The Beginning chpt 4 PG Sailor ClearMoon 1999 standard SM stuff. SM doesn't belong to me. Got it? Later! ************************************* Serenity fell asleep some time after the change of "guards". Her friends checked on her now and then. She still couldn't believe what her mother had done, closing off contact with earth. Serenity went over to her bed and put the rose on the side table, she fell asleep looking at it. *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* Endymion still held the star locket as he looked at the group of dark stones not contained in the palace grounds. He remembered that those stones hadn't been there before, so where were they from? He didn't quite understand it. As he watched, he noticed the 'smoke' darken a bit. "Some how I don't think that's a good sign..." he murmured. *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* The next morning, Serenity awoke to find Selene sitting on the bed. "Good, you are up now," Selene looked at her daughter with no expression, "Serena I-" She didn't continue. She just couldn't be sure, and if she wasn't sure, she couldn't tell. "What?" Serenity asked, a little annoyed. But she was still a little tired so she didn't snap. "Oh, nothing. The scouts are having a picnic and were wondering if you could come along. I said you could leave your room today, just be careful and don't go opening up portholes!" Serenity nodded, "Yes, tell them I'll go...." Her mind worked quickly, All of the princesses were still in their sailor uniforms as the group of nine headed out. Serenity quietly tried to plan how they could get away from other people's sight while not raising suspicion. She knew that her friends wouldn't mind her going to earth, they were trying to help her out. Uranus suggested, "What about over there by the pond and waterfall?" Serenity smiled slightly, and Alex smiled back. They all sat down by the water's edge, Serenity kept glancing to the waterfall. "Princess, what are you planning?" Pluto asked. Serenity turned back and blinked, "Huh? Oh, I was trying to decide when I ought to descend to earth. I can't stay long, I know, but-" "No, Serenity you cannot go down. It will not work, this love, it cannot be..." Pluto said. "Quit it!" Serenity snapped, "Why can't it be? You're getting to be as bad as mother!" Pluto shook her head and laughed softly, "Dear princess, your mother and I share a knowledge of prophecies and legends. Many of those are true, too. And there are a few that *could* relate to you. if- when you are queen, you too shall learn of the prophecies." Serenity frowned, "I don't care, I'm seeing Endymion. Now!" She stood up and walked to the waterfall, she looked around to make sure that only the scouts were around. "Wait!" Serenity turned to find Mars, Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury coming up. "We're going with you!" Mars announced. The moon princess opened her mouth but Jupiter said, "Uh-uh, no arguing. We are ALL going to earth." Serenity shrugged and the five walked behind the fall. *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ On earth, Endymion found that he had some free time,