"The Beginning" By Sailor ClearMoon 1999 PG Heya peeps! Thanx minna-chan for reading my tacky stories! and thanx Shalom-chan, for coming up with a title for this baka thing. Later! Please E-mail moi! P.S. SM is not mine. etc. *********************************************** Serenity gaped at the men at the door. They stared back, well, all except Endymion. He looked down sheepishly. Serenity thought. Finally the others noticed Serenity staring at the door. Their eyes followed to find five blushing men. Rei gasped while turning a darker red than her dress, Ami choked, Mina stared, and Lita sat down hard. Serenity just looked at the door, still white from her shock. Holly, Michelle, and Alex worn slight smiles, but eventually they felt bad for their friends so they frowned. Jadeite stepped forward, refusing to look at Rei, "uh, um... you see... well..." "Get it out." Serenity commanded, "What are you doing outside my door?" Jadeite gulped visibly, then Kunzite came to the rescue. But he didn't look at Mina, "We, the four guards, were coming to find... uh... um... Mina, Lita, Rei, and Ami and escort them to the... uh... ball. But then they went in here. We were going to ask them, but we started to... uh... 'get chicken'. Finally we came up to the room... and... the door was opened slightly..." Nephrite offered the rest of the story, "We were about to announce ourselves when you all started to," he blushed, "started to talk about, well, you know what... as Alex was saying something, Endymion came up behind us and wanted to know what we were doing..." "And you all just stayed to listen. Well it doesn't matter, they were just jokes. You can go now, if you wish. Soon we will be out." Serenity's voice was stiff. Though her face color was returning to normal. The men bowed and left the room. Serenity walked over and closed the door hastily. Then she slid to the floor. "Rei!" Serenity shouted. "Sere!" Rei yelled. "Alex!" Lita growled. "Mina!" Ami shrieked. "Ami!" Mina met Ami's shriek. "Everybody!" Holly shouted. The others turned to her, "Listen, so you're embarrassed? So?! Now you know that they like you too!" Rei, Lita, Ami, and Mina looked at each other, "She's right! Great!" Serenity slowly got up and walked out onto the balcony. She whispered, "But Endy most likely doesn't want me... that thought makes me sad... why? it shouldn't matter. I just met him! But still..." She heard the others in her room chatting away. Serenity tried to stop it, but a tear fell down her cheek, then another, and another. Her body wracked with sobs. She tried to stop but she couldn't. Sere pounded on the balcony rail, trying to stop. She felt a hand on her shoulder, from the dress she knew that it was Michelle. "Elli..." Serenity cried, "I don't know..." "Yes, yes. I know that you don't. It's okay, let's do your hair now. The others have left-" "Did they even notice?" Serenity asked as Michelle led her inside. "No, Sere, they didn't. Only Alex and Holly did, but they didn't point it out. Holly had gotten the others happy so they left them in that state. I believe that the guards did go to the ball with the inners." "Yes, that's good-" Just then Alex came back, "Oh, Alex!" Serenity wiped her tears as Michelle started to brush the long flowing hair. Alex now wore her royal crown on her head, "All princesses are required to wear their planet's crown tonight. order by Selene, are you better?" Serenity looked in the mirror at herself, "Yes, and yet no." She sighed, "It was another one of those times when I feel so sad..." tears threatened again but she stopped them, "No, I won't cry anymore." Michelle stood by Serenity and turned the moon princess to face her, "Sere, I'm worried about you! Are you sure you don't love, or at least like, that prince?" Serenity turned away, "I- I don't know. Oh Elli, Alex! I don't know! I just-" She stopped as a knock was heard. In a calm voice she called, "Who is it?" To her surprise, a male voice answered, "Serenity? It's me, Endymion. Can I talk to you for a minute?" The princess gasped and then fought for a steady voice, "Yes, come in." The black-haired prince walked in and closed the door. He bowed to the three princesses. Michelle and Alex nodded their heads. Then Michelle set about fixing Serenity's hair. As she started to do something, Serenity stopped her, "No, Elli. I want it as the usual. The most you can change is have the Pigtails in braids. Nothing else." "But-" Alex protested. Serenity shook her head. "No, what I said before was stupid. I know it now," Serenity turned back to her guest and motioned to a pillow. Endymion walked over to where she had gestured while thinking, he knew it by the way the others had taken up the escort offered by his guards. He knew for he had seen her grow pale as she saw him, and the others. Yes, she cared. "Well?" Serenity's voice brought him back to the present, "What did you want?" Endymion's heart raced, he didn't want to say what he needed to. "Well, I hope you will forgive my guards for eves dropping. I don't