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The Naked Earth Cafe

This story was written for a carnivorous audience. I was also given erraneous information on how to write a review for the newspaper. Heh, and they fire *me* of all people from layout duties. They wouldn't know good layout if it hit them on the head and knocked them out. If I were given correct instructions on how to write a review, then I would have mentioned that this is my favorite restaurant. LOL an unbiased review. Thats a knee-slapper. Anyways, I've probably ruined the review now, so without further ado....

Located on the corner of Pennsylvania and 9th

By Dana Massaro

Tired of the same old boring meat-and-potatoes meals? Or are you a vegetarian that has a hard time finding something to eat at restaurants?

The Naked Earth is a vegan restaurant in South Beach, located at the corner of Pennsylvania and 9th.

Veganism takes vegetarianism a step further, and refrains from using anything from animal origin. This includes, but is not limited to meat, eggs, dairy, honey, silk, leather, suede, and fur. Veganism is marked by compassion for animals.

Everything on the menu at Naked Earth is vegan, except the soy cheese, which contains a dairy-derived protein. They have soups, salads, sandwiches, pizza, and lots of desserts. Their beverages, which include natural sodas, contain no refined sugars or caffeine.

For the soy intolerant, or those who wretch at the idea of eating soy, there are several soy-free sandwiches, soups, and salads. They also cater to diabetics and those who are wheat/gluten intolerant. The prices are fairly inexpensive. They range from the $1.95 cup of Soup of the Day to the $8.95 daily special, which comes with a bowl of soup. The soup was the best minestrone I have ever had, and it came with a triangle of soft, homemade bread.

I definitely recommend this restaurant to anyone who happens to be in South Beach, and is ready to try something new, creative, and animal-friendly.
