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2/07/02 Wow guys i haven't edited my site in a while.... i didn't watch DBZ this year either :-/ I won't be updating my site much more, might at more pics, but that's it. Thanks for keeping my site alive all these years guys!!!!!!!!! LAst month this site had more than 500 hits. I know there are some jerks out there that when they are done with a site they delete it... but not me :-) i'm jsut gonna delete all the invaild links and stuff like guys... cya!!!

8/18/00 Good news all!!! An unconfirmed report has told me that the new episde will be shown on Cartoon Network during Toonami on September 17!!! Can't wait till then!

1/17/00(Unconformed)Konnichiwa! I just got some more DBZ info and wanted to inform you about it unless you already know. Didn't you think it was a little weird how Goku managed to survive through the explosion of Nameck? Well, the truth is that he didn't have to live through the explosion because he was off the planet before it exploded! One of my friends is having an exchange student stay at their house, and it just so happens that the exchange student is Japanese, and her favorite anime is DBZ! Well, she has seen every DBZ episode so I asked her what happened to Goku on Nameck, how he lived. She said he used Teleportation to teleport himself to another planet, where he learened how to use teleportation whenever he wanted to. He doesn't want to be wished back with the Dragon Ball's because it would be a waste of a wish because he could teleport to earth any time he wanted to. Anyway, Sayonara! Thanks BebiVe4006@aol.comfor this information. *^-^*Mandy*^-^*

1/7/00(Unconfermed) TOONAMI has started DBZ from the very beginning of the shows, where Goku and Piccolo fight Raditz. For me this is a good thing because I have never seen any episodes with Raditz, but for most of the other fans out there that have seen these shows multiple times this is not such a great thing! I still beleive that the fourth season of DBZ will air when they are done dubbing the shows though. Thanks know as this information *^_^*Mandy*^_^*

12/19/99 (Unconformed)They should start showing them after they finsh showing all the "old ones" from the last new episode spree. To explain more, the last new episode was where Goku didn't want to come back to earth. So when they show that episode again the next day (unless friday, then it will be three days after the showing) they will show a new episdoe, and continue until what ever reason they have to show old ones. Thanks for this information.

12/12/99(Unconformed)They will be showing the new 4th season episodes sometime in the first quarter of the new year. No date to my knowing is exact. Thanks for this in formation.

12/10/99Everyone's back on earth. Well, except Goku.... WHAT!?!?! Where's is Goku? Why doesn't he want to come back to eatrh? How did he survive? When will they show him again? And that's when Cartoon Network ends the running of the new Dragon Ball Z episodes. Will they (Cartoon Network) ever show 'new ones' again? Who knows? Spacedog does.