At the Stroke of Midnight By Elisabeth James Part 1/1 PG *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* At the stroke of midnight Your heart will be mine A simple chaste kiss leads to a moment of pure bliss *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* “Serena you are hopeless!!” Raye told her at the temple, after showing up once again late. “Serena you are hopeless!!” her mother exclaimed as Serena presented yet another failing grade on her math test. “Serena you are hopeless!!” Darien voice echoed throughout the arcade as she had tripped and fallen to the ground once more in his presence. The seemed to be the same all over Tokyo, the life of one petite girl was hopeless, and even to her it was. What was the point, she had always wondered, of her even being here if she was destined to be such a screw up all the time. And the responsiblity which held her bound here, her secret identity as Sailor Moon, that frightened her most of all, all the power and one wrong move, or one minute late to the scene of a battle, her life could end, innocent people could end up dead. She would never forgive herself in that instance, her death would not matter but if one parent had to suffer at the loss of a child or if one child had to suffer for the loss of a parent, that concept send shivers up her spine... “Serena...” Mina’s soft voice and a tap on the shoulder startled her from her thoughts and she looked up at the smiling blond girl. The sun was shining happily over head, but it held no warmth. The ground was cold and hard but Serena paid no heed to the numb feeling that was attacking her legs as she sat there under her favorite tree in the middle of the park. Mina knelt down next to her, “What’s wrong, I’ve been calling your name for five minutes now.” Serena just shook her head, and forced a friendly smile onto her face, “Don’t worry Mina, I’m fine. I was just thinking about something.” Serena stood up slowly and Mina followed suit, “So are you all ready for Lita’s big New Year’s bash tonight, everyone is super excited about ringing in the year 2000.” Mina’s excitement was obvious and it started to rub off onto Serena’s dark mood, “Sure, it should be great.” the forced smile slowly slid into one that was genually happy as they continued to walk down the main street of the Juubaan district. They walked past the arcade and waved to Andrew, who was bustling around the inside of the arcade, trying to keep everything running smoothly. He flashed them a smile and a gave them a short wave before more people rushed toward the front counter for food or milkshakes. “Do you still like Andrew?” Mina asked her shortly, their breathe made little clouds in the cold December air. Serena shook her head no, “I still like him I guess, but there’s someone else.” The note of finality in Serena’s voice told Mina not to push the subject, even though she was dying to know who Serena’s latest crush was. “So who are going to the party with tonight?” Serena asked Mina, Mina shrugged, “I’m going stag, I’m going to dance with as many guys as I can!” she clapped her hands together with excitement. Serena’s smile only grew wider at Mina’s blissfully exhilarated face, she loved to see her friends happy. “Ready for the new year Meatball head?” a deep voice came from behind them and they spun around slowly. Serena’s mood brightened a bit more at the affection in Darien’s voice and the warm smile he wore upon his face. “Sure, provided nothing blows up, I’m looking forward to it.” Darien chuckled at her words, this girl truly was special. The sun’s rays only enhanced her natural beauty and he wanted to run his fingers through those silky golden pigtails so bad, “It should be fun, what are your plans for tonight?” “Oh I’m going to Lita’s party, it’s going to be huge, everyone at school is going.” she caught his midnight blue eyes with hers and held his gaze tight. Mina, who was watching the exchange, suddenly got a great idea, “Darien, if you aren’t doing anything tonight, you should make a cameo, it would drive the girls at the party simply mad if you showed up.” Serena looked back at her beaming friend and mouthed the word NO but Mina just plodded along, “Come on, think of all the fun you’ll have!” she winked at Serena, who continued to stare at her in utter horror. “It does sound like fun, maybe I will stop by if you don’t mind of course.” he added with a smile at Serena who finally turned her attention back to the tall college guy standing in front of her. A light blush traced her cheeks and an embarrassed smile played off her full pink lips. “Unless you don’t want me there Serena.” She smiled a little brighter, and shook her head no, “The more the merrier.” *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* At the stroke of midnight Your heart will be mine Kiss me once And let your heart decide *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* After he had said goodbye and gotten far enough down the street to be out of hearing range, Serena smacked Mina upside the head. “OUCH!!” Mina exclaimed, rubbing the back of her tenderly as Serena went off. “Why did you invite him!? Are you trying to take away my ability to talk for the entire night.” “So you do like him!” Mina shot her hand triumphately into the air, “Score one for me, the best matchmaker in the world!” Serena yanked her hand down abruptly, “It will be your last score if you don’t explain yourself right now!” Mina rolled her eyes, “You should be thanking me right now, because of me you are going to get yourself a midnight kiss tonight, from Darien.” she added slyly. “But I don’t like Darien, he’ll just destroy my night...” she trailed knowing that Mina had seen right through her fib. “You can’t lie Serena, don’t even try and tell me you don’t like him, I can see right through you. Don’t fight it anymore, you like him. And he likes you.” Serena narrowed her eyes, “No he doesn’t, at least not like that!” You are so blind honey, he’s got it bad for you, almost as bad as you have it for him. Now just sit back and let Mina take it over and soon you will find yourself in romantic bliss.” Serena sighed, “Alright, but this had better work, or all I’ll be at midnight is super embarrassed.” *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* At the stroke of midnight Your heart will be mine Don’t try to fight it It’s enivitable as the tides *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Serena knocked sharply at the door, the music was so loud it could be heard clearly all the way down the block. Lita flung open the door and embraced Serena in a quick friendly hug, “I’m so glad you could make it, you’re the last one here!” she shut the door behind Serena and pulled her into the living room. The entire house was dark with flashing lights, people were everywhere dancing and mingling. There was no room out on the makeshift dance floor in the middle of the living room, but no one seemed to mind and they just spilled into the kitchen and the entry way. Lita led Serena into the kitchen, which was still semi-lit and filled with food and all sorts of other goodies. “Wow Lita, I didn’t realize that this party would be such a huge deal, look at all the people!” Serena exclaimed as the music seemed to get louder, the bass was almost deafening and the windows were rattling from the force of the music the huge speakers were pushing out. “Yeah, isn’t great! Everyone is having such a great time, this has to be the bash of the milenium!” Lita started dancing to the music and was sucked out onto the dance floor. Serena spotted Mina standing over in the corner flirting with some guy she recognized from school, but she couldn’t remember his name. Ami was actually talk to a guy as well but she wasn’t flirting with him, she was fighting with him. She walked a little bit closer to overhear the conversation. “And I’m telling you, the ionic charge of Potassium does have something to do with the reaction time of it with water!” The boy was about to state a rebuttal but Serena quickly backed away, not wanting to hear the rest of that conversation. She looked around for Raye, praying she wouldn’t be with a guy as well. “Serena!” a voice called out from behind her. She spun around to see Brittany, one of the girls she knew from school, calling out her name. “Oh hey Brittany I didn’t think you would show up at Lita’s bash.” She rolled her eyes, “It’s only the hippest party happening in this sleepy neighborhood. To tell you the truth I didn’t think you would be here either, parties don’t seem like your thing.” “Well they aren’t really, but there’s exceptions for everything.” Memories came flooding back on why she really didn’t like this girl very much. Which was very hard for Serena to admit since she prided herself not hating anyone, but this girl always pushed her buttons. “Well I guess so and you are Lita’s friend after all. Well I’m off to find me a kiss at midnight. Ta-ta!” with a hand thrown over her shoulder she too was shallowed up into the crowd. “Why am I even here?” Serena asked herself softly, she could still see the front door, calling her back, to her freedom. After considering leaving she trudged over to the stairs. From the top she could see everyone on the dance floor. Raye with Chad, but you couldn’t really consider them to be dancing, and there was Lita, surround by about 20 million guys, all vieing for the top spot in her heart. And Mina who was directly in the middle, still flirting with that same guy from the kitchen and hanging all over him. Serena couldn’t help but smile at the sight of Ami dancing with the guy she had been arguing just a few minutes before. “I wonder where Darien is?” she mused, as she continued to scan the