All about Mark

Full Name: Mark Douglas Brown McKinney
Birthday: 06/26/59
Siblings: older sister Jayne, younger brother Nick (of sketch comedy troupe The Vacant Lot)
Wife: Marina Gharabegian (as of September 1995)
Child: Christopher Thomas Russell (born 03/04/96)
Where does he lived? : Originally from Ottawa, but since his father was a diplomat his family moved around quite a bit. Some of the places he lived while growing up were Trinidad, Paris, Mexico, and Washington D.C. where he attended a boarding school. Went to University in Newfoundland, moved to Calgary after he dropped out. I'm assuming he lived in Toronto during the KITH years. And at the current time Mark and his family live in Manhattan, NY.
Previous Jobs: worked at his college's radio station and Foothills Piano shop(in Calgary).
What was his major at the University of Newfoundland? Well, for the short while he was there, he was a political science major.
How'd he hook up with the rest of the kids? He met Bruce in Calgary at the place called "The Loose Moose Theater" where they did ComedySportz together. Soon after that they became friends and started a late night comedy revue called "The Late Night Comedy Revue" At some point they started a comedy troupe called "The Audience" with a few other guys. The troupe moved them to Toronto and that's where they met Dave and Kevin who were the Kids in the Hall. Later on they hooked up with Scott (who came to a KITH stage show and wound up joining).
What's he done since his KITH days? Lots! He did a two and a half year run with SNL, a bunch of movies (Spiceworld, The Out of Towners, A Night at the Roxbury, The Last Days of Disco, Dog Park, and Superstar, to name a few), and a few off-broadway plays ( like A Flea in Her Ear and Fuddy Mears).

-Mark was going to be the original Sir Simon Mulligan with Kevin McDonald playing Hecubus. However, in what Kevin describes as "an act of strength" he took the role of Simon for himself.

-He's 5'11" (or possibly 6'0")

-Based the headcrusher on something he used to do when he'd get intimidated by people in bars. Kevin than suggested what a great character that would make.

-The begining of the Darill character came from a time when Mark was at Kevin and his now-ex-wife Lacey's aparment and they forced him out before he wanted to leave. So, he started just talking to the closed door (to be annoying) and Darill was born!

-Speaking of Kevin related Mark tidbits, when Mark first met Kevin and Dave, Kevin told Dave that he thought Mark didn't seem very funny. Thankfully Dave thought otherwise...and once they got going Kevin and Mark seemed to work very well together (or at least I think so).

- Last Year the New York Times featured Mark in a story on the five brightest stars off-Broadway; he was called "one of the top-flight comic actors on the New York stage"

-TV Land has recently compiled its list of the 2000 Best Things About Television, at #991 is Mark's Headcrusher catchphrase "I'm crushing your head!" -He won the "Best Supporting Actor" award for his role in Dog Park at the annual Genie Awards on January 30 (the Genie's are Canada's answer to the Academy Awards)2000.

-His Celtic Astrology sign is the Oak Tree. Read more about his Celtic astrology chart here

Characters on KITH:
Leslie the Vampire Fag
Apollo, the rude
The Cat
Mr. Tiscic (the headcrusher)
Chicken Lady
Mississippi Gary
Tanya the temp
Brent Armstrong
Christine (friend to Raj)
Nina Spudneyak/Bedford(sp?)
Herman Menderchuck
Sharisse (the white trash girl)
Prince Edward
Billy Dreamer's boss
Captin with no lower half (thanks to Skoora)
The Toronto Kid
One of the Poliece Officers
Monique, the pyro-maniac
Sylvie of Hotel La Rut
The please, please, please guy
Jeremy - the Broadway actor
Bobby's father
Monique, the Sex Girl Patrol character
The filmaker of Sex Girl Patrol
The Preacher
The Chicken Lady's Pa
Gavin's Mother
Jeff, part of the sales duo with Gord
The Emperor of Japan
One of the Hoe-Dio-Dum guys
The Fact Girl replacement
Al the Garbage Man
Mrs.Chadwick of the ballet academy
Santa Claus
Todd Langdon
Billy Bicks (the please please please guy)
Jazzy Jeff Warden
A present head
Bingo the Clown
Forman Conners
and many others

Characters on SNL:
Chicken Lady
Steve Forbes
Ellen DeGeneres
Paul Schaffer
Dr.Carter from ER
Kerry Strug's Coach
A member of the Drunken Asses
One of Goat Boy's Doctors
Charlie Rose
The Newstand guy obsessed with Chopper Four
One of the "Bill Brasky" drunks
Chris Hardwick of Singled Out
Wolf Blizter
and many others
