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Good Shepherd desires to provide a variety of activities, and students are encouraged to participate in several varied extra-curricular activities to experiment with and develop the talents they have received from their Lord. Individual activities are scheduled so as to support family life, worship, and academic development.


Grades 2-4: Instructional Basketball

Grades 5-8:

Girls volleyball, cross-country, basketball, track & field, cheerleading

Boys baseball, cross-country, basketball, track & field.

Band: Lessons, contests, and concerts, Grades 5-8

Violin: Lessons may be scheduled with a private instructor, Grades K-8

Piano: Lessons may be scheduled with a private instructor, Grades K-8

Student Clubs: Photography Club, Yearbook Staff, National Junior Honor Society, Authors Club

Spelling and Geography Bees

Choirs: Singing for the Savior (grades 7&8), Concerts, Contests, Worship Participation

Events are scheduled during the school year for family fun but not to raise funds for the school program. Included are Fall Festival (games and food), roller skating parties, Talent Show, and the Spring School Picnic (games, food, carnival rides).

The hot lunch program serves lunches daily to children attending the day care program and students attending grades 1 through 8.