New chapter peoples!!! Sorry it took me so long but school is a pain and I have no free time anymore unfortunately :( but I’m writing now so enjoy! Disclaimer: Sailor Moon not mine, if it were I wouldn’t be here writing fanfiction that’s for sure :) ~ Chapter 7 ~ The kiss had ended as soon as she felt the vision strike. She had pulled away, her eyes vacant, and her face pale white. The urge to scream was there, but Selene’s lungs wouldn’t give her the pleasure of letting it loose. The vision grew brighter as she plunged into the scene of darkness and despair. She saw everything, she felt everything. This girl that he cradled so gently in his arms was dead, lost to the world of the living forever. The sobs of the people around her rang in her ears, they seemed almost deafening. The scene was so sad and she felt like she was intruding on a very private moment in Darien’s life, something that she wasn’t meant to see, but by some strange twist of fate had been trust into. But that’s when she saw her, she was an angel, she had to be. The girl looked sad, tears streaming down her cheeks as she called out desperately to him, but he was oblivious, he heard nothing. It was almost too sad to watch, but something held her green eyes transfixed upon the horrible scene that laid before her. She felt the tears well up in her own eyes as the angel knelt down next to him, touching his arm gently and watched the realization sink in that she was dead, beyond salvation in this world and that she would never be with him again. The both of them, in tears, cast their gazes to the sky and the angel pointed to a star and whispered something in his ear that he would never hear, the words lost between two worlds, one in darkness, the other in light. Selene stepped closer to the scene, and the angel turned to her, “You must remember! It is the key to your future, please remember!” she whispered harshly and Selene’s sight faded to black. @~~~>>~~~~ “Selene!” Darien shook her harshly, her body in a weird trance-like state, almost floating in-between worlds. Tears were coming quickly to his eyes, he couldn’t lose her too, not now, not here. Her face was pale and her eyelids fluttered rapidly, like she was dreaming but couldn’t wake herself up not matter how hard she tried. “Selene, please wake up! I can’t bear to lose you too, it would kill me!” Suddenly the fluttering stopped and her body fell limp in his strong arms. He quickly checked her pulse, her heart was still beating strongly and he let out a deep sigh of relief. Her green eyes snapped open, a look of terror in them, but of deep sadness and regret as well. She had seen something, something that was not meant to be seen by normal people, but when did he ever associate with normal people? “Selene...” he trailed off softly as she collapsed into sobs, clinging to his jacket with her of her strength, fear rushing through her veins, replacing her blood. “Oh God Darien, I’m so sorry.” she whispered. His eyes caught hers, “For what Selene?” he asked her softly. “I didn’t want to see it, I tried to look away but I saw everything, everything. Oh God.” she whimpered softly. He rubbed her back in an attempt to calm her down, “Shh. What did you see?” “I saw her die Darien, in your arms, that night.” @~~~>>~~~~ They walked slowly through the park, Darien pondering what all of this could mean, Selene still in shock. “Why.” was Darien’s only word, but it was enough to cause her to break down again, he was mad, she could tell. She had taken a very private memory from his mind, and she had witnessed his pain and his agony of losing Serena. It was his, dammit and no one else’s right to know how he felt that night, it was his right to keep such things private. “I don’t know Darien, I wish I knew but I couldn’t stop it. The second our lips met I was seeing everything, looking at you and your friends and her, from a distance. I watched her die, and it was horrible but Darien she was there.” “What do you mean, she was almost dead when I found her, how could she be there?” Selene stopped walking, “She was there Darien, watching everything, touching you. She was yelling for you, I could hear her from where I was standing.” He turned to her, “I can’t believe you Selene, it wasn’t your right to see this in the first place, it was mine to burden alone, it’s my fault she’s dead!” he exploded, “And now you tell me that she was standing there, talking to me while I wept over her dead body, frozen from the cold night air. How can I believe you?” tears ran down his cheeks unchecked. “She was there, she touched your arm and she whispered something to you while you were staring at the sky. There must have been a shooting star or something because she was pointing. Why would I lie to you Darien, what purpose would it serve to either of us? I never wanted to see it, I knew I wasn’t allowed but I couldn’t stop myself, I just kept falling deeper into the darkness and then I saw everything. It was a like a movie unfolding before me, and I couldn’t turn away.” “But I don’t understand how this happened, how could you see all that?” She wiped the tears away from her face, “I don’t know, but it happened and I had no control. It was horrible Darien, your every emotion was amplified through me, I felt your heart breaking as she left. I wanted to run to you and comfort you but it wasn’t really for me, I never actually had to live it like you.” “Then you wouldn’t know how it felt, how terrifying it was to find her under that street lamp, dying so quickly, my own heart stopped as well. The connection we shared was indescribable, it was so deep, I felt everything she was going though. I felt her take her last breath and the peaceful sleep of death settle over her. I felt her soul drift away, do you have any idea what that was like to go through? Do you?” he was hysterical now, he had never shared such private details before, not even with the other girls. And it had all fallen out in one fell swoop, the truth now clear about everything him and Serena had shared during her last moments of life. She placed a hand over her mouth, she was overcome by emotion, “I’m so sorry Darien, Oh God I’m sorry, extremely sorry.” she covered her face with her hands and sobs racked her slight frame. He looked at her, he could feel her fear, the same as he could Serena’s whenever something was wrong. Why would he share such