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Flux Cooling

Flux cooling is a technology that could be useful in gas turbine and jet engines. Such a system utilizes a magnetic field to create a boundary layer between the ionized gases of the flame front within the combustor. By doing so, one greatly reduces heat transfer by conduction from the combustion source. However, in some applications this effect may not be entirely useful due to radiated and latent (compression process) heat.


"Stealthing? What the heck is stealthing?" you may ask. Well, since the former eastern bloc countries finally got a clue on stealth in the late 1980's - they came up with their own answer. Since they lacked the budget or the means to develop pure stealth designs, they did the next best thing. Which was simply to analyze current vehicles in their lineup and modify them to achieve stealthiness. (An advantage to this is maintaining the cutting edge without rendering existing hardware obsolete.) Some of this involves dropping the electrostatic signature in aircraft. Most aircraft build up a negative charge over their surface area while in flight. In a military application, this is bad since it increases electromagnetic reflectivity and therefore the radar signature. So an electron sink was developed to remove this. Basically it's an electron gun that pulls the charge from the surface and expels it in a narrow beam. The bonus is that the beam can also be directed as a jamming device. (When directly pointed at a reciever it will produce a BIG spike and then static.) Also used are applied materials not too different from what the west uses on pure stealth aircraft. Composite coatings consisting of a foam rubber material with interspersed piezoelectric particles. Basically it absorbs electromagnetic radiation and converts it into heat. Pretty nifty, eh? Also used is a slick trick involving water injection in afterburners to drop IR signatures. And a form of turbulator vane near engine exhausts which helps diffuse the slipstream. Clever of them, eh? Anyhow, western nations should be wary of this line of development showing up in third world arsenals. As, Russia and former Soviet countries are looking for cash.

Tesla Coil

Tesla Coil Named after the famed Yugoslav inventor, this device produces high voltages at high frequencies. It's more or less a type of electrical transformer. Without this device the current levels of technology in radios, nuclear physics, electical power, etc. would not exist. This device or derivitaves may also play a key role in supporting the development of newer technologies on this webpage.

Impulse Drive

Net effect mass acceleration impulse drive or simply put "impulse drive" isn't as complicated as one might believe. It works on the fact that rotating masses exert a force due to continuous acceleration. By using one or more pairs of successively linked rotating armatures, one can create useful net effect force. As the force vectors can be phased and synchronised as such that the forces would cancel to one side and become additive on the other. Thus creating pulses of unidirectional force. A propulsive unit utilizing this effect can be made by simple use of mechanical constructs. Why this hasn't been used to any effect or considered at odds with newtonian mechanics is beyond me.

Orbital Photon Modulator (OPM)

So, you ask, what is an orbital photon modulator? It's a key to new levels of technological development. Time travel as well as an efficent means of interstellar space travel are not possible without its development. Used in "reverse" (at least from my perspective) it is also capable of producing a high yield of high energy linear photons. This can therefore function as a laser.

Spread Spectrum Radar

How you can see the other guy without them seeing you. Basically by sequencing each ping as a short burst transmission at different frequencies, one can make it very difficult to localize the source. A little bit of fancy computing syncronizes each pulse at a given frequency with its return. To produce such a device, one has to understand the principles of synthetic aperture radar. Standard reflector types do not work well since the collector can not be easily optimized to multiple frequencies and maintain useful resolution.

STEAM POWER (As the true secret of the ancients)

I guess one could still consider this speculative. But I have reason to believe that the biggest oversight into ancient technology involves the use of steam and applied hydraulic systems. As known today, the oldest known steam driven mechanical device was Hero's engine (a simple form of turbine.) But I doubt that was the only construct. Unfortunately, any such documentation of other devices was most likely destroyed with the Great Library of Alexandria.

Why would I say steam power in the first place? It's an extention and collaboration of two or more simple technologies that any of the great civilizations posessed. Which would be plumbing and metalworking. By combining the knowledge of the two, development of working boilers couldn't be far behind. Valving and other later systems would obviously build upon this. Although they would have no standards for joining components, there are ways to make flanges utilizing bone shaped lockpins that wedge pipes together. Also brazing and welding are the other obvious means of joining piping.

