Okay this is different from anything I have ever written before, so please be kind. I know that this is a very long prologue but it sets up the story nicely, at least I think so. Well I hope you all enjoy it :) Write me at ejames000@ameritech.net ~ Prologue~ "Darien please tell me why you don't love me anymore, I have the right to know." Serena called to him as he walked away from her, like he always did lately. He stopped suddenly and turned back to her. It tore up his heart to do this to her anymore, she did deserve to know but he couldn't tell her, "Serena it's over and done with, we're though. I just don't care about you anymore." she turned her gaze away, but he gently brought her eyes back to his, "I will always protect you though, nothing will change that, you can depend on me for life. I don't want to see you dead." he whispered he last part and she nodded slowly. "Can't we even just be friends Darien? I -I miss you, a lot." she faltered a bit as the tears started to well up in her eyes. "I'm sorry Serena, it's best that we don't see each other at all. Good bye." he jogged away again, this time determined to leave. She fell to her knees and starting sobbing, She sighed and pulled herself to her feet, maybe a visit with Andrew was in order, he knew the way Darien's mind worked better than anything. She walked slowly to the arcade and pushed the door open. Andrew smiled warmly at her as she walked in, "Hey Serena, what can I do for you today?" she sat down and looked at him, and got straight to the point, "Andrew has Darien mentioned anything to you about me? How he's avoiding me or anything like that?" "No Serena, what happened?" she took a deep breath, "Oh Andrew it's just been horrible, I love him, and-" he cut her off, "You love Darien? When did this happen?" "He never told you? We were dating for awhile and then he just dumped me out of the blue. Told me he didn't feel the same way about me as before and now he barely even talks to me. I was hoping he talked to you about it, but I guess not." she looked down, more depressed than before. Andrew cleared his throat and fought to hide his shock, Darien usually told him everything, "Serena, he has been a bit distant lately, I wish he would have said something about you two. This is the first I've heard of it, he usually tells me stuff like that, secrets aren't his thing with me. He's pretty open when it come to stuff like that." "I don't know what to do, I'm at a loss right now. I feel so empty inside without him there, I miss his smile, his laugh, even when he called me meatball head. He never even told me what made him stop loving me, he just tells me to leave the past in the past where it belongs." she stood up and smiled sadly, "Well I should get going, don't want to bore you anymore with my problems." "Serena you don't bore me at all, it's nice to know you can talk to me. It boosts my ego." he smiled at her, "I'll talk to him okay? I'll get to the bottom of this." she nodded and walked out of the arcade. Suddenly her communicator beeped, and she ducked into a nearby alley to answer the call. "What's up?" Sailor Mercury's face filled the screen, "Serena, there's a droid in the mall, attacking everyone in sight! We need you here fast!" Serena nodded, "I'll be there right away!" she closed the line and threw her hand into the air, "MOON PRISM POWER!!!!" In a flash of ribbons and light, she became Sailor Moon and took off in the direction of the mall. ******************************************************** "Get out of the way people! You're gonna get hurt!" Venus looked around anxiously as people ran screaming from the the center of the mall. She gritted her teeth and turned to Mercury who was running an analysis on the droid, "What's up with that thing Mercury?" "It seems to be flammable so Mars is our best bet to weaken it, but she's not here yet." she touched her earring and the visor slid back away from her eyes, "Where's Sailor Moon?" "You called everyone right?" Mercury nodded, watching the droid as it harmlessly darted to locatons over their heads, it seemed to be particularly stupid as well. People were gathered watching the two Sailor soldiers on the scene do nothing, and soon the crowd had depleted. Everyone wanted to see Sailor Moon, not two soldiers stand there and do nothing. "Who do you think you are, ruining shopping time for innocent people. The mall is a place to relax and hang out with friends. For destroying the silence, in the name of the moon I will punish you!" she struck her pose and a cheer went up though the crowd, the real hero was here, "So what's up with this loser?" she asked as she leapt down from a store sign next to her friends. "We need Mars, this thing is flammable. You need to be ready to finish it off, so be alert." Venus told her as Mars and Jupiter burst onto the scene. "Mars-" Mercury started but was cut off by a smile from Mars, "I heard, this suckers all mine. MARS CELESTIAL FIRE SURROUND!!" she let loose her attack and the droid screamed in agony, "Now Sailor Moon!" Jupiter shouted "Right, MOON SCEPTER ELIMIN-" she was cut off as the monster started to radiate a bright