Betrothed Part 2/? By Elisabeth James *Streamers explode and small fireworks start going off overhead* That got your attention! Hope you like the next chapter in this saga that I’m writing. FEEDBACK is appreciated, I got so many e-mails for the last chapter I didn’t know what to do with myself, I was so happy! So lets fill my mailbox again! Disclaimer: I don’t own Sailor Moon, OR the song Serenity is singing in the beginning, that belongs to the nice people who made Lunar Silver Star Story. Gee I love that game! The bombs erupted through the still air, breaking apart the peaceful tranquillity that surrounded the castle. They were fighting again and they were slowly bringing the war closer and closer toward the castle boundaries. At the rate it was going now, not even a wedding set in two weeks would save the kingdom. Serenity sang softly under her breath, “Wishing on a dream that seems far off. Hoping it will come today...” she kicked her feet gently along the top of the water. Droplets caught the sun and sparkled down around her. Besides the gardens, the lake was her favorite place to visit when she was feeling down. “Into the starlit night, hopeless dreamers turn their gaze, wishing on a shooting star.” She continued on even as she heard footstep approaching her from behind. “Serenity, there you are! Mother has been searching for you all morning long, have you been here the whole time?” Raina asked her when she got close enough for her sister to hear. “No, I spent a few hours in the gardens as well. What does she want this time?” She didn’t even turn around to acknowledge her sister’s presence. She had mixed feelings about Raina, even though she loved her sister, she felt she was watching a little Queen Serenity grow up right before her eyes. Raina would always be nice to Serenity in private but in front of their mother, Serenity was simply an annoyance, a being not worthy of the attention of a future queen. “She needed to speak to you about something important, that’s all she told me. You can’t keep running off like this, your flightiness only makes mother mistrust you more.” she took a seat next to her sister on the dock and waited for an answer. “I don’t run off, I simply don’t inform you or mother of where I am going. If you knew where I was going, I would not get any peace at all.” Serenity finally faced her sister, “Mother can not keep trying to control me. I am not you Raina, I will never be queen, I will always be second best no matter what I do. I am trying not to let that bother me anymore.” “Serenity, your are so over dramatic. Mother loves you just as she does me, we are equals in her eyes.” “Equals?” Serenity turned sharply toward her sister, “What is your definition of equals dear sister?” Raina wrinkled her brow and gave Serenity an worried look at the outburst. “You are blowing this out of proportion Serenity. You are reading into mother’s behavior too much. In her own little way, she does love you.” Raina didn’t believe a word she was saying, she knew how mother really felt about Serenity. She just didn’t have the heart to tell her. “She has an extremely humorous way of expressing it.” Serenity mumbled under her breath as she slipped her legs back into the cool water again. A lull of silence hung over them and Raina jumped on it to change the subject. “So do you like Prince Adonis? He seems like a perfectly lovely gentleman.” Serenity said nothing in return. Raina let out a soft sigh, why did everything have to be so complicated between her and Serenity. “Do you like Endymion?” Serenity asked her finally, sending another spray of water over the both of them. “Stop trying to change the subject Serenity, I asked you first.” Serenity started to counter back when the thundering of hoofs began echoing across the grounds. Someone was coming toward them on horseback. A royal guard pulled up to the two princesses and smiled “Your highnesses, your mother requests your company for dinner this evening. She seemed very put off by your sudden disappearances after breakfast this morning. She wants you back to the castle, ready for supper in 30 minutes time.” Raina nodded, “Thank you, we will be sure to make it back there in time.” the guard nodded and took off back toward the castle. “Serenity let’s go, we can’t be late for dinner or mother will murder us.” “You go, I’ll be right behind you, I just want to be by myself for a few more minutes.” she cut Raina off before she could open her mouth, “I’m fine, I just have a lot on my mind right now that needs to be taken care of.” “Okay but be careful, I know you Serenity, better than you think I do.” with that Raina turned and started walking quickly toward the house. Serenity turned her attention back to the water. The clear blue color seemed to disappear, something was brewing just below the surface. She pulled her legs from the icy depths and shivered slightly as the soft breeze grew harsher. The bomb blasts seemed only feet away from the tiny lake now, fear seized her heart. A soft hand suddenly touched her shoulder and she shot to her feet. “Endymion! You frightened me!” “That was not my intent princess. You looked absolutely terrified there for a moment when that explosion