Also there may have been a way of pumping water with steam, float controlled valves, and tiered pressure tanks. Such a system would exert pressure on the water itself using the steam, thus no need for working pistons in the system. And such a system would make perfect sense in something such as the hanging gardens.

As to where such equipment went? Since metals are valuable and most likely to be used in such devices - I'd suspect that ancient steam systems were decimated in times of hardship or conflict. Also having such a device kept secret would be strategic in putting neigboring nation-states in awe. For it would be wise to destroy such a system after completing something such as a pyramid or temple. Why is this? As they would not know your means of achievement, and would assume that greater power was involved.

Poly-Laminate Laser (PLL)

This isn't actually a laser per se. It's an array of lasers that outputs to a single beam. It uses a poly-laminate prism to accumulate the beams from multitudes of smaller lasers. This could use thousands of lasers similar to the one in your computer's CD/DVD ROM. While the individual unit may be weak, there's strength in numbers. The advantage of this type of design is that you could sequence units in the array. This allows it to run much cooler and efficiently than a single (non-PLL) laser of similar output.

Anti-Matter Power plant

A means by which to produce pure energy by combining matter and anti-matter. Currently, antimatter is difficult to come by. So for the meantime, it costs a lot more to make antimatter than it does to use it. Eventually some way using magnetic "filters" and a form of zero point effect derived knowledge, it may be possible to dredge space for antimatter more efficiently than what it costs to produce it by currently known methods. Under most natual conditions, antimatter probably isn't seen much because it's very likely that anti-matter has anti-gravity (similar to how matter has gravity.)

Time Machine/Spaceship

A self contained vessel generally described as a vehicle which can travel vast distances of space and/or along the percieved temporal dimension. By generating some sort of causality, one could make this vehicle possible. Causalities (bumps in spacetime) made with black holes are generally not a good idea to pursue for obvious economic and engineering reasons. But not to worry for the currently planet-bound, because spaceship development will definitely benefit from further research in plasma physics, magnetics, and superconductors. It is possible that some oft overlooked property in the nature of magnetic fields is the key item humanity needs for this. Obviously key components in any working spaceship/time machine will have components involving superconductors, diamagnetic materials, and various generator and coil sets that produce complex magnetic fields. By creating a controled magnetic vortex or "broken" pulses which extremely compress magnetic force lines, it should be possible to generate a bump in spacetime. Thus, any effective spaceship propulsion will involve non-gravitational singularity generation. This process may also be what is described in science (and science fiction) as: warp field generation, hyperspace, event generator, gravitic drive, and the Hutchinson's effect.

Diamagnetic materials

A fairly unusual and until recently overlooked group of materials which are repelled by magnetic fields regardless of polarity. Bismuth, indium, polarized graphite, and even water (very weak in this property) are diamagnetic. They have potential if developed because they could be used in magnetic bearings with fixed magnets. Also they have the potential if manufactured into various composite arrangements to become a critical element of magnetic field "lenses" and "valves". Such devices could further economize current generators and motors, not to mention make possible other strange application worthy things such as mono-polar magnets.

Applied Irrational math

Irrational mathematics is math that involves numbers including i. The number i is a constant that represents the square root of -1. Currently this type of math is only being effectively applied in the field of electronics. As far as I know, not much else involves it (well, at least to my knowledge.) However, I see that since even electrons have magnetic fields themselves and react proportionally - something is being missed. Thus a reworking of the electromagnetic theorems in use involving applied irrational numbers is in order. Perhaps this would clearup some anomalies, and help explain the quantum effects caused by particles disappearing from our "rational" space. Maybe this is what's needed in order to tweak the oddball parts of Maxwell's theorem.

Electro Dynamic Induction Gun (EDIG)

This is basically a ball lightning blaster. If this actually works (I have yet to build one) it would be one pretty slick device. Depending how it is set up, it can be quite a capable weapon. Another slick thing that might be possible is to bias the discharge of the gun to home in on a particular electric charge. This would possibly make it more accurate with the use of an electron beam, or maybe allow it to follow the static discharge of an unfriendly aircraft.

