Hey Minna-chan, here's the next chapter of 'The Bet'. I hope you all enjoy it and start sending me comments about this thing otherwise I'm not going to bother posting anymore if no one likes it. Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon, nor will I ever, I do however have my right to Squall, he's mine! Mine! All mine! And Alex too heehee, i love them both! ~ Chapter 5 ~ "So Mina how about we go out tomorrow night?" Andrew asked her softly "Would this have anything to do with the fact that Darien knows I know about the bet you two made, I don't like to be bribed Andrew, I didn't tell her yet. I'm going to though, it's not nice what Darien's doing to her, she really likes him and he's using her for money." "Mina, he likes her too and the bet's not really on anymore. He lost because he fell in love with her, he just doesn't want her to find out, he's afraid that she'll dump him if she finds out this all started like a big joke." Mina laughed, "She should dump him, he used her and now he's trying to get all noble on her, saying that it's not about money anymore. It all started out like a farce, a big joke to make Serena look stupid. Neither of you thought about her did you?" Andrew looked down at his feet, his face red with embarrassment, "Please Mina, let Darien work this out on his own, he'll tell her after he confesses his love tonight at the opera. Don't ruin this, he's got the whole evening planned out perfectly." Mina let out a deep sigh, "Fine, I won't tell her but he had better work this out on his own or I will." She flashed him a bold smile, "So where are we going to dinner tonight, it had better someplace nice Andrew." "Why would I take you out now, we have an agreement. I don't need to take you anywhere." She gasped, "You jerk!" she pulled back her hand to smack him when he stopped her quickly, "Okay dinner it is. I'll pick you up at your house at 7:00 tonight, I think we'll go to that restaurant Serena and Darien tried, I hear they have great escargot." @~~~>>~~~~ "He asked you again? Why would he do a stupid thing like that?" Sammy asked her innocently. Serena turned around from the mirror and glared coldly at him, "Maybe because he's madly in love with me, or he thinks I'm beautiful. Maybe it's my hair." She smoothed the front of her dress; it was the same one she had worn the few nights before. She didn't dress up that often, so she had no need for tons expensive dresses. "You beautiful?" he laughed loudly, "A cow would look better in that dress!" "That was really mean Sammy, even I don't stoop that low!" she finished putting in her crescent moon earring and checked her hair. She looked over herself once more and ran downstairs to wait for Darien to come and pick her up. Sammy ran after her, right on her heels down the stairs, "I hope you have fun Serena." "Thanks Sammy that's the first nice thing you've said all night to me." The fiendish gleam returned, "Maybe you'll get married and then I can have your bedroom." "Why you little brat!" Serena turned tail and chased him back up the stairs to hit him for the remark when her mother's voice chimed out, "Darien's here Serena!" "Coming!" she stuck her tongue out at Sammy and walked calmly back down the stairs. Darien was waiting in the doorway with a pink rose corsage and a big smile. "You look stunning tonight Meatball head." Her grin faltered a bit, before she realized he had said it with an endearing quality. "And you are looking very handsome yourself Mr. Chiba." She felt the shivers of excitement travel up her arm when he gently slipped the corsage over her wrist, "It matches your dress perfectly." He commented. "It's beautiful Darien, should we go?" he nodded and slipped a strong arm around her waist and led her out the car. "Bye mom, I'll be home before midnight okay?" Ilene nodded and waved as the couple got into the tiny red sports car and pulled out of the driveway. @~~~>>~~~~ Meanwhile... "What no flowers? Well I'm sure dinner will be great. Where are we going?" Mina walked with Andrew out to his old beat up Station Wagon (AN: I have no clue what he drives, for comedy purposes it's going to a station wagon.) "McDonald's, it's half price hamburger night." Andrew opened the rusty door and Mina slowly got in. "McDonald's! Andrew tell me you're lying!" "Fine I'm lying." He walked around the other side and got in. He started the beast to life and pulled away from the crib. They drove a couple of blocks until they reached the McDonald's parking lot and he pulled in. "You said you were lying Andrew, come on this isn't funny anymore!" Andrew flashed her a wide grin, "You told me to tell you I was lying, so I did, now what do you want?" he pulled up into the drive- in ordering board. "We aren't even going in? What kind of date is this Andrew." "Of course not, why turn off the car and walk inside when there's this nice easy drive- in system, it would be a shame to let it go to waste." Mina sighed and crossed her arms across her chest, "I though my date with Tommy Douglas was bad, I guess I have a new winner." "Okay I'll have a number five, super sized with an extra cheeseburger, with a coke." He turned back to her, "What do you want?" Mina scowled, "A large gun would be nice." He rolled his eyes and turned to the board again, "Yeah and a cheeseburger and a large fry with a coke also." "Your total comes to 12.98, please pull around to the first window." The voice crackled and Andrew eased the car forward to the first window. They paid and quickly got their food. As he pulled out the parking lot Mina took a few fries from the bag, "So where are we eating this wonderful expensive cuisine?" "I was thinking about the spot that overlooks the sewer treatment plant, I hear it's really beautiful this time of night." He snatched a few fries from her hand and shoved them into his own mouth; "Wow these are good!" "Hey! Those