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I missed these promos over the last few months. Scenes of me talking at Kane and getting my ass kicked in drive-by beatings is fine and good, but this makes it all worth it. It even makes selling for cardboard worth it. Hell, Zybisco makes cardboard look like Benoit in comparison. Me and Hunt and Jess and Billy, all of us running wild and having fun.

Of course, getting a face full of plaster wasn't exactly in the plan.

I blink up at the tile laying across my face, trying not to cough or breathe in more dust. Thankfully, it only takes Hunter a few seconds to bolt over and pull the tiles away. Half of the concern on his face is genuine, like he expects the cardboard to actually hurt me. That's one of the downsides of being the youngest, both Kliq and DX-wise. It usually means being the target of any overprotection the other three want to direct my way.

Eyeing me for a second, Hunter obviously decides that I'm okay and  puts his hand on my side, gently urging me to the floor. Jess is on my other side, doing that concerned thing he does so well. He taps my chest once, like he's making sure I stay there, then picks up the phone and starts bawling out Austin in a way that's probably going to have the censors diving for the button again.

I don't catch all of his tangent, distracted by the warmth of Hunter's hand on my chest. It's a lot lower than "friendly" would allow. I'd forgotten this, his habit of casually touching everything with a pulse. But this seems anything but casual. Alarmed, I look up at him- and there's a smirk in his eyes that makes my stomach draw tight. The way he drags his hand down my chest to cup my hip for a moment doesn't help matters, either. It's a good thing that I'm wearing a cup, or the entire audience would know real well exactly how 'friendly' that little carress was. I'm going to kill him.

With a final pat, Hunter climbs to his feet and stalks off screen, cursing Austin the whole way. I have to fight the urge to stare after him, and I'm still distracted as Billy slips his arms around my shoulders. He helps me sit up, propping me against him and trying to brush the plaster dust away. He's still trying when I hear the soft click of the camera going off.

I let Billy lift me to my feet, his arm staying loosely around my waist even after I'm upright. For a moment, I'm too busy brushing plaster dust away from my eyes to wonder about it, but then his hand slips lower, his finger tracing my hipbone through the spandex.

My head snaps up nervously, blinking over my shoulder at Billy. His smirk is the twin of Hunter's, and the tightening of my stomach turns into a full fledged knot. What the fuck is going on around here?

It's in the midst of this that I look to a most inappropriate anchor.

The second the camera is off, Jesse stops selling the "bear trap" injury, clicking off the cell phone. He grins at me, laughing at the plaster in my hair and on my shoulders.

"I look like some weird accident at the sugar factory," I grumble. "I gave up being powerbombed by the Acolytes every week for this?"

He tries to help me clean up, wiping off my face with a clean bandanna, still laughing.

I hold still, trying to ignore the heat of Billy's hand on my hip. "I look ridiculous!"

His eyes meet mine, and the laugh quiets. He tosses the bandanna on the bench and trails his fingertips over my cheekbone. "You look good enough to eat, kid."

"Jess?" My voice seems to have gone up an octave in the last twenty seconds. "What's going on?"

"Relax Sean," Billy drawls. "We've been thinking for the last week, what would be the best way to celebrate the return of DX?" He leans forward, his breath warm on my neck. "So, tonight, once those cameras stop rolling, we're going to have a little fun."

Hunter comes back into the room and sees the Outlaws pressed against me. "Getting a jump on the rest of the evening?" he asks dryly.

Jesse backs up, and Billy's hand falls to his side. "Can't blame us, can you?" Jesse smirks.

"Not at all." Hunter comes to stand in front of me, giving me that dark smile again. "Did they explain things?"

I nod slowly.

"How does that sound to you, kid?" He bends, pressing his mouth to mine, lightly sucking on my lower lip. "Does it sound like fun?"

If I thought I could get out a coherant answer without whimpering, I might have said yes. Instead all I can manage is another nod as I tilt my head back, hoping he gets the hint. Hunter chuckles darkly, which sounds too much like his character for comfort. Nudging my head further back, he slips his tongue through, trailing it across mine, then over the roof of my mouth. I can't help the little moan that escapes me, or the way that my hands close convulsively on his shoulders for support.

Half of me is patiently trying to point out that we have to get out to the ring for the next segment, to get our asses handed to us by the 'main draws'. The other half of me doesn't give a damn about anything beyond getting Hunter to touch me again. The second half wins as someone wraps their arms around me from behind, slipping their hands under my shirt and lightly carressing my stomach. With a purr, I press myself back against them, earning myself an amused chuckle and a light lick to my throat.

Being a slut is so underrated.

Someone clears their throat pointedly, just as the hands under my shirt were slipping interestingly lower. With a sigh, Hunter steps back and spares Billy, who is sprawled on the bench watching with a smirk, a disgruntled look. All wounded innocence, Billy shakes his head and sighs, "Christ, a guy decides to be responsible ONCE..."

"Quick, get the camera on again," Jesse mutters into my shoulder. "Preserve it for posterity."

Climbing to his feet, Billy retorts absently, "Fuck you."

That finally provokes Jess into raising his head and moving back. I make a face at the sudden lack of warmth, then smirk as I notice the plaster now on Jesse's shirt. Serves him right.

Ever-so-sweet, Jesse replies, "Like you could handle me, babe."

Billy blinks, started to comment, then smirks. "Nah. Too easy."

"Yeah, you are." When Billy makes a small, indignant noise, Jesse shakes his head with a wry smirk. "Knew I should've left you strung up from the ceiling when I had the chance."

Before Billy could respond- or maybe smack him, it's hard to tell with those two-, Hunter interrupted. "If we miss the cue because you decided to snark at each other..."

I can tell from the way his voice died off that he doesn't have a threat to back that up. Moving forward, bouncing a little on my toes, I offer a mock-salute. "Yessir, fearless leader, sir." Of course, then I have to duck the swat he aims at my head, but it's a worthy sacrifice for being a smartass.

Looping his arm around my shoulders, Hunter unexpectedly nuzzles my throat. In a low purr, he comments, "Oh, you're paying for that later."

Damn. And here I thought I was going to have no difficulty walking to the ring tonight.

Our cue comes then, of course. If I don't do something, I'm going to be gimping to the ring like I was the one in the bear trap. I close my eyes for a moment, trying to think of the most nauseating thing I can find.

Viscera...nope...the Dudleys...damn...Bischoff...YES! That'll get even the most raging hard on under control in no time flat.

I'm still a little subdued walking to the ring, but hey, I'm still selling the cardboard, right?

Hunter gets up there and bitches at Austin some more. To be honest, I'm paying zero attention. My mind is still racing, wondering what I'm in for later.

