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Your Portfolio

Here's how you need to set up your portfolio.

Get a three ring binder.

Take all of your notes and make sure they are neat (preferably typed out, but not necessary). Take them and put them in your three ring binder.

Keep all of your old quizzes and tests. Put them in your three ring binder as well.

Put all of your vocabulary lists in your three ring binder as well. Put them in a section by themselves.

Add any newspaper articles or web site info (articles, etc.) in your binder as well.

Conjugate as many verbs as possible and put them in their own section in your 3 ring binder.

Make sure that your three ring binder is neat and organized. I will be giving grades based on content and neatness.

Keep this forever. It will help you in High School and College,and even when you visit Spain!
