Do you Sleep? Part 1/1 By Elisabeth James This is just a short fic based on a great song by Lisa Loeb and I think it really describes Mamo-chan during his break up with Usagi. This song is a little different but if you read the lyrics, the song is very pretty. And I'm in the process of writing a new part to Troubled in Tokyo as well. And I have a new multi-part fic in the works, so stay tuned… Disclaimer: SM does not belong to me, nor does this song. : Shrug: @~~~/~~~\~~~~ Do you eat, sleep, do you breathe me anymore? Do sleep, do you count sheep anymore? Do you sleep anymore? Do you take plight on my tongue like lead? Do you fall gracefully into bed anymore? @~~~/~~~\~~~~ He swung in through the open window of her bedroom with such grace and ease. His black form was silence and undistinguishable against the darkness of her room. She lay sleeping so soundly and peacefully in her bed. His heart felt pulled toward her, as their link often caused it to feel. She was so close, and he knelt down next to her bed slowly, careful not to make a sound. Her gossamer hair flowed around her like water. The rays of moonlight streamed through the open window and struck her body. The light danced on the face of the angel that slept before him. He used to tell her when they were still together that she was the most beautiful in the moonlight. She used to give him that adorable smile and her blue eyes would light up and follow his midnight blue ones. He let out a short sigh and brushed his fingers across her forehead. She didn't stir and he gently traced the curve of her face. Her cheeks were still damp from what seemed like tears. He cursed himself out silently and then he cursed out the force that was sending these horrible premonitions of the future. Her eyelids fluttered slowly; there was someone in her bedroom. The familiar essence of roses spread throughout the room. She inhaled deeply it had been far too long since she had smelled that sweet fragrance. She cracked her eye open and saw her Mamo-chan kneeling next to the bed. She didn't dare move she had to know what brought him here. @~~~/~~~\~~~~ I saw you as you walked across my room. You looked out the window; you looked at the moon. You sat on the corner of my bed, and You smoked with the ghost in the back of my head. @~~~/~~~\~~~~ He rose slowly and studied her sleeping face from above. Her lush lips were parted calling him to steal just one kiss. Fighting the urge he turned his eyes to the moon, the body that guarded his love's soul and her very being. It looked so faultless in the sky, and he knew that's where his Usa got it. Only something so perfect could be born from something of equal or lesser beauty. The moon was still constant in his life, the phases, the light it provided Tokyo was still there. He was still the protector of Sailor Moon, that was a constant too, and no matter what he did that bond would never be severed. Not that he wanted it to be cut anyway; he did enjoy that feeling of knowing Usa was all right all the time. She fed him her emotions; he felt her joy and happiness when the people who loved her surrounded her. There was no greater happiness in her heart then when he was with her; the link seemed to resonate with love and passion at those moments. He also felt her pain and sorrows every night before she turned in to get some well-deserved sleep. With every tear that flowed down her cheek and hit her pillow, a little piece of him disappeared. A piece that would never return to him again, no matter how hard he fought to regain it. He lowered himself onto the end of her bed, and held his face in his hands. Tears were coming quickly into his eyes and he was powerless to stop them. He wanted to weep for everything he had lost, everything he had so carelessly tossed away over a dream, a stupid vision. He felt Usa stir and he turned around to face her. She was sitting up and staring at him intently, "Mamo-chan." It wasn't a question it was a statement. @~~~/~~~\~~~~ I don't know, and I don't care If I ever will see you again. I don't know, and I don't care If I ever will be there. @~~~/~~~\~~~~ He stood to leave; he couldn't talk to her. She reached out and grabbed his hand and held it tight. She pulled him back down onto the bed forcefully and tore the domino mask right off his face. He tried to break free of her grasp, but she clung to him as if her very life depended on it. Tears were gleaming in her eyes; "I will NOT let you leave Mamo-chan. You can't tell me that you don't love me and then just show up in my bedroom so late at night. I demand answers." "Usagi…" inwardly he cringed, he hated calling her that. It was so formal for people who have been lovers for a thousand years. Her jaw dropped a little at the way he said her name, but she