were mine! Fry thief!" she pulled the bag away from his reach and started laughing as he reached across her, trying to grab the bag and drive at the same time." Mina pinched his arm, "Pay attention, I want to get home alive tonight, imagine my last meal being McDonald's." He turned down a gravel road and turned on his headlights, "Andrew where are we going?" he smiled slightly, "Don't worry I know what I'm doing Mina, I'm not going to kill you or anything." "Oh of course not, you only do that on second dates." The car fell silent until Andrew realized what she had just said, "Hey!" Mina laughed, "Oh Andrew you are just too cute, you're like a big teddy bear, I could just hug you and..." she trailed off and turned her gaze to the trees whizzing by her window. Finally the car stopped and Andrew got out and opened her door. She looked around, "Oh Andrew it's beautiful!" @~~~>>~~~~ Serena slid into her seat and looked above her at the gold painted ceiling and the beautiful woodcarvings that bordered the box where they were sitting. "I can't believe that your boss gave you tickets to his private viewing box, this is so cool Darien." He sat down next to her and brought his arm around her slim shoulders, "Yeah, I love seeing the operation from these seats, especially when I have such great company." She looked at him with her clear blue eyes, a feeling a love washed over her, she could see herself being happy with him. "Serena?" he asked her softly, his voice breaking her from her dream world. "Yes Darien?" she looked back down at the pit orchestra which was tuning up and taking their seats. A deep purple curtain still hung across the wide stage and Serena couldn't wait to see what Darien had said was going to take place. The opera was supposed to be a love story, two people whose love was never supposed to be a tragedy as Darien called it. "You're awfully quiet Serena, is anything the matter, you seem distracted by something." She shook her head, "No I'm just anxious for the opera to start, I want to see what the fuss is about." With that comment the lights dimmed and Serena saw the curtain being drawn back, she held her breath with anticipation as the music started and the performers walked out from the wings. The crowd sat captivated until the intermission when the lights came back. "What do you think so far Serena?" her face had been transfixed on the stage the entire time, he barely noticed her breathing. "It's beautiful Darien, but so sad at the same time, why can't they be together?" she didn't notice that he was stroking her blond hair softly and that their chairs were very close together. "It's complicated Serena, it just wasn't meant to be. Something's aren't meant to work in life I guess. Like us hating each other forever, that worked out for the better didn't it?" she nodded a slow yes, "It did, I'm glad it did too. I've never had this much fun before." She looked back down at the pit orchestra getting ready to start up again. Darien put his face close to hers, "Serena." He breathed into her ear, tickling her with his soft throaty voice. "Yes Darien." She hoped something was going to happen between them tonight, she loved him, she was positive of it, but did he feel the same way? "I just wanted... to tell you... that I really like you. A lot." She smiled slightly, "I like you too Darien, you're nice to be with, you make me feel happy." "Serena I think I might be falling, wait no, that's not right. I know I'm in-" she placed a finger over his lips, "It's starting up again Darien. You can tell me later." He groaned softly and sat back in his seat. @~~~>>~~~~ "Wow Andrew, how did you find this place, it's just beautiful, look at that sunset!" Mina smiled happily at him, they sat munching away on their food and watching the sun dip below the trees that surrounded the tiny park. "I'm sorry I sounded so snobby before, it's really nice here, way nicer then some stuffy restaurant where most of my dates take me." "I understand, you're a high matinence chick." He took a bite of his burger and she glared at him for a moment, "No! I actually like this better. I like you better." "You don't even know me Mina, I can be real jerk sometimes." "So can every guy Andrew, but you seem nicer the rest, more sensitive, caring, kind, gentle." She leaned across the table and stared into his eyes. She closed her own and slightly puckered her lips. He stood up abruptly and walked over to throw away his trash. Mina slowly opened her eyes and saw Andrew walking away from her. She felt tears building up in her eyes and she mashed her palms into her eyes to keep them from falling. "I'm so stupid, he doesn't like me, this is just to get me to keep quiet about that stupid bet, I should have know Andrew would never ask me out for real." She whispered to herself. "Mina..." Andrew trailed off and walked closer to her. She slowly raised her gaze to his, "I should go home now Andrew. I know you don't want to be here with me." He knelt down next to her, "Mina it's not that, it just... well you know." He shifted uncomfortably. "No Andrew I don't know, what are you talking about? I like you yes, I thought that this would be the perfect moment for you to realize that I'm pretty and that I'm fun and nice and just a great as the next girl." His face softened, "I'm flattered but Mina, you're just a friend. This was just a date to get you to keep quiet about the bet." "Whatever just take me home Andrew." Mina looked into the sunset wishing she could have been here under better terms, it was beautiful, just not beautiful enough for her. @~~~>>~~~~ The opera ended almost as quickly as it had began in Serena's mind. The entire evening had been like a dream and Darien had been the perfect gentleman. "Darien, you can finish what you were telling me earlier. I'm sorry I cut you off like that, I never meant to hurt your feelings. He