dance floor. No one caught her eyes like Darien did. His smile, his blue eyes, his sexy black hair and the perfect way it fell over his eyes. She found her grinning at the just the thought of him. Suddenly she spotted a tall black haired guy enter onto the dance floor and walk up to Mina. Serena abruptly stood up to get a better look at the situation, it WAS Darien and he was asking Mina a question. Mina shrugged and went back to dancing. “DARIEN!!” she shouted from the top of the stairs. His face turned up to hers and a smile crept onto his lips. He fought his way off the the dance floor and walked over to the stairs. He made his way up them slowly, each step agonizing to her soul. She longed to hear his voice say her name once again. “Hey Serena, what are you doing all the way up here, you should be dancing with some guy down there.” the grin had seemed to falter at the mention of her dancing with some guy. She smiled a little wider, “Naah, it’s not a huge deal, it’s just some stupid party.” she sat back down and he sat down next to her she thought. “It’s only year 2000 once Serena, you should be having fun.” she looked down at the dance floor once more, “I’m perfectly happy right up here, don’t you worry about me Darien, I can take care of myself.” He simply nodded, “I do worry about you though Serena, even though I know you can take care of yourself.” “You- You worry about me?” she squeaked. Again it was just a simple head nod for an answer. She felt her heart rate speed up and her breathing become troubled at the simply the thought of him thinking about her, worrying about her. “Of course I worry about you Serena, you have that quality that makes everyone want to protect you. I bet tons of people would go insane if they couldn’t see you everyday.” a cranberry red color covered his cheeks in a matter of seconds and she couldn’t help but grin at his adorable face lit up in red. “Would you be one of those people who would go insane?” she asked breathlessly, daring not to draw in a breathe until he answered her truthfully. He started at her, not believing that she could have the courage to answer that question, she could barely believe it herself. “Sure I suppose I would Serena. You add a degree of abnoramality to my daily life and I would miss that.” That wasn’t quite the answer she was expecting but she would take it in a second. “Abnormality huh? I’ve never heard it phrased like that, it sounds... weird.” He smiled, “I meant it in the nicest way possible, I promise. I was not insulting you for once.” She nodded, the conversation was getting more and more uncomfortable by the moment. “Would you like to dance Darien?” His eyes got wide as saucers but he whispered the word yes and took her hand and lead her slowly down the stairs. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* At the stroke of midnight I will hold you close And when the new year comes It will be with you in my arms *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* They walked right past Mina and her “date”, Mina flahsed her a smile and wink before she once again preoccupied. Serena couldn’t help but smile at the antics of her boycrazy friend, it was almost cute. Suddenly the loud bass heavy music stopped and a soft romantic pop song came on. Her eyes widened in fear and they caught Darien’s, he continued to lead her out into the middle of the dance floor. He pulled her close, and she didn’t dare to fight it. She draped her arms comfortably around his neck and rested her head on his board shoulder. She closed her eyes, letting herself drift into the moment. She didn’t notice above her, Darien was doing the same thing, drifting into the world of eternal bliss with this angel in his arms. Mina and Lita noticed them both, and smiled at one another, they did make such a incredibly cute couple. “Are you having fun now Serena?” he whispered softly. She slowly opened her eyes and looked up at him, “Huh? I didn’t hear you.” He smiled, “I asked if you are having fun now.” “Oh yes, I love dancing. There’s something so special about it, and romantic...” she trailed off into thin air as she watched Darien’s face soften into a loving look. She felt her lips inching closer to his, her brain pushing them closer, willing them to meet. She closed her eyes once more and she could feel his hot breath on her cheek. She drew in her breath in preparation for a soft kiss. “Okay people, can I please have your attention!!!” Lita shouted over the din of the crowd, “It’s only TWO hours until the clock strikes midnight!! I hope everyone is ready to ring in the year 2000!!” the noise became unbearable as people started screaming and shouting. Darien pulled quickly away and Serena cast her gaze the floor. She had almost kissed him, she couldn’t believe it. And he had almost kissed her, him, being this smart, handsome college boy, kissing