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I won't deny I live a lie.
It’s true that I deceive.
My life is one big dress-up game,
A game of make-believe.
For sad to say, my smile is false.
My life's a masquerade.
If you could see beneath my mask,
You'd likely be afraid.
It’s better no sees behind
These phony, fake veneers.
This feigned facade is best upheld
To hide my angry tears.
Perhaps someday will come the time
My mask can be removed.
The day when I can face my past,
My life will be improved
Till that day comes, I have to wait
For scars and wounds to heal.
I hope there may soon come the day
When I can smile for real.

My Silence

You ask why I am
Silent. Do you really wish to
Know what I do not say?
What would you do
If I told you of nights
Spent lying awake
Tortured by inner demons
Counting my bones
Of my desire to shrink
To vanish
To feel nothing
To be nothing
What would you say
If I told you
Of tears unshed
Blood spilled instead
Would you be scared
Of my scars?
The truth is not pretty
You would not like
To see what lurks
Behind my wall
Of silence


Cold hard steel cutting
through my flesh.
As blood flows out
through the open wounds
so do my problems.
Euphoria is brief.
Then comes the pain.
Blood from my veins,
tears from my eyes.
I realize
(albeit too late)
the horror of what I’ve done.

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