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JJ articles

I decided to take off the Jeff interview from WCW Live on dated 10/19/99 from the JJ news page and put it on here. I may put other stuff on here but I'm not sure yet.

Tuesday I listened to WCW Live on JJ was there guest. Here are some notes from the show. The big problem for JJ was 2 words "Jim Ross". JR didn't like Jeff much becase JR is friends with Austin and both men are so powerful so he didn't have a chance to succeed in the WWF. JR was trying to downgrade Jeff a lot during the contrac negoations. Jeff never thought he would be back in WCW. Another reason why Jeff left was Austin and Jeff dosen't know if his interview on Raw when Jeff came back was the problem. In that intervies Jeff called his best friend, Road Dogg, a drug addict, abd Debra a dumb blound. and neither one of them didn't seem to mind. Jeff would put differences aside to work professionally with Steve......Jeff and Vince had the best 4 out of 5 talks in history last Sunday at the PPV.....Never crossed his mind not working the PPP. He didn't want to screw the company and Vince. and he made a lot of money doing that match......Jeff's foundes memory of Owen was the road trips, Owen the person. Jeff had no problem with the Tribute to Owen on Raw the next night. He said it was great.....He had no problem with the domestic angle because it was so unique. The locker room was mixed to Chyna. Jeff thinks he was the only person who could work well with her.....Jeff's dad, Jerry Jarrett, wasn't to keen with Jeff wroking with Chyna, but after a while he like the storyline....Jeff said his debut in WCW couldn't have gone any better. Everyone knew he was there, but it was a shocked to everyone when he showed up.....Expects to have a lot more fun because there is more of a chance to shine in WCW....He said that the older guys are valuable because of name value and can sell ccards, but have to the young guys in the mix in the cards too....He may have a valent in the future....Enjoyed working with Road Dogg, and X-Pac....Dosen't spendmuch time on the internet as much as he use to becase with the work schedule, moving in a new house, his family(has a 3 1/2 daughter), and working on getting an upgrade to his computer.

Here is another interview that Jeff did on WCW live the other day. I didn't know that Jeff was on. so the transcript is from Big3 Newsboard. So i like to give creidt for the transcript to David Tylor.

What was it like to be part of last Monday's reformation the N.W.O?

"The reaction we received in Baltimore on Nitro was… I don't want to say amazing… because that may be too strong of a word… but when the music started up Monday night it was a hell of a rush to be in ring and be part of it."

Why do you think you were you added to the N.W.O. lineup?

"I know Russo didn't expect the kind of reaction I was getting after the first couple of months. The momentum with the "slapnuts" and "the stroke" has just been rolling along. That is why Russo thought it would fit. The momentum that the chosen one has been carrying was there… and Russo saw it. Nash and some of the other guys saw that it also fit as well."

We noticed a different color to your guitar on Thunder…

"It matched my tights! It matched something else too… We first had the black and white, then the red and black, now the black and silver. I am really happy they chose those colors. Now I don't have to change the colors of my tights."

What did you think of you ladder match at Starrcade?

"I am my own biggest critic. When I sat down and watched it I picked it apart in many ways. I enjoyed it… of course if I had to do it over again there would have been different things I would have done. The one thing I really do regret is that it was a substitution. Maybe the spontaneity made it that much better, but on the other hand looking back I would have liked to have that be my only match of the ppv. The storyline could have been so much better between us because the ladder match is such a unique match. It is hard to come up with unique things, so the storyline going into it has to be thought out, laid out, executed, and the story told over and over on tv to sell it. All in all I was very pleased with it."

Tell us about the actual ladder match as a concept…

"To me, and I guess I could sit down and think of a tougher match… telling the story correctly in this type of match is so important. On one hand it is very easy because it is laid out that the first guy to get the belt wins. It is tough because Chris had never been in one before. I think that had some pluses and minuses as well. It is a real interesting, real dramatic match that can enhance both performers character like no other matches.

How is this N.W.O. going to be different?

"Number one, it is going to be different because there are different writers writing it. Secondly, it is going to be an elite group. I don't think that there is a person on this earth that wouldn't agree that the N.W.O. got watered down. It wasn't special. I think that that is the one main difference in this group. It will be an elite group.

Will there be a spokesperson for the group?

It will be real interesting. I don't think there is going to be one spokesman, and nor do I think it should be that way. Bret, Nash, Hall, and myself are all distinct personalities. Not one is alike at all. I think that is definitely a positive. Everyone is different in the group, and I think that is what is going to be special. I think the spontaneity needs to occur and we just let the cards fall where they may.

Tell us what you think about Chris Benoit?

"Chris has got intensity and fire. We both want to go out there and perform. We both want to give it our all. I certainly realize the fan today is so sophisticated. Even more so then two or three years ago when the ratings war started. The average fan is much more educated. The fans know a good match when they see one. They know when a guy is out there giving it his best effort. You can't fool them. That is why I enjoy doing battle against Benoit.

Is Benoit your perfect opponent?

"That is a tough question. I would like to think that I could adapt to a lot of different styles. I have wrestled all types. I think Benoit is definitely a hell of a fit. I am not sure if he is my perfect opponent because I don't know who my perfect opponent is. Maybe you guys can answer that better than me.

Any good slapnuts stories?

"When I fly into Nashville… and I have done that many times over the last seven or eight years… I have gotten to know the guys who get the bags pretty well. It has been pretty much the same guys over the years. There is an old guy… and you can't get him to say anything. All of his buddies give him a hard time because he is so quiet. I think he is in his sixties. I am walking through the airport Wednesday morning and he says to me, "Hey, If it isn't the ol' slapnuts." I said you know… I think that word is catching on… this guy never says anything… and he just had to say it."

Thanks for the time Jeff. Merry Christmas!

"Guys, thanks as always. Guys… hope you have a merry Christmas and happy holidays… and to all the listeners of WCW Live! I would like to say that you are nothing but a bunch of slapnuts!"

this article is from Slam!Wrestling website.

Sunday, January 9, 2000
Surprise, surprise Jarrett having problems
living up to hype
By DON 'The Jackyl' CALLIS -- For SLAM!

It is an extremely rare occurrence that I am surprised by anything in professional wrestling.

While I applauded the return of the N.W.O. it was hardly a shocking development. Bret Hart as a heel is great but I have seen it before, though seeing Bret standing next to Kevin Nash giving the Kliq sign is interesting to be sure.

What has surprised me is how fellow N.W.O. member Jeff Jarrett has reacted to his super-push received from good friend and Creative Director Vince Russo.

Jarrett has never really lived up to his hype since his return to the WWF a couple of years ago, when he was slated to be a main event heel, and never really made it past midcarder in the eyes of the office. When he would get a pop coming out, it would be written off as being due to whatever woman he had on his arm that week.

This perception of him culminated with his disastrous contract negotiations with WWF Senior Vice President Jim Ross. Supposedly Ross basically told Jarrett that he would never be anything more than a midcard talent and Jarrett felt he was treated with a lack of respect. It appeared that Ross had written Jeff off.

Since his arrival in WCW, Jarrett has proven himself to be a rare commodity in today's wrestling business, a Heel who can work with anyone and have a good match, and perhaps more significantly, a heel who nobody cheers for.

Jeff Jarrett, has in the space of less than three months, looked like the comeback player of the year, although anyone who has seen Vader's matches in All Japan this year might beg to differ.

Regardless, Jarrett appears to be poised to finally live up to his considerable hype.
