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~*¤Ðìåñå§ Þågë¤*~

*HEY* Welcome to Dianas page!! I am a 17 year old female!! I have my license i know that may scare ya... so stay off the roads!! hehe j/k i drive a 96 grand am gt BlAcK!!!! i go to MVTHS *GO RAMS* I am going to be a Senior, I am also on the Rockin' Rams dance team! YAYA! I HAD *ICQ* and I WAS usually on there my number is 52488748.. don't be shy talk to me! but thats is i ever get it back! :( :):) I like to go shopping and hang with my friends!! Also i love to PaRtY Oh ya if you don't know of this yet... CHKEN~N~CHEZE 4~EVA BABY*!*! Me an Sue Ann say that like all the time!!!! :):):):)

*EnJoY ThE PaGe*

**Now its time to *HELLO* to all my family!**

*Denise~hey chicky i am glad we are best friends... lets stay that way ok* Sue Ann~ girl you crack me up and lets also stay good friends!! and good luck with your new Alero**Matt H. Your AWESOME... hopefully me and you will become closer!!!***J.Paul~ hey there! ur a sweety never change** Meredith~ my dilevery room friend!!! hehehe :)** The dance team!!!~ WES F.- HEY MISTER!!**~ Wes K. DORK!! j/k * Megan S, Matt R., Megan K., Adam R., Aaron H., Jason C., Olivia C., Emily W., Jennifer P., leslie M., and anyone else i forgot.... hehe i will put you up here i am just tired of typing heheh :):) luv ya!

~*This is me and my baby doll Denise... arn't we KuTe! this was at camp!!*~

This is Us AgAiN!!

This is us all pretty

This is me and Carrie!! The girl i met she is kewl!! but she was humping me!! :):)

This is me and my girls!!

~ *Dance Pic* ~

~This is me and my friend we have the blues! hehe~

This is Ray on crazy day when she won dancing queen~

This is me and Shannon!

~ Dance *BooGie DowN* ~

~Ok Everyone *PLEASE* sign a guestbook or sign both i don't care! jsut do it b-fore you leave!!! *ThanX*

*Sign AnY GuestBooK*

netCREATORS Icon Page - FREE Animated GIFs!

~* OK here is a 'lil info On me! yaya! I am *wEiRd*, yaya! I am also *My bestiest friend is Sue Ann and Megan!! yes yes heheh guess that be it for now *~

~*** SHOUT OUT TO SuE AnN my Girlie!***~

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~*We alwayz be singing that*~

~*** Shout out to Sue Ann !! ***~

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**We watch to much BIG DADDY!!!**

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She Had dumps like a truck (truck, truck)

Thighs like what (what,what)

Baby move your butt (butt, butt)

I think I sing it again

She Had dumps like a truck (truck, truck)

Thighs like what (what,what)

All night long let me see that thong!

Me and Sue Anns song

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Hey Girlie.... Your my hooch.. and when you get your licence remeber to not have me in the car when there is a spider around cause we will hafta JUMP!! BEST FRIENDS TILL THE END!!! and go to fazolis... get you some breadsticks.. ask for 12 they sometimes give you like 18 or something!! well they do with us anyways!!! also don't die cause your my stir fry! heheh!! LOVE YA GIRL

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~Sue Anns Page~
~Jonnas Page~