The glass shatters, and I force myself back to the matter at hand. Which, of course, is getting my ass stomped. Austin comes out holding his beer as usual. I'm really tempted to go borrow that from him. I think I'm going to need it.

Jesse does a complete spazz out when Austin starts on him, and I have to bite the inside of my lip to keep from laughing. Okay, my turn.

I rush the ropes, like I'm going after him, only to be caught in a very suggestive grip by Hunter. He wraps his hands around my chest and pulls me against him. I wonder if the audience can see the way he's grinding his hips against me?

I barely remember to move into place for the net to drop on us. We fall to the ground in a heap under it. Great, now I'm selling cloth. It's been a banner day.

I bite back a moan as someone's hand slips up my thigh. I'm beginning to think that they're trying to kill me. A chokeslam and numerous kicks later, the cameras go off, and a battered DX makes their way to the locker room.

As we slip in our locker room, Hunter loops his arm around me, tugging me against him. "Go get changed, Sean. We've got a lot planned for you," he growls.

I shiver slightly, looking up at him under my lashes. The hot, hungry look in his eyes is nearly enough to do me in. I glance at the others. Jesse and Billy are starting early, locked in a passionate kiss, hands skimming over each other's bodies.

"Hey," I protest mildly.

Billy smirks at me, his head falling to the side as Jess runs his tongue over the tattoo-necklace he wears. "Don't worry, kid," he drawls. "We're just getting warmed up for you."
"In other words," Hunter comments from behind me, standing close enough that his breath is warm on my throat and his body warmer against my back, "they can't behave themselves for five seconds straight."

Raising his head, Jesse argues, "Could too." With a sudden, bright grin as his hands slide under Billy's shirt, he asks, "But what fun would that be?" While Billy arches against him, Jesse nuzzles his throat and tells me smugly without looking up, "Y'might want to hurry, kid."

If any of my blood was going to my brain rather than between my legs, I'd smack him, and he knows it. At the moment, all I manage to do is mutter a few resentful curses at him while I go for my bag. This is what I get for not changing right after that match...

I don't think I've ever gotten out of my clothes so quickly. It isn't exactly graceful, but it only takes me a few minutes before I'm sitting on the bench trying to pull on my jeans. Damn, I knew there was a reason I used to hate wearing this things skintight. It takes most of my concentration, trying to yank them up my legs, which I why I nearly vault off the bench when a pair of arms loop around my chest and pull me backwards. With a yelp, I try to struggle free, my instincts screaming at me.

"Shh, shh... easy, kid, easy!" Hunter soothes, relaxing his grip until he's only holding me up, not holding me against himself. "It's okay. It's only me."

"Shit, man, don't do that!" Irritated, I pull away from him and yank the jeans up over my hips. When he reaches around me again to rest his hands on my thighs, I don't push him away, instead letting my head drop so that I don't have to look at him. I can feel my heart pounding. Old instincts die hard. "Sorry."

"S'okay." His hands drift up to close around my waist, holding me still as his thumbs gently knead the muscles in my back. "Jesus, you're tense." He nudges my chin up, urging me to look at him, and the concerned question in his eyes says more than his words could've.

"I'm okay with this," I recite compliantly. Then I proceed to prove it by leaning forward and kissing him hard enough to bruise. After a moment, his arms close around me, and this time I lean into it. His hands meander up again, his thumbs rubbing my nipples through my shirt. I whimper into his mouth, arching into his touch.

And he pulls away.

Alarmed, I nearly fall off the bench, staring at him with huge eyes. I have to look like a wreck, my lips swollen, my hair thoroughly rumpled and my jeans still unzipped, but Hunter still has that hungry predator look in his eyes while he offers me a hand up.

"C'mon, kid," he says casually. "No sense letting the hotel room go to waste."

As soon as I see the car, I know we're going to make it to the hotel in record time. After all, Jesse's driving. Any other time, I might have protested having him behind the wheel, but tonight, all I want is to get there.

Hunter sits up front with Jess, putting me in the back with Billy. He purrs in my ear that it's safer that way, that if he's in the seat next to me, he's not going to wait until we get to the hotel.

Apparently, no one mentioned to Billy that the two of us were the "safe" combination.

We're not even half a mile from the arena when his hand starts creeping up my leg. I glance at him, startled, and he presses a finger to his lips, telling me to stay quiet.

I smile and nod slightly. I'm always up for a little fun.

His hand trails higher, just grazing the hardening bulge in my jeans, and I bite back a moan. A low smirk rewards my silence, and he strokes a little harder, tracing his fingers over the shaft.

I close my eyes, leaning my head back as he teases, squeezing lightly. I feel him shift a little closer, his hip against my hand. Well, turnabout is fair play, right?

Billy's wearing his usual exercise pants, with a nice elastic waistband. He jumps a little when my hand slides under it, smoothing my fingertips over the taut skin. In the interest of decorum, I keep my hands out of his g-string, slipping over the silky fabric with a light touch.

His hips jerk slightly, and I cup him, enjoying the feel of him, hot and heavy in my hand. If I didn't think someone would notice it, I'd have my face in his lap. What, you didn't think I showed my tongue all the time for the hell of it, did you?

A low moan from the front seat catches our attention, and we lean forward, peering over the seat.

It's a little bit of a shock to realize that we were being good compared to Hunter and Jesse.

Never let it be said that Hunter can't be damned flexible when he puts his mind to it.

Hunter is sprawled across the front seat, supporting himself on the driver's seat as he nuzzles Jesse's chest like a cat. Still rubbing his head slowly against Jesse, he turns slightly and drags his tongue across Jesse's nipple through the shirt, earning himself another moan.

Surprisingly, though, the car doesn't swerve. Jesse has a death grip on the steering wheel. His breathing is ragged, but steady and controlled. He, at least, is trying to be inconspicious. That just makes the little noises that do escape him, soft sighs and abrupt, startled breaths, more affecting. And, even with his struggles not to react, the heat in his eyes gives it away. I get the feeling that's how Hunter planned it.

Hunter's low chuckle convinces me of that completely. Sliding down a little, he nuzzles a path down Jesse's stomach. When he reaches the waistband of Jesse's jeans, he stops and rests his head on Jesse's thigh. There's a satisfied, eerily Shawn-like smirk on his face as he looks up from there to Jess, obviously waiting for something. He apparently gets it when Jess risks a glance down at him.

Shifting forward a little until his head is laying even higher up on Jesse's legs, Hunter reaches out and gently nudges Jesse's thighs apart before putting both hands firmly on the other man's hips. Then, with no more warning, he leans in and presses a slow, long kiss to the bulge in the denim.

