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Poems Submitted By Talented Poets

Poems submitted By Talented Poets

Hey Hey.... I am updating things In all the sections of my webpage... So kiddies I'd Appreciate it if you all would donate your works to my site....
This is more than likley where they will end up depending on what it is that you decide to send me...

Vividly I stare upon a battered face
revealed to late to change
the upcoming tragedies
for the frightening truth is sealed
The smooth image shudders
as the pale eyes freeze
in time they're hated for their blindness
Blinking equivalently with mine In horror...
I look away the broken frame
felt similar how could this tangled mockery within
seem so familiar?
Curious of my own confusion I ask:
"Why do you frown?".
"Would you rather I counterfeit a smile?"
Was replied without a sound although
the portrait's grief Is trapped alone
inside only tolerating the obvious
Will the reflection further deny.

-Sixteen by Anna Personett

Sometimes life feels like a play.
A twisting story from day to day.
The people and the problems, are they real?
What about this pain I feel?
What is true about man?
Are we blessed or are we damned?
Do we worry about what really matters?
The beliefs we've forgotten, ideas shattered.
What about the war and the fighting?
Hatred fills hearts like a sky full of lightning
Why do we fear the creatures of the night?
Mortally their ideas are right.
They take just what they need
from the land that can't be said about today's man.
The blackened souls are full of greed
We try to obtain what we don't really need
The greedy see the poor as having nothing
When, in fact, they have everything
This is because what they do have,
they cherish their beliefs
and souls will never perish
what will the next millenium bring?
An end, or a begining?
But how much longer could we really last?
The things we use are drying up so fast.
Peoples thoughts and ideas are impure.
They worry me about the future.
How are we going to last?
Something has to change, and fast.
If we change our acts maybe we can delay the inevitable.
The mists can lift and a new horizon made visable.
Compassion is the key to the portals of our souls.
To bring peace are so many peoples' goals.
We don't want to see the spill of blood so red.
Extinguish the fires of blackness and hatred
We have to kill the wrong and ressurect the right.
So powerful together we can be,
souls unite
We have to do what needs to be done.
Let us all come together as one.

-"Souls Unite" by Brooke Blary

You are the one that I love.
You are the one I'm dreaming of
you don't know how perfect you are.
I sit her longing from afar.
You are much to good for me.
You are out of my reach
You have the most beautiful eyes
they shine like the stars in the night's skies.
Of you lips I'd like a taste.
To feel your arms around my waist.
To feel you close and keep
you near to whisper
sweet promises in your ear.
I can't live without you
I'm going insane,
I don't know what to do
These feelings are so real.
Do you know how I feel?
I'm too scared to let you know.
What if you like me,
what if you don't?
Sometimes I wish that you were mine.
Please be gentle,
my heart is on the line.
I think of you all day long.
I hear your name in every song.
You could do much better than me.
You are out of my reach.
What if you smash my heart in the dirt?
I like you so much that it hurts.
My spiraling emotions throw me in Hell.
I wish you understood
how I felt
I wish I could feel your caress.
All I wish you is happiness.
When I think of you
my heart pounds hard
I wonder where and how you are.
Are you happy, are you ok?
How are you doing, how was your day?
It will only be a matter of time.
Until the day when I lose my mind.
If you knew how I felt, would you care?
I reach out for your touch,
but you're not there.
But you could do much better than me.
You are out of my reach.
I wish your arms would hold me tight
I cry myself to sleep at night
I miss you like you were my man
I call you up whenever I can
I think of you all the time
I wish that you were mine.
But... you could do much better than me.
You.. you are out of my reach.

-"Out of My Reach" Brooke Blary

Your big green eyes as deep as the sea, you always saw the best in me.
Even the most rainy day carried the brilliant sunshine,
and I somehow imagined that you'd always be mine.
But a turn of events came around and flipped our world upside down.
Something changed your point of view Because it was you who turned my green eyes blue.

-"Green Eyes Blue" by Brittany Kilar

You are my desire and there is no other
my heart burns with fire no longer my lover.
You know I need your love
need you now more and more
set free as a dove.
You're center to my life,
my core you are my desire
and there is no other.
The world it is you mean to me.
Yours I will forever be.
Inside of me burns a fire,
fire of passion fire of desire.
Life is love and love is here.
That's why I hold you so tight,
so close my dear.
Everyday is fuel to my fire,
never burning down, never tires.
Maybe one day you'll understand
Always together hand in hand.

-"My Desire" By Brittany Kilar

The sun used to shine on me,
there used to be a fluffily clouded sky.
I knew about something called happy.
I always knew just where I wanted to be.

That sun is gone,
replaced by night.
those clouds now carry low thunder,
I only know misery and fright
and I don't even recognize me.
Somewhere in between
something got forgotten and lost
the key to my soul
was replaced by a lock.

I can tell of the deep, dull crevice
I have let myself crawl into
but no one has asked.
If it were wished,
I would count the cold tears I've shed
but none of it would matter,
there would still be
the lost happy I don't remember

-"Cold Tears" by Rachel Beckwith

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