her, a homely little klutzy high school student. She pulled away from his warm embrace to listen to the rest of Lita’s announcement. A hurt look crossed his face but only for a short moment. “So if everyone could please continue to have fun and I’ll keep that music playing, we can make this party rock all the way into the new year!!” the noise had reached the level it was at before and the music came back on. Serena walked quickly off the dance floor and disappeared into the crowd by the kitchen. “Serena! Wait!” he called after her, but it was too late she was gone. She saw Lita staring at him and he shrugged his shoulders and she nodded. She walked into the kitchen and saw Serena, in tears talking to Raye. “Hey Serena, what just happened?” Lita asked her softly. Serena just shook her head, “I was going to kiss him but then he pulled away.” she whispered. “You just walked away from him, he called after you. He didn’t mean to hurt you Serena, that was his intention at all.” “Whatever, I just want to go home.” she broke down into a sobs. Raye gave her hug and shot a look at Lita, who didn’t know how to handle the situation. Darien approached them but Raye shooed him silently away. Lita walked after him, “She’s really upset Darien, because of you.” “But I didn’t do anything!” he exclaimed, “We both lost control of our emotions out there, it wasn’t a big deal.” Lita sighed, “It was a big deal to her Darien, she likes you, a lot and that was extremely embarrassing for her to have that happen out in the middle of the dance floor.” Darien looked close to tears himself, “I never wanted to embarrass her, I like her too. It just wasn’t the right time...” “I know, she’ll understand, let her calm down and then apologize and all will be forgiven, I promise.” she patted Darien’s arm softly and walked back to Serena and Raye. She suddenly became aware of an incesant beeping noise coming from her wrist. She looked around and slowly opened her comunicator, “Lita here.” “Lita, there’s a negaverse attack near the arcade, it’s not looking good, we need few people over here right now.” Serena who had been paying attention to what Lita was being told immediately volunteered, “I’ll go, you guys stay.” Raye narrowed her eyes, “You can’t go alone, one of us will go with you, or better yet, me and Lita will go and take care of it and you and Darien can talk things out between yourselves. “Not possible, I’m the only one who can take the thing down, remember? I’m Sailor Moon, only I can use the moon rod.” Lita and Raye shared a glance, “Fine Meatball Head but if it’s anything you can’t handle... you had better call us, or I will kill you myself.” Serena smiled through the few tears still streaming down her cheeks, “Don’t worry, I’m sure Tuxedo Mask will show up to help me out, he’s never failed us before.” Serena rushed toward the front door and let herself out. She dashed toward the arcade, taking only time to duck into a dark alleyway to transform. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* At the stroke of midnight I will get my kiss Just to say that if the world fades away For one moment you loved me *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* The Monster loomed into view as Sailor Moon approached the arcade. Citizens were screaming and rushing around and it was letting off crackling beams of energy into the crowd. She planted a look of determination onto her face and dove into the fray. “How dare you ruin peoples new year fun! The year 2000 only comes around once and I, Sailor Moon, will not let you destroy it! In the name of the Moon and the new year, I will punish you!!!” The monster turned away from the screaming people and looked over her, “So you finally decided to show! Good, I’ve been waiting here all night to kick your butt!” he charged toward her and she jumped out of the way a second before he could hit her. she raised her moon wand, “Moon Healing Activatio-” she was cut off at the last second as she watched Andrew dart from the arcade. “Andrew NO!!! Get back in the arcade!!” He turned toward in, his eyes wide with fright. The monster turned away from her, a sneer played across it’s wicked features, “Negaverse Energy Blast!” Andrew let out a low moan as the blast of power hit him square in the chest, knocking him into the outside wall of the arcade. “NOOOO!!!” tears sprang to her eyes and she raced over to his side. The monster, with it’s energy spent from the last attack, faded from view. She knelt down next to him, “Andrew! Andrew! Please say you’re all right!” He lay there unmoving, the stain of dark red blood spreading rapidly across his chest. Tears poured from her eyes onto his almost still body. “NO!! You can’t die Andrew, oh God this is all my fault!” the moon rod started to glow brightly next to her, and she slowly picked it up. “No one will have to suffer for my failure.” she raised the wand over her head. “Moon cosmic power!” the words flew from her mouth without her even realizing it. She felt the life force inside her having power drawn from it. She watched a soft pink light flow from her and into Andrew before collasping into a pair of strong warm arms. