Chapter 6 ready to go! Comments people, please! I'm begging you! Tell me what you think, share your feelings with me! Tell me you love me! Ravish me with compliments! Oh all right do what ever you want, but I'm watching you :) ~ Chapter 6 ~ "Why Darien?" it was a simple question but it carried no easy answer along with it. Mina stood beside her, Andrew glaring coldly at her, unbelieving that she could have told Serena about this. "Serena..." he was ashamed of what he did, it was wrong and he knew it. His heart grew heavy with despair as her blue eyes glossed over with unshed tears of a broken heart. She looked him straight in the eyes, unyielding, "Just answer me, I deserve at least that, an honest answer from the guy who confessed her loved me just last night." He broke their intense gaze and looked down at the floor, "It started out as a bet yes, but it ended up being so much more. Serena, I-" he couldn't say it, his lips wouldn't form the words. He heard her sob as the tears poured from her eyes. "I thought so, you didn't have to lie to me Darien." He looked at her, god he wanted to cradle her and tell her that he loved her, that he wanted to be with her forever, and never let her go. "Serena I love you." He choked the words out, but meant every one of them. She just looked at him disbelieving, "You used me for money Darien, I was a bet, a stupid bet. What good is a confession of love if it isn't true? I don't appreciate being lied to, I thought that there was something between us, something that was almost electrical. But it must have been my imagination Darien, because if you loved me for real you never would have done this. I hate you and I never want to see you near me again." Serena spun around and raced out the doors of the arcade. Mina turned to run after but Darien grabbed her arm, "Mina how could you? You know I love her, more then anything in this world." "I told her because she had the right to know that you were lying to her Darien. This whole thing was a cheap charade, a ploy to make money and you put her in the middle of it all. You screwed yourself Darien; I didn't do anything that wouldn't have come out later. And as for you Andrew, after last night I don't think I ever want to see you again either." She spun on her heel and walked quickly out the door to chase after her friend. "Darien, man, I'm really sorry." Darien glanced up at his friend, "Whatever, if you hadn't have blabbed I wouldn't be in this mess in the first place! You telling Mina ruined everything." "Well I'm sorry I screwed up your life Darien, I didn't make you lie to her too." Darien narrowed his eyes, "I'm leaving, I have to find a way to make this up to her." He marched out of the arcade, in search of his love. @~~~>>~~~~ "Serena, it's okay everything will work out just fine, you'll see." Mina hugged her friend tightly and Serena just kept crying, "It will not be okay Mina, I told him that I hated him. I love him." She whispered softly, "I love him and I need him." She started to cry harder, the pain in her heart was unbearable. "Serena I'm sure he doesn't hate you, but he lied to you, and made you feel this way." Serena brushed the tears from her eyes, "I know, but I can't change the way I feel. My heart just can't change because he did something horrible and wrong. He was so sweet Mina, he made me feel like a princess." "Oh Serena, you need to make up your mind, do you want him or not?" she sniffled and laid back on her bed, "I hate him and love him at the same time, how can that be? I want to make him pay for hurting me like this but at the same time I want to hear him whisper in my ear those sweet words he said before. I've never been told 'I love you' before Mina, and it made me feel so special. Especially from him, the most stone hearted man I have ever met before in my life." "You have to follow your heart Serena, it's the only thing you can trust." Mina patted her shoulder and then stood up to go. "Serena! Are you up there?" Ilene called up the stairwell. Mina opened the door, "We're both up here Mrs. Tsukino, do you want to talk to Serena?" "No, she has a guest." Serena raised her eyebrows inquiring whom, Mina shook her head, "I don't know Serena but I have to go, I'll see you tomorrow. Call me if you need to talk okay?" Serena nodded yes and Mina left the room. Serena stood up and followed her from the room and down the stairs. "Darien." She whispered it softly; the word tickled her throat. She felt anger rising in her again but she had to hear what he was here to say. "Listen Serena I'm sorry I know you don't want to see me right but I just came by to tell you to meet me at the fountain in the park at seven o'clock tonight, if you don't hate me too much." She shook her head no, "I'll be there Darien, I should at least hear what you have to say." He half smiled at her and nodded, "I'll see you then." He left as quickly as he had come, leaving only the smell of his cologne to linger in her mind. Mina gave her a thumb's up and then walked out the door as well. @~~~>>~~~~ Serena raced to the park at five minutes to 7:00, she was anxious to see what Darien had planned. Her face was red and she was panting as she approached the fountain, Darien stood here staring at her as she got closer. She gulped down air and she took a deep breath. "Darien." She felt the word just slid out of her throat, his name sure did have a strange effect on her. "Serena." "Well what did you ask me here for?" he smiled suddenly, causing Serena to become unsettled, she smiled back uneasily, "Darien, I'm still mad you know. If this isn't important, then I might as well go home. He placed a finger gently on her lips, "Close your eyes." She started to protest but he simply shook his head and brushed his fingertips over her eyelids, softly pushing them closed. "Take my hand and follow me." She placed her hand in his and allowed herself to be drug along to some secret surprise he had planned for her. "Darien where are we