"The Beginning" chapter 3 by Sailor ClearMoon PG no notes. disclaimer is the usual. bye-ee. ****************************************** Serenity lay on her bed and cried. Only a hour ago had her only love left. Endymion. All because of Beryl, she had bumped Serenity, making her spill her juice all over the king and queen of earth. Then she had been pushed her straight into the royals. The queen and king had now left with their son. They refused to join the Silver Millennium. Now Serenity lay on her bed and wept. She cried for the loss of Endymion, for the loss of the joining of the earth and the Silver Millennium, for the hatred that she felt towards Beryl. If Beryl hadn't interfered, there was a chance that Endy and Serenity could be together. The eight princesses of the other planets stood or sat around the moon princess's bedchamber. After a time, Selene came in. "Please leave girls. You may come back in a moment." Slowly they left. Serenity barely noticed when her mother sat next to her on the bed, "Serena, dear, please! Tell me exactly what *you* saw, and know about this unfortunate incident." It took a very long time for Serenity to tell what had happened since her hiccups got in the way. Selene shook her head, "I wish those two had better tempers. This was nothing! And then they just give up on the alliance. Drats..." Serenity slowly turned over on her side and whispered, "Can I ever see Endymion again?" The queen of the moon was startled, "No, not likely. Why?" Serenity choked out, "I- I love him, mother. And he loves me. Please, can't I fix this!? Can't I help!? I have to see him again! I must!" Then she went into hysterical crying again. Selene closed her eyes as she thought, *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ Endymion stood on his balcony and stared up at the moon as tears ran off his face. He had already screamed for about an hour. He pounded on the railing, wishing that he was back there with her. His moon princess, his Rena. But no. Some one had gotten Serenity on the bad side of his parents. "It's no fair! Why can't we be together? And that stupid Beryl? Why'd she do that?! Oh Serenity! I love you! I swear to you that we'll be together someday. No matter what it takes, I will see you again!" Zoicite and the other three guards watched their master cry out to the moon. "I miss Ami..." he, Zoicite, said. "I miss Rei..." "Mina... "Lita... We must find a way to fix this! And we can get help from Serenity and her friends along with the prince. Come on, let's plan something out." The four went to the doors leading inside. If someone was listening carefully they would've heard the cries of two people, separated because of a stupid push. It had cost them everything. More than they could possibly imagine at the time.... *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^**^*^*^* There was no wind the day that Selene gathered her people to the gardens in front of the large, main balcony of the palace. Serenity and the other princesses sat on the balcony as Selene stood facing the crowd below. "People of the moon, I am sure that you have heard of the unfortunate accident that had occurred two nights ago. I am sorry that the king and queen of earth did not understand. But we must hold nothing against their people or them, for we are meant to guard over earth. That is our duty, we must also keep the silver imperiem crystal safe." Selene paused, then continued. She didn't want to say this, but it was nessacerry, "After today, no one, but no one is allowed to descend to earth. Do you understand me? We cannot join them down there, nor can they come here. I will not allow it, if you disobey this, you will be punished." Serenity was stunned, tears threatened. "Mother," she whispered, "that means me? And the others?" She motioned to the other eight princesses. Selene nodded, "No one is allowed to go to earth- Serenity!" The moon princess ran off the balcony and back to her rooms. She searched to find a dress to wear. She found a light blue silk dress. The neck was low cut, and the dress had long sleeves. Serenity braided all of her hair into one braid and then cover the braid with a large piece of transparent blue silk. She slipped into some knee-high black boots (that didn't really go with the dress, but you couldn't see the shoes anyhow). Then she ran down a seldom-used hallway and out into the gardens. She lifted her skirts and ran through the paths to a man-made waterfall. Only the sailor scouts (the princesses) and Serenity knew about the secret cave behind the falls. Quickly she slipped behind the waterfall and went to the back of the cave. Then she focused her energy into forming a porthole. One appeared, and she stepped