Basic principle of operation:

  1. Ballast transformer generated arc occurs in primary stage.
  2. Arc is drawn into secondary stage and fed current by pulsed induction coils.
  3. When the arc forms a stable toroid, the induced field is reduced. The toroid's center collapses producing a stable plasma sphere.
  4. A rail gun then propels and ejects the plasma sphere.
  5. The plasma sphere destabilizes when it's magnetic field dissipates. This causes it to release energy in the form of heat, and as an electric current if in contact with a conducting material. By the way, ever see what happens to aluminum in a microwave? Same thing happens with this.
Classes of EDIGs:
  1. High-energy potential plasma only.
  2. Gas charged. Dual gas boundary allows containment of explosive charge during formation in second stage.
  3. Antimatter charged. Plasma sphere is magnetically injected with antimatter.
(the effect is nastier as you go up higher in number)

Autonomous Arial Vehicle (AAV)

Any aircraft that can maintain controlled flight without input from an operator. Currently only the military uses this to any real effect, as cruise missiles are a type of AAV. Manned aircraft may have some basic degree of autonomy, but current autopilots still have their limitations by not being able to compensate for certain conditions or component failure. The most profitable AAV applications will probably be seen in the transportation and agricultural aviation.

Artificial Intelligence

Intelligence designed into a manufactured item. Current hardware design and software alogrithms have not been sufficiently able to do this yet. I would say that John Tilden's research yielded the closest approximation at a base level. A multi-layered architecture based on his designs will likely yield something truely as smart as a common insect. It will involve having the device switching between lower level behavior models derived from stimuli being processed by a higher level behavior generator.

Computer Stuff

My computer: A Compaq Presario 1690.
However, I get online via public terminals (for now.) The good ol' floppies are what gets this page from my computer to the terminal and then up to the net. This is how I actually get some time to put this up online, since public terminals are usually available an hour at a time.


A process basically described as being able to move an object between two distant points without any in between travel. I believe that development in paired photon research applied with OPM technology may yield this possibility. By creating a paired field effect volume, they would behave as one defined area of space. Thus by locating them in different spaces, a "wormhole" can be used to travel between the two.
Assuming that photonic effects have transference, teleportation might be possible by supersaturating matter with photons. Carryover from the applied effect would then pull matter with the photons as if it were a packet.
Applications are various, but the impact is quite substantial. This technology would be a breakthrough as far as space colonization and development would be concerned, not to mention the tremendous effect it would have on transport and logistics support overall.

Optical mouse

A clever device using a LED and some interferometry, and some software. Much apreciated by many since it eliminates the skipping and lack of smooth travel that can occur when mechanical mice "gunk up".

Zip Drive

A storage device, which suprisingly hasn't quite gone obsolete yet. Handy to have currently for those spare files I've got going around. However I see it becoming much less cost effective as solid state storage is becoming cheaper. Unless those special disks go down in price - I will be switching to SmartMedia as my expanded storage platform.


One of many name brand storage mediums manufactured under licence. I like it mainly for the fairly compact postage stamp sized construction. It has a very high storage density. When the 128MB cards become proportionally less expensive per MB than Zip disks, I'm gonna dump the Zip. (Memory cards seem to be getting cheaper every year, it may not be long.) Why did I choose Smartmedia vs other types? Because it's used by my digital camera. I also plan on getting an MP3 player that also uses this storage medium. Why? Less cross platforms to support with drivers and stuff hogging precious room on my trusty old laptop's little 4 gig drive. If possible, I'd recommend having all of ones devices use the same storage medium based on what you already have.

Symetric Field Effect Modulator

An variation of the orbital photon modulator. This device consists of a laser with paired metal vapor targets at each end. The light from the laser is never allowed to escape. The target material is suspended in each end. The magnets holding the target (which I'm guessing consist of a lithium proton mass) are also configured for variotron (a type of magnetron with an adjustable flux density. e.g. electromagnet instead of fixed magnet.) This puts the target material under rapid spin approaching c velocities. Photon saturation of the target material then raises its quantum density until it becomes a micro-singularity. Paired micro sigularities then create a superstring between them, which then has the ability to induce artificial frame dragging events. This device can be built with materials and technology available to most people. The technology level required to make this device operable existed since c. 1940 C.E. (or A.D.)

Alien counter