The reaction's, to put it lightly, not expected. Jesse bolts upright in the seat, his eyes huge. His head snaps back against the headrest hard, then forward again when he remembers that minor detail about having to drive the car. "Shit!" he hisses finally. "A little warning would've been nice, y'know."

"Quit bitching," Hunter advises, eyeing Jesse with a deceptively sleepy smirk.

"You're dead when the car stops."

With another laugh, Hunter moves in again. Jesse holds out for another second or so, then relaxes against the seat. His quiet moan as Hunter runs his tongue along the bulge affects me like an actual touch. I sink against the back of the seat, watching hungrily. When Billy's fingers slip up the length of the zipper in my jeans again, I can't help starting in surprise as the trance is broken.

But it's not really like I'm going to complain.

Turning back to him, I make damned sure that the next few minutes on the way to the hotel are memorable ones.

I mean, if they're not gonna be good, why should I? I smirk at Billy, impulsively reaching over and pulling him down for a kiss.

He comes willingly, leaning down to press his lips against mine, letting me set the pace. I like that. Something tells me that once we get to the hotel, control is going to be out of my hands, so I'll enjoy it while I can.

I dart just the tip of my tongue out, teasing at his upper lip until he opens for me. God, Billy tastes good, some sort of butterscotch flavor. I run my tongue around his mouth, trying to collect as much as possible, pressing him back into the seat.

When I lift my head, we're both breathing hard. At some point, I must have moved, since I'm straddling his lap now, grinding our hips together.

Billy's eyes glow like flaming crystal in the dim light. He smirks unsteadily at me, running his hands over my ass, stroking the insides of my thighs.

It's incredibly distracting. I can do distracting, too. Without pause, I slip of his lap, lowering myself to the floor of the car. Thank god for luxury sedans. Even so, it takes a bit of wriggling to get comfortable.

Billy's eyes widen as my fingers hook in his waistband, tugging until I've uncovered the g-string. He looks out the window a little nervously. Good point, but easily remedied.

I shrug out of my jacket, covering his lap with it. He sighs, nodding his assent, as I duck under it.

This is nice, all warm and dark. I trail my fingers over the g-string again, enjoying the feel of him. He's rock hard, practically begging to be touched.

I don't disappoint, stroking him lightly, hearing the soft catches in his breath, feeling his hips twitch under my hands.

Nice as this is, there's something more I want. He jumps a little when I jerk the scrap of fabric out of the way, leaving him open to my attentions.

For a minute, all I do is touch him with my hands, nuzzling his inner thighs with my lips. Finally, I can't wait any more. I lean up, lapping at the head of his erection with a delicate touch.

His hips jerk and a low moan escapes his lips. I tease him further, licking around the head, placing delicate kisses on the tip. His fingers are digging into my shoulders, urging me on.

Finally, I've had enough. I open my mouth, sucking his shaft down with one easy movement. I don't stop until my nose is grazing his stomach, sucking and running my tongue over him with abandon.

"Ooooh, kid," he gasps, hips pumping wildly.

"Jesus, Sean!" Hunter moans, jerking the coat off me, "Impatient much?" He trails his hand over my hip lightly. "We're turning in the lot, time to get yourself decent."

I sit up abruptly, smirking at Billy. "You taste good," I murmur. "I see why Jess doesn't share much."

Billy moans, trying to adjust his clothes. I'm guessing he's wearing his fanny pack to the front. I'll just carry my coat in front of me.

With much rearranging, we make our way into the hotel and head up to Billy and Jess' room.

Let the games begin.

There's one good thing about coming into hotels around midnight on Monday nights. It's quiet, mostly vacant. In fact, the halls are almost dead silent. If any other wrestlers are sleeping here tonight, they haven't gotten back yet from barhopping.

I'm sure as hell not complaining. If anybody else were here, I don't think that Hunter would have his arm looped possessively around my waist, the backs of his fingers 'accidentally' brushing over the crotch of my jeans with every few steps. It's making it really difficult to walk, actually. If Billy didn't have his hand on my shoulder, his fingers running lightly over the skin there, I'd have tripped by now.

When Hunter gets the door open, I flash a split second grin and slip inside. I only make it a few steps before someone wraps their arms around me from behind, tugging me back against a warm, solid body. Before I can get out a protest that I have to at least put my bag somewhere, he gently brushes the hair away from my throat and drags his tongue along the tendon. Melting against him with a soft purr, I tilt my head back for more of the same. When the tip of his tongue flicks across the skin behind my ear, I shudder in his arms and moan. His hands slip lower, smoothing over my hips.

"Jesus, Sean," he murmurs, the whiskey-smooth accent telling me that it's Jess, "you have any idea how fucking hot you are?"

I chuckle, trying to ignore the soft catch in my breath as he nuzzles my throat, his stubble rasping lightly over my skin. Damn, that's nice... Grasping at his hips, I ask wryly, "You kiss your mother with that mouth, man?"

Reaching up, he urges my head around. "Not like this, I don't," he drawls with a quick grin. Then his lips cover mine.

It starts out oddly gentle, maybe even cautious. He ought to know by now that I'm sure as hell not breakable. When he draws my lower lip in his mouth, lightly sucking, I open for him. He takes the hint, darting his tongue inside. After a moment's hesitation, his hand slips around and cups the back of my head, holding me there as the kiss deepens. By the time he finally lets go, neither of us are breathing steadily. Jess smirks at me, stroking my cheek with a thumb, then looks up at Billy. His eyes are smoldering, hot enough to burn as he tells him huskily, "I can taste you in his mouth."

Before Billy can reply, Hunter is suddenly there. Leaning in, he rests his forehead against mine, running the back of his hands along my sides. "You okay, kid?" he asks, dangerously casual. "Still with us?"

I don't have enough coherancy left to reply, so all I do is nod. Hunter chuckles. "All right." Nuzzling me, he adds, his breath warm against my throat, "Then get on the bed."

I must have looked more startled than I felt, because Hunter's manner immediately gentled. His hand cupped my cheek, his thumb brushing over my lip. "Sean?"

After a moment, I finally found my voice. "With or without clothes?" I asked, grinning wickedly.

Reassured, Hunter smirked and glanced at the Outlaws. "With, I think. We're not done playing with you yet."

Without a word, I let my jacket fall to the floor and headed for the bed, kicking my shoes as I went.

"Christ, kid. Now I remember why I don't room with you," Hunter smirked.

"Because Joanie won't let you off the leash? How did you get permission for this little escapade?" I know Hunter too well to think that he didn't get permission.

Hunter shrugged slightly. "Shakespeare in Love on video, and the promise that I'd mention to you that she'd be interested in a threesome, if you're up for it."

Oh gee, let me think...sleep with the two hottest people in the fed? At once? "Okay."

That smirk got wider. "I'll get back to you on that one. Right now, why aren't you on the bed?"