know why I joined in..." "You wanted to hear if there was anything about you?" Serenity suggested. Michelle listened intently as she braided the hair coming from the odangos on the top of the princess's head. Endymion looked down, "No, not quite. Though you might want to know that I overheard the conversation between you and Rei in the hallway..." Serenity flushed slightly, "And," he sighed, "I also was a little ways from the door when Rei shouted out... uh... y'know." Serenity clenched her dress in her fists, "Rei..." "Don't, it's not her fault. It was mine." "No, it's nothing, don't worry. She was just kidding me, uh, us. We like to get on each other's cases. Don't worry, it's not true." A maid came in, "Princess, your mother requests you. Oh, prince, your mother is looking for you. You are to follow me..." Michelle finished the last braid. "Go on now. I'll see you there, Sere," Michelle told her as she placed the royal crown of Neptune on her head. "Yes Elli. See you later, Alex!" Serenity replied a little sadly. "Are you *sure* you're okay?" Alex asked. Serenity nodded, though water built up in her eyes again. Endymion and Serenity followed the maid down the hall to the main doors to the ballroom. "Mother?" Serenity asked. "Oh, there you are dear! What took you so long?" Selene asked, then she noticed the faint sign of tears in her daughter's eyes. "Tell me later." Serenity nodded, "Yes mother." Galla beckoned her son over and whispered to him, "Now be on your best behavior, okay? We want to look good to these on the moon." "Yes, of course." "Now come on, we must go in. Oh, Endymion, Serenity, you two are to go in together." Selene said. Serenity's heart sank, could she do this? Of course she could! She'd done harder! First William and Galla descended the stairs, Selene following after, and then Serenity and Endymion. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Rei smiling. Without turning her head, Serenity knew that her friends Mina, Lita, Rei, and Ami were holding onto their escorts arms. Serenity continued with a fake smile on her face, Endymion did the same. Finally they were allowed to split apart and turn to the crowd. Selene introduced the king, queen, and prince of earth. Then the dancing begun. Many danced, though Serenity did her best to stay away, she didn't feel good. Then, only about ten minutes into the ball, there was a flash of light. Then a silhouette of a woman appeared. When her features could be seen, it revealed Setsuna, princess of Pluto. Guardian of the time gate. Serenity smiled. her mother calmly introduced Setsuna to the earth guests, who were a little stunned at the entrance. She snapped herself out of it as Charles, one of her possible suitors, touched her arm. "Serenity, may I have this dance?" She couldn't refuse, though she wanted to. There was nothing she could do, "Sure." They danced, but Serenity was distracted by the feeling of being watched. She turned her head to see Endymion staring at her, and Charles as if in jealousy. tears threatened again and she was glad when the dance was over. She curtsied quickly and made her way to the outdoors. She finally made her escape and stood outside on the balcony. Endymion watched as a man danced with Serenity. He was jealous, though he shook it off. He got into a conversation with Zoicite and Ami when they came by. After the couple left, Endymion turned to where he had last seen Serenity. He was surprised to see her making her way to the balcony. He made his way over to her. She had already reached the balcony and was standing out there. Then he saw her shake her head and then run down the steps of the balcony to the gardens. Endymion rushed after her. At first he couldn't find her, but then he spotted her white dress. She was sitting on a bench, her body was shaking. She was- crying? She pounded on the stone and cried. "Serenity?" Endymion stepped out of the shadows. Serenity gasped as she moved the hair out of her eyes. "What? What are you doing here? Go away!" She whispered between her tears. "No, I need to tell you something." Endymion came over, "Please, can I sit here?" Slowly she nodded. He sighed as he sat down, "Rena, I mean, Serenity..." The princess smiled and sniffed, "Rena? Call me that, please." He gave her a confused look, but smiled, "Okay then, Rena. Y'know what Rei said, right?" She looked down her smile changed to a frown, "No, don't do that. You have such a lovely face." She looked at him in shock, "Oh, that's what I want to tell you. I don't know what it is, Rena. But I think that I love you. I know that I've only known you for a day, but-" "You, you what?" Serenity asked, stunned. "I- love you." Serenity stood up suddenly and turned her head up as she closed her eyes, "Say that again, please." She whispered. Endymion nodded, confused, "I love you Rena." Serenity looked down at him with a smile, "I do too." She said softly. "Really, Rena?" "Truly, Endy." They smiled. Serenity sat back down and looked at him, "Endy, I was just so scared to admit