The Green Jacket Crisis Part 1/1 By Elisabeth James *bing bong* The cheerful doorbell rang again as Mamoru rushed frantically around the house. “Where is it?” he shouted, frustrated with himself, “I know it was in my closet, where did it disappear to?” He looked briefly at the door, he knew it was Usagi. Tonight was their date, they were supposed to be going to the movies and then out to dinner. He glanced quickly at his watch, the movie started in 15 minutes. She was early for once in her life, well he would let her in in a minute *bing bong* Usagi pushed the doorbell for the third time. She could hear someone rustling around inside the apartment, she stood on her tip toes and tried to peer in through the peephole. “Shoot, can’t see anything” she knocked softly, “Mamo-chan? Are you in there?” still no answer. She tried the doorknob, locked. She kicked it, nothing. She was worried, Mamoru had never ever stood her up before. Maybe something happen, maybe someone broke into his apartment. He could be lying unconscious somewhere, bleeding to death while she just stood here ringing the doorbell. She raised both of her fists to the door and started banging on it with all of her strength, “Mamo-chan!” she was getting close to hysterics when suddenly the door flew open and she fell inside the apartment. “Usa-ko. I heard you the first time.” he closed his eyes as if trying to regain some of his lost patience. “Well if you heard me then why didn’t you let me in?” she stood up and brushed her pink denim skirt off. “I was looking for something.” he walked away from her and started his search again. She followed him around the apartment, wondering just what exactly he was looking for. “Mamo-chan? What are you looking for, maybe I can help.” she smiled hopefully. He said nothing as continued to look under his bed. “I’m looking for my green jacket. You know the one I always wear when I go out.” Usagi’s face went pale, “The olive green jacket? The one that looks so nice with the black turtleneck?” she stood there silently praying that her description of the jacket didn’t match the one Mamoru was looking for. “That’s the one, did you see it some place in the apartment already?” he finally gave her his full attention. She averted her eyes from his and lowered her head to the ground. “No, but I know where it is.” she told him softly, her face was burning bright red. She felt absolutely horrible, the guilt was unbearable. “So tell me Usa-ko, so we don’t miss the movie. I certainly hope I didn’t leave it someplace, that jacket means the world to me. It was my father’s.” She raised her head and accidentally caught his eyes, “Your f-father’s?” “Yep, he used to wear it every time he and my mother used to go out. That’s the only thing I really remember about my mother and father, how happy they looked together. I kept that jacket as a memento of those times. So tell me where it is so we can have happy times of our own.” he smiled at his petite girlfriend, wondering what was troubling her so badly. “It’s sort of not at the apartment anymore...” she trailed off uneasily. He looked at her surprised, “Oh, did I leave it at the arcade?” She shook her head “Your house?” She shook her head again “So where could it be if it’s not here, the arcade or at your house?” Tears welled up in her big blue eyes, “I didn’t mean to Mamo-chan! Really I didn’t. Remember that day we were sorting clothes to give to Goodwill?” she paused to let him nod, “I saw it hanging there and I didn’t think that you wore it anymore so I put it in the bag with all your other old clothes that we took over there last week.” he went pale. “You gave my green blazer to Goodwill?” the voice was tight and controlled. She stepped away from him slowly. “It was an accident, I didn’t know.” she reached for his arm but he jerked away coldly from her. “Usa-ko, I don’t think we should go out tonight. It’s probably best that you go and find something to do with Rei and the rest of them.” “Mamo-chan, please don’t be angry with me. If I would have known, I never would have touched that jacket. Gomen, gomen Mamo-chan.” she started to cry in the middle of his bedroom. She felt horrible, scum of the earth horrible. “I’ll get it back, I’ll go downtown and get it for you tomorrow okay?” Mamoru remained quiet, his clear blue eyes seething underneath. How could she do this to him? How could she just throw away the only thing he had left of his parents? He collapsed silently onto his bed. “Please just go home Usagi.” she froze, he didn’t just call her that. She had to be just hearing things. “Mamo-chan?” she whispered quietly. She ran from his bedroom sobbing into her hands. She opened the apartment door and slammed it hard behind her. “I’m so sorry Mamo-chan.” she whispered softly as she raced toward the elevator. He lay on his back unable to sleep, guilt had taken over his mind. He felt bad about what he had done to Usagi, it was unfair, she didn’t know about how important that jacket was to him. But on the other hand, she should have known better than to just throw it in some bag. “I should apologize to her, but I’m still so angry.” he told himself out loud. Another voice interrupted his own, “Look at you Mamoru, for some one who acts so intelligent and mature all the time, you sure made a mess of things his evening.” Mamoru peered to his left to see his father standing there shaking his head. “Father?” Mamoru sat up in an instant, he rubbed his eyes to make sure this all just wasn’t some freaky dream. “Yes Mamoru, it’s me. I just came back to tell you how disappointed I am in you. What