went off. I was only checking to make sure you were all right. Your sister informed me that you were down here by yourself so I thought I might join you for a few minutes.” his expression was concerned and automatically felt a little more at ease. The world didn’t seem so bad when he was around. “I am fine, just not used to war surrounding me like that. I thought that the rebel forces had broken through our defenses along the outer rim.” she closed her eyes and willed her heart to slow itself down. The war was getting so close, it would not be long now before the castle was taken. The castle would be turned to ruins, a former shell of a once great kingdom. “We should be getting back to the castle now, dinner is in 20 minutes.” he placed a strong arm around her waist and started leading her toward her home. She stopped and looked at him, a puzzled expression crossed her features and his arm fell from her side. “Sorry.” he mumbled softly to her. He quickened his pace and she had to run to keep up. She slipped silently into her seat, praying to Kami-sama that her mother would not notice her rather tardy entrance. “So good of you to join us Serenity, we are deeply honored that you chose to grace us with your presence. Especially after the little disappearing act you pulled this afternoon.” Queen Serenity placed her hands together and rested them upon the table, “Would you care to tell us where you disappeared off to?” “I am sorry mother, I did not mean to be late. Please forgive me your majesties, my tardiness is not a good example of the way a princess should act.” “It is all right my dear, things do come up that often prohibit promptness. Not even a great ruler can be on time all the time.” Rhea smiled warmly at her and Serenity felt a little more at ease. “Where exactly were you this afternoon my dear daughter?” the queen narrowed her eyes at the petite girl. Why was it always so hard to keep Serenity in line? Didn’t that girl know that all she wanted was for her to grow up proper and princess-like? “I was in the garden reading for a little while then I went down to the lake. I was looking for inspiration.” she was trying to stay calm, her mother would soon start with the accusations and the horrible putdowns she always resorted to when Serenity did something the queen didn’t care for. “Inspiration? For what? One of your stupid paintings you are always wasting your time on? Honestly Serenity, I don’t know what to do with you. I try to raise you correctly so you are ready to face the world and here you are still living in a dream, painting and reading the days away. You should be attending royal meetings, learning how to be a ruler of a kingdom.” the queen sniffed and took a sip of water. The meal was barely on the table and already the bickering had started. Serenity looked at Endymion, he was silent, concentrating on pushing his food around his plate. He wouldn’t look her in the eyes, and his face held no comfort. Adonis’s eyes were staring at her, waiting for her next move. Raina remained quiet as well, just trying to tune the entire thing out, like she did every night at suppertime. Serenity took a deep breath, “Why should I have to attend those boring meeting when I will not even be queen! Raina is next in line mother, you tell me that everyday. Raina this and Raina that, that’s all you ever say to me.” tears rushed to her eyes and she forcefully choked them back, “I am not Raina, I am Serenity. I will never be Raina, nor would I ever want to be. Can’t you just accept me for who I am?” no one said a word as they waited for Queen Serenity to reply. “I can not accept you Serenity because if I do not do something you will become more of a failure than you already are.” Serenity’s mouth fell open as the words sunk in. She drew in a shaky breath and tried not to just get up and run from the table. “That is how you see me? As a failure? Am I that bad of a daughter? Do I disgrace you so much that you do not even love me anymore?” The queen said nothing in return, the silence hurt more than words ever could. Serenity closed her eyes and nodded, “Well I’m going to my chambers now, this failure is not hungry anymore.” she stood up gracefully and pushed her chair in. “Good night your majesties, Endymion, Adonis.” she walked quickly from the dining room, slamming the doors behind her. Endymion stood in the front of her chamber door, his fist was poised to knock. He gripped her repaired painting in his other hand, you could hardly tell it was torn at all. What if she didn’t wish to see him? What if she got mad that he came to see her after that horrible display at dinner? Oh how he wanted to talk to her, he wanted to hug her and tell her that she wasn’t a failure to him. But she barely knew him, and vice versa. She would never be open to such affections from him, would she? *Knock knock knock* A gentle rapping at her door startled her from her light sleep. “Who is it?” she called sleepily, she did not want to get up to answer the door. She wanted to stay in bed forever and let the world swallow her whole. “It’s Endymion, can I talk to you?” joy suddenly overtook the despair. Her heart longed for his touch, but he belonged to Raina, just