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Republicans are penisgazers

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Back in the '80's,when Reagan was president,I noticed a strange thing occuring.People began staring at my penis. When I applied for a job,I had to take a drug test. When I took the test,the fellow would stare at my penis. What pervert thought up this perversion.Only a very filthy pervert could come up with something as filthy as that. I don't like people staring at my penis.I thought the Gipper was for freedom.Why republicans are nothing but a bunch of filthy penisgazers.Well,if republicans like staring at penis's,then show 'em your penis.If you see a republican,ask him if he would like to see your penis. In fact,there should be a mass penis showing at the republican convention.Perhaps then,the republicans will have their fill of penis's. Drug testing is a new form of slavery.It says that some people are masters while others are slaves. Republicans speak in a code.When they speak of freedom they mean that rich people should be free.Everyone else has to be a slave. WHO'S A FASCIST The current fascist wave the country suffers under began with ronald reagan.The budget of the ATF was increased 10-foldunder the reagan-bush regimes.The reagan-bush appointees to the supreme court,rhenquist, scalia, voted against every individual right before them.They have increased police powers as much as they can.The republican congress has made drug testing mandatory for all americans. The agents who invaded the branch davidian home were all reagan-bush appointees At the time there was no director of the FBI.There was no attorney general.Apparently,the agents involved in the raid had no one to restrain them.They had the opportunity to do a little"freelancing"so to speak. A vote for a republican is a vote for a fascist.******** Lets not forget property siezure.A man's home is his castle,right?Not with republicans.Did a bird fly over your house and drop a marijana seed.Did a friend leave behind a little crack in your boat while on a fishing trip. Here come the police,guns a-blazing.They take your house, car, boat,Winky-Dink memorabilia,and every thing else you've got.Plus stick you with drug charges. After you've spent a $100, prove your innocence, you turn to getting your property back.Well,good luck. ***Quiz*** name some flag waving w.bush;newt gingerich;dick chaney;rush limbaugh;phil graham;gary bauer;pat buchanan.***********name some republicans who dodged w.bush;newt gingerich;dick chaney;rush limbaugh;phil graham;gary bauer;pat buchanan. ***quiz two*** name a republican county chairman,moral majority, praise the lord type,who was screwing his daughter. beverly russell(the susan smith case in union,s.c.) name a national politician who said this shows the moral decadence of the country.newt gingerich. newt was right.republicans are filthy as hell. **QUIZ**Name one place on earth where,over the years, republicans did not want to send american troops. answer;there are none. Name the one and only guiding principle that republicans adhere to.All the money to the rich.
