More fun then a barrel of monkeys
Welcome to Cartoon_Dollz, the #1 place to find dolls on the web. We have minis,regulars,guys,girls, and other stuff. I did not make these dolls myself. I got them from all sorts of different places. If I took them from you I will have a link to your page at the bottom of mine. I did not take from anyone and not link them . Also, this page has a white bg so loading time is faster and you can see the dolls easier. If you have any questions or comments please send me an e-mail at ENJOY!
wildnights> sweetstuff> ginny> buggy>rainbo>dolls>d-9>blonde>yummy>sg>dollworld>dollhouse
Please, if you take any graphics from this page-link me! Even though I didnt make them I did spend time to find them all and put them on this page. So please be kind and link me! A text link would be fine.
or you can put up my banner ^.^
the best dolls on the web
it's a dumb banner-i no, but hey I never said i was good at making banners! here's the code. .
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