going?" he squeezed her hand, "Are you eyes still closed?" "Yes but where are we going?" "It's a surprise Serena, but you're going to like it, I promise." She sighed, "Okay Darien..." she trailed off slowly, letting the silence settle back over them gradually. "Okay Serena, you can open your eyes now." She opened her eyes slowly to be greeted by the most beautiful sight she had ever seen. There had to be at least 80 white pillar candles surrounding them in a rose thicket. There was a small table set up in the middle and a bouquet of roses in the center. Food was sitting on the table, begging to be eaten. Serena eyes fell to everything in the small, enclosed space; that was filled with the rich scent of roses and evergreen. "Oh Darien, it's beautiful." She breathed. He smiled at her warmly, "I'm so glad you like it, I worked on it all afternoon. It's all just for you Serena, because you mean so much to me and I love you." He pulled out her chair and she sat down slowly still taking everything in, "Where did you find all these candles Darien." "That's my little secret." She looked down at her plate, "It smells delicious, did you cook Darien?" he nodded, "I'm a man of many, many talents my dear." He kissed her hand gently and she giggled softly, her anger long forgotten. She stared at him with love in her eyes, "I can't believe you did all this for just me Darien." "Well believe it and eat before your dinner gets cold. And then I have another surprise for you." She arched her eyebrows, "Another one, this is too much Darien. I would have forgiven you eventually you know?" "Eventually is too far away, I want to you to be with me now Serena, please say you will." "Darien, how do I know you're not still lying to me. I really want to believe you but how can I trust you again so soon. You hurt me really bad, I can't just forgive you so quickly." He got a sad puppy dog look on his face, "Please Serena." He dug into his pocket and pulled out a long rectangular box, "Go ahead and open it." she took the box from him and with shaking hands she opened it to reveal a diamond bracelet. "Oh my God! Darien, I can't accept this, it looks like it cost a fortune!" he gently removed it from the box and placed on her wrist, "It looks beautiful on you Serena I insist you keep it." she looked down at her wrist and then back at him. "You are so sweet Darien." She threw her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. "You didn't do all this to apologize to me." "I wanted to Serena, because I love you." He pecked her lips and she felt that tingling feeling fly through her body once again. "I love you too Darien." They kissed under stars and the candlelight. She heard soft music start playing in the background. "Would you care to dance my love." He extended a hand and she took it gracefully. He spun her out onto the 'dance floor' and pulled her close. She put her arms around his neck and placed her head on his shoulder. All I am, all I'll be Everything in this world All that I'll ever need Is in your eyes Shining at me When you smile I can feel All my passion unfolding Your hand brushed mine And a thousand sensation Seduce me 'cause I I do cherish you For the rest of my life You don't have to think twice I will love you still From the depths of my soul It's beyond my control I've waited so long to say this to you If you're asking to do I love this much I do In my world, before you I lived outside my emotions Didn't know where I was going 'Til the day I found you How you opened my life To a new paradise In a world torn by change Still with all my heart 'Til my dying day I do cherish you For the rest of my life You don't have to think twice I will love you still From the depths of my soul It's beyond my control I've waited so long to say this much to you If you're asking to do I love this much I do (I Do (Cherish You) by 98 Degrees) "Oh Darien, this has been so perfect, thank you for everything." He smiled at her and kissed her forehead, "I promise never to hurt you again Serena." "I know Darien, I know" she snuggled closer to him, into the crook of his neck and they continued dancing in the soft light from the stars. The End? Okay it's done! What do you think, does the ending need work, should I write a epilogue? Tell me, or should I just leave the ending the way it is, in all it's mushy glory. I like the ending so I might not change it. Also I love that song so that's why I included it. It really described the way Darien feels about Serena. Well I have new story in the works, it's a comedy, so stay tuned! And get this I'm going to attempt to finish my long awaited next chapter to I Will Get Back To You! Did you hear that Clare-chan? I'm going to try and finish it, do you still remember that story? I'll resend it to everyone again, I rewrote some of it, I took Rini out of it. She didn't really fit, plus I really don't want to include her :) Oh time for the thank yous! Okay like always a very special thanks extended to Clare-chan, she gave me the best idea for the end of the last chapter, before it wasn't up to par with my writing skills :) So I owe her that and she listens to me vent about everything, which takes a lot of patients on her part, since I tend to have a one track mind (ALEX) But she's a great friend and I just want to thank her for everything :) Everyone who has written me about this thing, there's too many people to thank individually otherwise I would, Moonklutz, Usagi-chan, Serena Moon, Usako and everyone else I can't remember at this moment. Thank you all for your support and everything, it helps me so much. My life hasn't been so great lately and you guys really help make it better. Oh wow I write too much don't I? Listen to me blabber! yak, yak, yak! okay I'm done, well at least until next time :) until then, love, luck, and lollipops to everyone :) Liz-chan - The incredibly beautiful goddess in charge of the Althena's Sailor Moon Fanfiction Archive, submit stuff to me, or else :) j/k