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Extra Wrestling Pictures

Trish in lingerie and with the Women's Title

Trish in a compromising position with Terri

Trish doing it doggie style w/ Terri....oh wait nevermind its a bulldog

Trish showing Molly her assets

Terri on the ropes showing us why she is a horny little she devil

Booker T at 7-11, talking trash to the RVD cardboard cut out

Booker T and Golddust in a ridiculous outfit

Booker T at the entryway, closeup

Brock Lesnar covering "Planet Staziak" with one foot

Crash Holly with the Hardcore Title

Justin Credible with the Hardcore Title

D' Lo Brown on his return to Raw after a long absence

Eddy Guerrero with the Intercontinental Title

Randy Orton and Stacy Kiebler backstage

Randy Orton and Stacy Kiebler backstage #2

Stacy Kiebler backstage in a nice top

Christian making his entrance to the ring

Christian making his entrance to the ring #2

Val Venis wearing the "You Suck" Kurt Angle T shirt

Brock Lesnar smashing Shawn Staziak into the steel post

Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman backstage

Bubba Ray Dudley w/the Hardcore title backstage

Hardcore Holly looking pissed he lost to Randy Orton

Booker T with a sword, making fun of the Scorpion King

Christian coming to the ring

Edge coming to the ring in his jacket

Edge on the top turnbuckle w/his sunglasses

Brock Lesnar and Heyman on the ramp after killing Matt Hardy

Lesnar and Heyman on the ramp

Randy Orton backstage w/Stacy Kiebler

Randy Orton making his debut on SmackDown

Randy Orton after his first win against Hardcore Holly

Mr. Perfect on Raw

Billy Kidman hitting the Seven Year Itch (Shooting Star Press) on Tajiri

Tommy Dreamer backstage with Planet Jobber Shawn Staziak

Tommy Dreamer backstage with Planet Jobber Shawn Staziak #2

Brock Lesnar with a body press on Matt Hardy

Brock Lesnar about to toss Jeff Hardy like a little girl

Brock Lesnar getting ready to decimate one of the Hardyz

Brock Lesnar no sells a chair shot

Billy Kidman w/the Cruiserweight Championship

Edge looking psycho after being busted open by Kurt Angle

Kanyon wearing an Alliance MVP shirt

Kanyon w/the WCW U.S. title

An old pic of Mortis

Trish, Terri, and the Nature Boy Ric Flair

Trish backstage folding her shirt

Terri doing her signature pose in a bikini

Terri and Trish square off in a cat fight

Trish bulldogs Terri

Brock Lesnar destroying Matt Hardy with his finisher

Brock Lesnar preparing to power bomb Jeff Hardy

Brock Lesnar power bombing Jeff Hardy

Brock Lesnar showing Jeff Hardy who the man really is

Brock Lesnar laying out Jeff Hardy

Just one more pic of Brock Lesnar doin some good old fashioned Hardy stompin'

A pic of the APA's final SmackDown together, getting ready to close the doors

A pic of the APA's final SmackDown beer party, with Christian throwing a fit because he lost

Brock Lesnar getting his hand raised by Paul Heyman after destroying Rikishi

Brock Lesnar preparing to lay waste to Rikishi

Booker T stares at his hand on the ramp

Christian making his entrance to the ring on Raw

Booker T w/glasses talking about Einstein's "Theory of Relatives"

Booker T setting up for the Spinarooni at WM X8

Christian smiling like DDP

DDP at the entryway of WM X8 w/the European Title and doing the Diamond Cutter sign

DDP diamond cutting Christian at WM X8

DDP w/the European Championship after pinning Christian

Edge at the ramp of WM X8

Edge setting up for the Spinarooni

Flair w/the Undertaker in a Figure Four at WM X8

The Undertaker setting up Flair for a Tombstone Piledriver at WM X8

The Undertaker Tombstoning Ric Flair at WM X8

Christian throwing a tantrum after losing to DDP

Tajiri and Torrie Wilson

Booker T w/a bottle of Japanese Shampoo on the turnbuckle

Booker T doing a Spinaroonie

Booker T practicing for the Japanese Shampoo commercial

Diamond Dallas Page and Christian

Diamond Dallas Page and Christian talking to little kids

Diamond Dalls Page and Christian smiling, Christian "looking ugly"

Ric Flair w/a lead pipe

Ric Flair and Undertaker backstage watching Arn Anderson get beat down

Ric Flair beating Undertaker w/the lead pipe

Ric Flair w/the lead pipe and a mic

Booker T w/a mic

Edge w/a crazy smile

Trish Stratus w/two fine women

Christian large photo

Justin Credible

Diamond Dallas Page






Simon Diamond

Stephanie McMahon Helmesley


