Next chapter, I hope you all enjoy it :) ~Chapter one~ "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" the shock had been lifted and Serena's soulful cries echoed down the street, "Please no, oh Lord no! Don't take them from me!" she pounded her fists hard on the ground until they bled. Tears streamed down her face and Luna was crying as well, nuzzling Serena's arm to try and comfort the both of them. "Mom, dad, Sammy. All of them gone, lost forever." sobs racked her small body, causing her to shake violently. Luna stared up at her, knowing that Serena was blaming herself at this moment. She looked at Serena bleeding hands and gasped, "Serena, you're bleeding!" Serena looked down at her hands, rich blood streamed down her arms staining her shirt sleeves a deep red. She looked back at Luna and then turned her attention back to the fire. A baneful laugh stung her ears and she turned angrily to the person who stood behind her taking pleasure in her pain. "Oh poor Serena, or should I say Sailor Moon." she gasped, "How could you know?" he chuckled softly, "The Wiseman knows all, my dear girl. I told you in the mall that I still got you in the end, you can't beat us. I'll take away everything you hold dear, and then kill you without a second thought. This was just the beginning." "You sick bastard! You killed them to get to me? They never did anything to you!" she screamed standing slowly to her feet, and walked slowly toward him, rage filled her body, and she could hear sirens coming closer. "But you have, it's your fault their dead." he smiled, "I really should be going now, Diamond will be quite pleased with my progress, I should go and inform him of this." he faded away as the fire trucks pulled up in front of her house. One of the firemen picked her up and carried her safely away from the commotion. Fresh tears were pooled up in her eyes and overflowed down her face. Her fists were still bleeding profusely and she was shivering, despite being so close to a fire, from the freezing cold night air that nipped at her skin. She stood up suddenly her red hands cliched in fustration and anger. "Serena what are you doing?" Luna asked softly, knowing that the firemen weren't paying any attention to the young girl and her cat, but it better to be safe than sorry. "Luna, I have to be alone for awhile." with that Serena turned and ran away from her fire and her guardian cat. Luna sighed softly, "I have to tell the other scouts to look after her, Rubeus could intercept and easily kill her while she's like this." she sprinted toward the temple as fast as she could. Meanwhile news crews swarmed the scene, the fire was huge, big enough to be view from a mile away. Camera people scurried around and reporters delivered news on the raging inferno that was the Tsukino house. ******************************************************** Darien stood up and walked over to his TV, ready to flip it off and go to bed, he was exhausted from the battle today. He just hoped that the dream that had haunted his exsistance would spare him tonight. "I'm here reporting from the scene of a gigantic fire, that started just a little over forty-five minutes from right now. The blaze is still burning after many attempts to put it out, for some reason the fire seems to be immune to water. As far as we know three people were caught in the house when the fire started, Ilene Tukino, Ken Tsukino, and their son Sammy Tuskino. Their daughter Serena Tsukino, was out of the house at the time, she was spotted at the scene when the fire trucks arrived but has since disappeared..." Darien snapped his attention down to the TV screen and saw a picture of Serena's house burning in the background. he grabbed his jacket and ran from his apartment. He hoped she was all right. ******************************************************** "Oh great fire tell us where Rubeus is now!" Raye knelt in front of the holy flame while the other girls sat behind her, their minds focused on Serena and her recent change in attitude. "Guys, I'm still worried about her, she's always been so happy." Mina whispered, careful not to destract Raye. Amy nodded grimly, "I know, she's totally changed, she hardly ever smiles anymore and she's not eating hardly at all." "It's our job as her friends to help her though this, this is serious stuff. She's lost focus at the job at hand, which is taking down Rubeus. People could get hurt if she doesn't get over this soon. I think she's over reacting." Raye turned back to face them and sighed deeply, "The fire can't tell us anything, it's like he's disappeared into thin air. There's no trace of him anywhere." "She's not over reacting Raye, this is normal stuff that girls go though when they get dumped. I've been though it tons of times, the way I go though boyfriends. Never at this level before, but we need to tell her that were there for her to talk to us about this stuff. She should know her friends are there, standing by her." Lita added. "What was that?" Raye asked standing up, a thump came from the other room, "You guys stay here I'm going to go check it out." they nodded and crept closer to the door in case Raye needed help. "Raye!" Luna yelled breathlessly as she lept though the open window and landed by her feet. Raye gasped and placed a hand by her neck, "Luna!! You scared me half to death!" "I'm sorry but Serena's in real trouble. When we got back we found Rubeus had started the house on fire, Serena's parents and brother were in the house and were killed. There's no way anyone could have survived, the fire is huge. She went off by herself and I'm scared that-" "Rubeus will find her and attack her when she wouldn't be able to fight." Amy finished as the rest of the girls walked quickly into the room. Luna nodded quickly, "We need to find her, she's not stable right now." Luna let out a sob, "She's been though so much right now." "Let's go, we'll find her faster if we're in scout form." Mina told them. "Mercury Star Power!!!" "Mars Star Power!!!" "Jupiter Star Power!!!" "Venus Star Power!!!" The four girls took off in serch of their lost friend and prayed they weren't too late. ******************************************************** Serena raced down the street, not really knowing where she was heading and not really caring either. It was late and the roads were empty, the silence cut her to the bone. Tears blurred her sight and she didn't bother to brush them anyway. Finally her lungs gave out and she collasped against a lightpole. She clung to it for dear life, sobs racking her body as she shivered from the cold. Her hands were a mess, still bleeding