a special bond, that was reserved only for the girl he loved so deeply for thousands of years, be with this girl as well. He felt like a piece of the puzzle was still missing, that his brain couldn’t function until that piece was found and returned to his mind. He slowly put his arm around and held her tightly in his arms. Fear gripped them both, neither one sure what was happening or what was to come. @~~~>>~~~~ “Selene is that you?” Steph called from the kitchen as the front door opened and shut softly. Selene shuffled slowly through the living room and into the kitchen, tears still brimming in her green eyes. Steph immediately rushed forward and wrapped her into a hug, “What’s wrong, why are you crying?” she said nothing, only fought to blink back the tears. It was too hard to explain, especially right here and right now. She didn’t understand it at all herself, but the pain was still heavy in her heart, a burden too big to be lifted alone. “I feel sick.” she mumbled softly, the best excuse she could come up with at that moment. Steph looked sick herself, her face was filled with worry, a look not often seen in her eyes. “Go get into bed, I’ll bring you some soup when it’s done cooking.” Selene nodded slowly, her body still in zombie mode, not really wanting to function, but not having any other choice. She walked into her bedroom and got underneath her comforter. Tears now ran freely down her face once more, still dealing with the situation she had been so unwillingly thrust into. Darien still looked a bit mad when he had left her at the door, but he had ever right to be, it was private, not meant to be shared unless he chose to and she had seen everything, even more than him. Steph rapped softly on the door and walked in, “Soup should be ready soon, what hurts?” Selene shrugged, “Everything, my arms, my legs, my head is throbbing.” she lied. Steph nodded, “Should I call the doctor, or do you think you’ll get over it by morning?” She shook her head, “I’ll be fine, I just need to sleep, let my brain rest for awhile. It’s been really stressful at school and everything.” “Okay then, I’ll call in sick for you, do you still want some soup?” She just shook her head again and Steph left the room as softly as she had entered. Selene watched her leave and as the door clicked shut, she closed her eyes, and tried to get some sleep. @~~~>>~~~~ “Selene can we please talk?” a voice called out from behind her as she busily cleared a table at the Corner Cafe. She was back to work after her weekend off and the place was busier than ever before. She spun around to see one of the girls that Darien was with the other day. She forced a smile, “Sure, I was just about to go on break, take a seat and I’ll be right back.” Mina nodded and she sat down at a table by the front window. Selene rushed back to the kitchen area and dropped off the dirty dishes in the sink. She told Pat she was taking her 15 minute break and walked out to Mina waiting patiently at her table. “So what’s up?” she asked the blond haired girl softly, Mina pointed to the seat across from her, “Please sit down, this is very important.” Mina was beyond nervous but she didn’t know why, this girl was still one of her best friends and the more she looked at her, the more she could feel Serena’s gently soul radiate from within. Selene slowly took her seat, a feeling of fear crept over her little by little, “I’m sorry I don’t even remember your name.” Mina smiled kindly, “It’s Mina, but I’m here to talk to you about you and Darien and your relationship.” Selene sighed, “It’s nothing much, it’s been rocky lately, I think he’s a little bit miffed about what happened yesterday outside my house.” Mina narrowed her eyes, “What happened?” she looked uncomfortable but Mina pressed on, “Come on, you can tell me. I promise to keep it a secret.” “I had a vision.” Selene said simply, not sure how to approach the situation any other way. Mina leaned forward, “Of what?” “I saw him holding his girlfriend when she died. I saw everything, and I mean everything. It was very upsetting and Darien didn’t take it well, but then again neither did I.” Mina bit her lip, the signs were starting, as the girls predicted, soon everything would be revealed, “I’m sure it was hard on you. Do you know where Darien is now?” Selene shook her head, “No I haven’t seen him since school let out two hours ago, but I need to talk to him about all this. The whole situation had me a little scared, I don’t know what’s happening to me.” Mina patted her hand, “It’s okay, everything will work out just fine, have a little faith.” she stood up and Selene stood up as well to get back to work. Mina gave a little wave as she walked past the window and Selene smiled and waved back. She walked back to the kitchen to grab her orders that were due. She quickly grabbed the plates and walked back out to the dining area. Suddenly without warning, a sharp pain shot through her head and again for the second time that week so far, her world faded to black only to be replaced by flames. To be continued... Heehee, I just love a cliffhanger, as long as I’m writing them of course :) Any other time they stink! With reminds me Clare-chan how is that rewrite coming along of your fic, I want it soon ya know! I’ll be expecting it in my mailbox very soon so get crackin’ or I’ll have to get Missy’s whip! Thank you’s go out to: Clare-chan - as always, my good friend, always helping me with my writing. Thanks always :) Serena_moon- her Alex advice has been fantastic and it’s like having my own private cheering section all the way out in Virginia (is that right?) Usako- always supportive and a very nice person to talk to :) Sarah Beth- I can always count on her for an e-mail or for having a great time in the chats on Saturday night :) So much fun! And of course anyone else who has expressed their interest in this story of mine, but I have a question? Would you consider this an alternate reality fic? Basically I want to submit it to “First Love” the archive run by Lady Starra and Alicia Blade and I want to know if it could fit in the main archive or would it not be allowed? Tell me what ya think everyone, I really want to send it in to a place it might actually get read, since ASMR is so big and I never have time read anything there :) More soon, provided school stays cool As always this story is for to Alex Liz-chan