as the crown and all of mother’s affections did. “Of course.” she walked to the door and calmly pulled it open. There he stood, looking ashamed enough for the both of them. She said nothing, waiting for him to speak first. The silence was comfortable and painful at the same time, neither of them knew just what to say. “Can I talk to you inside your room perhaps?” he inquired quietly. “Oh, right. Come in, come in.” she led him to a pair of chairs situated in the corner and they sat down. “I fixed your painting, just like I said I would.” he handed her the canvas and her eyes filled with tears. “Don’t give that to me, please. I only want to tear it up like I did before. You keep it, since you like it so much.” he only nodded and took the painting back from her hands. He stared at it harder than he did before and realized something. “You know what I see when I look at this painting Serenity?” she turned to look at him, her eyes probed his. She leaned closer to him, hoping maybe to see what he saw. Her own miserable flaws stood out even more than before. “I know what I see, a horrible painting, the colors are wrong, the shape is off. There are too many clouds floating on the surface, you can’t see the land below them.” she ticked off a few things but stopped when Endymion started to shake his head. She crossed her arms across her chest, “Enlighten me Endymion. What do you see that I can not?” “I see a beautiful piece of art that I will hang up as soon as I get home. You know what else I see Serenity? I see you. In every brush stroke you are there, I can see your happiness, your personality is etched in every color. You pour yourself into your work, every painting is a piece of you. A little piece of your feelings at that moment in time. That’s why I will treasure this always, because every time I look at it I will think of you Serenity.” “You barely know me, you are engaged to my sister.” she whispered. “We can still be friends, can’t we?” he grabbed for her hand but she pulled away. If he touched her now she would lose it. Everything inside of her would crumble into a million pieces. “No Endymion we can not, every time I look at you...” she trailed off helplessly, “You are the nicest man I have ever met. You treat me like a person, you have no idea how much that means to me, but I can’t. I can’t put myself through this, I would rather you hate me like everyone else, then it would not make this so hard.” she couldn’t even look him in the eye any longer. She turned away from him and prayed that he wouldn’t question what she had just told him. His heart broke, he had hoped that at least they could be friends. That would ease the pain of never being able to touch her soft skin, or kiss her sweet lips. “Good night Serenity, thank you for the painting.” he stood up to leave, maintaining his composure with all of his strength. “Wait!” his eyes went wide with her touch and it sent his senses reeling. When did any girl get such a power over him? Serenity wasn’t a normal girl though, she was perfect, an angel. An angel that would never be his. “Yes Serenity?” his voice shook with apprehension. She was so close, he could smell the soft scent of her lilac perfume. “Thank you for caring Endymion.” she should have just let him leave, things were about to get out of control. The painting fell from his hand and landed softly on the carpet. He ran his hand through her silver hair and she let out a soft sigh. His lips neared hers and she closed her eyes. She wanted to be kissed, she wanted the feeling of Endymion’s lips upon her own. Suddenly he knew the reason why Serenity had wanted to push him away. They couldn’t resist one another, there was just something between them. He stopped mere centimeters from her lips and pulled away. “I can not do it Serenity, your sister...” he stopped talking as she started to nod. “I know, this is not fair to her.” she looked down at her feet and he planted a soft kiss on her forehead. “I should go before this gets out of hand even more than it already has.” she nodded again, she couldn’t find the words to make him stay. His hands pulled gently away from her shoulders, leaving a cold nothingness surrounding her. “Endymion, I did not mean what I said earlier. I was thinking too hard about everything. I do want to be your friend, if you still want me to be.” He smiled at her, “Of course Serenity. I will talk to you tomorrow, perhaps we can do something together?” he picked up the forgotten painting and cluched it tightly in his hands. “I would like that very much.” she walked him to the chamber door and slowly shut the door behind him when he left. “I love you Endymion.” Raina stood completely still behind the plant, watching Endymion leave Serenity’s room with a painting in his hand. His eyes lingered slightly on the door before he walked to his own bedroom. Her blood boiled in her veins, that little snipe was trying to steal her man. Well she would inform mother, someone must put a stop to this treachery. ~ To be continued... ~ Another chapter finished and ready for feedback! write me write me write me :) As always special thanks to: Clare-chan, Adrianne, Kelly, SB, Rinoa, and Meredith (congrats on your marriage!!)