I opened my mouth to retort, only to let out a little whimper as Billy's arms slid around me from behind, pulling me against him. His erection rubbed against my ass, maddening through clothes, and I turned my head, tilting my chin for a kiss.

"Billy..." Jesse murmured warningly.

Billy raised his head, sighing. "All right, all right." His arms dropped to his side, and he jerked his head towards the bed. "Get moving."

I smirked widely, crawling slowly onto the bed, piling up a couple of pillows as I laid down, spread eagle. "Now what?" I asked. "Are you all coming over here," I continued, sliding my hand over my hip, "Or should I start without you?" I lightly traced my fingers over the bulge in my jeans, closing my eyes against a stab of arousal.

"Now," Hunter growled, "We see how much pleasure your body can take."

From the heat in their eyes, I'm in for it. I can't wait.

Shaking my head, I mutter "Promises, promises. Doesn't explain why I'm still the only one on the bed."

Hunter's eyes flare in the half light from the bedside lamp, and his dangerous smirk makes me shiver. Pulling his shirt off, he murmurs, "That's easily fixed."

Before I can even blink, he's already stalked over to the bed and is curled comfortably up beside me. He's not close enough to actually be touching me, but I can feel his warmth. Reaching over, Hunter pets my hair for a moment, letting his fingertips brush over my temple. His hand slides lower, skimming over my throat and pushing my hair out of the way. Then his lips attach to my throat. His tongue darts out, sliding too fleetingly over my skin. When I give a little jolt, whimpering softly no matter how hard I'm trying not to, he rubs his head against my throat with a low chuckle. The soft brush of his hair and the harsher rasp of his beard make me moan, letting my head fall back and hoping that he gets the hint.

The bastard pulls away instead.

I try to follow him, reaching out to touch him without thinking first. Hunter lays one hand on my stomach, pushing me gently flat onto my back again, just as someone grabs both of my wrists and urge my arms up above my head. I glance to my other side, startled, and Billy grants me a dark, crooked smirk. "I don't think so, kiddo."

I can't help jumping a little as Jesse's hand slips up the outside of my thigh, trailing over my hip and up my ribs. By the time his hand cups my jaw for a moment, I'm shivering. Settling himself on the floor, Jesse rests his cheek on the bed and gives a deceptively sleepy smile. He reaches out and traces patterns on my stomach with his fingertip. "You," he tells me calmly, "are just going to lay here and keep your hands above your head while we... play." His smile is all bright innocence as his hand slips lower, his thumb circling slowly over the bulge in my jeans. I hiss in a breath, shuddering at the jolts of pleasure he's causing. "Unless, of course, you'd rather be handcuffed there instead."

Without a word, I wrapped my fingers around the slats of the headboard, waiting with barely concealed impatience.

"Good choice, kid," Hunter murmured, rubbing his fingertip over my collarbone. I closed my eyes, arching a little, surrendering to their tender mercies.

Yeah right, like any of them have those.

Jesse proved it almost immediately, leaning up to kiss me, his mouth hot on mine. I opened my mouth willingly for the slick touch of his tongue, with that indefinable taste that is wholly Jesse.

A little shudder ripped through me as the tip of his tongue traced the roof of my mouth. Jesse lifted his head, smirking down at me, the bastard. "Doesn't take much to make you happy, does it? You think that felt good, kid, wait until Billy gets done with you," he drawled.

Hunter's fingers slides lower, tracing my nipples through the thin fabric of my shirt, and I whimper, twisting a little on the bed. "Christ, you're gorgeous, Sean," he murmurs hoarsely. He pinches them gently, provoking a soft moan.

I can't believe that these little touches feel so damn good. If they keep this up, they're gonna have me begging in no time flat. I can't think, can't breathe, and neither of them have gone below my waist yet!

Jesse slips his hand beneath my shirt, laying his hand flat against my stomach and creeping up. Hunter joins him, tugging the shirt up easily.

God, their hands are so warm, stroking over my chest, teasing my nipples until I whimper. Hunter takes that as his cue to lower his head, lapping his tongue over one hard peak.

Jesse mimics him, and in no time flat, I'm writhing and moaning under them.

The first light touch on my thigh nearly sends me into orbit. My hips jerk, bucking towards the stimulus.

It's Billy, of course. He lies between my legs, running his hands up my thighs. "Easy, kid," he drawls smoothly. "I've got an awful lot of torment to pay you back for."

I hold my breath as his head descends towards my jeans. He stops, not quite touching me, but so close I can feel his breath through the fabric. "Billy," I gasp. "Please..."

He nuzzles me lightly, sending an incredible jolt of pleasure through my body. "Please what, Sean? Please do this?"

I arch, crying out as he presses a hot kiss to the fabric, sucking hard enough that I can feel it.

"Or this?" He leans up, kissing and biting the taut skin just above the button of my jeans. "Mmm, that's gonna leave a mark," he chuckles.

I lean my head back, trying to catch my breath, only to feel it stop in my throat as I notice what Jesse and Hunter are up to now.

Somewhere along the way, Jesse lost his jeans, he's kneeling next to my shoulder naked. He and Hunter are kissing deeply, hands running over each other's bodies. Hunter's hand is wrapped around his erection, stroking him lightly.

I feel Billy undoing my jeans as I lean up, drawn by a glistening drop of precum clinging to the head of Jesse's arousal.

My jeans are yanked off with ease, leaving me vulnerable, but I don't care. I have to taste him. Now.

As my tongue darts out, lapping up the salty drop, I feel Billy's tongue flick over me. Jesse arches, pulling away from Hunter and looks down at me.

"What, you were feeling neglected?"

I just close my eyes, sighing, savoring. "You taste so good Jesse..."

Billy murmurs his agreement, dragging the tip of his tongue down my length as I squirm. His warm mouth fastens on my balls, licking and sucking his way over the soft skin.

Hunter bends down, kissing my throat again. "Are you having fun so far, kid? We're just beginning, you know. We're gonna make you scream before the night is over."

I don't doubt it. I'm shivering constantly already, helpless under their assault.

When Billy nuzzles my shaft, still trailing his tongue over my balls, my hips jerk up reflexively. He grabs my hips, holding them down as he keeps torturing me. His thumbs rub over my hipbones, making me whimper.

Gripping the headboard tight enough that my knuckles have to be white by now, I try to fight back the urge to reach out and make one of them touch me. The sensation of someone running their fingers through my hair makes me open my eyes, meeting Jesse's slightly concerned look. I start to tell him that I'm fine, but the hot touch of Hunter's mouth, kissing and nipping over my collarbone until he leaves marks, turns my words into a whimper.

