The Annoyed Cockroach's Golden Trashcan

Hoo dilly.


So here it is. Our base of operations. Not much right now, eh? Well, don't worry. Aside from the super groovy picture above (compliments of our actually talented friend, the Rokhead), we'll soon add all sorts of interesting things... like comics from our very own deranged minds. Won't that be fun? I mean, you all want to know what goes on in our severely corroded cranium (ooh, alliteration) right? 'Course you do!


For the moment, there is a new Riley.  It's different.  And new.  And not old.  And new.

And hey, since we're so damned generous, there's a new musing up as well.  How's that butter your muffin, eh?

Vader and Fett, the Annoyed Cockroach


Look! Look! It's *gasp* other stuff on the site!

A short, pointless review of God's Debris
The Annoyed Cockroach's Daily (sort of) Musing  
Ye Olde Dusty Archives

The Annoyed Cockroach's First Ever Comic

The Annoyed Cockroach's Refuse Heap O' Storytellin'

Just click it

Send us feedback, dammit!  Or just let us know you were here.

Nayt Brookes is an awesome, awesome person, for making that Java script for me