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* At the stroke of midnight Feelings unspoken Finally revealed Soft kisses come to waiting lips *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* “Do you think she’s... right?” a voice called from above her. “I’m not sure, it looks like she lost... of energy...” her subconscious faded in and out, hearing only a few select words. “Have you ever wondered who... really is?” She forced her eyes open, to see two guys leaning over her. “Shh, she’s awake.” “Andrew!” she fought against her tired muscles and threw her arms around his neck in a harsh embrace, knocking him backwards onto the ground. “I’m so glad you’re all right, I would have killed myself if you hadn’t been...” she trailed off into tears as he gently hugged her back. Darien shrugged his shoulders, not sure what was going on at the moment or how Sailor Moon even knew Andrew. Andrew smiled at him and slowly pulled away from her arms. “Yes I’m all right because of you. Why did you save me, why risk your own life to save someone else’s?” he asked her softly, “You shouldn’t even know me, I’ve never spoken to Sailor Moon before in my life.” Her cheeks quickly blushed and she directed her gaze to somewhere above his head, “I don’t know, I always swore to myself that I would never let anyone die under my watch, I would never forgive myself if you had died Andrew...” Darien hadn’t seen the whole battle, only the last few seconds after the attack on Andrew happened, he had shown up just in time to see the monster disintegrate and Sailor Moon rushing to his fallen side. Only to see her taking her own life-force and adding it to his to help him live. He had grown a new respect for Sailor Moon after watching her save his best friend like that, she was suddenly seen in a new light, one that was different then before. She was no longer klutzy or childish, but she was noble and good human being, who finally seemed like she was accepting her responsibility as the super powered heroine she was supposed to be. “Well I’m glad everyone is okay, but I should be going now as well.” she got slowly to her feet and started back toward the party waiting until she was out of view to transform back to Serena. Darien waved quickly goodbye and chased after her, “So where are you heading back too?” She cast him a weary sidelong glance, “It doesn’t matter, it’s almost midnight anyway right, I must have been out for at least half an hour.” “Well forty- five minutes, but there’s still fifteen minutes until the clock strikes twelve.” he flashed her a warm smile. “She tried so hard to smile back but she was too tired to even make the effort anymore, “And your point would be?” Darien cleared his throat, “Well I’m going back to this party...” “I can’t just go to a party, I’m Sailor Moon remember? I would look a little out of place if you ask me.” Darien laughed softly, “Naah, you’ll fit in just fine, no one will notice you.” She couldn’t help but giggle, “Listen I’m really tired and I need to be somewhere really soon, like right now. It’s a nice offer but I can’t do it.” “Don’t you ever just wish you were normal?” he asked her softly. She stopped walking and turned around, “All the time, more than you will ever know.” she whispered back. Without a second thought, he grabbed onto her arm and pulled her into his arms, “Then for one moment, please be normal.” and with that he kissed her. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* At the stroke of midnight Say it is so That your love for me has grown So that maiden oh so fair, I could share a kiss each day of the year *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Serena entered Lita’s party once more five minutes before the clock was set to strike twelve. She walked right past Darien, but couldn’t help but blush at the thought of their exchange only a few minutes before, of course he didn’t know who he was really kissing, had he known that she doubted he would have kissed her at all. He looked like he was about to follow her but she managed to escape him and those horrible apologies he would be spewing. “Serena!!” Lita shouted from the kitchen as she spotted her meatball headed friend, “What happened we were worried sick about you, it’s been almost two whole hours since you left!” Raye pushed Lita out of the way to get to Serena first. “Guys calm down, I had a little trouble but everything got taken care of, the negaverse goon is dead and no one got hurt.” “Well that’s a relief, I’m sorry I doubted that you could handle it Serena. I’m sure you did