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IcWa, setting the scale of pain for each wrestler on the web!


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    Quote of the moment:

    "ICWA I'm outa here!"

    OverkiLL: 7.3

  • __IcWa__

    Gen comes back and takes the gold?.

    Send your articles to the webmaster for the magazine.

    Cyberslam tourney starts this week with Overkil 2nd round starts next Monday with Malice!!!FONT>

    Give Me E-wrestling or give me Death!

    ::Brick gets screwed::

    On n Monday night the VP finally got what he wanted, he screwed Brick out of the world title? But was Brick scrwed? Or was Genisis just too tuff for the former champion? Well one might never know but the weeks of crying about how Brickhouse was the talent of this fed and how he ran things around here came to a quick end at ICWA2k where Brickhouse was de-throwned.

    ::ICWA present X-rated::

    ICWA getting down and dirty feb 27th!!!!

    n just one month comes ICWA's first annual PPV of the new millenium,"X-rated" at it's invading Sydney Australia, at the Sydney Opera house. Sydney is well know for it's beautifull sights and sounds, but now it going to be none for the great invasion of 00 when Icwa and Mr. Rulez plans to put on the biggest evening in the fed's history, all belts will be put on the line, and the Vp is already talking about haveing another added suprise, what may Rulez be up too? will it be as big as ICWA2k? Find out FEB 27th when ICWA gets X-rated in Sydney!!!

    Hall of Famer gone forever?!?

    Icwa ended the career of one of the greatest wrestlers to play the game. Shapdaddy fell to a contriversal Bron Williams, who eneded up useing the help of Shaps old girlfriend Wendy. Shap did get his revenge though, by sending both of them to the hospital that evening.....Shap you will be missed. God bless ya.

    The New world Champ!!!

    enisis made his way back to the ICWA and made a huge impact at the PPV, not only did he team up with the all corporate team which consists of the VP and Dan Faulk, but he took over the reign of World Champion. He came out to the roar of the crowd, but left with thrash being thrown at him, Genisis is a man to watch out for fans, he's already made his impact what els can the bombshell do?

    ::Hardcore heaven::

    On Monday we saw a huge three way Hardcore match, actually it should of been between Atlas and Shah King but sooner more than later, Nightmare showed up on the scene. Nightmare who was down there to do a commentary job, got involved early takeing both Atlas, and Shah to their breaking point, but in the end Nightmare as Shah King both fell to the Hardcore champ. This week on OVerkill Nightmare and Shah get it on, not only to advance in the tourney but to duke it out with the champ in Feburary at X-rated!!

    ::all-corporate takeing over?::

    With the recent formation of the all-corporate team one has to think what is next for the three men, Faulk has Brickhouse this Saturday in a non-title match, while The VP and Gen will be on hand for a very special interview. Wendy has also jumped with the VP ecomeing his new corporate secretary. Who's next to be corporate? Maybe Shap will come back.


    Send in IcWa articals for the magazine to share your side of storylines!!
    We make superstars in this industry... Rp and become a champion!!

    Buy the new Genisis sunglasses for just $20.99! ..
    IcWa would like to take a moment to tell visitors one thing, don't be jelouis of us... we can't help it we are the best fed on the net!

    EMAIL the Prez HERE
    EMAIL Our Vice Prez
    EMAIL Commissioner
    EMAIL Webmaster Doller

    Get your own CBT "The Stabback" t-shirt only $15.00. To order call 800-CantBeTrusted!Call now and recieve a free STEEL autographed poster.

    World Title
    Heavyweight Champion "The Specialist" Tony Rolo
    CyberSlam Champion Dan Faulk
    Hardcore Champion MR CBT
    I.C Champion Brickhouse
    Tag Team Champions Vacant

    My URL:

    got it for free at

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    Wrestler Homepages
    Make your website for your wrestler, and we will add it here!

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  • Un4given
  • M-Quinn
    Endorse your wrestler with his own website! We will link it here..

    Since Jan.1st 1999



    Internet Championship Wrestling Association. ICWA SPORTS

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