she let us live-" "So that we'd never be alone," Prisma finished. Sapphire nodded and brought Prisma to him. "She's gone now..." Ami choked, still not fully believing. "Did she ever realize that we cared so much?" Lita wondered aloud. "Yes..." Mina answered quietly. "But my question is, did Serena ever realize that I love her so much? Did she know that I never meant to cause her pain...?" "Of course, Darien," Rei murmured, "I know that she knew that. She never stopped caring for you... I know it..." "So what happens now? Where will we go?" Avery questioned. "Could it be possible to start a new life on earth?" Catsy wondered. "We'll help you all out..." Lita whispered. For the first time in Avery's life, she smiled a true smile, "Thank you..." **** * 'The choice, was mine and mine completely. I could have any prize that I desired. I could burn, with the spenders of the brightest... fire Or else, or else I could choose time. Remember, I was very young then. And a year, was forever and a day. So what use is fifty, sixty, seventy? I saw the lights, and I was on my way. Oh how I lived, how they shone! But how soon the lights... were gone.' 'The choice, was yours and no one else's. You can cry for Serenity in despair. Hang your head, because she is no longer there! To shine, to dazzle. How she lived. How she shone. But how soon... the lights were... gone.' Eyes, hair, face, image. All must be prisoned. Still like this way forever. No less than she deserves...' **** * ::sniff:: Yeah right. Well I finally finished! Yay! Anyhow, I know that this is kinda long, I wasn't up ta splitting it into parts. Oh yes, in case ya didn't notice... I changed the little break thingies to '**** * *' near to the end cause Serena became Dark Lady. (so she split apart from the scouts). When she died, I had her '*' disappear. Tacky, huh? Well I really need to know what y'all like, so please e-mail me! (senshisis@juno.com) I need input! Oh yes, I have a new (and my OWN) computer! YES! But I have spell check on my word-program! Yes! Even grammar check! (Hip-hip hooray! I tell ya that I'm an awful speller! [in case you didn't notice]) But anyway, the little song at the end that I added is from "Evita" (the movie and play by Andrew Lloyd Webber). Please don't sue me. I just like that song SOOOOO much. I changed a few words so that it's fit all right with the story. I'm sure you're all wondering when I'm gonna have Darien die for a change. It's hard! I like his character a lot, so it's tough ta kill him off. And if he died, I don't think Serena could take it. Hmm, I'll work on something else. Oh yes... ^_^ I know that I oughtta be working on the sequel to "The Beginning" but I have no great ideas! SUGGESTIONS PLEASE! (I'm mixing anime and manga together. Oh yeah, I use 'Michelle', 'Alex', and 'Holly' for Michiru, Haruka, and Hotaru. 'Nother thing: I'm having the outers join the inners in first season! Chow! -Sailor ClearMoon PS sorry 'bout the notes! ;^_^