Jesse smirks, leaning on the headboard for a moment to watch me squirm as Billy's mouth travels upward, finally. His tongue trails around the base of my erection, agonizingly slow. I don't remember tormenting him this much in the car...!

Biting back another moan, I shift towards Jess, nuzzling his thigh. He tenses at the first touch of my tongue flicking over the skin high on his thigh, drawing in a breath as I lightly bite him. He's close enough that if I leaned up again I could take all of him into my mouth, but as much as I want to taste him again, I'm not going to give up opportunities for torture when I get them. Especially not tonight, while all three of them are trying to make me whimper.

Billy's mouth closes around the head of my length, sucking gently, making my entire body go taut. That and the slick, fleeting touches of Hunter's tongue across my nipples has me panting for air as I shift over, resting my head on Jess's thigh. I lick my way up the inside of his thigh, ignoring the uncomfortable angle. It's worth it to have Jess squirming and making those little noises in the back of his throat. He's holding himself rigid, trying not to let his hips jerk towards me.

I'm not even making an effort to stop my own hips from moving anymore. They're shifting restively up into Billy's grip a the tip of his tongue trails around the ridge. I moan softly, then nearly vault off the bed at the unexpected twinge of pain from Hunter nipping my throat hard enough to leave his mark again. Jesse takes advantage of my distraction, sliding down my body. I feel the warm touch of his breath on my hip and my eyes close, my head falling back.

I'm starting to wonder if screaming is even an adequete description of what I'll be doing later.

Hunter's deliberate touches had my nipples sensitized to the point of being very nearly painful, and he knew it. Of course, that didn't mean he was going to stop.

He lifted his head, regarding me with wicked hazel eyes. "Are you having fun so far, kid?"

Jesse took that moment to reestablish his presence, licking a path along my hipbone. Billy smiled at him, shifting over to offer him access.

A second later, my hips nearly bucked off the bed as their tongues ran up the sides of my erection lightly.

The bed dipped as Hunter shifted, lying next to me. His fingers never stilled on my chest as he began to whisper against my throat in a hoarse, rough voice.

"Do you like having both of them suck you, Sean? You're so fucking sexy, kid. It's all I can do not to just throw you onto your stomach and fuck you through the mattress." A soft lick on my throat punctuated his words. "Tell me what you want, Sean. How do you want us to bring you off? Who do you want inside of you?"

"P-please..." I can't force any other words past the haze of pleasure fogging my mind.

A wet finger brushes over my entrance, and I moan at the stab of pleasure, ready to beg for more. "You like that, huh?" Billy asks, repeating the caress.

Hunter smirks at me, looking even more like Shawn. I'm not sure I like the comparison. The commissioner is the master of the slow burn. The times I've been with him, I've ended up a begging, whimpering, mass of need.

Jesse takes my musings to mean that I'm bored and moves abruptly to suck my shaft into his mouth, sucking hard. "Oh, god, Jesse...please!"

Hunter chuckles softly, his breath hot against my skin. "Tell me baby. What do you want?" he repeats.

Squirming against the pleasure jolting through my system, and against the heat in Hunter's eyes, I close my eyes, struggling to compose my thoughts. The light flicks of Jess's tongue along the underside of my shaft and the sudden, unpredictable stroke of Billy's fingertip erratically slipping across my entrance is making it hard to concentrate.

I'm getting the feeling that's the point.

Hunter's hand slides up, cupping my cheek. His thumb lightly touches my eyelid, trying to make me open my eyes for him. "Sean," he murmurs again, patient, undeniable. He's willing to wait all night for an answer, no matter if I'm getting sucked and finger-fucked to the point that I want to scream. They're not touching me hard enough to take me over the edge. They're teasing. Waiting for the answer to that same damned question.

Wetting my lips, I turn my head away from his hand and open my eyes. "Hunter?" The question is more like a breathy moan, but it makes Hunter's eyes flare almost golden in the darkness.

"Yeah, kid?"

Nobody said I have to play fair if they aren't. Letting my eyes fall half closed and giving him a lazy, sensual smile, I tilt my head into his hand. I lick his thumb fleetingly, holding his eyes as I ask softly, "Fuck me?"

Hunter actually shudders against me, his eyes flickering closed for a moment as he murmurs, "Christ... do you even have to ask?"

With a shaky smirk, I nuzzle his hand, drawing his thumb into my mouth and sucking on it gently, flicking my tongue over the fingertip. Hunter's voice is huskier than usual as he commands quietly, "Billy, get him ready."

He obviously doesn't have to ask twice. A slick fingertip slips past my entrance, and I try to relax even through the sharp stab of pleasure it caused. Jess drags his teeth gently over my shaft, making me whimper again. As Billy builds to a regular thrust, stretching me out, slipping another finger inside, Hunter strokes his hands over my chest. I think it's supposed to be soothing me, but I still can't breathe. I'm pretty sure that I stop as Billy angles his fingers, rubbing over the prostrate. It feels like my entire body goes electric for that split second. It would explain why I'm writhing under them again, no matter how hard I try to keep still.

"That feel good?" Hunter purrs, rubbing his head over my chest. "Just wait, kid. We haven't even gotten started."

That pulls a strangled whimper from me, no matter how I try to hold it back.

It seems to amuse Hunter. He leans down, letting his lips brush over mine. "So fucking sexy, Sean," he murmurs.

I take advantage of the position, letting the tip of my tongue flick into his mouth. Hunter takes the hint, kissing me deeply, sucking my lower lip into  his mouth.

Billy angles his fingers again, and I arch, tearing my mouth from Hunter's to gasp for air. "Please," I moan. "Need you, Hunt, please..."

Jesse chuckles a little at my predicament, and the vibration goes through me like lightning. "Oh God, Jesse, feels so good, don't stop, harder baby..."

Hunter's smirk has dissolved into a dark, heated stare. He straightens, looking down, where Jesse and Billy are working their magic.

I take advantage of his momentary distraction to let my eyes drift over his body. After a moment, I hear that voice again, sounding so much like Shawn that it's scary. "Like what you see, kid?"

I lick my lips slowly, deliberately, practically devouring him with my eyes. "You're beautiful, Hunt." There's a gleaming drop of precum poised on the tip of his shaft. I can feel my mouth watering.

The smirk is back on Hunter's lips. His hand slides over his stomach to lightly stroke himself. "Something you want, kid?"

I don't even have to think about that one. Good thing, too, because my mind isn't exactly working at full tilt right now. "You," I reply, letting my eyes rake hungrily over him again.

Hunter shakes his head. "Not good enough." His stroke gets firmer, faster, and his breath nearly catches on a moan as he asks, "What do you want, baby?"

