
These kind people gave me ideas, images, stories, info, links, etc.....
First and foremost, the great George Bova... Matt Nolte, Jason the Mets Fan, ESPN Radio 1000, Brian Biel thanks for your many good ideas and submissions, John Klepak, Ted Novak, Palos Al,, Sarah, Michael Dunne, Steve Huneryager, Rahul Sekhar, Greg Liebbe, Greg Madden, and finally Michael Macander, you cannot be thanked enough for your submission of the Cubs disco night promo picture. It is priceless.
Thank you to everyone who sent me positive e-mail.
Thank you to all Cub fans who sent me hate mail and made total idiots of yourselves.

I borrowed some images from a couple of different web sites. If it's from your site, and it means that much to you, contact me and i'll take down whatever I have to. This web site is just something I do in my spare time, I don't make any money off of it. Its just for fun.

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