New fic time! Yes ppl. but please keep the loud cheering down, we wouldn’t want to break anyone’s eardrums :) So anyway, this one hopefully won’t be as sad, too many people crying if you ask me. But that’s so good that my writing had that affect on some people, it makes me feel like I’m getting enough emotion and stuff like that into my stories :) As always write to me nice people, the feedback was great and was a great mood picker-upper after IWGBTY. Ask anyone, I’m the nicest person, and I will always reply, most of the time, even I get really busy once and awhile :) The title for the story was inspired by a story in Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul II. Disclaimer: I don’t own Sailor Moon, though I love to use Naoko’s characters :) Unrequited Love Part one PG to PG-13, nothing hentai :) Everyday I stand there, I wait for that little bell to ring over the arcade door so I can finally start my day. Because I know that everyday at 4:25 in the afternoon, my angel, my savoir will enter this downtown arcade, shoot me a glance with those cool blue eyes and once again we will fall into the wonderful routine of fighting once more. But deep down more than he even suspects, these fights, these moments of anger bring me more joy than anything in the world. To see him focused completely on me and ignoring all the other girls eyeing him, oh it just makes me positively lose it. But that’s enough about that, this is an unrequited love, one that only dreams of being real, tangent in such a world of lost romances and the lack of true love these days. Today was no different from any of the other days of the week, the routine stays the same, but there was something left unspoken after our meeting today that I’m still pondering at 11:30 at night when I’m supposed to be sleeping. Luna is snoring loudly at the end of my bed, peacefully dreaming of Artemis no doubt, except she has Artemis while my relationship with Darien is a jumbled up mess of unknown and undiscovered feelings. I should start at the beginning of this afternoon to clear everything up. I was walking to the arcade after school had let out, like always, getting ready for the daily battle with Darien. I had this planned out everyday, as most fights happen spontaneously, mine were works of art, everything mapped out inside my head in order to get just the right amount of anger and that smoldering look in his eyes to come out. It was that look that made me love him the first time we fought. In ways these little tiffs were the only reason for getting out of bed in the morning, but I digress and it’s time to move on. As I neared the arcade I heard a person behind me calling out my name. I spun around, I was on a strict schedule, one that did not allow for such things if I was going to be there in time for Darien’s afternoon entrance. That’s when I saw who it was, Darien. The breath caught in my throat, my heart danced a little jig in my stomach as he closed in. I put on my best impatient look, you know, started tapping my feet, crossed my arms, rolled my eyes at his obvious annoying gesture of slowing me down from where I was going. He simply grinned, “You on your way to the arcade meatball head?” his voice was silky smooth with the underlying tone of affection that I have never heard from him before. I roll my eyes once more, doesn’t he know me at all? “Of course stupid where else would I be heading, I’m there every day.” He grin simply grew wider, “Well let’s get going then, you wouldn’t want to disappoint Andrew, he so looks forward to your little chats after school about everything that happened to you during the day.” I narrow my eyes slightly, “I don’t tell him everything Darien, just certain things that I care about.” I haven’t told him about you, or how much I love you, a girl has to keep some of her pride, it’s not smart to have everything hanging over your head at the same time. “And for the last time, my name is NOT meatball head!” I raised my voice and it seemed to amuse him even more, this was all just a joke to him, pick on the poor girl in love. “Okay Serena I won’t do it anymore, I know it bugs you to death so I’ll try to stop.” I swear I must have passed out, my name coming from his mouth sounded like a clear church bell carrying across town. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever heard. He must have noticed my shock, he quickly pushed me forward in a attempt to keep moving onward, at this rate we were never going to reach the arcade in this lifetime. He brought up the subject slowly, “So what exactly do you see in Andrew, he’s nothing special, just a regular guy.” I looked up at, amused that he would even care that I liked Andrew, not that I did, my heart was set on Darien not Andrew but he was the typical guy, clueless. I shrugged slightly, “I don’t like him like that, maybe in the past but not anymore, I have another guy in mind.” Now it was his turn to look shocked, but being the strong masculine guy that he is he quickly pulled such feelings back into their hiding place. “So you don’t like Andrew, that’s... interesting. So who is your heart promised to now?” he tried so valiantly to try and keep the question neutral but once again that sweet hint in his deep voice gave him away. I have come to notice such things in our arguments, like how he really doesn’t mean anything he says about me. I recognize the tone of his voice, the nice one, with the grin. He doesn’t know how much I do know about him, how much I cherish our little time each day. “Someone.” it was the easiest answer without giving anything away to him. He would never feel the same, no matter how many tones or how affectionate his words, our love wasn’t meant to be. It was as simply as that, but it couldn’t stop the thin beacon of hope glowing from my heart and praying that somehow that little light would guide his heart to mine. “Someone, mind being a bit more specific?” he asked softly, the arcade was nearing and it was blatantly obvious that this was a conversation he wanted to keep from Andrew’s inquires. “It’s someone special, someone who I look forward to seeing every day, my heart longs for it. It’s someone who holds my heart in the palm of his hand and is clueless about it even being there.” the words had flown from my mouth and I heard Darien take a deep breath, “It sounds like someone truly blessed to have you love him so unconditionally. Does he know how you feel for him?” I shook my head, still pondering his words. “You know we made it through this whole day without fighting once Darien?” he stopped and looked at me, “Too strange huh? This feels almost unnatural for us, where’s all the name calling, the screaming, you crying?” I continue to smile, “I like it better this way, we should try this more often.” our eyes meet slowly, his so blue I find myself drowning, lost in the sea of his soul. My lips turn up in a sly grin, “Or maybe we should this stick with what we are good at?” he nods, almost uncertain if this is what I want to hear. I sneak a quick glance at my watch, “I have to go, tommorow, same time as always? Arcade, 4:25?” He smiles warmly, “We have a lot to make up for, this needs to be a big fight, are you up for it?” I smiled back, “I’m ready for ya Chiba!” “This means war meatball head.” with a slight giggle I turned away and ran from him, but my heart still lingered in the smell of his cologne, my brain still focused on the moment of pure bliss that it had stumbled upon. I raced home for dinner that night, but as always my soul remained with him. I still can’t sleep, Luna has stopped dreaming and the room is now quiet, eerily quiet, the kind that makes it even harder to sleep. Yes something was definitely left unspoken but maybe it won’t be for long. Maybe this isn’t such an unrequited love after all. Short and sweet, my favorite kind of fics. I know it’s short, really short but I liked it better this way. Please send all C & C to me at hopefully nothing bad. Okay people until next time :) liz-chan