
The days of Jim Riggleman, Gary Gaetti, Lance Johnson, Benito Santiago, Jeff Blauser, Mickey Morandini, Terry Adams, and Steve Trachsel in Cubs uniforms are over. During the off season the Cubs have replaced these useless players and mediocre players with more useless players and mediocre players.

First there's the tub of lard taking over for Riggleman, Don Baylor. He managed the Rockies and was a hitting coach for the Braves and was a good player in his day. The Cubs should put him in the lineup instead of as manager. The retards at the Tribune are saying that it's a great move just like they say about everything else the Cubs do. And Baylor thinks he can actually win a world series with the Cubs. "I don't think everyone was ready for last place. The bottom line should always be getting into the playoffs." HAHAHA! He also says he wants to turn around the fans perception of the team. He wants people to expect the team to win instead of the "lovable losers" crap. Sorry Don, Sox fans don't go to Cubs games.

Then there's the Northwestern graduate, former Cub ('89-'92), Northside native, Joe Girardi. He comes back to the Cubs with 3 rings on his fingers he won with the Yankees. I guess 3 is enough for him, because he's not gonna get anymore if he sticks around Wrigley Field. But he did have an awesome year with the Yankees in '99. He hit an amazing .239 with 2 homers and 27 RBIs!

And then the new outfielder the Cubs got from the Red Sox for Manny Alexander, Damon Buford. Another guy who would rather play for a team going nowhere instead of a playoff bound team. However, he did hit a fantastic .242 with 6 home runs and 38 RBIs in '99.

With Mickey Morandini gone, the Cubs need a new second baseman. The Cubs got washed up all-star Eric Young from the Dodgers and pitcher Ismael Valdes for 3 pitchers; Terry Adams, Chad Ricketts, and Brian Stephenson, plus a few more million added to the payroll. Eric Young was on fire last year hitting .281 with 2 homers and 41 RBIs. Over-rated Ismael Valdes was 9-14 with a 3.98 ERA.

Then yet another player who leaves a good team, shortstop Ricky Gutierrez. "Chicago was really the place I wanted to go, I've always liked playing there and in the ballpark, an old-time ballpark. I feel good about it." How special. Last year with the Astros he cranked out 1 home run, drove in 25, and his a solid .261!

Other players nobody cares about have been added to the Cubs pathetic roster like Willie Greene, Brandon Pernell, Jeff Huson, and Brian Williams. In the meantime, players left the Cubs to sign with teams who have better chances at going somewhere. Mickey Morandini signed with the Expos, Steve Trachsel signed with the Devil Rays, and Bobby Ayala signed with the Twins.

Old Cubs (Gaetti, Alexander, Santiago, Blauser, Morandini, Johnson) 30 HR 181 RBI .245 New Cubs (Greene, Buford, Girardi, Gutierrez, Young, Pernell) 22 HR 190 RBI .248