great.” Raye told her softly, Serena only nodded, had they known the truth, that Andrew had almost been killed and that she had let herself get “distracted” over Darien after the fight, she doubted the reaction would have been the same. But it was a party and everyone was excited and there was no need to bring it up tonight, it could wait until next year. Darien approached her slowly and tapped her on the shoulder, “May I have this dance milady?” he reached for her hand and gently brought it to his mouth for a soft kiss. She felt her embarrassment melt away as he led her onto the dance floor as another soft dance song came on. He embraced her softly and they swayed back and forth. “I’m really sorry about earlier Serena, I didn’t mean for it to happen.” she just shook her head, “It’s in the past, don’t worry about it.” “I’m hoping it’s not too late for that kiss though, I really hated to miss out on it earlier.” He leaned closer to her and pulled her in tighter. Her heart sped up at the thought of him kissing her like he did earlier, so soft and gentle. She was sure that he sensed her excitement but he just continued to gaze into her eyes, she could finally see that he did care for her, as much as she did for him. “You know what Serena, has anyone ever told you how much you look like Sailor Moon?” She knew that her face must have dropped at those words, but she tried hard to smile, “Actually yes, some even say the resemblance in uncanny, weird huh?” he shrugged, “I could see it, after what I saw tonight, I could believe anything.” “FIVE!! FOUR!! THREE!!” Lita was leading a count down in the front of the room, with Freddie by her side. Darien looked down at his smiling little angel and brought her chin up to his. “TWO!! ONE!!” “Happy New Year Serena.” he whispered softly. “Happy New Year Darien.” he slowly kissed her soft pink lips. She felt like she had entered heaven for a second time that same night, but this time it was so much more, this time he was really kissing her, not Sailor Moon. She gradually deepened the kisses, well aware that people were staring at them on the dance floor. He pulled away only after lack of air finally caused him to do so. “Wow, you kiss just like her too...” he mused almost inaudibly, “But so much better at the same time.” a small grin crept over her face, “You won’t tell anyone, will you Darien?” she whispered as she rested her head on his shoulder, the music was starting up again and the party continued on. “No fair goddess, you secret is safe with me.” he planted a soft butterfly kiss on the tip of her nose and pulled a rose out of nowhere. Her eyes widened at the sight of the crimson rose held before her, “What?” she whispered, “But you couldn’t be... could you?” He only nodded, and she felt the tears swimming in her eyes, “Why didn’t I know, it seems so obvious to me, so clearly that only you could be the most romantic man I have even known.” he softly brushed the tears from her cheeks, “At the stroke of midnight strange things can happen, but strange things are always the best when they happen with the girl you love...” he trailed off. “I love you Darien, I always have and I always will.” she kissed him quickly on the lips and flashed him a dazzling smile. “I love you too Serena, and this time I will never let you go.” The music continued but neither one of them were paying attention anymore. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* At the stroke of midnight Who could know? What gift love had already bestowed Upon two young lovers Unbeknownst to them And that one kiss could do them in. So be careful on this New Year’s night Such strange things happen that you just might Find your love of loves tonight. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* THE END!!!!! I hope you enjoyed it, I know I had fun writing it :) Everyone have a very happy new year and try to ring in the year 2000 with someone you love, it only happens once, try to make it count!! You should all be happy to know that I’m working on a very special project right after x-mas. I’m rewriting my favorite movie, Serena and Darien style and it should shake up to be very interesting... The title is Troubled in Tokyo, that’s all I’m disclosing for now, if you know what movie it is that I’m possibly rewriting, well good for you, as for the rest of you, I guess you’ll have to wait and see... HEHEHEHE!!! And always a very special thanks to: Clare-chan, Kelly, Adrianne, Sarah Beth, Nishi, and Curtis for their help and kindness. None of this would be possible without their encouragement, friendship and patience, I love you all like family and I thank you for everything that you have done for me this year. And as always this story was dedicated to Alex, may the holidays find you in good spirits and may happiness follow. Good night everyone :) Love and warm holiday wishes!! Liz-chan