through. *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* Ami watched Serenity run off, Selene finished the announcement and motioned the princesses inside, "Girls, it is now time to quit the role of princess. It is now your time to become who you are trained to be. The Sailor Scout guardians of Princess Serenity. She will have many troubles, and dangers, during this time. You must protect her well." They nodded. "Now morph!" "Mercury power!" "Mars power!" "Jupiter power!" "Venus power!" "Pluto planet power!" "Uranus planet power!" "Neptune planet power!" "Saturn planet power!" In the room now stood eight scouts and the goddess of the moon. Sailor Mercury now knew that this was very serious, the scouts weren't to be called on until they were desperately needed. *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ Serenity stepped out of the porthole to find that she was standing under a willow tree, "Oh! Now to find the palace..." She walked through the branches and muttered, "Well that's not hard!" She spotted the palace only a little ways away. She must be in the gardens. Slowly she made her way to the doors and walked in. Immediately she bumped into someone, "Oh, sorry miss..." The familiar voice trailed off. "Princess Serenity?!" Serenity looked up to see Kunzite, "Oh thank goodness it's you Kunzite! Please, I must see the king and queen. It's so important!" Kunzite nodded, though looked worried, "It will be hard. They are not pleased at the moon kingdom. But I will take you to them, because I want this ended too." Serenity smiled. She followed him down the halls until they reached two large doors. Kunzite knocked once and a voice replied, "Yes, come in." The guard opened the doors and Kunzite and Serenity walked in. "What are you doing here?!" Galla yelled when she recognized the princess. "Please!" Serenity begged, "Let me speak!" The king nodded, a little mad. "Kunzite, you can go. Princess, come closer please." Kunzite left and Serenity came forward. "King William, Queen Galla, I come here to create peace. Not because I've been ordered to, but because I want this fixed! Can't you see what you've given up by breaking the deal to ally with us? Can't you see what you're missing? The Silver Millennium can only be complete with the help of earth! The moon holds no grudge against you, we'd never start a war against you. It is our duty, for those of us who live on the moon, to protect earth and the silver crystal. Please reconsider, join the alliance..." She let the silence take over. it was shattered as the door opened and Prince Endymion rushed in, "Serenity? You're really here? How? Why?-" William broke in, "Come here Endymion. Serenity, we will not back out on what we have said." Endymion stared at his parents, then at Serenity. "No, please your majesties! I, as the next generation, do not want to have to fix this when I'm queen. Don't you want earth to be at peace with the other planets? You won't be, for sure, if you're not part of the silver Millennium. Please, I beg you, forgive me! I was pushed, I would never have done the things that I did on purpose! Please believe me!" Serenity was on the verge of tears. "No." Galla replied. "Mother!" Endymion shouted. His father glared at him. Serenity saw that she was getting no where. She knelt on the ground now with her hands clasped, and began to beg. No royalty ever did this sort of thing. "I am begging you. Not for my sake, not for yours. But for our people, my people of the moon and yours of the earth. Do you want war to start? It could happen. We only have today to clear this thing up, my mother is not going to allow anyone to earth after today. And no one from earth is going to be allowed to the moon. Please! Reconsider! You must join the alliance! Please!" The moon princess stared at them. Galla and William talked quietly, "No, we still refuse." Serenity's heart sank, she didn't believe it. Her eyes filled with tears and she looked down. Her hands dropped and she wiped away tears. "Fine then," she whispered, "let your son have an awful time to fix this." Her voice rose, "Why must you do this? Why do you refuse?!" No answer came, "All right then, I guess that there's no need to inform anyone about this visit then. I had hoped that you were better rulers. I had hoped that you could see what you're doing." Serenity stood, dropped a curtsy and walked to the door with her head high. Then she walked out. Endymion looked at his parents, "Wait, Serenity!" Earth's prince ran after the princess. Serenity fled after she was out of the room, she wasn't exactly sure where to go to get home. She ran back outside and through the gardens to the willow tree where she had first 'landed'. She heard her name called, "Serenity!" It