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"It's better to be hated for who
you are, then loved for what you are not"

Hey there, I’m so glad you’ve taken the time to check out my website. Go ahead and keep scrolling down if you’d like to learn more about me!


Well for starters my name is Lauren. I’m 19 and I’m from a small town in south central Illinois, but am currently attending school in Champaign, Illinois. I was a 3 sport athlete in high school, but now I play softball at Parkland College. Although I am not 100% sure on what I am currently studying, considering I’ve changed my mind from pharmacy, to accounting, to physical therapy, to criminology and now back to accounting. I am almost positive I’ve finally figure it out. So as of now I am looking into accounting, although something dealing with Forensic Science or perhaps Computers also interest me! Maybe I'll figure it out by my Junior year of college.

Some of my favorite things…

First of all, I am a huge Atlanta Braves fan! I have kind of lost tract of them more this year than ever before, but those are my boys!
I also LOVE to shop! I am a shoe fanatic especially tennis shoes.
I’ve never been much of a drinker but I have collected shot glasses ever since I can remember.
Seems like everywhere I’ve traveled their have been shot glasses so I guess that seemed like the appropriate thing to collect!
I also love to write poetry. Although this is more so part of my pastime I still enjoy doing it!
I LOVE to ski! My family generally goes about once a year, I haven’t went for about a year but am looking forward to going again soon. It’s too fun!

Travel, Travel and a little more Travel!

By far my favorite thing to do in the entire world is travel. I love seeing different places within the United States as well as outside of the states. So far I’ve been to 43 States, Canada 3 times, New Zealand and Australia. I hope to see more of the United States and hopefully even more of the world as I get older!

Family Girl

Sarah is 24 and is now an attorney at a Law Firm in Mattoon. She just got married to her high school sweetheart of a million years or 7 same difference. So now I’ve finally got a brother-in-law. They’re so adorable together! I am so proud of Sarah. She’s such a hard worker and deserves everything she gets out of life. She’s a wonderful person with a heart of gold… and now theirs a lawyer in the family who can go wrong with that:)

Alissa is 22,or 21 again if you ask her, and just graduated from SIU-Carbondale in December of 2004. She graduated with a degree in information systems. Alissa is a blast to hang out with. She’s the wild one of the bunch, but she enjoys every minute of it and I’ve come to realize that’s all that matters. We’re both huge goof balls so when you get me and her together you’re in for some laughter. Even though we have so much fun when we’re together we’re completely different, but I wouldn’t change that for the world she’s great!

Okay Shelby is just as smart as Sarah, just as outgoing as Alissa and just as athletic as myself. So pretty much Shelby is a combination of the rest of us girls. Shelby will be a teenager soon which seems totally insane considering I can still remember mom telling me she was going to be having another kid when I was 6, opps! Without Shelby my life would not be the same. She is so quick witted, funny and outgoing. She is constantly making us all laugh. It would not be the same without her!She's one of the best things to happen to the family. She's a lot younger then the rest of us girls but she keeps us contantly smiling and laughing. She's full of life!She's one heck of a basketball player and I just had missing her games. I miss everything about her, she's the first one to give you a hug when you're really upset and the first to make you laugh when you really just don't wanna smile.She's too cute!

My Parents

My dad is one of a kind. He is always making us laugh and I’ve only seen him made once in his life. He’s so laid back and takes everything as it comes. He is a grain merchandiser for Effingham Clay Service Co. and he loves his job. My mom would probably tell you I’m a daddy’s girl. That is mostly true because I was a huge tomboy growing up and my dad had 4 girls so. I was the one who always went out and did chores and loved the being outside helping him. His spirit and personality rubs off and you cannot help but be in a good mood when you’re around him, he’s awesome! Now my mom has got a heart of gold. I’m a mama’s girl too in many ways. My mom would do anything for anyone and you can talk to her about anything. She’s always happy and spoiling everyone one of us girls rotten. She is a 2nd grade teacher at our Elementary School and she’s so good at what she does. Plus she finished her masters awhile back to we’re all proud of her for that! I would not be the same without her always there for me, she’s great!p align="center">

Too far from home!

I love being away at school and being introduced to so many different people. I miss so much about not seeing my family everyday. My family is the best and has always been my rock through every aspect of my life. I would not be the same without them I love them all to death and miss them daily!

My Love Life...

Okay well it's been awhile since I've really took time to update my website.

Another thing I love to do is write, I've written many types of poetry and also some short stories, I haven't really had time to update all of them but I'll add them as soon as possible!

* My Poetry*

These are some poems I made up!! (from 1998-2001)

Questions or comments reguarding my page feel free to drop me a line or two by e-mail!!
