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GypsyElf's Poetry Archive

Herein lies GypsyElf's poetry previously seen in The Corner.
As a regular contributor to my little corner of the WWW,
She has earned Her own archive.

GypsyElf's Poetry

"The Garden"
"Always Enchanted By Blushes"
"Wishful Words"
"Ode to arabesque"
"Sad Song"
"bella and the bowl"
"Question and Answer"
"Audemus, Amamus"
"When Love Overflows"

"The Garden"

A tender, savage heart beats,
In the breast of a Woman...
She wanders through dark woods,
Through deep caves and empty castles.
A wanderer by nature...A Gypsy...
The journey gives Her pleasure...
But one thing is lacking,
One dream incomplete
Until one day...Lost and alone,
She stumbles upon a garden,
And gazes in awe at its beauty,
Like no other She has seen.
I must have this place...
I must make it Mine, She thinks.
But She cannot take, that She knows,
This garden must be given...
Suddenly, a gentle lady appears,
she was always there, unseen,
Watching the Gypsy's longing,
Wanting to be Her answer.
The Gypsy is spellbound.
Here is Her dream, complete.
Her heart leaps with passion,
Her eyes shine with hope.
The lady speaks softly of love,
Of the gift she needs to give,
For her own story to be complete,
The gift of sweet submission.
The Gypsy smiles knowingly,
For Her gift is Domination...
She takes the lady's hand,
And brings the lady to Her.
A single kiss tells all...
Each to each they blend,
Two lost halves melting,
To become one Soul.
In their garden, they dance,
Wild, free, glorious...Whole.
The lady whispers...Yours,
The Gypsy answers...Mine.
The lady glows,
The Gypsy knows,
And the garden grows...
And grows and grows and grows...


Here is another contribution from that mysterious and elusive GypsyElf.


That early morning misty time,
The soft caress of moonlight in a forest,
The whisper of wind on a sultry night,
The warm glow of a fire in winter...


your eyes meeting Mine,
your whisper in My ear,
your lips hovering over Mine,
your skin just brushing Mine.

In a place beyond words,
Beyond the deepest silence,
Beyond light and dark,
Beyond eternity, beyond sacred...

There, perhaps there,
I might begin,
To find a metaphor,
For O/our Love...




In the darkness of the night,
Breathes a soul of blood red heat
A being dark and magical...
The Vampire.
Passion and wisdom rule,
Timeless, ageless, they know
Secrets deeper than eternity...
The Vampires.

A breed apart, they stand proud,
Moonlight glinting off their silvery skin,
They dance, free of all restraint...
The Beautiful Vampires.

They roam the night,
Beyond the boundaries of time,
Each one glorious, wild and free...
A Vampire.



"Always Enchanted by Blushes..."

Soulful eyes looking into mine,
Sweet caresses of tender love,
Soft gasps of passionate pleasure,
Warm lips meeting and meshing...
All precious, all wondrous things,
Cherished by loving hearts...
Ahh...but the magic and wonder,
The sheer delight of a blush...
Spontaneous, free pinkening,
Of warm and tender flesh,
Charming, delicate reddening,
Of sweet cheeks, ears, neck...
So clear, so honest, so simple,
The soft tilt of the head,
The falling forward of hair,
The shy smile at sweet folly...
There are many moments,
That lovers share,
All special, all sweet,
But of them all, I am...
Always enchanted by blushes.



"Wishful Words..."

Idle whimsy makes for wishful words...
Where has My love gone?
Down the hall? Noo...not at all...
Round the house? Noo...only a mouse...
Ah...there she is...hiding in My heart...
What a way...What an art!
Will she come to Me?
How will it be?
Will she sing sweet?
What a lovely treat...
But no...she hides...
Twisting up My insides...
Making My heart weep...
My soul hers to keep...
And so I only dream...
A lonely life, t'would seem...
But in truth it is not...
For her heart too have I got...
Oh, for the song and dance...
For the sweet loving glance...
Whisper of Someday in My ear...
Almost too soft to hear...
Wishful words of a wistful heart.



"Ode to arabesque"

A bewitching tiny dancer,
Winding about My heart,
Laughing, smiling, merry lady,
Winning S/souls is her art...

her touch so soft, so sweet,
It sings to butterflies,
her beauty so enchanting,
It engenders only sighs...

A graceful bend of her head,
A whirl of her form in dance,
A gentle lift of her eyes,
And I was captured, entranced...

To protect her and adore her,
To make her smile ever bright,
An honor, a duty, a pleasure,
I have sought with all My might...

Winsome winning woman,
To you I tip My hat...
Great minds think alike...
And that, I think, is that!

(for arabesque)


"Sad Song"

Fluttering wings,
Feathers brushing randomly,
Soft cries, tragic eyes,
That's what we are.
Wounded birds...
Broken hearts too heavy to fly.

~~By GypsyElf...for her.


"bella and the bowl"

In a quiet corner,
In a moonlit garden,
Sat a forlorn little bowl,
Blue, with a chip.
Rain had filled it,
Time had aged it,
But still it sat,
Strong and patient.
When along came a cat,
Soft silky fur flashing,
With starlit eyes gleaming,
Her name was bella.
And in her delicate mouth,
Held lovingly and gently,
Was a simple daisy,
Just a bit wilted.
With the softest splash,
bella dropped the daisy,
Into the old blue bowl,
With a chip.
The cat curled up,
Around the blue bowl,
With the floating daisy,
And went to sleep.
The bowl smiled,
The daisy laughed,
The moon winked,
And bella purred.


~~Gypsy Elf


"Question and Answer"

Try to explain fire,
What is fire?
Fire is heat,
Fire is light,
It warms and it glows...
Fire catches the eye,
Fire mesmerizes.
Fire is a danger,
Fire is a protector.
It is brilliant, both fear and safety...
Fire must be built, cared for,
Abandoned, fires go out.
Fire sparks and crackles,
Fire speaks its own tongue.
It is fragile yet strong, a silent language...
Fire is haunting, magical,
Fire is mystical, calling to souls.
Fire is both one flame and many,
Fire is known, yet a secret.
It is inexplicable, yet undeniable...
Try to explain fire,
Help me to see...
What is fire?
I am not sure I know...
Fire is Love.

~~Gypsy Elf


"Audemus, Amamus"

Across distant miles,
They whispered softly.
Love, it was...
in the offing.

The modern miracle,
The liberating computer,
Let them come together,
Words, endless words of passion,
Gave life to a dream,
To a long sought desire,
To two souls becoming one,
Life to a great love story.

Through mind and heart,
Words revealed souls,
To touch, just to touch,
Love ruled now...

They had to meet,
To see, really see,
The face of love,
To hold each other...
The bond must be confirmed,
A trip would be taken,
In person, they would see,
Was their love really true?

Tears of joy, a tender caress,
Yes, oh yes, oh Yes!
It was true...Two were one,
Love, real, solid, and deep...

There would be other visits,
To touch again, to reaffirm,
Visits of joy and release,
Of two souls in love,
Whose romance was all words,
With only a hug, or a held hand,
Throughout all the years,
The years they would share...

Always, forever, we two,
One soul, shared...Dare we?
"Audemus", a whisper, "We Dare"
"Amamus", a cry, "We Love!"

~~Gypsy Elf


"When Love Overflows"

When heart quivers
When soul dances
When body shimmers
When words will never be enough
When arms cannot hold tighter
When whimpers become language
This is the ache
This is the need
This is the silent eloquence
When love overflows

~~Gypsy Elf


of GypsyElf