was Endymion. She stopped, but did not turn. "Endy," she whispered. He walked next to her as she stepped under the willow. "Listen Rena, I'm so sorry. I don't know what is with them..." He bent over to hug her, but she turned away, "What is it?" "No Endy, we cannot be together. I am refused to descend to earth. I shouldn't even be here now, but I am. I had to try, why didn't they listen? Oh Endy!" Tears flowed down her cheeks again. "Rena..." "No, please don't make this harder. I love you, Endy. I hope that someday this'll be fixed and we can be together, but I must go now. Good bye!" She walked forward and was about to create a porthole when he grabbed her arm. "No! Please Rena, don't go! I love you, too. I want to be with you, can't-" He was cut off as Zoicite ran in. "Prince, careful! Your mother sent out some guards to find you and Serenity. Come with me and perhaps she'll be safe." "No need to worry, good bye Endymion! Zoicite, I'll tell Ami that I saw you!" She kissed her love hastily and opened the porthole. Endymion watched as his love walked through it. "No! Serenity!" He called. Zoicite walked up to him and placed a hand on the prince's shoulder. "Come, before the guards find you. Do not worry, Endymion..." Zoicite said to himself *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ Serenity appeared back behind the waterfall. She let herself cry as she ran back to her room. There she changed dresses and redid her hair into the odangos. A knock came to her door, "come in." The door opened and Sailor Uranus and Neptune walked in, "Sere, you owe me one! I've convinced Selene that you have been in here this past time crying. I knew that you were gone, but I covered for you. How did it go on earth?" Neptune sat down. Serenity came over and joined her, she sniffed, "How did you know where I went? And why are you in your scout form?" "I knew you went to earth, because it showed that you wanted to help out. But I take it that is didn't work... as for the other question, Selene. She has asked all of us to become the Sailor Scouts and protect you." Alex was grim. "More like keep me from going back to earth!" Serenity muttered. "Sere!" Mars walked in with Mercury, "Where on the moon have you been?" "Not 'where on the moon', Mars," Mercury said, "but on earth." Sailor Mars looked at Serenity, "You're really hooked on him, aren't you?" The moon princess only nodded, fearing that tears would fall if she spoke, "Oh, Ami. I promised Zoicite that I'd tell you that I saw him. Where's V? I also saw Kunzite." "Someone call me?" Venus asked as she walked in with the other scouts. "Yes, now everyone sit down and I'll tell you what happened. Holly, please close the door." Serenity related everything about what had happened in detail. "You begged on your knees?!" Jupiter asked, eyes wide with shook. Serenity nodded. "Wow!" "You saw Kunzite? Oh you are so lucky!" Venus sighed. "No I wasn't. I saw Endymion, but it reminds me that we cannot be together. Why? Why must it be this way?!" Just then, another knock sounded. "Come in!" Selene walked in the room, "Serenity! Thank goodness you're all right. Have you gotten over the announcement I made this morning? I'm so sorry but it's how it must be..." "Why?!" Serenity shouted. "Because dear, that's how it is. Our role as the people of the moon is to only protect earth. It was not until only about 50 years ago that the people of the moon and earth were allowed to correspond-" "And now we're going back to the way we once were," Serenity clenched her fists. "Yes. It was how it was supposed to be. Really, Serena, it's for the better-" "No it's not! Not if I can't be with Endymion! Why can't we see each other? Why are William and Galla so stupid not to realize their mistake?!" Selene replied a little harshly, "That's enough Serenity! William and Galla are who they are. You can't change them-" "Stop it! Just go away! Quit giving me excuses! Go away! Everyone go away!" Serenity yelled through tears. She threw herself to the floor and shook as she cried. Slowly everyone left. Neptune was posted as a guard outside Serenity's room. Uranus was posted as an inside guard. After everyone was gone, Uranus de-transformed and went to Serenity. "Oh Sere, it's all right. It'll be okay! Your friends will always be here for you!" The moon princess turned her tear-stained face up to Alex, "Alex, I just can't take it! I love him so much! He loves me too! Why did this happen now?! Why? Why?! WHY?!" She continued crying for much longer, eventually she fell asleep. Alex morphed into Sailor Uranus before opening one of the doors a crack, "Hey there Elli, how's it going?" Neptune sat on the floor and turned her head, "Oh it's you Alex. Everything's