quickly recovered. "Usagi? Is that all I am to you now Mamoru? After all the soul searching and everything that we have been through, you address me so formal?" She said curtly, to bring the pain to him that she felt so strongly for the last few weeks. He let out a deep sigh, this little visit was not meant to morph into this. She wasn't supposed to wake up. @~~~/~~~\~~~~ Do you eat, sleep, do you breathe me anymore? Do you sleep, do you keep me anymore? @~~~/~~~\~~~~ "I want a reason Mamoru, and I want a good one, for everything. You have drug me through hell and back and I want to know why. I deserve to know why, it's my right as a human being, to know why you want to hurt me so much." She let the anguish spill over and she broke down. She sat there sobbing as he looked helplessly on, resisting every impulse and desire to hold her and kiss her all over. "Usa, this is killing me too, but it can't be helped. I wish I could tell you…" he was numb, a shell, void of all emotions watching her cry. He reached for her arm, but she jerked away. "I will not let myself be hurt by you again Mamoru, you deceived me. I still love you, but don't touch me unless you mean it. I should have known that you wouldn't be ready to devote yourself to me. To hand over your heart and soul to me, and I can't make you. It kills me inside, every night my mind goes over that day again and again, searching for some hidden meaning in your words." He rubbed his eyes, praying that this was all just a bad dream that he would wake up in his bed. He never should have come, it was a bad decision, he should have known that being in such close proximity to her would drive him wild. @~~~/~~~\~~~~ You kick my foot under the table, I kick you back; I can't say I'm able to Stand for you or Fall for you ever again. Wish for a perfect setting? Wishing that I am letting you Take me where you want me All over again? @~~~/~~~\~~~~ Her sobbing had slowly tapered off and he was still seated silent at the end of her bed. "No more tears Mamoru, I need to know, do you still love me?" the question seemed to echo in his ears. How could he sit there and ask him that? Didn't she know that nothing could cause him to stop loving her? She deserved the truth, but he couldn't tell her. He doubted the reason himself, was it completely lacking any common sense to listen to a dream? But it was so clear and vivid in his mind how could ignore it? She stared at him, patiently awaiting an answer. Every second that passed her heart broke a little more, another piece crushed beyond recognition. She tried to keep her gaze grim, but inside her eyes were on the verge of tears again, her soul was empty and mind was trying to ignore the fact that he was still silent after all of this time. "Do you love another?" she whispered, her greatest fear came out into the open. Every insecurity about herself flew from her mouth in those four words. The tension in the room got worse. He stared at her with his mouth open. @~~~/~~~\~~~~ You can't give yourself absolutely to someone else. @~~~/~~~\~~~~ "Never Usa it's not that, I promise. It has nothing to do with anyone else but myself." He answered softly after finding his voice. She just nodded and said nothing. "Do you sleep anymore Mamo-chan?" the question was barely audible but he heard it anyway. He swallowed quickly, how could she know? "I don't sleep anymore Mamo-chan, I never sleep. Every night I lie here in bed thinking of you, my mind will not let me rest. I need a reason; I need to calm my soul and my racing thoughts. Do you sleep anymore Mamo-chan?" she repeated it again, slowly, every word accented from her throat. "No Usa I can't say that I do anymore." That got him, everything spilled out in one fell swoop. He found himself crying in her arms, tears streaming down her own cheeks for the second time that night. It was late and she had school the next morning. After the tears had dried he stood to leave. He pulled her slowly to her feet and kissed her lips gently, "Sweet dreams my little Usa." And he slipped out the window as quickly as he had come in. She watched him dart down the street in a blur of red and black. She allowed herself to smile and she climbed back into bed. And for the first time in week Usagi slept. @~~~/~~~\~~~~ Do you eat, sleep, do you breathe me anymore? Do you sleep, do you count sheep anymore? Do you sleep anymore? @~~~/~~~\~~~~ ~ Fin. ~ Now that's not the exact song, it's too long so I shortened it to fit the story line better. Please send feedback, I need it. Right now I'm in Alex withdrawal, which also lent some inspiration to this fic. Feedback would really boost my spirits. Special thanks to: Clare-chan, Kelly, Adrianne, Sarah Beth, Curtis, and Meredith, my great editor. Until next time… Liz-chan