it. I just wasn't sure, earth and the moon aren't on the best of terms. Earth has yet to join the alliance between the planets, but it feels so good to know that someone truly loves me." Music floated to their ears and he asked, "Dance?" Serenity smiled and curtsied. They danced for two songs. Then Serenity murmured, "We must go back. They'll be looking for us..." "Don't say that, let's just stay here..." Endymion pleaded. "No, we mustn't. Come now." They headed back inside where Rei, Lita, Mina, and Ami flocked to her and asked her a million questions, "no, no. I was just taking a walk. I wasn't feeling good..." Endymion headed off to find his mother and father. Both were over by the refreshment table. When Serenity finally got free, she barely missed bumping into a red- haired woman with purple lips. "Excuse me. Oh, I've never met you, who are you?" Serenity asked. the woman looked slightly annoyed but was polite enough, "I am Beryl. And you're Serenity of the moon kingdom, right? I'm from earth." "Oh, nice to meet you." Serenity moved onto the refreshments table where she served herself a full glass of punch. Then she noticed the king and queen of earth at the end of the table, so she went to join them. "hello child." Galla greeted, "You've been gone. Where have you been?" "Well I was- umph- hey!" Serenity was bumped, spilling her glass onto the royals from earth. She turned around to see Beryl snicker. "Ahh! My dress! Dear girl, be careful!" Galla did the best she could to keep from screaming. "Here," Serenity said, handing them napkins. "You could go back and change, that 'Beryl' just bumped into me." "Don't blame it one someone like us!" William hissed. Serenity backed up, surprised. Obviously Selene had been watching for she now came up. First Galla told what had happened, then Serenity explained. When she was done telling her mother what had *really* happened, she was pushed right into the queen and king. Poor Serenity couldn't get her footing as she slipped forward. As she turned her head, she noticed Beryl. The three fell on the floor. Now Galla was mad, "That couldn't have been an accident! What are you trying to do? Embarrass us?! Well Selene, the deal's off! Thanks to your *daughter* for opening our eyes and letting us see how you people on the moon really act!" Endymion rushed over as the three got up. William and Galla brushed themselves off as Selene pleaded with them. Serenity broke in, "But Beryl pushed me! I swear it was an accident!" "Stop it, brat!" The king snapped, "Don't blame it on one who is true to the earth's crown. unlike some here!" "Father? Mother? What's going on?" Endymion asked. "That little witch bumped right into us, making us fall down! After she spilled punch all over us!" Endymion shook his head, they all ignored the group that had gathered. The crowd all wore frowns, all except Beryl. She smirked. "No, Rena wouldn't do that! Mother-" He was broke off by the king's shout. "Kunzite, Jadeite, Zoicite, Nephrite! Come here, escort the prince home while I finish some business." The king ordered. The guards slowly led Endymion away, Serenity ran after them with the other princesses behind her. "Endy!" Serenity called when they were in the hallway and away from the crowds' ears. "Wait!" Endymion commanded. He ran back to Serenity, "I'm so sorry Rena! What happened?" Serenity explained, "I know you didn't do it Rena." Neither noticed the four men and eight princesses watching them. "I guess we won't be seeing each other again," Serenity wept, "Endy, take this. It's my star locket, never forget me..." She closed her eyes and lifted her lips to his. At first the prince was surprised, then he didn't care and returned the kiss. Rei wasn't in the joking mood, otherwise she would've bugged the two who had just met that day. Then the guards stepped forward. Kunzite went to Mina, Jadeite to Rei, Zoicite to Ami, and Nephrite to Lita. The couples embraced. Then Zoicite tapped Endymion's shoulder, "Sire, we must go before your mother and father find us still here." Endymion nodded, Serenity watched him go as tears flowed down her cheeks, " *'Endymion, you are my first love... my only love... even if we're reborn in another life, we'll find each other... and then... we'll fall in love again...'* I promise to see you again, I must!" She whispered it, but he heard. As soon as her prince was out of site, Serenity fell to the floor and cried, "Endymion! Endymion! I wish we could be together! I promise, I vow to fix this! I will!" ********************************************** Note: that thing in the 2nd ta last paragraph between *__* is from the SM manga volume 3. (It's from act 12, Reincarnation) How'd y'all like it? Okay, so it wasn't all that funny. But I hafta build up ta the big 'ol battle with Metallia and Beryl. Incase ya didn't know, I'm basing this story (as much as possible) on the Silver Millennium explained in the manga. Yay! I finally found the spelling for it! (I'm an awful speller). E-mail me please! Later! -Clare~chan *.~