fine. How's Sere?" Alex shook her head, "She's so in love. I just can't stand to see her so sad! She's never been like this before! And she's only met the guy twice!" Neptune nodded and looked at the far wall, "yes, but sometimes love comes quickly. It doesn't happen often, but for Serenity... it very well could've. I hope that this will be straightened out so that they can be together one day..." The two talked for about another hour when the guards changed with Jupiter and Mercury. Uranus informed them," Sere has been asleep for about an hour. She's really upset. Let us know what happens, all right?" "Sure," Mercury replied while taking up the post inside. Jupiter and Mercury talked for a bit, but then Mercury closed the door and went over to Serenity. Sailor Mercury was startled when she heard a slight thunk coming from the balcony, then she heard, "Serenity!? Serenity!" Mercury shook the princess. "Sere, someone's at the balcony!" The moon princess woke up and listened. "Rena!" "Endy?!" Serenity whispered, she got up and ran out onto the balcony. Sure enough, she could see Endymion in the shadows. He wore dark clothing, which made him hard to see in the dimming light. "Endy!" She called quietly. He came in front of her, "Oh Rena! I'm so glad that you were in your room! I was afraid you were out when you didn't come!" "No, I've been asleep. Ami woke me up," answered Sere. "Ami?" Sailor Mercury walked out onto the balcony. "Yes, Ami. Though right now I'm Sailor Mercury, protector of Mercury and one of the guardians of the moon princess." Serenity turned to her friend, "Ami, please stand watch and let me know if someone's coming." Mercury nodded and walked back into the room, "'Sailor Mercury'?" "Yes, a sailor Scout. They are the guardians that are to protect me. Each princess is a scout of their planet." "That makes sense, I thought Sailor Pluto and Setsuna looked alike." Serenity smiled, "So how did you get here?" "I opened a porthole and arrived behind this one waterfall. I don't know why, but I did." "Good, if you had come anyplace else, you would've been sent back. keep using that porthole to the waterfall. It is the only one secret to my mother. Only the Sailor Scouts and I know about it." Mercury ran out, "Hurry! Jupiter's stalling a maid-" Serenity turned to Endymion, "I must go now. Oh Endy, I have to fix this! Then we can see each other again." "Please, can you tell Zoicite that I hope to see him again?!" Mercury added. "Yes of course. Here Rena," he tossed up a red flower, "it's a rose. I'll see you soon!" He dashed off into the night. Serenity stood there and watched his figure as she sniffed at the sweet smell of the 'rose'. She whispered, "I love you, Endymion." A maid came in a babbled on about something with dinner, but Serenity sent her away. The princess stared at the earth and thought of her beloved Prince. *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* Endymion ran through the gardens and to the waterfall. It had been his four bodyguards that had convinced him to go to the moon and see her. The prince opened the porthole and slipped through. He ended up under the willow tree in the royal gardens on earth. When he returned to his room, he pulled out the star locket that the moon princess had given him. He held it to his chest and looked at the moon. if only his parents could understand, they were being so naive and stupid. Endymion looked out over the palace grounds. In the distance, over the palace walls, he saw the hill where some dark stones sat. He could faintly see... smoke? he thought that that was what it was, though he wasn't sure. Endymion turned his attention back to the moon again, "Serenity; Rena; I promise to see you tomorrow! I love you so much... I cannot let you go." *********************************** Okay, so it won't win the "best chapter/part award". I just had ta get a few things set up. Perhaps I'll change this part. Hmm, that's a lot of work! ;-.- <(oh, this face I found in the SM manga volume 2? 3? well one of those two. Naoko liked it, she said that the ; was a sweat drop. hee, hee. Kewl!) Well I hafta decide if I wanna rewrite this. Naw, too much work. Hopefully part four will be better. Whatta ya know, this'll probably be the first story I've written that won't be only 4 parts/chpts long. Interesting. Please e-mail me, *so far* I haven't gotten much and I do luv ta hear from y'all. So please write me! Any suggestions? I could use 'em! Later minna-chan! Oh yeah, thanx Shalom-chan for being a great pal and reading my stories before I post them. Oh, 'nother thing: Beryl's Last Fight is now posted on the Crystal Moon web site. Yay! So if you peoples are interested in reading my baka first 'fic, go there.