you did tonight was shameful, treating that poor girl like you did.” Mamoru nodded, if this was just a dream, it was just best to play along. “I know but she gave away your jacket to Goodwill!” “So! It’s a jacket Mamoru, it holds no more importance than what you chose to give it.” Even after death Mamoru could still not look his father in his face, the shame was too much. It was one thing to be yelled at by your parents, it was completely different to have your dead father standing before you telling you that you really screwed up. “It was the last thing I had left to remind me of you and mom.” Mamoru told his father softly, “I didn’t want to let it go.” Mamoru’s father sat down next to him on the bed, “Now look here, that jacket didn’t remind you of us, your memories did. No jacket can ever take those away from you. All I know is that Usagi girl loves you and you love her. You need to apologize right away. She didn’t mean any harm Mamoru.” he patted his son’s back, “I know you’ll do the right thing, you always have.” “Right father, I will.” he stood up and his father followed suit. “Oh and one more thing, what’s with the tuxedo and the roses? I still don’t understand what’s going on there.” Mamoru only smiled “Long story, maybe I’ll tell you someday.” his father only nodded slightly and smiled. “Goodbye Mamoru.” a bright flash of light erupted in the tiny bedroom and the ghost was gone as quickly as he came. “Goodbye Father.” “Oh Luna, what am I going to do? The man I talked tonight said that he already sold the jacket. Mamo-chan’s going to hate me forever.” the black cat only shook her head. “Mamoru-san will forgive you Usagi-chan. He loves you, he won’t just let some jacket break up your relationship.” Usagi nodded, tears once again trailing down her cheeks. “But it was his father’s. The last thing he had left to remember his parents. He was so angry tonight and who could blame him, I messed up big time. I would hate me too. ”she started to cry harder, her tears rained down on the small black cat. “Usagi-chan, give him time. I’m sure he doesn’t hate you.” Usagi gave the cat a warm hug, “Thank you Luna, I feel a little bit better now.” she didn’t look it but Luna took what she could get. “Get some sleep, everything will look better in the morning.” Luna jumped off Usagi’s lap and padded out of the room. Usagi reached to turn off her light when she saw a face with a mask peering in at her through her window. She jumped slightly but then leaned in closer. Her eyes widened in recognition. “Mamo-chan?” she unlocked the window and lifted it open. He slid in smoothly and landed softly on her bed. He slowly removed his mask and hat. “What are you doing here in the middle of the night?” she asked him quietly, suddenly very aware that her parents were sleeping in the next room. “I came to apologize for being so hard on you earlier tonight. I made far too big a deal about that jacket and I never wanted to make you cry.” he touched her face gently with his gloved hand, smoothing away the tear streaks. “I deserved it Mamo-chan, I deserved every word. I never knew, I had no idea how important that jacket was to you. I even tried to get it back, I stopped by the main office on the way home from your apartment. They already sold it to someone else.” she kept her eyes on the floor afraid to see the anger in his face. “Usa-ko, I don’t care about the jacket anymore. I will miss it but you what I would miss even more?” she still didn’t look at him. “What?” it was muffled as she buried her face in her hands. He only smiled at her cuteness. With a gentle touch he slowly moved her face towards his own, “You, I would miss you. There is nothing more important to me in this world than you Usa-ko. I love you.” she smiled at him, “I had a revelation tonight and I realized how stupid I acted. No matter what you do in the future, I could never EVER hate you.” “You really mean that? You don’t hate me?” she watched as a grin broke out on his face. “I don’t hate you Usa-ko, but ask me before you just throw something in a bag while we’re cleaning my closet next time, okay?” she nodded eagerly and he quickly embraced her. “I don’t deserve you Mamo-chan, you’re too good to me.” he planted a soft butterfly kiss on her forehead. “Nonsense Usa-ko. We deserve each other. We take care of one another, like lovers should.” he kissed her lips delicately like they were the petals of a flower. “I’ll see you tomorrow at the game center okay?” she smiled warmly at him. “Of course, good night Mamo-chan, pleasant dreams.” “Good night Usa.” with a sudden breeze he was gone, disappearing into the darkness. With a silly sigh she turned off the light and got under her covers, sweet dreams of her Mamoru slowly filling her head. “See I told you our son would work it out.” Mamoru’s father proudly proclaimed. “Yes well, I guess you were right honey. It had to happen sooner or later I suppose.” Cassiopeia quickly kissed her husband’s cheek and jumped out of the tree outside Usagi’s room. “I still don’t understand that whole tuxedo mask thing though Cass.” he followed his wife as she headed toward the street. “Don’t concern yourself with it, it’s a girl thing.” she gently patted her husband’s shoulder and they faded away into the moonlight. This is strictly to hold you over until late this week when Forbidden Hearts, chapter three will be out. The chapter itself is done, just needs a little more work :) thanks (as always) to: SB, Kelly, Adrianne, Clare-chan and Meredith (who came up with the best name for Mamoru's mom and for letting me use it :) :) :) Liz-chan