looked out into the stars; the fading sun cast long shadows along the pavement. The two toned sky was a beautiful blend of ebony, blue, violet and red. The star twinkled happily above him, as if they shined only because of his deep love for the girl walking down the street with him. "It was nothing important Serena, it's not like you would have wanted to hear it anyway." She touched his arm gently, "Please tell me, you have my full attention, there's no people singing here right now. And no orchestra." She smiled him and he felt his heavy mood being lifted away. Suddenly he remembered something and he grabbed her hand. They took off running toward the park at full speed, Serena clomping along in her heels, almost falling over with every step. "Darien, why are we running? Slow down!" she yelled and tried to pull away from him but his grip tightened and he looked back at her, "We're almost there, it's a surprise, I know you'll love it Serena." She looked at him cautiously but continued to run with him until they emerged in an evergreen ticket filled with the soft light of fireflies. She could hear music faintly playing in the background, "Where's that music coming from?" "The Jazz concert is tonight, it just started." He continued to lead her forward until she saw the gazebo and a Jazz combo playing in the middle of it. Couples were dancing and holding hands. The setting was incredibly romantic and Serena gasped when Darien led her out into the middle of the crowd by the gazebo. "May I have this dance mademoiselle?" he kissed her hand gently and she giggled softly, "I can't dance to save my life Darien, it would be too embarrassing. What if I fall?" he lifted her up gently and placed her feet on top of his, "There now there's no cause for embarrassment." She threw her arms around his neck and he pulled her closer, wrapping his strong arms around her tiny waist. She put her head on his board shoulder and inhaled the spicy scent of his cologne. She sighed to herself and he bent down to whisper something in her ear, "You look so beautiful in the moonlight Serena, just like an angel sent from above." She slowly lifted her head from it's resting place and looked up at him, "Darien I'm no angel." She whispered softly, she bit her lip as the silence caused them to get more and more uncomfortable. "I'm so glad you're here with me Serena, I care for more deeply than you know." Her mouth dropped open and she felt his lips getting ever closer to hers. She closed her eyes and soon pure bliss was upon them. He tasted of chocolate, so sweet and rich. He arched her backwards and she fell into his embrace, eagerly kissing him back. Her hands played with the soft curly tendrils at the nape of his neck, sending shivers of pleasure up his spine. She pulled away slowly, only out of lack of air. He still was cradling her in his arms and he smiled warmly at her, "I love you." The words seemed to sneak from his mouth. He almost seemed embarrassed about them. She set her feet carefully on the ground and untangled her arms from his neck. "I love you too Darien." A slow Jazz ballad started then and he pulled her close again and they rocked slowly back and forth, lost in their own little world. @~~~>>~~~~ "All right already! I'm coming!" Serena got lazily out of bed the morning to the sound of a ringing phone. "Hello?" She said, trying to keep herself awake. "Serena is that you?" the voice on then other end sounded frantic with worry and dread. Serena immediately perked up, "Mina, what's wrong?" "Oh Serena I should have told you earlier but I didn't, but it's Darien, he's been lying to you the entire time. "Mina what are you talking about? Darien hasn't done anything wrong, last night he said he loved me" She closed her eyes and relished the memory of how his kisses felt and how great it felt o be loved by him. "It's just a lie Serena, Darien and Andrew made a bet about if Darien took you out Andrew would pay him his three week salary. I'm so sorry Serena, I should have said something before but then Andrew tried to bribe me by taking me out last night and it just snowballed. I didn't want to see you hurt by him Serena." "It's okay Mina, it was just some silly crush anyway. I'll get over it. Thanks for telling me, you're a really great friend." "Are you sure you're all right Serena?" Mina was almost crying on the other end, she knew Serena felt more strongly about Darien then any guy ever before. "I'm fine, but I'm still really tired, I'm going to go back to sleep, I'll talk to you later. Bye." Serena hung up the phone gently and walked back over to her bed. Reality sunk in a few minutes later and tears sprang to her eyes. She clinched them shut, pleading with them to not fall. She didn't need to cry over him, it was just a crush. With one heart-wrenching sob everything poured out. She buried her face in her pillow and cried her heart out. to be continued... HAHAHAHA! I'm so evil aren't I :) Well the secret is out, what's going to happen now? How Darien will prove his love for Serena and will she ever trust him again? Next part coming soon. : ) Very special thanks for Clare-chan for her great idea way better then what I had in mind. Did you like it? Not quite what you had in mind but I think it worked really well. And to anyone else who has expressed his or her love for this story. Your praise has kept me with it, this story is like 25 pages long or something along those lines and I'm very happy with the way it's going. And it's all because of you guys, all of you make that happen. Remember to please submit fanfics to my archive, I'm begging here people, I'm down on my hands and knees pleading for them. Klutz, I know you've got some great work out there, Usagi-chan, come on, send them to me. Clare-chan you too, you're writing is great I want to post Black Lady: Diamond's Love on there, can you send it to me?