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~*LiZaBeTh*s PaGe*~

HeY ppl. My name is Elizabeth Przygoda, I'm 17, and I'm gonna be a senior at PCHS next year. I have brown hair and green eyes.. and I'm about 5'3". I have one sister, and a sister-in-law, and two brothers, and a brother-in-law. I love to talk on the phone, go shopping, hang out with my friends, listen to music, and watch movies. I have ICQ and my # is 51242407, so if ya wanna talk just msg. me. I'm also single and kinda lookin'.

Oh, music is the best! I would die without it.. I like all kinds, but punk & emo is my fav.! Some awesome bands are Blink 182, New Found Glory(get their new cd "Sticks & Stones" it freakin rocks!), The Ataris(they kick ass!), Dashboard Confessional, Simple Plan, Sugar Cult, Jimmy Eat World, Unwritten Law, Hoobastank, Incubus, & Linkin Park.

*Work as if you don't need the money. Love as if you've never been hurt. And dance as if no one is watching!*

~LoNg LiVe bLiNk, WiNk, NFG, & GASP!~

~*I have 3 of the greatest friends ya could imagine- Chantal, Jill, & Brittani! Love ya girls soo much, you girls are the best ever!! And to all my other awesome buds, especially.. Shannon, Julie(Rap Stinks, Emo Is Betta'! hehe), Colby, Stevee, Christy {miss ya chicka!}, Jana, Amanda, Lyndsey, Jade, Nichole, Shaysa, Ashley, Dagan- hehe, you're just awesome!, Geoff, Eric Halfacre, Brian, Nick, Kyle, Zack, Bryce, Daniel, Gideon, Justin, Leslie (your 2nd? or 3rd best friend? hehe) and also everyone else I didnt mention.. ya know I still love ya'z.*~

~ChAnTaL~ What's up my bitch? hehe, Man can you believe, we are almost Seniors, how scary is that?! I don't wanna graduate, cuz we have to be very responsible unless we want our lives to go to the shits! haha. You're my most bestest friend in the whole world, and nothin's gonna change that, cuz we've been best friends for like 11 years!! How fast time flies!! It wouldn't have been as fun without you always there! I'm always here and ya know that, thanks for always bein there for me!! I'll always be you're CSP and baby dawgie, haha! I'd be soo completely lost w/out ya, you're like my other half, hehe.. Luck with Daniel! Love ya always 'n forever chicka! BBF! LyLaS!

~JiLl~ Hey ya hoochie mamma! hehe.. You're a blast and fun to be around.. so don't ever change! It's been great growin up my whole entire life w/ya, the memories we have, there's so many! Thanks for always being there when I've needed someone to talk to, it meants a lot! Ya know I'm always here for ya if ya ever need me! Never forget all the memories! You kick some ass in poms, hehe. Luck with Justin, hope everything will work this time around, hehe, ya guys look so cute together! Love ya forever gurlie! BFF! LyLaS!

~BrItTaNi~ (Britt*D.. Ritz Britz.. NERD!) hey muh gigglin' gurl! hehe.. Ya know I love ya and I'll always be here for ya! PrIcK HaTeR'z 4 LiFe! Proud member of G.A.S.P.!! haha.. guyz are like roses, ya gotta watch out for the PRICKS! BLINK & NEW FOUND GLORY kick ass! Shit yeah!! That concert was fookin' awesome, don't ya thunk?! haha.. Burger King ROCKS! My bag of ice, hehe.. Watch out for my ghost! He'll get you and you're brownie, haha! Emo/punk music is the shiznit! haha, We have way too much fun when we're together! Oh, I can't wait til our fishin' party for your b-day, haha, that is gonna kick some ass!! WOULD YOU BE MY FRIEND IF I LOOKED LIKE THIS?!? haha! Luck with all the the guyz, what aSsHoLeS-we have the worst luck with guys I swear!! hehe.. Love ya kickin' G! LyLaS!

~ChRiStY~ Gurl! I miss ya so much! I'm glad we've became friends! We will hafta go on a road trip to see ya!! Thanx for planning my whole life out for me, good decision with the whole wrestling thing, and marrying the rock (I guess).. haha.. Come back and see us as much as ya can, we love ya bunches!! Stay sweet, and never ever change!! Love ya gurlie!

And I can't forget my DQ buddies..
Sam and Nick- Man I love you guys! Ya two are awesome, I'm glad we met, and I have a blast hangin out with you all, oh and good luck w/your band, you guys kick ass!

And DAGAN! I guess you're one of my DQ buddies too now huh? :( I missed ya in U.S. History and all the crazy shit you did in there.. I got lonely in there w/out you! And never knowin' if you'll stop by my house to hang out! Don't forget about me..! You're awesome!! And you're always gonna be one of my bestest guy buds! Even tho we don't see or talk to each other as much. We've had some fun times hangin' out, haha. But we needa start hangin' out more!! I miss ya! Love ya man!

Oh, and also Geoff, I miss talking to you and hanging out like we used to.. it was so much fun, especially in the little amount of time that we started talkin' and everything.. I wish things wouldn't get so complicated and shit. But I'll always be here if you ever decide you wanna be friends... don't forget that. I miss you bunches! :(


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