"Want to taste you." That sounds more like a plea than I'd like, but I can't exactly help it. He laughs softly, watching me through half-lidded eyes as I struggle not to just let go of the headboard, grab him and pay him back for all the teasing he's done. Instead, I moan softly. "Please, let me..."

Holding my eyes, he strokes his fingertip over the head of his shaft, wiping up the drop. I arch up towards his hand when he offers it to me, drawing his fingertip into my mouth, sucking gently on it as my tongue flicks over the tip. His odd, intoxicating taste floods my mouth, only making me want more. My eyes flicker closed, a soft whimper escaping me.

It's probably a good thing that Hunter moves back, slipping his finger from between my lips despite my soft noise of protest. When Jesse gently runs his teeth along my length, I nearly lose it, shuddering violently against the shockwave of pleasure. It almost makes up for the sudden loss of Billy's fingers inside me. When Jess shifts back, making me feel abruptly abandoned, I can't help whimpering. "Hunter..." My moan sounds more than a little wild, desperation coloring the edges. God, I'm so close, I just need a little more to set it off... I can feel it, its vibrating intensity making me shiver with it.

"Shhh, baby, it's all right," Hunter soothes. His hand rests on my hip, urging me to lay on my side. As soon as I comply, his knee slips in between mine, pinning me and holding me vulnerable. I feel pressure at my entrance and arch back against him, nearly snarling at the slow penetration. It feels like an eternity before he's finally all the way in. Closing my eyes, I try to breathe steadily, trying to adjust to him inside me. When the pressure fades into just a delicious fullness that makes me shiver suddenly in his arms, I shift, sighing at the jolt of pleasure it sets off.

Nuzzling my shoulder, he purrs, "You ready, Sean?"

Hunter offers me a half-hearted smirk as I writhe. "Ssssh. Christ Sean, you're so tight," he breathes. "I could come just sitting here."

I can't help the whimper that slips from my mouth. "Please, Hunt," I gasp. "Need you..."

A light touch on my cheek draws my attention away for a moment. I blink at Billy, who leans over to press a slow, deep kiss to my lips. A shudder rips through me at the flick of his tongue over the roof of my mouth.

Suddenly, he tears his mouth from mine, arching with a sharply indrawn breath. "Oh yeah, Jess," he moans. "God, that feels good, baby."

Jesse's practically vibrating with the tension of going slow, thrusting forward a little at a time. "That's it, Billy. Just relax, darlin. Does that feel good? Do you want me to fuck you?"

He leans forward, nipping Billy's shoulder lightly. "That's what I'm going to do to you, Billy. I'm going to fuck you until you can't stand it, and then I'm going to let Sean finish what he started in the car." He looks up smirking at my moan. "Like that thought, kid?"

I start to nod, only to break off halfway with a sharp gasp as Hunter begins to move in me. "Fuck," I breathe shakily, my head falling back against his shoulder as he rocks his hips forward. Feels so good... Pushing back against him, I nearly demand, "Hunter, harder-"

His low, purring chuckle against my shoulder makes my breath catch in my throat. "I don't think so," he murmurs. "C'mon, you think any of us are planning to let you off that easy?" Reaching up, he fingers one of my nipples, making me whimper. "Slow and easy, baby, until you can't remember your own name and you're begging me to let you come." He rocks his hips forward, agonizingly gentle and slow. I snarl a little, frustrated, but he just laughs again. "Settle down, kid." Another careful thrust, this one brushing over my prostrate. I can't suppress a sharp gasp. "I can keep doing this all night, you know."

"Wanna bet?" I mutter, turning my head to smirk at him. Looping my leg back around his, I use the leverage to grind my hips against him. He growls, nipping my shoulder desperately as I swivel my hips slowly. I'm not feeling particularly merciful, so even if the pleasure winding through me is so intense that I can't think anymore, I keep the slow pace until hands closing around my hips force me to stop.

I can feel Billy shivering as he leans in, his thumbs rubbing my hipbones as he lightly sucks on my lower lip. "Bad," he mock-scolds, only to be cut off by his own whimper when Jesse's hands slip down his chest from behind.

Nipping Billy's throat, Jesse purrs. "God, baby, you feel good around me..." His eyes flick up, meeting mine, and he smirks crookedly. Hunter, the bastard, takes that moment to give me what I asked for, thrusting forward hard, rubbing against the prostate. My head snaps back as I gasp raggedly.

"Hunter…" My voice is barely a whimper. My whole body has gone rigid, shivering from that one thrust. Billy chooses that moment to trail the tip of his tongue over my nipple.

The shivers go on for what seems like forever. It's still not enough to push me over the edge though. They're not letting me come until they're damn good and ready.

Billy's lips are brushing along my collarbone lightly, sending a delicious shiver of pleasure over my nerves. Hunter begins that slow, agonizing torture again, barely rocking his hips, just letting himself graze my prostate.

I bite my lower lip, but the whimpers still slip through. A light touch on my cheek distracts me.

Billy meets my eyes with a shaky smirk, little gasps punctuating his words as Jesse begins to move in him. "Be a good little bitch, Sean. We want to hear what we're doing to you, every little moan-oh God, Jesse, just like that baby, mmmm, harder baby…"

Jesse smirks over his shoulder, regulating his thrusts to a hard, fast rhythm as Billy's eyes close.

I swear, once they let me come, assuming I survive, I'm kicking their asses.

I can feel Billy shivering with every thrust, his hands shaking on my hips. His quiet whimpers are just as affecting as the slow glide of Hunter moving inside me. Without thinking, I lean forward, covering his lips with mine.

He doesn't seem to mind. Threading his fingers through my hair, he kisses me back hungrily, almost brutally. He's trying to steady himself against the hard, quick thrusts that are pressing his body against mine. I can sympathize with that. Even as the tip of Billy's tongue flicks across the roof of my mouth, making me shiver, I can feel the pace of Hunter's thrusts changing, getting a little faster and going a little deeper. They're still not enough to ride into an orgasm, not matter how hard they make me shudder or how they make me moan against Billy's lips on mine.

"Jesus..." The soft, staccato sound of gasping makes me raise my head, ignoring Billy's quiet protest at the loss of contact. Jesse's drawn tight as a bowstring, his forehead pressed against the back of Billy's neck as he struggles not to come. His moan is more than slightly desperate as he murmurs, "God, darlin... so good..."

Craning his head back awkwardly, Billy rocks his hips against Jesse's, meeting each thrust. Jesse moans incoherantly against his shoulder.