lightly, the skin was cut and peeling. Her hair was covered in dirt and her bangs were matted down to her head from her sweat. Her eyes were swollen and red and still tears poured from them. "Why me, why was I reborn, what was the purpose?!" she screamed to the sky, to the moon, "I don't want to suffer anymore! Make the pain stop! Make it stop!" she was alone, with nothing left. No boyfriend, she doubted he would even care if she was dead, her friends would most likely mourn her, but the leader position would be open and she all knew they doubted her as leader of the scouts. She slid slowly to the ground illuminated by a lone street light. She let out an angry wail into the nothing the night. She closed her eyes and prayed that God would take mercy on her and end her life. Tears leaked though slowly and her breath shallowed. The cold had numbed her body and her head. Her thoughts had stilled and she could feel herself slowly drifting to nothingness. "Goodbye Darien, I still love you." she whispered, "Hang on mom, I'm coming." everything disappeared. ******************************************************** "Serena! Serena!" Darien ran down vacant streets calling her name, he had to find her. Tears were building in his eyes, but he fought them back. He never cried but at the single thought of her hurt or dead, tears sprang to his blue eyes. It was so cold out tonight, she would never make it if he didn't find her. He ran faster, thoughts running though his head. "Serena, please answer me!" he stopped running and felt the despair wash over him. It was her loneiness, it covered him like a blanket. She was dying and she didn't care, he felt everything. He started running again as the emptiness that had enveloped his soul grew stronger and more welcome. "Serena! God, please answer me, you can't die!" that when he saw her huddled under a lightpole. Her eyes were closed and her breath made tiny puffs in the cold air. He ran as fast as his legs would allow him toward her and scooped her up into his arms. Her lips were blue and she seemed too far gone for him to reach. He planted his lips over hers and pulled her close. He reached for one of her bloody hands and held it tightly within his own, "Oh please Serena don't leave me, I need you!" he kissed her again and wrapped his warm coat around her, "I love you Serena I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" tears spilled onto her pale, cold face. Her breathing had pretty much stopped and she had went limp in his arms. A sob escaped his lips followed by a low moan, "No, I- I can't live without you Serena, I never wanted to hurt you. I won't leave you alone anymore, we can be together. As prince and princess, as we belong." Serena was almost gone, her body was cold and she had almost left it behind. She floated above it, the pain gone. A light flashed above her calling her into heaven. She looked down and saw Darien cradling her body, kissing her now cold lips. She looked up at the light and back down at him. She was still alive, she had only minutes left, more if she decided to fight against it. She closed her eyes, wishing she could feel the soft kiss that he was planting on her lips. The light continued to call her, but she now fought. She clung to her last bit of life with her everything left in her. His heard Darien's beautiful voice filling the cold dead air. She felt the heat from his body and wished she could hold him too. "Darien, I won't leave, I'll fight I promise you!" the light grew brighter and she knew that she was losing her grip. She watched as she fell limp in her arms and the puffs from her lips almost stop, "No! I can't leave him now. I don't want to die, no matter how much it hurts!" the light paid no heed and continued to draw her closer. She heard his sobs grow deeper, and she started to cry, "Darien! No! I'm still here! I'm not gone yet! I love you!" He still held her tightly and she fought with all she had left, the light dimmed. She closed her eyes and reached for him. His words rang though her ears, "I love you Serena, I love you. I promise wherever you go I'll find you and we will be together again, I swear on my life. Oh God it hurts, take me too! I can't live without her!" his heart wrenching cries cut her to the bone, "Darien! I don't want to go alone please! Help me, I can't stop it!" he looked into the sky and the beautiful stars that twinkled above their heads. The light engulfed her and pulled her back, "DARIEN! I love you, I promise I won't let go! We will be together, I will not give up I will find you!" He seemed to look up at her and smiled, "I always knew you were an angel Serena." he whispered softly and she gasped as he turned back to her now totally still body, "You're back where you belong now. In heaven where a soul as beautiful as yours belongs. I will miss you but I will never let go. I promise Serena, you'll will always be with me. I will never let go." tears slowly slid down his face as he kissed her one last time. He pulled her close as the other Sailor scouts rushed toward him. The light once again pulled her closer but she shugged it off again. "Darien! Is she-" Mars stopped as she saw his tears. He nodded gently and touched her face softly. A caress she wanted so badly to feel and she wanted to kiss him and tell him everything would be okay. She shut her eyes and concentrated on him, on being with him once more. The light faded away to reveal only blackness and she knew that it had granted her wish. She walked over to him and touched his face. Mars was sobbing into Jupiter's shoulder. Mercury and Venus were hugging, crying softly. "Oh Darien I'm right here, I didn't go, I fought, I'm still hear!" she hit him in the arm and got no reaction. She touched her cold body and felt nothingness surround her. She was dead, truely dead. She would never feel his soft butterfly kisses anymore, or his warm embraces on cold winter days. She would never hug her friends again or eat three hot fudge sundaes again. She directed her gaze to the sky, and touched Darien once more, this time he seemed to feel her touch and looked up at the sky as well. "Look," she told him softly, "That's our star, whenever you look at it, remember me. I'll look down on you from that star and I'll comfort you in anyway you need it. It's our star, a symbol of our love Darien, I love you." she kissed his cheek gently and he turned to her. The light reappeared and she flew slowly up to it. She blew him a kiss and entered the light. :sniff, sniff: Oh poor Serena, what's going to happen now? What will become of Crystal Tokyo if there's no queen? Stay tuned and please write me!