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Jon's RPG Reviews

I finally decides to update my webpage. I really didn't care about it but I'm kinda bored so... I've written a review to Ogre Battle in the SNES section, even though none of you care since you never come to my webpage.

RPG stands for "Role Playing Game" this of course means you take on the role of one person... sure you will probably be able to control more characters beside just the main one... but you will normally stay with the main character throughout the entire game.

On each review I have included a very good song along with a picture (hopefully, the pics are really hard to find).

Click Here For More Info!

What do you think the best RPG is?

Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy 3
Final Fantasy 2
Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy 8
Lufia 2:Rise of the Sinistrals
Super Mario RPG
Breath of Fire 3

Email: Jon