I'm so lost in watching them that I flinch when Hunter's hand touches my side. He pets my hip, murmuring something soothing. It doesn't help that he's tracing little cirles on the hipbone with his fingertips, and that each circle comes closer to my shaft. When his fingers finally curl around the base with the lightest of pressures, my hips jerk hard against his hand. Oh, GOD, that feels so good... I can feel the electricity singing through my veins building, becoming almost frighteningly intense. It takes me a moment to recognize the quiet, keening moan as my own

Making little soothing noises like he's trying to calm a wild animal, Hunter strokes my stomach. I'm so oversensitized that even that makes me squirm. "It's okay, kid," he purrs, pumping me a little harder. I can't suppress a sharp gasp. "Easy. Let it come, Sean. Relax, we've got you... just let it come."

Easy for him to say. Pressing myself back against him, I say incoherantly, "Hunter, let me- please-"

Hunter's smirk is unsteady now, my words, breathy and whimpered, are getting to him. "Sssh, baby. Just relax, it'll come." His hands are in motion, one stroking my stomach, my back, the other sliding along my shaft.

I try to relax, I really do. I just can't seem to let go. Instead, I'm writhing, moaning his name against Billy's throat.

Billy's not in any better shape than me. Jesse's riding him with deep slow thrusts, murmuring softly against his back about how sexy he is, how good he feels.

As I watch, Jesse's hands slip around his chest, pinching his nipples, making Billy arch back against him. "That's it, baby. Tell me how that feels," Jesse whispers.

"So good," Billy whimpers, sounding nothing like the cocky Mr. Ass. "Hard, and hot and so fucking good. Please, Jesse, harder baby."

Jesse speeds up his tempo slightly, just enough to make Billy moan even harder. "Does that feel good, Billy?"

Hunter angles his next thrust and I whimper, the pleasure becoming nearly unbearable, but still not enough. "Please, Hunter…" My voice is nearly a sob now, Christ, I didn't know something could feel so good that it hurt. It's like fire, searing me from inside out.

Hunter's still petting me, trying to soothe me. "Kid, you've got to relax. Just trust me, Sean. Close your eyes and let it take you. I've got you." He thrusts again, settling into an incredibly slow, hard rhythm. "Let go, Sean. I won't let you fall."

Forcing myself to take slow, deep breaths, I struggle to untense. My body relaxes by degrees, trembling with the effort. As the tension slowly drains away, leaving me pliant in his arms, the pleasure only gets more intense. Alarmed, I whimper, "Hunt..."

"Shh. It's all right. Take it easy, baby." His breath is warm against my throat, reminding me yet again that I'm at his mercy. The pleasure inside me building, threatening to overwhelm me. I'm nearly afraid to let it. My breaths are coming in short, ragged gasps, my head tossing restlessly. I can't think anymore. I can barely even breathe. But oh God, I can feel...

The touch of Hunter's fingertips on my shaft becomes just a little harder, a little faster, finally giving me what I pleaded for. I moan incoherantly, more than a little desperate as I shudder violently in his arms. I can't seem to stop shuddering once I start. Hunter's voice is just a low purr, more vibration than sound, as he murmurs, "I've got you. Let go. Trust me, baby, I'll take care of it. I want to feel you let go for me..."

His hips press forward again, rubbing against the prostate. The pleasure jolts through me, incredibly hard, making me go taut in Hunter's arms. That's all it takes. In the next moment, my mind goes blank under the force of the sensation running through my body, and then I'm coming so hard as I that the room fades around me. I can faintly hear my own strangled mewls and sobs for air, my body spasming hard of its own will. Hunter growls, lightly biting the skin of my shoulder a moment before I feel his warmth flood me. By the time he quiets, his breathing a little more steady, I'm still shivering helplessly in the aftermath. A quick touch on my cheek makes me raise my head, fighting back the urge to just curl up into a ball and sleep for a few years.

Shaking a little himself with the effort of pausing to check on me, Jesse strokes my cheek with his knuckles and asks unsteadily, "Y'okay, kid?"

"To quote Michaels," I reply with a crooked, shaky smirk, ignoring the rasp in my voice, "'holy fuck'."

I can feel Hunter chuckle from behind me. "Well, that's one way to put it."

Jesse bites back a low chuckle, rumpling my hair as he goes back to fucking Billy with a single minded determination.

Hunter carefully withdraws, prompting another little shiver of pleasure from my body. "Mmmm, Christ kid," he murmurs, leaning up to trail his tongue around my ear. "That has to be the fucking hottest thing I've ever seen. You're beautiful, Sean."

I arch into his touch slightly, sighing my pleasure as Billy's moans increase to a low whine, like a generator humming. Now that I can move, I scoot over on the bed, slithering between Billy's braced hands to lie under him.

Thank god it's an average sized bed, and that Billy's not average. It gives me the room to slip under him, scooting towards his hips. It's not the most comfortable position, but it gives me complete access, and a nice view of Jesse riding him.

Turning my head at an awkward angle, I lightly lap over the head of his shaft, cleaning up the salty droplets of precum leaking from him. Without thinking, I reach up, trailing my fingers in little circles around his nipples.

Both our breaths hiss out on a low moan as I feel a warm tongue begin to clean the sticky mess of my cum off my stomach.

Hunter smirks, lifting his head to place a heated kiss on Billy's lips, letting him taste me. "Will you come apart for us too, Billy?" he asks softly.

Billy seems to be somewhere beyond speech, which is new for him. His incoherant, desperate moan is apparently answer enough for Hunter, though, because Hunter lowers his head and takes advantage of the exposed length of Billy's throat, licking along the tendons. Billy arches into the touch, eyes flickering closed. Hunter's having none of that, commanding quietly, "Open your eyes."

Swallowing, Billy complies, meeting Hunter's hungry stare. I can feel him shaking under my hands, from the force of Jesse's thrusts and from the touch of my fingertips running up the underside of his shaft. Jess isn't going easy, increasing the pace, lengthening and angling his strokes until Billy's squirming under him. When I lean in, taking the head of his length in my mouth and sucking gently, his whimper builds to a helpless mewl. I chuckle, more than a little evilly. God, I could get addicted to making him squirm like this, especially since he wasn't exactly merciful when I was in the same position.

Hunter purrs, almost obscenely smug. "Nice," he drawls, nuzzling Billy's throat. "Responsive as all hell, too. You like this, baby?"

If I was merciful, I wouldn't choose that moment to rub my fingertips over his nipples. I wouldn't take all of him into my mouth without warning before the shudder my touch caused dies down.

No one's ever accused me of being merciful.