light, blinding everyone near by. The other sailor soldier went down and Sailor Moon put her arm over her eyes to try and block the light, but it was too late, she was already temporarily blinded. Evil laugher floated down into her ears and she recognized it immediately, "Rubeus!!" she screamed looking blindly around to try and focus in on him. "Poor Sailor Moon, can't you see? What a pity, I guess this just makes everything easier on me, I was looking forward to a fight though. One would think the great Sailor Moon would be more of a challenge." she blinked quickly, she knew he was about to attack her. The air was deathly quiet and the tension ran high. She clinched her fists and got into a fighting stance, "Come and get me if you can!" a kick from behind sent her flying to the floor, "Looks like I can, Sailor Wuss." he kicked her hard in the stomach and she groaned in pain. "Sailor Moon, you have to fight back!" Mercury called to her, fumbling around blindly. "I can't see him!" she called back, she heard Rubeus laughing over her as he jumped into the air again, "Goodbye Sailor Moon, it's been fun!" she knew an energy attack was coming toward her, she heard it cutting though the air. She sat up, but she didin't know what direction it was coming from. She closed her eyes and prayed that it would all be over soon "Relax Sailor Moon, I've got you!" she felt a strong arm wrap around her waist and heave her upward. She let out a sigh and put her head on his shoulder. "Damn you Tuxedo Mask!" Rubeus shouted, "But I still got her in the end!" more evil laugher once again followed as he faded from sight. Tuxedo Mask turned back to the petite girl in his arms, she was still holding him so tight. He gently pushed her away and her face fell, "Are you all right Serena?" he whispered softly, she nodded, "I can't see very well right now but my sight's coming back." she stared as Tuxedo Mask came into focus, a deep frown upon his face. He was disappointed with her again, what else was new. "Why are you looking at me like that?" she asked him sharply, knocking him from his thoughts, a light blush covered his cheeks, "It's nothing Sailor Moon, I told you I would ever let you get hurt." she nodded and looked down "Well if your all right, I better get going then. See ya." he sprinted away from her, in a blur of black. The other Sailors rushed over to her, "Sailor Moon are you okay?" Jupiter asked her nervously. "I'm fine guys, a little worse for the wear but he saved me again." she stood up, "I'm tired I'm going home and relaxing for the rest of the night." they nodded and she walked away. Luna, who had remained hidden during the battle followed after her. As soon as Serena was out of earshot the girls turned to each other, "She's really messed up." Jupiter said. Veuns frowned, "He did it again I guess, he still loves her I know it, I sense it. Something just keeps holding him back from getting back with her." "I hate to see her like this, she's not the same anymore. It's like the old happy go lucky Sailor Moon is gone, replaced by this sad heartbroken girl." Mars added mournfully, she looked around and noticed a small crowd still staring at them, "We should go now." she whispered and they nodded. They took off, leaving a bunch of people staring at their backs as they ran. They all headed back to the temple to continue their discussion. ******************************************************** "Serena, that was a good fight today, if Rubeus hadn't interfered you would have taken down that droid easily, I'm very proud of you." Serena nodded and contiuned walking on, Luna's praise meant a lot to her but right now she was consentrating on something more important. "Serena you have to move on, things will get better. Fights and break-up will mend and you two will get back to together or at least become friends." Luna knew it was no use, talking to Serena when she was like this was like talking to a brick wall. Serena looked up, trying to hide her tears of sorrow and noticed a red tint to the sky that looked to be reflecting off something, "Luna, why is the sky red?" they both stopped and stared up into the red overcast sky, "There must be a fire somewhere Serena, it's nothing to worry about." She nodded and they fell back into silence. A few blocks away from her home Serena noticed that the sky was brighter red in the area around her house. Luna spotted it too and took off running, Serena chased after her, "Luna, where are you going?" Luna galnce back only for a second, "Serena this doesn't look good, come on!" they both stopped short as the house came into focus in front of her. A blazing inferno stood where Serena's house once stood. Flames licked the sky and dark black smoke poured from the open windows. Luna looked up and Serena's shocked face. Tears not yet falling, but coming quickly. She opened her mouth to scream but no sound came out. She fell to her knees and stared at the flame engulfed building she once called home. Very dramtic huh? Well I hope everyone likes it so far! This has been one of my most challenging pieces of fanfic to work on thus far and comments always help peoples :) Elisabeth