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Welcome to my photo page for the Royal Resorts in beautiful Cancun Mexico!

the Royal Mayan      

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rm1.jpg (74026 bytes)     This is the view from the terrace of a 2nd level villa in K building.  You also can see the sun deck.

Here's a photo taken from the beach.     rm2.jpg (76791 bytes)

rm3.jpg (100053 bytes)  The Palapa Restaurant right next to the pools.

A view of the I building and lush landscaping.  rm4.jpg (84651 bytes)

rm5.JPG (64111 bytes)  The beach. Beautiful white sand and blue water.

Looking North on the Royal Mayan beach.  rm6.jpg (54270 bytes)

rm7.jpg (56987 bytes)  Another view of the Royal Mayan beach.

Having a nice drink under the beach palapa.   rm8.jpg (51573 bytes)

rm9.jpg (82158 bytes)   Another view of the swimming pools.

Having fun at the old swimming hole.   rm10.jpg (81333 bytes)

ormplan.gif (30952 bytes)  The floor plan of the two bedroom villas.

The living room at the Royal Mayan.  ormvil1.gif (118572 bytes)

m-rmayan.jpg (72508 bytes)  The outside ocean view terrace.

Here is a map for the Royal Mayan.            map_rm.JPG (371254 bytes)

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