    Billy damn near gags me thrusting forward.  I moan, rubbing his nipples again, sucking lightly, offering the lightest scrape of my teeth.
    You'd think I plugged him in.  He shivers uncontrollably, little whimpers slipping from his mouth.
    Hunter chuckles, leaning up to lick a path from his ear to his mouth, kissing Billy, softly at first, then harder.
    Jesse seems to be enjoying the view, as his thrusts come quicker, the low growls interspersed with little gasped endearments.  "That's it baby.  God, so good, so tight.  Love this, baby."
    I slip my hand between Billy's thighs, stroking lightly, raising goosebumps on the sensitive skin.
    Jesse sucks in a hard breath as my fingers brush  against his thigh.  "Christ, kid..."  It throws off his rhythm for a moment, but that's all I need.  Without hesitation, I stretch, brushing my fingertip over his entrance.
    Billy moans as Jess squirms, trying to force more pressure from my touch.  I smirk at Hunter, moving to take Billy's shaft in my mouth again.  Jesse moans loudly as I continue with feather light touches.  "Please, kid..." he gasps.

I pause to consider that for a moment, listening to his strangled moan at the loss of contact, then chuckle and go back to what I was doing.

The vibration does interesting things to Billy. He arches back into Jesse, tensing as he tries to carry it over into an orgasm and doesn't quite make it. His body haltingly untenses on a long shudder, his moan lost against Hunter's mouth.

Jesse's breath hisses out as his partner's hips jerk against him. Shivering, he leans forward, pressing his lips to Billy's shoulder as he struggles to steady his pace again. It doesn't help when I lightly rub my tongue along the underside of Billy's shaft, pinching his nipple with my free hand, making him whimper and his hips buck hard.

Jesse moans, his grip on the bedspread tightening until his knuckles go white. Every line of his body is nearly screaming with tension as he fights to keep control of his thrusts, forcing his climax back. Panting for breath, he nuzzles Billy's shoulder, purring low in his throat when Billy shudders violently. "So fucking good," he manages to gasp out between thrusts. "Want to feel you fall apart. Want to feel you come for me, darlin. Let it go now."

His lips muffling Billy's moan at Jesse's husky command, Hunter murmurs his agreement.

Sitting back for a second, I study the Outlaws. They're both close to the edge, and it wouldn't take much to push them over. It looks like I'm gonna have to be the one to supply it.

My lips quirk up in an evil smirk at the thought as I lean in again, taking just the head of Billy's length back into my mouth, barely sucking. Pressing my fingertip into Jesse's entrance, I let my eyes flicker closed for a moment, savoring his strangled moan and the way his hips jerk back into the stimulation. God, he's tight, and responsive as hell, writhing against my hand as I start to thrust gently. I keep it slow for the moment, fucking him at a pace that has him growling again even as I let my sucking speed up. Then, without warning, I angle my thrust, firmly stroking Jesse's prostate with my fingertip. That's all it takes to finally tear his control away.

Jesse makes a harsh noise, somewhere between a growl and a sob, driving into Billy roughly, no real rhythm. It's all I can do to keep up with him, thrusting firmly again.

With a low shout of triumph, he buries himself, his whole body shaking with the force of his orgasm. A soft torrent of words slips from him as he shivers, clutching Billy tightly. "Oh, yeah...God, baby, love the way you do this to me, Billy...So fucking hot, so good..."

Shit, even when he's coming, he can't shut up. I focus my attention on Billy, letting my teeth graze his shaft, stroking and rolling his balls gently.

Billy's so close to the edge that I can feel his body straining, trying to climax.

"Jesse," he whines through clenched teeth.

Jesse leans forward and he lifts his head from Hunter's shoulder, turning for a kiss.

Hunter's hands are never idle, stroking over his chest and shoulders, gliding over his sweat dampened chest. "That's it, Billy, just give yourself to us. Let us hold you together while your body comes apart."

Jesse shifts his hips, and Billy finally shatters.

Purring, I take what he gives, my eyes flickering closed for a moment as I drain him. I only half hear his broken, incoherant noise that Jesse effectively cuts off by kissing him again. He's still shaking when I slide up his body to lay my head on Hunter's shoulder and watch him pull himself back together.

Hunter runs his hand down Billy's side, resting it on his hip and rubbing his thumb along the bone. When he turns his head to look at me, I smirk crookedly at him and he chuckles. Rubbing his head against mine, he mutters wryly, "Okay, kid, you don't have to look that pleased with yourself. We get the point. You're the master of the blowjob. Happy?"

If anything, I smirk wider, nipping his shoulder. When his eyes darken slightly, I chuckle and drawl, "Very."

"Trust me, baby, if I could, I'd call you on that." Pressing a kiss to my forehead, he looks at the other two.

With a final shudder as Jesse pulls out, Billy breaks off the kiss, leaning his head against Jesse's shoulder. Jesse strokes his knuckles down his ribs, nuzzling him. If they get any more snuggly...

Hunter's apparently with me on that one, because despite the crooked smile on his face he clears his throat pointedly. "You all right?"

Breaking away, Billy nods. "Yeah, fine." He shifts and winces slightly. "Okay, other than that minor detail about walking tomorrow."

I chuckle slightly, leaning forward with a wince of my own, and kiss him gently. "I think next time, we should make these two our bitches, you?"

He nods, returning my kiss with surprising enthusiasm. "You really are the king of the blow job, by the way." I grin as he nuzzles my throat. "Tomorrow, lunch. We'll plot."

I pull back, smirking as I lean against Hunter with a comfortable smile. "What are you two talking about?" Jesse asks, pushing his braids out of his eyes, and pulling me towards him. I lean in happily, nuzzling his throat with an easy smirk. "I liked your fingers in me, but next time, I want you inside of me, kid."

Oh, this sounds promising. "Where's that leave Billy and Hunter?"

Jesse smirks and nods over my shoulder. Well, isn't this cozy? Hunter and Billy are practically purring, snuggling against each other.

I shake my head, a wave of tiredness washing over me. It's been a long day, and an even longer night. I really don't have the energy to head back to my room.

Hunter touches my cheek lightly. Oh joy, there's that concerned look again. "You all right, kid?"

"Just trying to figure out how to wake up enough to get to my room." I blink, looking around. "Who's room are we in, anyway?"

"Mine." He strokes my hair with a warm smile. "Come're, Sean." His arms wrap around me, pulling me against his warm body. "So, am I allowed back in Degeneration X?" he teases.

I can't help the smile that touches my lips. "As far as I'm concerned, you never left."

His smile is incredibly sweet, pulling me against him tightly, as he snuggles into the covers. A moment later, I feel Billy's warm breath on my shoulder as he and Jesse curl up along side of us. Thank god for king size beds.

As I doze off, I dimly feel Hunter's hand slide along my thigh, cupping my hip as his breathing evens out. Billy's begun to snore gently, and Jess is mumbling in his sleep. I swear, as tired as I am, if "Ladies and Gentlemen…" comes out of his mouth, I'm smacking him.

I wish I could stay awake to enjoy this warmth, but I'm so tired.

Life is good.